// English |
// 启动页 |
"UILaunchStoryboardName" = "LaunchScreen_EN"; |
// APP名称 |
"CFBundleDisplayName" = "小说绘"; |
// 相机权限说明 |
"NSCameraUsageDescription" = "Quilt reading requires access to your camera so that you can normally use services such as uploading avatars and photos"; |
// 麦克风权限说明 |
"NSMicrophoneUsageDescription" = "Quilt reading requires access to your microphone so that you can normally use services such as uploading video introductions"; |
// 相册权限说明 |
"NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription" = "Quilt reading requires access to your photo album so that you can normally use services such as saving pictures to the photo album"; |
// 相机权限说明 |
"NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription" = "Quilt reading requires access to your photo album, so that you can use services such as image uploading avatars normally"; |
"已加入书架" = "Added"; |
"加入书架" = "Add to"; |
"分享" = "Share"; |
"评论" = "Comments"; |
"我来说两句..." = "say something..."; |
"猜你喜欢" = "You may also like"; |
"暂无评论,点击抢沙发" = "Write a comment"; |
"登录后才可以进行评论" = "You can comment after logging in"; |
"去登录" = "Log In"; |
"暂不" = "Not Now"; |
"评论成功" = "Comment Published"; |
"听完本章节" = "After listening to this chapter"; |
"定时" = "Timing"; |
"章节正在更新中" = "The chapter is being updated"; |
"当前为离线状态,只可查看缓存内容哦" = "Currently offline, only the cached content can be viewed"; |
"播放出错" = "Playback error"; |
"打赏" = "Reward"; |
"月票" = "Monthly Pass"; |
"余额:" = "Balance:"; |
"打赏成功" = "Reward for success"; |
"月票说明" = "Ticket Description"; |
"拥有" = "Have"; |
"投票成功" = "Vote successful"; |
"关闭" = "Close"; |
"当前页不支持加书签" = "The current page does not support bookmarking"; |
"添加书签" = "Bookmark"; |
"取消书签" = "Delete"; |
"添加失败" = "Failed to Add"; |
"书籍详情" = "Info"; |
"听书功能仅支持在线使用" = "Listening to the book function only supports online use"; |
"目录" = "Contents"; |
"亮度" = "Brightness"; |
"设置" = "Settings"; |
"开启自动阅读" = "Automatic Reading"; |
"自动阅读已关闭" = "Automatic reading is off"; |
"关闭自动阅读" = "Turn off automatic reading"; |
"字号" = "Size"; |
"间距" = "Space"; |
"翻页" = "Mode"; |
"仿真" = "Flip"; |
"滑动" = "Slide"; |
"覆盖" = "Cover"; |
"无" = "None"; |
"背景" = "Color"; |
"批量购买更优惠" = "Bulk purchase is more favorable"; |
"确定购买" = "Confirm the purchase"; |
"支持正版" = "Support Authorised Editions"; |
"购买成功" = "Success"; |
"作家的话" = "Writer's Words"; |
"已经是第一页" = "Already the first page"; |
"是否加入书架" = "Add to the Library"; |
"再看看" = "Cancel"; |
"内容加载失败" = "Failed to Load"; |
"重试" = "Retry"; |
"书签" = "Bookmarks"; |
"暂无目录列表" = "No chapters yet"; |
"暂无书签记录" = "No bookmarks yet"; |
"删除" = "Delete"; |
"广告页" = "Ad Page"; |
"查看更多排行榜" = "View more leaderboards"; |
"更多" = "More"; |
"换一换" = "Change"; |
"查看更多" = "More"; |
"继续阅读" = "Continue"; |
"开始阅读" = "Read"; |
"听书" = "Listen"; |
"下载书籍" = "Download"; |
"最新书评" = "Comments"; |
"写评论" = "Comments"; |
"书籍获取失败" = "Get failed"; |
"当前无网络连接" = "No network connection currently"; |
"选择需要下载的章节" = "Select chapters"; |
"下载缓存" = "Download cahce"; |
"下载完成" = "Download completed"; |
"正在下载" = "Downloading"; |
"已下载" = "Downloaded"; |
"全选" = "Select all"; |
"还没有下载记录" = "No download record yet"; |
"取消全选" = "Cancel"; |
"打开" = "Open"; |
"重试失败" = "Retry failed"; |
"失败重试" = "Failed, Retry"; |
"选择章节" = "Select chapters"; |
"正序" = "Positive Preface"; |
"已选0话" = "0 words selected"; |
"下载" = "Download"; |
"倒序" = "Reverse"; |
"购买失败" = "Failure"; |
"已选%@话" = "Selected %@ chapters"; |
"已全部下载" = "All Downloaded"; |
"下载中" = "downloading"; |
"本地" = "local"; |
"失败" = "failure"; |
"当前" = "Current"; |
"到底" = "Bottom"; |
"到顶" = "top"; |
"请求失败" = "Request failed"; |
"全集" = "Contents"; |
"发射" = "Send"; |
"发送" = "Send"; |
"发一条弹幕吧" = "Send a barrage"; |
"发一条评论吧" = "Send a comment"; |
"当前话" = "Current"; |
"弹幕" = "Barrage"; |
"加入书架失败" = "Failed to join bookshelf"; |
"发射成功" = "Successful launch"; |
"点击翻页" = "Click to turn page"; |
"打开后可点击屏幕上下方翻页" = "Tap the screen to turn pages"; |
"夜间模式" = "Night Mode"; |
"内容获取失败" = "Content acquisition failed"; |
"弹幕获取失败" = "Barrage acquisition failed"; |
"上一篇" = "Previous"; |
"下一篇" = "Next"; |
"已是第一篇" = "It's the first one"; |
"已是最后一篇" = "It's the last one"; |
"查看全部评论" = "View all comments"; |
"条" = "article"; |
"作品简介" = "introduction"; |
"作品" = "works"; |
"获取失败" = "Get failed"; |
"+收藏" = "+Add to"; |
"已收藏" = "Added"; |
"详情" = "Info"; |
"删除成功" = "Success"; |
"已下载%@话" = "Downloaded %@ Chapter"; |
"%@话/%@话" = "%@Chapter/%@Chapter"; |
"本章评论" = "Chapter Comments"; |
"作品未下载" = "Work not downloaded"; |
"收藏" = "Add to"; |
"展开简介" = "Show all"; |
"简介" = "Introduction"; |
"收起简介" = "Back to"; |
"点击收起" = "Click to close"; |
"推荐" = "Recommend"; |
"暂无数据" = "No data temporarily"; |
"续播" = "Resume"; |
"选章" = "Select Chpater"; |
"选章标题" = "Select"; |
"排序" = "Sort"; |
"共%@章" = "Total %@ chapters"; |
"共" = "Total"; |
"批量下载" = "Batch download"; |
"可用空间" = "Available space"; |
"立即下载" = "Download"; |
"章" = "chapters"; |
"已下载%zd章" = "%zd chapter has been downloaded"; |
"已选择%@条声音,占用%@/可用空间%@" = "Has selected %@ voice, occupying %@/available space%@"; |
"语速" = "Speed"; |
"声音" = "sound"; |
"正序" = "Positive"; |
"%@章/%@章" = "%@Chpater/%@Chpater"; |
"继续收听" = "Continue"; |
"开始收听" = "LISTEN"; |
"不开启" = "Not open"; |
"15分钟" = "15 minutes"; |
"30分钟" = "30 minutes"; |
"60分钟" = "60 minutes"; |
"90分钟" = "90 minutes"; |
"情感女声" = "Emotional Female Voice"; |
"标准女声" = "Standard Female Voice"; |
"标准男声" = "Standard Male Voice"; |
"Emotional Female Voice" = "Emotional"; |
"Standard Female Voice" = "Standard"; |
"Standard Male Voice" = "Standard"; |
"0.5倍" = "0.5 times"; |
"0.75倍" = "0.75 times"; |
"1倍" = "1 times"; |
"1.25倍" = "1.25 times"; |
"1.5倍" = "1.5 times"; |
"小说" = "Novel"; |
"漫画" = "Comic"; |
"书架" = "Library"; |
"删除(0)" = "Delete (0)"; |
"取消" = "Cancel"; |
"签到" = "Check In"; |
"原文" = "original"; |
"切换到有声阅读" = "Switch to audio reading"; |
"切换到AI语音阅读" = "Switch to AI voice reading"; |
"听到付费章节啦" = "Hear paid chapters"; |
"男生" = "Male"; |
"女生" = "Female"; |
"已切换至女频" = "Female"; |
"已切换至男频" = "Male"; |
"会员中心" = "Member"; |
"开通" = "Open"; |
"未登录" = "Please Log In"; |
"续费" = "Renewal"; |
"限时免费" = "Free for a limited time"; |
"免费" = "Free"; |
"榜单" = "Ranking"; |
"完结" = "Complete"; |
"会员书库" = "Member Library"; |
"分类" = "Label"; |
"请求错误" = "Request error"; |
"发现" = "Discover"; |
"成为作家" = "Become a writer"; |
"点我登录" = "Log in here"; |
"书券" = "Vouchers"; |
"月票记录" = "Monthly Pass Record"; |
"登录后查看月票记录" = "Check the monthly pass record after logging in"; |
"立即登录" = "Log in"; |
"暂无月票记录" = "No data temporarily"; |
"打赏记录" = "Reward records"; |
"登录后查看打赏记录" = "Check the reward record after logging in"; |
"暂无打赏记录" = "No data temporarily"; |
"书评" = "Comments"; |
"说点什么吧" = "say something"; |
"暂无评论内容" = "No comments yet"; |
"回复" = "Reply"; |
"评论失败" = "Comment failed"; |
"评论详情" = "Comment details"; |
"全部回复" = "Reply all"; |
"已显示全部" = "All Shown"; |
"暂无评论回复" = "No comment reply"; |
"我的评论" = "My Comments"; |
"登录后可查看评论内容" = "View comments after login"; |
"%@条回复" = "%@Replies"; |
"手机号快捷登录" = "Phone number"; |
"手机号" = "Phone number"; |
"验证码" = "Verification code"; |
"登录" = "log in"; |
"第三方帐号登录" = "Third party account login"; |
"点击登录即表示已同意" = "Click login to agree"; |
"用户协议" = "User agreement"; |
"游客登录" = "Visitor"; |
"微信登录" = "WeChat login"; |
"QQ登录" = "QQ Login"; |
"Apple登录" = "Apple"; |
"登录成功" = "Succeeded"; |
"验证码已发送" = "Verification code sent"; |
"发送失败" = "Faield"; |
"福利中心" = "Welfare Center"; |
"去完成" = "Complete"; |
"已完成" = "Completed"; |
"您已连续签到" = "Continuous Check-in"; |
"天" = "days"; |
"提示:" = "Tip:"; |
"连续签到最高可获得" = "Consecutive check-in can get "; |
"签到规则" = "Check-In policy"; |
"注销账号" = "Cancel account"; |
"账号安全" = "account security"; |
"最好使用常用设备提交申请,注销申请审核后,注销操作立即生效。" = "It is best to use commonly used equipment to submit the application. After the cancellation application is reviewed, the cancellation operation will take effect immediately."; |
"账号状态" = "Account Status"; |
"申请注销的账号应为正常使用中的状态,应处于未封禁或未被审查的状态。" = "The account applied for deleting shall be in normal use and shall be in an unblocked or uncensored status."; |
"账号财产已结清" = "Account property has been settled"; |
"申请注销的账号无有效状态的会员,没有余额等;且没有任何未结清、未完成的交易。" = "no valid membership, no balance, etc. And no outstanding and incomplete transactions."; |
"申请注销" = "Apply for cancellation"; |
"申请注销前,您的账号需要注意以下条款:" = "Before applying for cancellation, your account needs to pay attention to the following terms:"; |
"我已阅读并接受" = "I've read and accepted"; |
"《用户注销协议》"="《User logout agreement》"; |
"用户注销协议" = "User logout agreement"; |
"重要提醒:个人账号可以申请注销。为了避免被盗号或非本人操作所带来的损失,注销前需要确认账号所属,以及可能涉及的虚拟财产结算。" = "Important reminder: personal account can apply for cancellation. In order to avoid losses caused by stolen numbers or non-personal operations, it is necessary to confirm the account ownership and the settlement of virtual property that may be involved before cancellation."; |
"注销成功" = "Logout successful"; |
"绑定手机号" = "Bind phone number"; |
"确定" = "Confirm"; |
"绑定成功" = "Binding Succeeded"; |
"个人资料" = "Profile"; |
"修改昵称" = "Edit nickname"; |
"男" = "Male"; |
"女" = "Female"; |
"上传中" = "Uploading"; |
"修改成功" = "Editing Succeeded"; |
"您的手机没有安装微信" = "Your phone does not have WeChat installed"; |
"微信绑定成功" = "WeChat binding successfully"; |
"绑定失败" = "Binding failed"; |
"您的手机没有安装QQ或TIM" = "Your phone does not have QQ or TIM installed"; |
"QQ绑定成功" = "QQ bind successfully"; |
"流水记录" = "Flow record"; |
"登录后查看流水记录" = "View log after logging in"; |
"暂无流水记录" = "No data temporarily"; |
"编辑" = "Edit"; |
"自动购买下一章" = "Auto-purchase next chapter"; |
"通知管理" = "Notifications"; |
"清除缓存" = "Clear cache"; |
"好评支持" = "Rating"; |
"多语言" = "Language"; |
"退出登录" = "Log out"; |
"是否清除缓存信息" = "Whether to clear cached information"; |
"清除缓存成功" = "Clear cache successfully"; |
"多语言环境" = "Language"; |
"跟随系统" = "Follow the system"; |
"简体中文" = "Simplified Chinese"; |
"繁體中文" = "Traditional Chinese"; |
"保存" = "Done"; |
"切换成功" = "Switched successfully"; |
"设置新消息通知" = "New messages"; |
"请在 iPhone 的“设置”-“%@”设置开启/关闭" = "Please turn on/off in \"Settings\"-\"%@\" of iPhone"; |
"点击开启" = "open"; |
"已开启" = "Turned on"; |
"联系客服" = "Contact customer service"; |
"已复制到粘贴板" = "Copied"; |
"搜索您感兴趣的书籍" = "Search for books"; |
"未搜索到相关内容" = "No related content found"; |
"切换至测试版" = "Switch to Beta"; |
"强行切换至测试版" = "Forcibly switch to the beta version"; |
"热搜榜" = "Hot search list"; |
"热门搜索" = "Hot search"; |
"历史记录" = "History"; |
"清空" = "Clear"; |
"登录后可同步历史记录" = "Synchronize history after login"; |
"暂无历史记录" = "No history yet"; |
"清除成功" = "Cleared"; |
"删除失败" = "Failed to delete"; |
"是否清除历史记录" = "Whether to clear history"; |
"上次收听至:" = "Last listened to:"; |
"上次阅读至:" = "Last read to:"; |
"%@ 更新至第%@章" = "%@ updated to chapter %@"; |
"公告栏" = "Notice Board"; |
"跳过" = "Skip"; |
"你终于来了" = "Welcome"; |
"现在快选择你的性别吧" = "Gender"; |
"独特的你" = "Unique You"; |
"请选择你感兴趣的书籍" = "Choose Books That Interest You"; |
"完成" = "Done"; |
"开通会员" = "Open membership"; |
"立即开通" = "PAY"; |
"会员套餐" = "Membership package"; |
"支付方式" = "payment method"; |
"会员特权" = "Member privileges"; |
"会员说明" = "Tips"; |
"总计:" = "Total:"; |
"《用户协议》" = "《User Agreement》"; |
"《隐私协议》" = "《Privacy Agreement》"; |
"隐私协议" = "Privacy Agreement"; |
"《会员服务协议》" = "《Member Service Agreement》"; |
"会员服务协议" = "Member Service Agreement"; |
"【意见反馈】" = "【Feedback】"; |
"开通会员免费畅读会员书库" = "Free access to member library"; |
"%@充值" = "Recharge"; |
"充值记录" = "Record"; |
"立即充值" = "TOP UP"; |
"充值套餐" = "Recharge package"; |
"充值说明" = "Tips"; |
"帮助反馈" = "Feedback"; |
"我的反馈" = "Feedback records"; |
"首页我的反馈" = "Records"; |
"反馈意见" = "Feedback"; |
"意见反馈" = "Feedback"; |
"提交" = "Submit"; |
"问题反馈" = "Problems"; |
"提供问题截图(选填)" = "Pictures of the problems(Certificate)"; |
"联系方式(至少填写一项)" = "Your contact way(Fill in at least one)"; |
"您有修改尚未提交,是否放弃修改?" = "You have not yet submitted your changes. Do you want to discard them?"; |
"放弃修改" = "Confirm"; |
"请完善问题描述" = "Please complete the problem description"; |
"请填写联系方式" = "Please fill in contact information"; |
"图片正在上传中,请稍后" = "Picture is being uploaded, please wait"; |
"反馈成功" = "Success"; |
"请详细描述您遇到的问题并告知具体操作步骤,我们会尽快答复您的问题哦" = "Please describe in detail the problem you encountered and tell the specific steps, we will answer your question as soon as possible"; |
"QQ号/微信号/手机号" = "QQ Number/WeChat ID/Mobile Number"; |
"图片上传失败" = "Image upload failed"; |
"图片删除失败" = "Image deletion failed"; |
"您还没有任何反馈" = "You have no feedback yet"; |
"问题:\n\n" = "Question:\n\n"; |
"回复:\n\n" = "Reply:\n\n"; |
"书城" = "Home"; |
"我的" = "Me"; |
"刚刚" = "just"; |
"分钟前" = "minutes ago"; |
"今天" = "Nowadays"; |
"动态获取属性类型错误" = "Dynamic access to attribute type error"; |
"书币" = "Coins"; |
"保存失败" = "Save failed"; |
"保存成功" = "Saved successfully"; |
"图片预览" = "Picture Preview"; |
"保存到相册" = "save into the album"; |
"拍照" = "Take a Photo"; |
"从相册中选择" = "Select from album"; |
"提示" = "Tips"; |
"当前设备没有摄像头" = "No camera on the device"; |
"请前往设置->隐私->相机授权应用拍照权限" = "Settings-> Privacy-> Camera to Authorise the App to take photos"; |
"当前设备没有相册" = "No albums on the device"; |
"请前往设置->隐私->相册授权应用访问相册权限" = "Please go to Settings->Privacy->Album authorization application to access album permissions"; |
"已加入下载队列" = "Already added to download queue"; |
"已加入下载列表" = "Already added to download list"; |
"标题" = "title"; |
"章节id" = "Chapter id"; |
"分享出错" = "Sharing error"; |
"分享错误" = "Sharing error"; |
"分享地址出错,请稍后重试" = "Error sharing address, please try again later"; |
"分享得" = "Sharing for"; |
"分享失败" = "Sharing failed"; |
"分享成功" = "Share success"; |
"微信好友" = "WeChat friends"; |
"朋友圈" = "Circle of friends"; |
"QQ好友" = "QQ Friends"; |
"QQ空间" = "QQ Space"; |
"您尚未安装任何可分享的应用" = "No shareable apps installed"; |
"分享至" = "Share to"; |
"微信登录中" = "WeChat login"; |
"正在获取微信信息" = "Getting WeChat information"; |
"微信登录失败" = "WeChat login failed"; |
"微信绑定失败" = "WeChat binding failed"; |
"QQ登录中" = "QQ login"; |
"正在获取QQ信息" = "Getting QQ information"; |
"QQ登录失败" = "QQ login failed"; |
"QQ绑定失败" = "QQ binding failed"; |
"游客登录中" = "Visitor logging in"; |
"登录失败" = "Failed to Log In"; |
"您已取消授权" = "You have cancelled authorization"; |
"授权请求失败" = "Authorization request failed"; |
"授权请求响应无效" = "Invalid response to authorization request"; |
"未能处理授权请求" = "Failed to process authorization request"; |
"授权失败" = "Authorization failed"; |
"正在连接App Store" = "Connecting to App Store"; |
"商品正在请求中" = "Product is being requested"; |
"支付凭证验证失败!" = "Payment Voucher Verification Failed!"; |
"获取相关支付凭证" = "Get related payment voucher"; |
"支付成功" = "Payment successful"; |
"请您开启内购支付" = "Please open in-app purchase payment"; |
"商品获取出错" = "Product acquisition error"; |
"您已取消交易" = "You have cancelled the transaction"; |
"交易正在进行" = "Transaction in progress"; |
"支付失败,请稍后重试" = "Payment failed, please try again later"; |
"没有更多了" = "No more"; |
"上拉加载下一篇" = "Pull up to load the next article"; |
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/* |
Area Code |
*/ |
"常用"="Common"; |
"中国澳门"="Macao, China"; |
"中国台湾"="Taiwan, China"; |
"中国香港"="China Hong Kong"; |
"中国"="China"; |
"阿尔巴尼亚"="Albania"; |
"阿尔及利亚"="Algeria"; |
"阿富汗"="Afghanistan"; |
"阿根廷"="Argentina"; |
"阿拉伯联合酋长国"="United Arab Emirates"; |
"阿鲁巴"="Aruba"; |
"阿曼"="Oman"; |
"阿塞拜疆"="Azerbaijan"; |
"埃及"="Egypt"; |
"埃塞俄比亚"="Ethiopia"; |
"爱尔兰"="Ireland"; |
"爱沙尼亚"="Estonia"; |
"安道尔"="Andorra"; |
"安哥拉"="Angola"; |
"安圭拉"="Anguilla"; |
"安提瓜和巴布达"="Antigua and Barbuda"; |
"奥地利"="Austria"; |
"奥兰群岛"="Aland Islands"; |
"澳大利亚"="Australia"; |
"巴巴多斯"="Barbados"; |
"巴布亚新几内亚"="Papua New Guinea"; |
"巴哈马"="Bahamas"; |
"巴基斯坦"="Pakistan"; |
"巴拉圭"="Paraguay"; |
"巴勒斯坦领土"="Palestinian Territory"; |
"巴林"="Bahrain"; |
"巴拿马"="Panama"; |
"巴西"="Brazil"; |
"白俄罗斯"="Belarus"; |
"百慕大"="Bermuda"; |
"保加利亚"="Bulgaria"; |
"北马里亚纳群岛"="Northern Mariana Islands"; |
"贝宁"="Benin"; |
"比利时"="Belgium"; |
"秘鲁"="Peru"; |
"冰岛"="Iceland"; |
"波多黎各"="Puerto rico"; |
"波兰"="Poland"; |
"波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那"="Bosnia and Herzegovina"; |
"玻利维亚"="Bolivia"; |
"伯利兹"="Belize"; |
"博茨瓦纳"="Botswana"; |
"不丹"="Bhutan"; |
"布基纳法索"="Burkina Faso"; |
"布隆迪"="Burundi"; |
"朝鲜"="Korea"; |
"赤道几内亚"="Equatorial Guinea"; |
"丹麦"="Denmark"; |
"德国"="Germany"; |
"东帝汶"="Timor-Leste"; |
"多哥"="Togo"; |
"多米尼加共和国"="Dominican Republic"; |
"多米尼克"="Dominica"; |
"俄罗斯"="Russia"; |
"厄瓜多尔"="Ecuador"; |
"厄立特里亚"="Eritrea"; |
"法国"="France"; |
"法罗群岛"="Faroe Islands"; |
"法属波利尼西亚"="French Polynesia"; |
"法属圭亚那"="French Guiana"; |
"梵蒂冈"="Vatican"; |
"菲律宾"="Philippines"; |
"斐济"="Fiji"; |
"芬兰"="Finland"; |
"佛得角"="Cape Verde"; |
"福克兰群岛"="Falkland Islands"; |
"冈比亚"="Gambia"; |
"刚果(布)"="Republic of Congo)"; |
"刚果(金)"="Congo"; |
"哥伦比亚"="Colombia"; |
"哥斯达黎加"="Costa Rica"; |
"格恩西岛"="Guernsey"; |
"格林纳达"="Grenada"; |
"格陵兰"="Greenland"; |
"格鲁吉亚"="Georgia"; |
"古巴"="Cuba"; |
"瓜德罗普"="Guadeloupe"; |
"关岛"="Guam"; |
"圭亚那"="Guyana"; |
"哈萨克斯坦"="Kazakhstan"; |
"海地"="Haiti"; |
"韩国"="Korea"; |
"荷兰"="Netherlands"; |
"黑山"="Montenegro"; |
"洪都拉斯"="Honduras"; |
"基里巴斯"="Kiribas"; |
"吉布提"="Djibouti"; |
"吉尔吉斯斯坦"="Kyrgyzstan"; |
"几内亚"="Guinea"; |
"几内亚比绍"="Guinea Bissau"; |
"加拿大"="Canada"; |
"加纳"="Ghana"; |
"加蓬"="Gabon"; |
"柬埔寨"="Cambodia"; |
"捷克"="Czech"; |
"津巴布韦"="Zimbabwe"; |
"喀麦隆"="Cameroon"; |
"卡塔尔"="Qatar"; |
"开曼群岛"="Cayman Islands"; |
"科科斯(基林)群岛"="Cocos (Keeling) Islands"; |
"科摩罗"="Comoros"; |
"科特迪瓦"="Ivory Coast"; |
"科威特"="Kuwait"; |
"克罗地亚"="Croatia"; |
"肯尼亚"="Kenya"; |
"库克群岛"="Island"; |
"拉脱维亚"="Latvia"; |
"莱索托"="Lesotho"; |
"老挝"="Laos"; |
"黎巴嫩"="Lebanon"; |
"立陶宛"="Lithuania"; |
"利比里亚"="Liberia"; |
"利比亚"="Libya"; |
"列支敦士登"="Liechtenstein"; |
"留尼汪"="Reunion"; |
"卢森堡"="Luxembourg"; |
"卢旺达"="Rwanda"; |
"罗马尼亚"="Romania"; |
"马达加斯加"="Madagascar"; |
"马恩岛"="Isle of Man"; |
"马尔代夫"="Maldives"; |
"马耳他"="Malta"; |
"马拉维"="Malawi"; |
"马来西亚"="Malaysia"; |
"马里"="Mali"; |
"马其顿"="Macedonia"; |
"马绍尔群岛"="Marshall Islands"; |
"马提尼克"="Martinique"; |
"马约特"="Mayotte"; |
"毛里求斯"="Mauritius"; |
"毛里塔尼亚"="Mauritania"; |
"美国"="United States"; |
"美属萨摩亚"="American Samoa"; |
"美属维尔京群岛"="United States Virgin Islands"; |
"蒙古"="Mongolia"; |
"蒙特塞拉特"="Montserrat"; |
"孟加拉国"="Bangladesh"; |
"密克罗尼西亚"="Micronesia"; |
"缅甸"="Myanmar"; |
"摩尔多瓦"="Moldova"; |
"摩洛哥"="Morocco"; |
"摩纳哥"="Monaco"; |
"莫桑比克"="Mozambique"; |
"墨西哥"="Mexico"; |
"纳米比亚"="Namibia"; |
"南非"="South Africa"; |
"南乔治亚和南桑威奇群岛"="South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands"; |
"瑙鲁"="Nauru"; |
"尼加拉瓜"="Nicaragua"; |
"尼泊尔"="Nepal"; |
"尼日尔"="Niger"; |
"尼日利亚"="Nigeria"; |
"纽埃"="Niue"; |
"挪威"="Norway"; |
"诺福克岛"="Norfolk Island"; |
"帕劳"="Palau"; |
"皮特凯恩群岛"="Pitcairn Islands"; |
"葡萄牙"="Portugal"; |
"日本"="Japan"; |
"瑞典"="Sweden"; |
"瑞士"="Switzerland"; |
"萨尔瓦多"="El Salvador"; |
"萨摩亚"="Samoa"; |
"塞尔维亚"="Serbia"; |
"塞拉利昂"="Sierra Leone"; |
"塞内加尔"="Senegal"; |
"塞浦路斯"="Cyprus"; |
"塞舌尔"="Seychelles"; |
"沙特阿拉伯"="Saudi Arabia"; |
"圣巴泰勒米"="St. Barthelemy"; |
"圣诞岛"="Christmas Island"; |
"圣多美和普林西比"="Sao Tome and Principe"; |
"圣赫勒拿"="St Helena"; |
"圣基茨和尼维斯"="Saint Kitts and Nevis"; |
"圣卢西亚"="St. Lucia"; |
"圣马丁岛"="St. Martin"; |
"圣马力诺"="San Marino"; |
"圣皮埃尔和密克隆群岛"="St. Pierre and Miquelon"; |
"圣文森特和格林纳丁斯"="Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"; |
"斯里兰卡"="Sri Lanka"; |
"斯洛伐克"="Slovakia"; |
"斯洛文尼亚"="Slovenia"; |
"斯瓦尔巴和扬马延"="Svalbard and Jan Mayen"; |
"斯威士兰"="Swaziland"; |
"苏丹"="Sudan"; |
"苏里南"="Suriname"; |
"所罗门群岛"="Solomon Islands"; |
"索马里"="Somalia"; |
"塔吉克斯坦"="Tajikistan"; |
"泰国"="Thailand"; |
"坦桑尼亚"="Tanzania"; |
"汤加"="Tonga"; |
"特克斯和凯科斯群岛"="Turks and Caicos Islands"; |
"特立尼达和多巴哥"="Trinidad and Tobago"; |
"突尼斯"="Tunisia"; |
"图瓦卢"="Tuvalu"; |
"土耳其"="Turkey"; |
"土库曼斯坦"="Turkmenistan"; |
"托克劳"="Tokelau"; |
"瓦利斯和富图纳"="Wallis and Futuna"; |
"瓦努阿图"="Vanuatu"; |
"危地马拉"="Guatemala"; |
"委内瑞拉"="Venezuela"; |
"文莱"="Brunei"; |
"乌干达"="Uganda"; |
"乌克兰"="Ukraine"; |
"乌拉圭"="Uruguay"; |
"乌兹别克斯坦"="Uzbekistan"; |
"西班牙"="Spain"; |
"希腊"="Greece"; |
"新加坡"="Singapore"; |
"新喀里多尼亚"="New Caledonia"; |
"新西兰"="new Zealand"; |
"匈牙利"="Hungary"; |
"叙利亚"="Syria"; |
"牙买加"="Jamaica"; |
"亚美尼亚"="Armenia"; |
"也门"="Yemen"; |
"伊拉克"="Iraq"; |
"伊朗"="Iran"; |
"以色列"="Israel"; |
"意大利"="Italy"; |
"印度"="India"; |
"印度尼西亚"="Indonesia"; |
"英国"="United Kingdom"; |
"英属维尔京群岛"="The British Virgin Islands"; |
"英属印度洋领地"="British Indian Ocean Territory"; |
"约旦"="Jordan"; |
"越南"="Vietnam"; |
"赞比亚"="Zambia"; |
"泽西岛"="Jersey"; |
"乍得"="Chad"; |
"直布罗陀"="Gibraltar"; |
"智利"="Chile"; |
"中非共和国"="Central African Republic";