You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
633 lines
15 KiB
633 lines
15 KiB
(function(global, factory) { |
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() : |
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) : |
(global.weCropper = factory()); |
}(this, (function() { |
'use strict'; |
var device = void 0; |
var TOUCH_STATE = ['touchstarted', 'touchmoved', 'touchended']; |
function firstLetterUpper(str) { |
return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1); |
} |
function setTouchState(instance) { |
for (var _len = arguments.length, arg = Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) { |
arg[_key - 1] = arguments[_key]; |
} |
TOUCH_STATE.forEach(function(key, i) { |
if (arg[i] !== undefined) { |
instance[key] = arg[i]; |
} |
}); |
} |
function validator(instance, o) { |
Object.defineProperties(instance, o); |
} |
function getDevice() { |
if (!device) { |
device = wx.getSystemInfoSync(); |
} |
return device; |
} |
var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function(obj) { |
return typeof obj; |
} : function(obj) { |
return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : |
typeof obj; |
}; |
var classCallCheck = function(instance, Constructor) { |
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { |
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); |
} |
}; |
var createClass = function() { |
function defineProperties(target, props) { |
for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { |
var descriptor = props[i]; |
descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; |
descriptor.configurable = true; |
if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; |
Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); |
} |
} |
return function(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { |
if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); |
if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); |
return Constructor; |
}; |
}(); |
var slicedToArray = function() { |
function sliceIterator(arr, i) { |
var _arr = []; |
var _n = true; |
var _d = false; |
var _e = undefined; |
try { |
for (var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s =; _n = true) { |
_arr.push(_s.value); |
if (i && _arr.length === i) break; |
} |
} catch (err) { |
_d = true; |
_e = err; |
} finally { |
try { |
if (!_n && _i["return"]) _i["return"](); |
} finally { |
if (_d) throw _e; |
} |
} |
return _arr; |
} |
return function(arr, i) { |
if (Array.isArray(arr)) { |
return arr; |
} else if (Symbol.iterator in Object(arr)) { |
return sliceIterator(arr, i); |
} else { |
throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance"); |
} |
}; |
}(); |
var tmp = {}; |
var DEFAULT = { |
id: { |
default: 'cropper', |
get: function get$$1() { |
return; |
}, |
set: function set$$1(value) { |
if (typeof value !== 'string') {} |
| = value; |
} |
}, |
width: { |
default: 750, |
get: function get$$1() { |
return tmp.width; |
}, |
set: function set$$1(value) { |
tmp.width = value; |
} |
}, |
height: { |
default: 750, |
get: function get$$1() { |
return tmp.height; |
}, |
set: function set$$1(value) { |
tmp.height = value; |
} |
}, |
scale: { |
default: 2.5, |
get: function get$$1() { |
return tmp.scale; |
}, |
set: function set$$1(value) { |
tmp.scale = value; |
} |
}, |
zoom: { |
default: 5, |
get: function get$$1() { |
return tmp.zoom; |
}, |
set: function set$$1(value) { |
tmp.zoom = value; |
} |
}, |
src: { |
default: 'cropper', |
get: function get$$1() { |
return tmp.src; |
}, |
set: function set$$1(value) { |
tmp.src = value; |
} |
}, |
cut: { |
default: {}, |
get: function get$$1() { |
return tmp.cut; |
}, |
set: function set$$1(value) { |
tmp.cut = value; |
} |
}, |
onReady: { |
default: null, |
get: function get$$1() { |
return tmp.ready; |
}, |
set: function set$$1(value) { |
tmp.ready = value; |
} |
}, |
onBeforeImageLoad: { |
default: null, |
get: function get$$1() { |
return tmp.beforeImageLoad; |
}, |
set: function set$$1(value) { |
tmp.beforeImageLoad = value; |
} |
}, |
onImageLoad: { |
default: null, |
get: function get$$1() { |
return tmp.imageLoad; |
}, |
set: function set$$1(value) { |
tmp.imageLoad = value; |
} |
}, |
onBeforeDraw: { |
default: null, |
get: function get$$1() { |
return tmp.beforeDraw; |
}, |
set: function set$$1(value) { |
tmp.beforeDraw = value; |
} |
} |
}; |
function prepare() { |
var self = this; |
var _getDevice = getDevice(), |
windowWidth = _getDevice.windowWidth; |
self.attachPage = function() { |
var pages = getCurrentPages(); |
var pageContext = pages[pages.length - 1]; |
pageContext.wecropper = self; |
}; |
self.createCtx = function() { |
var id =; |
if (id) { |
self.ctx = wx.createCanvasContext(id); |
} |
}; |
self.deviceRadio = windowWidth / 750; |
self.deviceRadio = self.deviceRadio.toFixed(2) |
} |
function observer() { |
var self = this; |
var EVENT_TYPE = ['ready', 'beforeImageLoad', 'beforeDraw', 'imageLoad']; |
self.on = function(event, fn) { |
if (EVENT_TYPE.indexOf(event) > -1) { |
if (typeof fn === 'function') { |
event === 'ready' ? fn(self) : self['on' + firstLetterUpper(event)] = fn; |
} |
} |
return self; |
}; |
} |
function methods() { |
var self = this; |
var deviceRadio = self.deviceRadio; |
var boundWidth = self.width; |
var boundHeight = self.height; |
var _self$cut = self.cut, |
_self$cut$x = _self$cut.x, |
x = _self$cut$x === undefined ? 0 : _self$cut$x, |
_self$cut$y = _self$cut.y, |
y = _self$cut$y === undefined ? 0 : _self$cut$y, |
_self$cut$width = _self$cut.width, |
width = _self$cut$width === undefined ? boundWidth : _self$cut$width, |
_self$cut$height = _self$cut.height, |
height = _self$cut$height === undefined ? boundHeight : _self$cut$height; |
self.updateCanvas = function() { |
if (self.croperTarget) { |
self.ctx.drawImage(self.croperTarget, self.imgLeft, self.imgTop, self.scaleWidth, self.scaleHeight); |
} |
typeof self.onBeforeDraw === 'function' && self.onBeforeDraw(self.ctx, self); |
self.setBoundStyle(); |
self.ctx.draw(); |
return self; |
}; |
self.pushOrign = function(src) { |
self.src = src; |
typeof self.onBeforeImageLoad === 'function' && self.onBeforeImageLoad(self.ctx, self); |
uni.getImageInfo({ |
src: src, |
success: function success(res) { |
var innerAspectRadio = res.width / res.height; |
self.croperTarget = res.path || src; |
if (innerAspectRadio < width / height) { |
self.rectX = x; |
self.baseWidth = width; |
self.baseHeight = width / innerAspectRadio; |
self.rectY = y - Math.abs((height - self.baseHeight) / 2); |
} else { |
self.rectY = y; |
self.baseWidth = height * innerAspectRadio; |
self.baseHeight = height; |
self.rectX = x - Math.abs((width - self.baseWidth) / 2); |
} |
self.imgLeft = self.rectX; |
self.imgTop = self.rectY; |
self.scaleWidth = self.baseWidth; |
self.scaleHeight = self.baseHeight; |
self.updateCanvas(); |
typeof self.onImageLoad === 'function' && self.onImageLoad(self.ctx, self); |
} |
}); |
self.update(); |
return self; |
}; |
self.getCropperImage = function() { |
for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { |
args[_key] = arguments[_key]; |
} |
var id =; |
var ARG_TYPE =[0]); |
switch (ARG_TYPE) { |
case '[object Object]': |
var _args$0$quality = args[0].quality, |
quality = _args$0$quality === undefined ? 10 : _args$0$quality; |
uni.canvasToTempFilePath({ |
canvasId: id, |
x: x, |
y: y, |
fileType: "jpg", |
width: width, |
height: height, |
destWidth: width * quality / (deviceRadio * 10), |
destHeight: height * quality / (deviceRadio * 10), |
success: function success(res) { |
typeof args[args.length - 1] === 'function' && args[args.length - 1](res.tempFilePath); |
} |
}); |
break; |
case '[object Function]': |
uni.canvasToTempFilePath({ |
canvasId: id, |
x: x, |
y: y, |
fileType: "jpg", |
width: width, |
height: height, |
destWidth: width, |
destHeight: height, |
success: function success(res) { |
typeof args[args.length - 1] === 'function' && args[args.length - 1](res.tempFilePath); |
} |
}); |
break; |
} |
return self; |
}; |
} |
function update() { |
var self = this; |
if (!self.src) return; |
self.__oneTouchStart = function(touch) { |
self.touchX0 = touch.x; |
self.touchY0 = touch.y; |
}; |
self.__oneTouchMove = function(touch) { |
var xMove = void 0, |
yMove = void 0; |
if (self.touchended) { |
return self.updateCanvas(); |
} |
xMove = touch.x - self.touchX0; |
yMove = touch.y - self.touchY0; |
var imgLeft = self.rectX + xMove; |
var imgTop = self.rectY + yMove; |
self.outsideBound(imgLeft, imgTop); |
self.updateCanvas(); |
}; |
self.__twoTouchStart = function(touch0, touch1) { |
var xMove = void 0, |
yMove = void 0, |
oldDistance = void 0; |
self.touchX1 = self.rectX + self.scaleWidth / 2; |
self.touchY1 = self.rectY + self.scaleHeight / 2; |
xMove = touch1.x - touch0.x; |
yMove = touch1.y - touch0.y; |
oldDistance = Math.sqrt(xMove * xMove + yMove * yMove); |
self.oldDistance = oldDistance; |
}; |
self.__twoTouchMove = function(touch0, touch1) { |
var xMove = void 0, |
yMove = void 0, |
newDistance = void 0; |
var scale = self.scale, |
zoom = self.zoom; |
xMove = touch1.x - touch0.x; |
yMove = touch1.y - touch0.y; |
newDistance = Math.sqrt(xMove * xMove + yMove * yMove |
// 使用0.005的缩放倍数具有良好的缩放体验 |
); |
self.newScale = self.oldScale + 0.001 * zoom * (newDistance - self.oldDistance); |
// 设定缩放范围 |
self.newScale <= 1 && (self.newScale = 1); |
self.newScale >= scale && (self.newScale = scale); |
self.scaleWidth = self.newScale * self.baseWidth; |
self.scaleHeight = self.newScale * self.baseHeight; |
var imgLeft = self.touchX1 - self.scaleWidth / 2; |
var imgTop = self.touchY1 - self.scaleHeight / 2; |
self.outsideBound(imgLeft, imgTop); |
self.updateCanvas(); |
}; |
self.__xtouchEnd = function() { |
self.oldScale = self.newScale; |
self.rectX = self.imgLeft; |
self.rectY = self.imgTop; |
}; |
} |
var handle = { |
touchStart: function touchStart(e) { |
var self = this; |
var _e$touches = slicedToArray(e.touches, 2), |
touch0 = _e$touches[0], |
touch1 = _e$touches[1]; |
if (!touch0.x) { |
touch0.x = touch0.clientX; |
touch0.y = touch0.clientY; |
if (touch1) { |
touch1.x = touch1.clientX; |
touch1.y = touch1.clientY; |
} |
} |
setTouchState(self, true, null, null); |
self.__oneTouchStart(touch0); |
if (e.touches.length >= 2) { |
self.__twoTouchStart(touch0, touch1); |
} |
}, |
touchMove: function touchMove(e) { |
var self = this; |
var _e$touches2 = slicedToArray(e.touches, 2), |
touch0 = _e$touches2[0], |
touch1 = _e$touches2[1]; |
if (!touch0.x) { |
touch0.x = touch0.clientX; |
touch0.y = touch0.clientY; |
if (touch1) { |
touch1.x = touch1.clientX; |
touch1.y = touch1.clientY; |
} |
} |
setTouchState(self, null, true); |
if (e.touches.length === 1) { |
self.__oneTouchMove(touch0); |
} |
if (e.touches.length >= 2) { |
self.__twoTouchMove(touch0, touch1); |
} |
}, |
touchEnd: function touchEnd(e) { |
var self = this; |
setTouchState(self, false, false, true); |
self.__xtouchEnd(); |
} |
}; |
function cut() { |
var self = this; |
var deviceRadio = self.deviceRadio; |
var boundWidth = self.width; |
var boundHeight = self.height; |
var _self$cut = self.cut, |
_self$cut$x = _self$cut.x, |
x = _self$cut$x === undefined ? 0 : _self$cut$x, |
_self$cut$y = _self$cut.y, |
y = _self$cut$y === undefined ? 0 : _self$cut$y, |
_self$cut$width = _self$cut.width, |
width = _self$cut$width === undefined ? boundWidth : _self$cut$width, |
_self$cut$height = _self$cut.height, |
height = _self$cut$height === undefined ? boundHeight : _self$cut$height; |
self.outsideBound = function(imgLeft, imgTop) { |
self.imgLeft = imgLeft >= x ? x : self.scaleWidth + imgLeft - x <= width ? x + width - self.scaleWidth : imgLeft; |
self.imgTop = imgTop >= y ? y : self.scaleHeight + imgTop - y <= height ? y + height - self.scaleHeight : imgTop; |
}; |
self.setBoundStyle = function() { |
var _ref = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}, |
_ref$color = _ref.color, |
color = _ref$color === undefined ? '#04b00f' : _ref$color, |
_ref$mask = _ref.mask, |
mask = _ref$mask === undefined ? 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)' : _ref$mask, |
_ref$lineWidth = _ref.lineWidth, |
lineWidth = _ref$lineWidth === undefined ? 1 : _ref$lineWidth; |
self.ctx.beginPath(); |
self.ctx.setFillStyle(mask); |
self.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, x, boundHeight); |
self.ctx.fillRect(x, 0, width, y); |
self.ctx.fillRect(x, y + height, width, boundHeight - y - height); |
self.ctx.fillRect(x + width, 0, boundWidth - x - width, boundHeight); |
self.ctx.fill(); |
self.ctx.beginPath(); |
self.ctx.setStrokeStyle(color); |
self.ctx.setLineWidth(lineWidth); |
self.ctx.moveTo(x - lineWidth, y + 10 - lineWidth); |
self.ctx.lineTo(x - lineWidth, y - lineWidth); |
self.ctx.lineTo(x + 10 - lineWidth, y - lineWidth); |
self.ctx.stroke(); |
self.ctx.beginPath(); |
self.ctx.setStrokeStyle(color); |
self.ctx.setLineWidth(lineWidth); |
self.ctx.moveTo(x - lineWidth, y + height - 10 + lineWidth); |
self.ctx.lineTo(x - lineWidth, y + height + lineWidth); |
self.ctx.lineTo(x + 10 - lineWidth, y + height + lineWidth); |
self.ctx.stroke(); |
self.ctx.beginPath(); |
self.ctx.setStrokeStyle(color); |
self.ctx.setLineWidth(lineWidth); |
self.ctx.moveTo(x + width - 10 + lineWidth, y - lineWidth); |
self.ctx.lineTo(x + width + lineWidth, y - lineWidth); |
self.ctx.lineTo(x + width + lineWidth, y + 10 - lineWidth); |
self.ctx.stroke(); |
self.ctx.beginPath(); |
self.ctx.setStrokeStyle(color); |
self.ctx.setLineWidth(lineWidth); |
self.ctx.moveTo(x + width + lineWidth, y + height - 10 + lineWidth); |
self.ctx.lineTo(x + width + lineWidth, y + height + lineWidth); |
self.ctx.lineTo(x + width - 10 + lineWidth, y + height + lineWidth); |
self.ctx.stroke(); |
}; |
} |
var __version__ = '1.1.4'; |
var weCropper = function() { |
function weCropper(params) { |
classCallCheck(this, weCropper); |
var self = this; |
var _default = {}; |
validator(self, DEFAULT); |
Object.keys(DEFAULT).forEach(function(key) { |
_default[key] = DEFAULT[key].default; |
}); |
Object.assign(self, _default, params); |
self.prepare(); |
self.attachPage(); |
self.createCtx(); |
|; |
self.cutt(); |
self.methods(); |
self.init(); |
self.update(); |
return self; |
} |
createClass(weCropper, [{ |
key: 'init', |
value: function init() { |
var self = this; |
var src = self.src; |
self.version = __version__; |
typeof self.onReady === 'function' && self.onReady(self.ctx, self); |
if (src) { |
self.pushOrign(src); |
} |
setTouchState(self, false, false, false); |
self.oldScale = 1; |
self.newScale = 1; |
return self; |
} |
}]); |
return weCropper; |
}(); |
Object.assign(weCropper.prototype, handle); |
weCropper.prototype.prepare = prepare; |
| = observer; |
weCropper.prototype.methods = methods; |
weCropper.prototype.cutt = cut; |
weCropper.prototype.update = update; |
return weCropper; |