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159 lines
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159 lines
6.8 KiB
// |
// TFAgreementAlertView.m |
// TFReader |
// |
// Created by 谢腾飞 on 2020/12/17. |
// Copyright © 2020 All rights reserved. |
// |
#import "TFAgreementAlertView.h" |
#import "TFWebViewController.h" |
#import "AppDelegate.h" |
#import <MOBFoundation/MobSDK+Privacy.h> |
@implementation TFAgreementAlertView |
- (void)createSubviews |
{ |
[super createSubviews]; |
/*** 穿山甲的背景视图,解决穿山甲加载广告期间的空白页面 ***/ |
UIView *backgroundView = ({ |
NSString *lauchStoryboardName = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] valueForKey:@"UILaunchStoryboardName"]; |
switch (TFLanguageManager.localizedLanguage) { |
case TFLanguageTypeSimplifiedChinese: |
lauchStoryboardName = @"LaunchScreen_ZH"; |
break; |
case TFLanguageTypeTraditionalChinese: |
lauchStoryboardName = @"LaunchScreen_ZW"; |
break; |
case TFLanguageTypeEnglish: |
lauchStoryboardName = @"LaunchScreen_EN"; |
break; |
case TFLanguageTypeTail: |
lauchStoryboardName = @"LaunchScreen_TH"; |
break; |
default: |
lauchStoryboardName = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] valueForKey:@"UILaunchStoryboardName"]; |
break; |
} |
UIViewController *launchScreen = [[UIStoryboard storyboardWithName:lauchStoryboardName bundle:nil] instantiateInitialViewController]; |
UIView *backgroundView = launchScreen.view; |
backgroundView.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor]; |
backgroundView.frame = [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds; |
backgroundView; |
}); |
[self addSubview:backgroundView]; |
[self sendSubviewToBack:backgroundView]; |
UIView *shadowView = [[UIView alloc] init]; |
shadowView.backgroundColor = kColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 0.3); |
[backgroundView addSubview:shadowView]; |
[shadowView mas_makeConstraints:^(MASConstraintMaker *make) { |
make.edges.equalTo(backgroundView); |
}]; |
self.alertDisappearType = TFAlertViewDisappearTypeConfirm; |
self.closeButton.hidden = YES; |
self.alertTitle = TFLocalizedString(@"用户隐私保护提示"); |
NSString *prefix = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", App_Name, TFLocalizedString(@"隐私政策")]; |
NSString *suffix = TFLocalizedString(@"软件许可及服务协议"); |
NSMutableAttributedString *str = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:TFLocalizedString(@"为了更好的保护您的隐私和信息安全,根据国家相关法律规定和国家标准制定并执行《%@》及《%@》,请您在使用前务必仔细阅读并透彻理解,如果您继续使用本产品即代表您同意本平台的协议条款,我们会全力保护您的个人信息安全。"), prefix, suffix]]; |
NSRange range1 = [str.string rangeOfString:prefix]; |
NSRange range2 = [str.string rangeOfString:suffix]; |
[str setColor:kColorRGB(102, 102, 102)]; |
[str setFont:kMainFont]; |
[str setLineSpacing:4]; |
[str setTextHighlightRange:range1 color:kMainColor backgroundColor:[UIColor whiteColor] tapAction:^(UIView * _Nonnull containerView, NSAttributedString * _Nonnull text, NSRange range, CGRect rect) { |
if (![TFViewHelper getWindowRootController].presentedViewController) { |
TFWebViewController *web = [[TFWebViewController alloc] init]; |
web.navTitle = TFLocalizedString(@"隐私政策"); |
AppDelegate *delegate = (AppDelegate *)kRCodeSync([UIApplication sharedApplication].delegate); |
web.URLString = delegate.checkSettingModel.protocol_list.privacy ?: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@?language=%@", APIURL, Privacy_Policy, TFLanguageManager.serverLocalized]; |
web.isPresentState = YES; |
[[TFViewHelper getWindowRootController] presentViewController:web animated:YES completion:nil]; |
} |
}]; |
[str setTextHighlightRange:range2 color:kMainColor backgroundColor:[UIColor whiteColor] tapAction:^(UIView * _Nonnull containerView, NSAttributedString * _Nonnull text, NSRange range, CGRect rect) { |
if (![TFViewHelper getWindowRootController].presentedViewController) { |
TFWebViewController *web = [[TFWebViewController alloc] init]; |
web.navTitle = TFLocalizedString(@"软件许可"); |
web.URLString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@?language=%@", APIURL, Notify_Note, TFLanguageManager.serverLocalized]; |
web.isPresentState = YES; |
[[TFViewHelper getWindowRootController] presentViewController:web animated:YES completion:nil]; |
} |
}]; |
self.attributedStr = str; |
self.contentScrollView.hidden = YES; |
UIScrollView *mainScrollView = [[UIScrollView alloc] init]; |
mainScrollView.showsHorizontalScrollIndicator = NO; |
[self addSubview:mainScrollView]; |
[mainScrollView mas_makeConstraints:^(MASConstraintMaker *make) { |
|; |
make.left.right.bottom.equalTo(self.contentScrollView); |
}]; |
YYLabel *detailView = [[YYLabel alloc] init]; |
detailView.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor]; |
detailView.numberOfLines = 0; |
detailView.preferredMaxLayoutWidth = SCREEN_WIDTH - 3 * kMargin - 2 * kMargin; |
detailView.attributedText = str; |
[mainScrollView addSubview:detailView]; |
[detailView mas_makeConstraints:^(MASConstraintMaker *make) { |
make.edges.width.equalTo(mainScrollView); |
}]; |
self.cancelTitle = TFLocalizedString(@"拒绝并退出"); |
self.confirmTitle = TFLocalizedString(@"我已经阅读并同意"); |
[self.cancelButton addTarget:self action:@selector(cancelButtonClick) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside]; |
[self.confirmButton addTarget:self action:@selector(confirmButtonClick) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside]; |
} |
- (void)showAlertView |
{ |
[super showAlertView]; |
} |
- (void)willMoveToWindow:(nullable UIWindow *)newWindow |
{ |
[super willMoveToWindow:newWindow]; |
if (!newWindow) { // 跳转到协议时newWindow会为空 |
[UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarHidden = NO; |
} else { |
[UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarHidden = YES; |
} |
} |
- (void)cancelButtonClick |
{ |
UIWindow *window = [UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow; |
[UIView animateWithDuration:kAnimatedDuration animations:^{ |
window.alpha = 0; |
window.frame = CGRectMake(0, window.bounds.size.height / 2, window.bounds.size.width, 0.5); |
} completion:^(BOOL finished) { |
exit(0); |
}]; |
} |
- (void)confirmButtonClick |
{ |
[self closeAlertView]; |
TFSystemInfoManager.isAgree = YES; |
!self.confirmButtonClickBlock ?: self.confirmButtonClickBlock(); |
[MobSDK uploadPrivacyPermissionStatus:YES onResult:nil]; |
} |