You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// TFProductionChapterModel.h
// TFReader
// Created by 谢腾飞 on 2020/12/11.
// Copyright © 2020 All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@class TFImageListModel;
@interface TFProductionChapterModel : NSObject
@property (nonatomic ,assign) NSInteger production_id; // 作品id
@property (nonatomic ,assign) NSInteger chapter_id; // 章节id
@property (nonatomic ,strong) NSArray <NSString *>* chapter_ids; // 章节合集
@property (nonatomic ,assign) NSInteger relation_production_id; // 关联作品id
@property (nonatomic ,copy) NSString *name; // 作品名称
@property (nonatomic ,copy) NSString *chapter_title; // 章节标题
@property (nonatomic ,copy) NSString *subtitle; // 章节子标题
@property (nonatomic ,assign) NSInteger total_words; // 全部字数
@property (nonatomic ,copy) NSString *cover; // 封面
@property (nonatomic ,assign) NSInteger is_preview; // 是否预览内容 1-是 0-不是
@property (nonatomic ,copy) NSString *display_order; // 章节序号
@property (nonatomic ,assign) NSInteger last_chapter; // 上一章节id 没有上一章时返回0
@property (nonatomic ,assign) NSInteger next_chapter; // 下一章id 没有下一章时返回0
@property (nonatomic ,copy) NSString *play_num; // 观看次数
@property (nonatomic ,assign) NSInteger hot_num; // 热度值
@property (nonatomic ,assign) BOOL is_vip; // 是否是vip可观看
@property (nonatomic ,assign) BOOL can_read; // 是否可读
@property (nonatomic ,copy) NSString *update_time; // 章节更新时间
@property (nonatomic ,strong) TFTagModel *tag; // 标签
@property (nonatomic ,strong) TFAdvertModel *advert; // 广告
/// 总章节数
@property (nonatomic ,assign) NSInteger total_chapters;
@property (nonatomic ,copy) NSString *content; // 章节内容
@property (nonatomic ,copy) NSString *author_note; // 章节作者寄语
@property (nonatomic ,copy) NSString *comment_num; // 评论数,为Null时不展示
@property (nonatomic ,copy) NSString *ticket_num; // 月票数,为Null时不展示
@property (nonatomic ,copy) NSString *reward_num; // 打赏数,为Null时不展示
@property (nonatomic ,assign) NSInteger vip_images; // 会员章节数
@property (nonatomic ,assign) NSInteger free_image_num; // 免费阅读图片数
@property (nonatomic ,assign) NSInteger total_images; // 全部图片数
@property (nonatomic ,assign) NSInteger total_comment; // 总评论数
@property (nonatomic ,copy) NSString *display_label; // 序号标题
@property (nonatomic ,strong) NSArray <TFImageListModel *>*image_list; // 图片合集
@property (nonatomic ,copy) NSString *duration_time; // 音频时长
@property (nonatomic ,assign) NSInteger duration_second; // 音频时长 秒
@property (nonatomic ,assign) CGFloat size; // 音频文件大小 单位:KB
@interface TFImageListModel : NSObject
@property (nonatomic ,assign) NSInteger image_id;
@property (nonatomic ,copy) NSString *image;
@property (nonatomic ,assign) NSInteger width;
@property (nonatomic ,assign) NSInteger height;
@property (nonatomic ,assign) NSInteger image_update_time;