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501 lines
13 KiB

3 years ago
<view :class="'interlayer '+(c||'')" :style="s">
<block v-for="(n, i) in nodes" v-bind:key="i">
<view v-if="n.name=='img'" :class="'_img '+n.attrs.class" :style="n.attrs.style" :data-attrs="n.attrs" @tap="imgtap">
<rich-text v-if="controls[i]!=0" :nodes="[{attrs:{src:loading&&(controls[i]||0)<2?loading:(lazyLoad&&!controls[i]?placeholder:(controls[i]==3?errorImg:n.attrs.src||'')),alt:n.attrs.alt||'',width:n.attrs.width||'',style:'-webkit-touch-callout:none;max-width:100%;display:block'+(n.attrs.height?';height:'+n.attrs.height:'')},name:'img'}]" />
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:show-menu-by-longpress="!n.attrs.ignore" :data-i="i" :data-index="n.attrs.i" data-source="img" @load="loadImg"
@error="error" />
<text v-else-if="n.type=='text'" decode>{{n.text}}</text>
<!--#ifndef MP-BAIDU-->
<text v-else-if="n.name=='br'">\n</text>
<view v-else-if="((n.lazyLoad&&!n.attrs.autoplay)||(n.name=='video'&&!loadVideo))&&controls[i]==undefined" :id="n.attrs.id" :class="'_video '+(n.attrs.class||'')"
:style="n.attrs.style" :data-i="i" @tap="_loadVideo" />
<video v-else-if="n.name=='video'" :id="n.attrs.id" :class="n.attrs.class" :style="n.attrs.style" :autoplay="n.attrs.autoplay||controls[i]==0"
:controls="!n.attrs.autoplay||n.attrs.controls" :loop="n.attrs.loop" :muted="n.attrs.muted" :poster="n.attrs.poster" :src="n.attrs.source[controls[i]||0]"
:unit-id="n.attrs['unit-id']" :data-id="n.attrs.id" :data-i="i" data-source="video" @error="error" @play="play" />
<audio v-else-if="n.name=='audio'" :ref="n.attrs.id" :class="n.attrs.class" :style="n.attrs.style" :author="n.attrs.author"
:autoplay="n.attrs.autoplay" :controls="!n.attrs.autoplay||n.attrs.controls" :loop="n.attrs.loop" :name="n.attrs.name" :poster="n.attrs.poster"
:src="n.attrs.source[controls[i]||0]" :data-i="i" :data-id="n.attrs.id" data-source="audio"
@error.native="error" @play.native="play" />
<view v-else-if="n.name=='a'" :id="n.attrs.id" :class="'_a '+(n.attrs.class||'')" hover-class="_hover" :style="n.attrs.style"
:data-attrs="n.attrs" @tap="linkpress">
<trees class="_span" c="_span" :nodes="n.children" />
<!--<ad v-else-if="n.name=='ad'" :class="n.attrs.class" :style="n.attrs.style" :unit-id="n.attrs['unit-id']" :appid="n.attrs.appid" :apid="n.attrs.apid" :type="n.attrs.type" :adpid="n.attrs.adpid" data-source="ad" @error="error" />-->
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<view v-if="n.type=='ol'" class="_ol-bef">{{n.num}}</view>
<view v-else class="_ul-bef">
<view v-if="n.floor%3==0" class="_ul-p1"></view>
<view v-else-if="n.floor%3==2" class="_ul-p2" />
<view v-else class="_ul-p1" style="border-radius:50%"></view>
<trees class="_li" c="_li" :nodes="n.children" :lazyLoad="lazyLoad" :loading="loading" />
<view v-else-if="n.name=='table'&&n.c" :id="n.attrs.id" :class="n.attrs.class" :style="(n.attrs.style||'')+';display:table'">
<view v-for="(tbody, o) in n.children" v-bind:key="o" :class="tbody.attrs.class" :style="(tbody.attrs.style||'')+(tbody.name[0]=='t'?';display:table-'+(tbody.name=='tr'?'row':'row-group'):'')">
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<trees v-if="tr.name=='td'" :nodes="tr.children" />
<trees v-else v-for="(td, q) in tr.children" v-bind:key="q" :class="td.attrs.class" :c="td.attrs.class" :style="(td.attrs.style||'')+(td.name[0]=='t'?';display:table-'+(td.name=='tr'?'row':'cell'):'')"
:s="(td.attrs.style||'')+(td.name[0]=='t'?';display:table-'+(td.name=='tr'?'row':'cell'):'')" :nodes="td.children" />
<!--#ifdef APP-PLUS-->
<iframe v-else-if="n.name=='iframe'" :style="n.attrs.style" :allowfullscreen="n.attrs.allowfullscreen" :frameborder="n.attrs.frameborder"
:width="n.attrs.width" :height="n.attrs.height" :src="n.attrs.src" />
<embed v-else-if="n.name=='embed'" :style="n.attrs.style" :width="n.attrs.width" :height="n.attrs.height" :src="n.attrs.src" />
<!--#ifdef MP-WEIXIN || MP-QQ || APP-PLUS-->
<rich-text v-else-if="handler.use(n)" :id="n.attrs.id" :class="'_p __'+n.name" :nodes="[n]" />
<!--#ifndef MP-WEIXIN || MP-QQ || APP-PLUS-->
<rich-text v-else-if="!n.c" :id="n.attrs.id" :nodes="[n]" style="display:inline" />
<trees v-else :class="(n.attrs.id||'')+' _'+n.name+' '+(n.attrs.class||'')" :c="(n.attrs.id||'')+' _'+n.name+' '+(n.attrs.class||'')"
:style="n.attrs.style" :s="n.attrs.style" :nodes="n.children" :lazyLoad="lazyLoad" :loading="loading" />
<script module="handler" lang="wxs" src="./handler.wxs"></script>
global.Parser = {};
import trees from './trees'
const errorImg = require('../libs/config.js').errorImg;
export default {
components: {
name: 'trees',
data() {
return {
controls: [],
placeholder: 'data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="300" height="225"/>',
loadVideo: typeof plus == 'undefined',
// #ifndef MP-ALIPAY
c: '',
s: ''
// #endif
props: {
nodes: Array,
lazyLoad: Boolean,
loading: String,
// #ifdef MP-ALIPAY
c: String,
s: String
// #endif
mounted() {
for (this.top = this.$parent; this.top.$options.name != 'parser'; this.top = this.top.$parent);
// #ifdef APP-PLUS
beforeDestroy() {
this.observer && this.observer.disconnect();
// #endif
methods: {
init() {
for (var i = this.nodes.length, n; n = this.nodes[--i];) {
if (n.name == 'img') {
this.top.imgList.setItem(n.attrs.i, n.attrs.src);
// #ifdef APP-PLUS
if (this.lazyLoad && !this.observer) {
this.observer = uni.createIntersectionObserver(this).relativeToViewport({
top: 500,
bottom: 500
setTimeout(() => {
this.observer.observe('._img', res => {
if (res.intersectionRatio) {
for (var j = this.nodes.length; j--;)
if (this.nodes[j].name == 'img')
this.$set(this.controls, j, 1);
}, 0)
// #endif
} else if (n.name == 'video' || n.name == 'audio') {
var ctx;
if (n.name == 'video') {
ctx = uni.createVideoContext(n.attrs.id
// #ifndef MP-BAIDU
, this
// #endif
} else if (this.$refs[n.attrs.id])
ctx = this.$refs[n.attrs.id][0];
if (ctx) {
ctx.id = n.attrs.id;
// #ifdef APP-PLUS
// APP 上避免 video 错位需要延时渲染
setTimeout(() => {
this.loadVideo = true;
}, 1000)
// #endif
play(e) {
var contexts = this.top.videoContexts;
if (contexts.length > 1 && this.top.autopause)
for (var i = contexts.length; i--;)
if (contexts[i].id != e.currentTarget.dataset.id)
imgtap(e) {
var attrs = e.currentTarget.dataset.attrs;
if (!attrs.ignore) {
var preview = true,
data = {
id: e.target.id,
src: attrs.src,
ignore: () => preview = false
global.Parser.onImgtap && global.Parser.onImgtap(data);
this.top.$emit('imgtap', data);
if (preview) {
var urls = this.top.imgList,
current = urls[attrs.i] ? parseInt(attrs.i) : (urls = [attrs.src], 0);
loadImg(e) {
var i = e.currentTarget.dataset.i;
if (this.lazyLoad && !this.controls[i]) {
this.$set(this.controls, i, 0);
this.$nextTick(function() {
// #endif
// #ifndef APP-PLUS
this.$set(this.controls, i, 1);
// #endif
// #endif
} else if (this.loading && this.controls[i] != 2) {
this.$set(this.controls, i, 0);
this.$nextTick(function() {
// #endif
this.$set(this.controls, i, 2);
// #endif
linkpress(e) {
var jump = true,
attrs = e.currentTarget.dataset.attrs;
attrs.ignore = () => jump = false;
global.Parser.onLinkpress && global.Parser.onLinkpress(attrs);
this.top.$emit('linkpress', attrs);
if (jump) {
// #ifdef MP
if (attrs['app-id']) {
return uni.navigateToMiniProgram({
appId: attrs['app-id'],
path: attrs.path
// #endif
if (attrs.href) {
if (attrs.href[0] == '#') {
if (this.top.useAnchor)
id: attrs.href.substring(1)
} else if (attrs.href.indexOf('http') == 0 || attrs.href.indexOf('//') == 0) {
// #ifdef APP-PLUS
// #endif
// #ifndef APP-PLUS
data: attrs.href,
success: () =>
title: '链接已复制'
// #endif
} else
url: attrs.href,
fail() {
url: attrs.href,
error(e) {
var target = e.currentTarget,
source = target.dataset.source,
i = target.dataset.i;
if (source == 'video' || source == 'audio') {
// 加载其他 source
var index = this.controls[i] ? this.controls[i].i + 1 : 1;
if (index < this.nodes[i].attrs.source.length)
this.$set(this.controls, i, index);
if (e.detail.__args__)
e.detail = e.detail.__args__[0];
} else if (errorImg && source == 'img') {
this.top.imgList.setItem(target.dataset.index, errorImg);
this.$set(this.controls, i, 3);
this.top && this.top.$emit('error', {
errMsg: e.detail.errMsg
_loadVideo(e) {
this.$set(this.controls, e.target.dataset.i, 0);
/* 在这里引入自定义样式 */
/* 链接和图片效果 */
._a {
display: inline;
padding: 1.5px 0 1.5px 0;
color: #366092;
word-break: break-all;
._hover {
text-decoration: underline;
opacity: 0.7;
._img {
display: inline-block;
max-width: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
/* #ifdef MP-WEIXIN */
:host {
display: inline;
/* #endif */
/* #ifndef MP-ALIPAY || APP-PLUS */
.interlayer {
display: inherit;
flex-direction: inherit;
flex-wrap: inherit;
align-content: inherit;
align-items: inherit;
justify-content: inherit;
width: 100%;
white-space: inherit;
/* #endif */
._strong {
font-weight: bold;
/* #ifndef MP-ALIPAY */
._li {
display: block;
/* #endif */
._code {
font-family: monospace;
._del {
text-decoration: line-through;
._i {
font-style: italic;
._h1 {
font-size: 2em;
._h2 {
font-size: 1.5em;
._h3 {
font-size: 1.17em;
._h5 {
font-size: 0.83em;
._h6 {
font-size: 0.67em;
._h6 {
display: block;
font-weight: bold;
._image {
display: block;
width: 100%;
height: 360px;
margin-top: -360px;
opacity: 0;
._ins {
text-decoration: underline;
._li {
flex: 1;
width: 0;
._ol-bef {
width: 36px;
margin-right: 5px;
text-align: right;
._ul-bef {
margin: 0 12px 0 23px;
line-height: normal;
._ul_bef {
flex: none;
user-select: none;
._ul-p1 {
display: inline-block;
width: 0.3em;
height: 0.3em;
overflow: hidden;
line-height: 0.3em;
._ul-p2 {
display: inline-block;
width: 0.23em;
height: 0.23em;
border: 0.05em solid black;
border-radius: 50%;
._q::before {
content: '"';
._q::after {
content: '"';
._sub {
font-size: smaller;
vertical-align: sub;
._sup {
font-size: smaller;
vertical-align: super;
._sup {
display: inline;
/* #endif */
/* #ifdef MP-WEIXIN || MP-QQ */
.__rt {
display: inline-block;
/* #endif */
._video {
position: relative;
display: inline-block;
width: 300px;
height: 225px;
background-color: black;
._video::after {
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
margin: -15px 0 0 -15px;
content: '';
border-color: transparent transparent transparent white;
border-style: solid;
border-width: 15px 0 15px 30px;