You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

2297 lines
62 KiB

/// accountPay : 0
/// activityDiscountPrice : 0
/// activityNoPrice : 0
/// addressExt : {"address":"","addressId":0,"city":"","cityId":0,"country":"","countryId":0,"district":"","districtId":0,"latitude":0,"longitude":0,"province":"","provinceId":0,"recMobile":"","recName":""}
/// batch : 0
/// confirmTime : ""
/// couponId : 0
/// couponSubPrice : 0
/// createTime : ""
/// createUser : 0
/// customPrice : 0
/// dayFlowCode : ""
/// detailDTO : {"activityName":"","activityNoPrice":0,"activityPrice":0,"couponDTO":{"money":0,"name":"","num":0,"receiveMoney":0},"customPrice":0,"discountMoney":0,"discountName":"","discountNumber":0,"dishesList":[{"buyNum":0,"productName":"","subMoney":0}],"isSubscribe":true,"isTakeOut":0,"logisticsName":"","logisticsNum":"","memberRec":{"rec_address":"","rec_mobile":"","rec_name":""},"nextPerson":"","orderProductList":[{"applyPrice":0,"buyNum":0,"discountAmount":0,"discountPercent":0,"id":0,"isDelete":0,"orderId":0,"platterList":[{"id":0,"productId":0,"required":true,"skuId":0,"skuName":""}],"postPay":0,"productId":0,"productName":"","refundNum":0,"sellPrice":0,"skuId":0,"skuImg":"","skuNameStr":"","storeId":0,"tenantCode":"","weight":0}],"orderSumPrice":0,"paySumPrice":0,"postFee":0,"shipperCode":"","subcribeTime":""}
/// dishesDiscountPrice : 0
/// finalPayPrice : 0
/// id : 0
/// isDelete : 0
/// isSubscribe : true
/// isTakeOut : 0
/// logisticsCase : ""
/// logisticsId : 0
/// logisticsName : ""
/// logisticsNum : ""
/// memberAccount : ""
/// mid : 0
/// notes : ""
/// orderCode : ""
/// orderDiscountPrice : 0
/// orderPercentPrice : 0
/// orderSource : 0
/// orderStatus : 0
/// orderSum : 0
/// parentCode : ""
/// parentId : 0
/// payChannel : 0
/// payNum : ""
/// payStatus : 0
/// paySum : 0
/// paySumSub : 0
/// payTime : ""
/// postFee : 0
/// prepayId : ""
/// promotionId : 0
/// removeDecimal : 0
/// returnMoneyTime : ""
/// returnType : 0
/// sendStatus : 0
/// sendTime : ""
/// shipperCode : ""
/// storeId : 0
/// storeName : ""
/// storeVO : {"banners":[{"content":"","createTime":"","createUser":0,"id":0,"imgUrl":"","isDelete":true,"storeId":0,"tenantCode":"","type":"","updateTime":"","updateUser":0}],"businessService":"","couponVO":{"bizId":"","bizType":0,"centreDisplay":true,"couponDescription":"","couponImg":"","couponName":"","createTime":"","createUser":0,"dateOrDay":true,"daysValidate":0,"discountAmount":0,"discountPercent":0,"fullAmount":0,"id":0,"isDelete":0,"memberCouponId":0,"promotionId":0,"publishEndTime":"","publishStartTime":"","receiveTime":"","received":true,"startAfterDays":0,"status":0,"storeList":[{"address":"","businessService":"","city":"","createTime":"","createUser":0,"deliveryInfo":{"dadaRegStatus":true,"dadaSourceId":"","dadaStatus":true,"dianwodaRegStatus":true,"dianwodaStatus":true,"meituanRegStatus":true,"meituanStatus":true},"district":"","headMobile":"","headName":"","id":0,"isAutoSendRefundAddress":0,"latitude":0,"logo":"","longitude":0,"mobile":"","nickName":"","openEndTime":{"hour":0,"minute":0,"nano":0,"second":0},"openStartTime":{"hour":0,"minute":0,"nano":0,"second":0},"posType":{"code":"NORMALSTORE","desc":""},"province":"","refundAddress":"","refundContact":"","refundTel":"","remark":"","shipAddress":"","storeName":"","tenantCode":"","updateTime":"","updateUser":0,"useErp":true}],"tenantCode":"","updateTime":"","updateUser":0,"useEndTime":"","useStartTime":"","useTime":""},"defaultPostAge":0,"deliveryDistance":0,"freePostAge":0,"id":0,"isAutoSendRefundAddress":0,"latitude":0,"logisticsFreePostAge":0,"logisticsThreshold":0,"logo":"","longitude":0,"mobile":"","nickName":"","openEndTime":{"hour":0,"minute":0,"nano":0,"second":0},"openStartTime":{"hour":0,"minute":0,"nano":0,"second":0},"refundAddress":"","refundContact":"","refundTel":"","remark":"","shipAddress":"","soldNum":0,"storeBrandImg":"","storeName":"","storeTable":{"areaId":0,"createTime":"","createUser":0,"id":0,"isDelete":0,"numberOfPeople":0,"remark":"","storeId":0,"tableCapacity":0,"tableName":"","tableSort":0,"tableType":0,"tenantCode":"","updateTime":"","updateUser":0},"storeTemplateConfig":"","threshold":0,"tips":""}
/// subcribeTime : ""
/// tableId : 0
/// tenantCode : ""
/// totalDiscountPrice : 0
/// updateTime : ""
/// updateUser : 0
class OrderInfo {
String _accountPay;
String _activityDiscountPrice;
String _activityNoPrice;
AddressExt _addressExt;
int _batch;
String _confirmTime;
String _couponId;
String _couponSubPrice;
String _createTime;
String _createUser;
String _customPrice;
String _dayFlowCode;
DetailDTO _detailDTO;
String _dishesDiscountPrice;
String _finalPayPrice;
String _id;
int _isDelete;
bool _isSubscribe;
int _isTakeOut;
String _logisticsCase;
String _logisticsId;
String _logisticsName;
String _logisticsNum;
String _memberAccount;
String _mid;
String _notes;
String _orderCode;
String _orderDiscountPrice;
String _orderPercentPrice;
int _orderSource;
int _orderStatus;
String _orderSum;
String _parentCode;
String _parentId;
int _payChannel;
String _payNum;
int _payStatus;
String _paySum;
String _paySumSub;
String _payTime;
String _postFee;
String _prepayId;
String _promotionId;
String _removeDecimal;
String _returnMoneyTime;
int _returnType;
int _sendStatus;
String _sendTime;
String _shipperCode;
String _storeId;
String _storeName;
StoreVO _storeVO;
String _subcribeTime;
String _tableId;
String _tenantCode;
String _totalDiscountPrice;
String _updateTime;
String _updateUser;
String get accountPay => _accountPay;
String get activityDiscountPrice => _activityDiscountPrice;
String get activityNoPrice => _activityNoPrice;
AddressExt get addressExt => _addressExt;
int get batch => _batch;
String get confirmTime => _confirmTime;
String get couponId => _couponId;
String get couponSubPrice => _couponSubPrice;
String get createTime => _createTime;
String get createUser => _createUser;
String get customPrice => _customPrice;
String get dayFlowCode => _dayFlowCode;
DetailDTO get detailDTO => _detailDTO;
String get dishesDiscountPrice => _dishesDiscountPrice;
String get finalPayPrice => _finalPayPrice;
String get id => _id;
int get isDelete => _isDelete;
bool get isSubscribe => _isSubscribe;
int get isTakeOut => _isTakeOut;
String get logisticsCase => _logisticsCase;
String get logisticsId => _logisticsId;
String get logisticsName => _logisticsName;
String get logisticsNum => _logisticsNum;
String get memberAccount => _memberAccount;
String get mid => _mid;
String get notes => _notes;
String get orderCode => _orderCode;
String get orderDiscountPrice => _orderDiscountPrice;
String get orderPercentPrice => _orderPercentPrice;
int get orderSource => _orderSource;
int get orderStatus => _orderStatus;
String get orderSum => _orderSum;
String get parentCode => _parentCode;
String get parentId => _parentId;
int get payChannel => _payChannel;
String get payNum => _payNum;
int get payStatus => _payStatus;
String get paySum => _paySum;
String get paySumSub => _paySumSub;
String get payTime => _payTime;
String get postFee => _postFee;
String get prepayId => _prepayId;
String get promotionId => _promotionId;
String get removeDecimal => _removeDecimal;
String get returnMoneyTime => _returnMoneyTime;
int get returnType => _returnType;
int get sendStatus => _sendStatus;
String get sendTime => _sendTime;
String get shipperCode => _shipperCode;
String get storeId => _storeId;
String get storeName => _storeName;
StoreVO get storeVO => _storeVO;
String get subcribeTime => _subcribeTime;
String get tableId => _tableId;
String get tenantCode => _tenantCode;
String get totalDiscountPrice => _totalDiscountPrice;
String get updateTime => _updateTime;
String get updateUser => _updateUser;
{String accountPay,
String activityDiscountPrice,
String activityNoPrice,
AddressExt addressExt,
int batch,
String confirmTime,
String couponId,
String couponSubPrice,
String createTime,
String createUser,
String customPrice,
String dayFlowCode,
DetailDTO detailDTO,
String dishesDiscountPrice,
String finalPayPrice,
String id,
int isDelete,
bool isSubscribe,
int isTakeOut,
String logisticsCase,
String logisticsId,
String logisticsName,
String logisticsNum,
String memberAccount,
String mid,
String notes,
String orderCode,
String orderDiscountPrice,
String orderPercentPrice,
int orderSource,
int orderStatus,
String orderSum,
String parentCode,
String parentId,
int payChannel,
String payNum,
int payStatus,
String paySum,
String paySumSub,
String payTime,
String postFee,
String prepayId,
String promotionId,
String removeDecimal,
String returnMoneyTime,
int returnType,
int sendStatus,
String sendTime,
String shipperCode,
String storeId,
String storeName,
StoreVO storeVO,
String subcribeTime,
String tableId,
String tenantCode,
String totalDiscountPrice,
String updateTime,
String updateUser}) {
_accountPay = accountPay;
_activityDiscountPrice = activityDiscountPrice;
_activityNoPrice = activityNoPrice;
_addressExt = addressExt;
_batch = batch;
_confirmTime = confirmTime;
_couponId = couponId;
_couponSubPrice = couponSubPrice;
_createTime = createTime;
_createUser = createUser;
_customPrice = customPrice;
_dayFlowCode = dayFlowCode;
_detailDTO = detailDTO;
_dishesDiscountPrice = dishesDiscountPrice;
_finalPayPrice = finalPayPrice;
_id = id;
_isDelete = isDelete;
_isSubscribe = isSubscribe;
_isTakeOut = isTakeOut;
_logisticsCase = logisticsCase;
_logisticsId = logisticsId;
_logisticsName = logisticsName;
_logisticsNum = logisticsNum;
_memberAccount = memberAccount;
_mid = mid;
_notes = notes;
_orderCode = orderCode;
_orderDiscountPrice = orderDiscountPrice;
_orderPercentPrice = orderPercentPrice;
_orderSource = orderSource;
_orderStatus = orderStatus;
_orderSum = orderSum;
_parentCode = parentCode;
_parentId = parentId;
_payChannel = payChannel;
_payNum = payNum;
_payStatus = payStatus;
_paySum = paySum;
_paySumSub = paySumSub;
_payTime = payTime;
_postFee = postFee;
_prepayId = prepayId;
_promotionId = promotionId;
_removeDecimal = removeDecimal;
_returnMoneyTime = returnMoneyTime;
_returnType = returnType;
_sendStatus = sendStatus;
_sendTime = sendTime;
_shipperCode = shipperCode;
_storeId = storeId;
_storeName = storeName;
_storeVO = storeVO;
_subcribeTime = subcribeTime;
_tableId = tableId;
_tenantCode = tenantCode;
_totalDiscountPrice = totalDiscountPrice;
_updateTime = updateTime;
_updateUser = updateUser;
OrderInfo.fromJson(dynamic json) {
_accountPay = json["accountPay"];
_activityDiscountPrice = json["activityDiscountPrice"];
_activityNoPrice = json["activityNoPrice"];
_addressExt = json["addressExt"] != null
? AddressExt.fromJson(json["addressExt"])
: null;
_batch = json["batch"];
_confirmTime = json["confirmTime"];
_couponId = json["couponId"];
_couponSubPrice = json["couponSubPrice"];
_createTime = json["createTime"];
_createUser = json["createUser"];
_customPrice = json["customPrice"];
_dayFlowCode = json["dayFlowCode"];
_detailDTO = json["detailDTO"] != null
? DetailDTO.fromJson(json["detailDTO"])
: null;
_dishesDiscountPrice = json["dishesDiscountPrice"];
_finalPayPrice = json["finalPayPrice"];
_id = json["id"];
_isDelete = json["isDelete"];
_isSubscribe = json["isSubscribe"];
_isTakeOut = json["isTakeOut"];
_logisticsCase = json["logisticsCase"];
_logisticsId = json["logisticsId"];
_logisticsName = json["logisticsName"];
_logisticsNum = json["logisticsNum"];
_memberAccount = json["memberAccount"];
_mid = json["mid"];
_notes = json["notes"];
_orderCode = json["orderCode"];
_orderDiscountPrice = json["orderDiscountPrice"];
_orderPercentPrice = json["orderPercentPrice"];
_orderSource = json["orderSource"];
_orderStatus = json["orderStatus"];
_orderSum = json["orderSum"];
_parentCode = json["parentCode"];
_parentId = json["parentId"];
_payChannel = json["payChannel"];
_payNum = json["payNum"];
_payStatus = json["payStatus"];
_paySum = json["paySum"];
_paySumSub = json["paySumSub"];
_payTime = json["payTime"];
_postFee = json["postFee"];
_prepayId = json["prepayId"];
_promotionId = json["promotionId"];
_removeDecimal = json["removeDecimal"];
_returnMoneyTime = json["returnMoneyTime"];
_returnType = json["returnType"];
_sendStatus = json["sendStatus"];
_sendTime = json["sendTime"];
_shipperCode = json["shipperCode"];
_storeId = json["storeId"];
_storeName = json["storeName"];
_storeVO =
json["storeVO"] != null ? StoreVO.fromJson(json["storeVO"]) : null;
_subcribeTime = json["subcribeTime"];
_tableId = json["tableId"];
_tenantCode = json["tenantCode"];
_totalDiscountPrice = json["totalDiscountPrice"];
_updateTime = json["updateTime"];
_updateUser = json["updateUser"];
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
var map = <String, dynamic>{};
map["accountPay"] = _accountPay;
map["activityDiscountPrice"] = _activityDiscountPrice;
map["activityNoPrice"] = _activityNoPrice;
if (_addressExt != null) {
map["addressExt"] = _addressExt.toJson();
map["batch"] = _batch;
map["confirmTime"] = _confirmTime;
map["couponId"] = _couponId;
map["couponSubPrice"] = _couponSubPrice;
map["createTime"] = _createTime;
map["createUser"] = _createUser;
map["customPrice"] = _customPrice;
map["dayFlowCode"] = _dayFlowCode;
if (_detailDTO != null) {
map["detailDTO"] = _detailDTO.toJson();
map["dishesDiscountPrice"] = _dishesDiscountPrice;
map["finalPayPrice"] = _finalPayPrice;
map["id"] = _id;
map["isDelete"] = _isDelete;
map["isSubscribe"] = _isSubscribe;
map["isTakeOut"] = _isTakeOut;
map["logisticsCase"] = _logisticsCase;
map["logisticsId"] = _logisticsId;
map["logisticsName"] = _logisticsName;
map["logisticsNum"] = _logisticsNum;
map["memberAccount"] = _memberAccount;
map["mid"] = _mid;
map["notes"] = _notes;
map["orderCode"] = _orderCode;
map["orderDiscountPrice"] = _orderDiscountPrice;
map["orderPercentPrice"] = _orderPercentPrice;
map["orderSource"] = _orderSource;
map["orderStatus"] = _orderStatus;
map["orderSum"] = _orderSum;
map["parentCode"] = _parentCode;
map["parentId"] = _parentId;
map["payChannel"] = _payChannel;
map["payNum"] = _payNum;
map["payStatus"] = _payStatus;
map["paySum"] = _paySum;
map["paySumSub"] = _paySumSub;
map["payTime"] = _payTime;
map["postFee"] = _postFee;
map["prepayId"] = _prepayId;
map["promotionId"] = _promotionId;
map["removeDecimal"] = _removeDecimal;
map["returnMoneyTime"] = _returnMoneyTime;
map["returnType"] = _returnType;
map["sendStatus"] = _sendStatus;
map["sendTime"] = _sendTime;
map["shipperCode"] = _shipperCode;
map["storeId"] = _storeId;
map["storeName"] = _storeName;
if (_storeVO != null) {
map["storeVO"] = _storeVO.toJson();
map["subcribeTime"] = _subcribeTime;
map["tableId"] = _tableId;
map["tenantCode"] = _tenantCode;
map["totalDiscountPrice"] = _totalDiscountPrice;
map["updateTime"] = _updateTime;
map["updateUser"] = _updateUser;
return map;
/// banners : [{"content":"","createTime":"","createUser":0,"id":0,"imgUrl":"","isDelete":true,"storeId":0,"tenantCode":"","type":"","updateTime":"","updateUser":0}]
/// businessService : ""
/// couponVO : {"bizId":"","bizType":0,"centreDisplay":true,"couponDescription":"","couponImg":"","couponName":"","createTime":"","createUser":0,"dateOrDay":true,"daysValidate":0,"discountAmount":0,"discountPercent":0,"fullAmount":0,"id":0,"isDelete":0,"memberCouponId":0,"promotionId":0,"publishEndTime":"","publishStartTime":"","receiveTime":"","received":true,"startAfterDays":0,"status":0,"storeList":[{"address":"","businessService":"","city":"","createTime":"","createUser":0,"deliveryInfo":{"dadaRegStatus":true,"dadaSourceId":"","dadaStatus":true,"dianwodaRegStatus":true,"dianwodaStatus":true,"meituanRegStatus":true,"meituanStatus":true},"district":"","headMobile":"","headName":"","id":0,"isAutoSendRefundAddress":0,"latitude":0,"logo":"","longitude":0,"mobile":"","nickName":"","openEndTime":{"hour":0,"minute":0,"nano":0,"second":0},"openStartTime":{"hour":0,"minute":0,"nano":0,"second":0},"posType":{"code":"NORMALSTORE","desc":""},"province":"","refundAddress":"","refundContact":"","refundTel":"","remark":"","shipAddress":"","storeName":"","tenantCode":"","updateTime":"","updateUser":0,"useErp":true}],"tenantCode":"","updateTime":"","updateUser":0,"useEndTime":"","useStartTime":"","useTime":""}
/// defaultPostAge : 0
/// deliveryDistance : 0
/// freePostAge : 0
/// id : 0
/// isAutoSendRefundAddress : 0
/// latitude : 0
/// logisticsFreePostAge : 0
/// logisticsThreshold : 0
/// logo : ""
/// longitude : 0
/// mobile : ""
/// nickName : ""
/// openEndTime : {"hour":0,"minute":0,"nano":0,"second":0}
/// openStartTime : {"hour":0,"minute":0,"nano":0,"second":0}
/// refundAddress : ""
/// refundContact : ""
/// refundTel : ""
/// remark : ""
/// shipAddress : ""
/// soldNum : 0
/// storeBrandImg : ""
/// storeName : ""
/// storeTable : {"areaId":0,"createTime":"","createUser":0,"id":0,"isDelete":0,"numberOfPeople":0,"remark":"","storeId":0,"tableCapacity":0,"tableName":"","tableSort":0,"tableType":0,"tenantCode":"","updateTime":"","updateUser":0}
/// storeTemplateConfig : ""
/// threshold : 0
/// tips : ""
class StoreVO {
List<Banners> _banners;
String _businessService;
CouponVO _couponVO;
String _defaultPostAge;
String _deliveryDistance;
String _freePostAge;
String _id;
int _isAutoSendRefundAddress;
String _latitude;
String _logisticsFreePostAge;
String _logisticsThreshold;
String _logo;
String _longitude;
String _mobile;
String _nickName;
String _openEndTime;
String _openStartTime;
String _refundAddress;
String _refundContact;
String _refundTel;
String _remark;
String _shipAddress;
String _soldNum;
String _storeBrandImg;
String _storeName;
StoreTable _storeTable;
String _storeTemplateConfig;
String _threshold;
PosType _posType;
String _tips;
List<Banners> get banners => _banners;
String get businessService => _businessService;
CouponVO get couponVO => _couponVO;
String get defaultPostAge => _defaultPostAge;
String get deliveryDistance => _deliveryDistance;
String get freePostAge => _freePostAge;
String get id => _id;
int get isAutoSendRefundAddress => _isAutoSendRefundAddress;
String get latitude => _latitude;
String get logisticsFreePostAge => _logisticsFreePostAge;
String get logisticsThreshold => _logisticsThreshold;
String get logo => _logo;
String get longitude => _longitude;
String get mobile => _mobile;
String get nickName => _nickName;
String get openEndTime => _openEndTime;
String get openStartTime => _openStartTime;
String get refundAddress => _refundAddress;
String get refundContact => _refundContact;
String get refundTel => _refundTel;
String get remark => _remark;
String get shipAddress => _shipAddress;
String get soldNum => _soldNum;
String get storeBrandImg => _storeBrandImg;
String get storeName => _storeName;
StoreTable get storeTable => _storeTable;
String get storeTemplateConfig => _storeTemplateConfig;
String get threshold => _threshold;
String get tips => _tips;
PosType get posType => _posType;
{List<Banners> banners,
String businessService,
CouponVO couponVO,
String defaultPostAge,
String deliveryDistance,
String freePostAge,
String id,
int isAutoSendRefundAddress,
String latitude,
String logisticsFreePostAge,
String logisticsThreshold,
String logo,
String longitude,
String mobile,
String nickName,
String openEndTime,
String openStartTime,
String refundAddress,
String refundContact,
String refundTel,
String remark,
String shipAddress,
String soldNum,
String storeBrandImg,
String storeName,
StoreTable storeTable,
String storeTemplateConfig,
String threshold,
PosType posType,
String tips}) {
_banners = banners;
_businessService = businessService;
_couponVO = couponVO;
_defaultPostAge = defaultPostAge;
_deliveryDistance = deliveryDistance;
_freePostAge = freePostAge;
_id = id;
_isAutoSendRefundAddress = isAutoSendRefundAddress;
_latitude = latitude;
_logisticsFreePostAge = logisticsFreePostAge;
_logisticsThreshold = logisticsThreshold;
_logo = logo;
_longitude = longitude;
_mobile = mobile;
_nickName = nickName;
_openEndTime = openEndTime;
_openStartTime = openStartTime;
_refundAddress = refundAddress;
_refundContact = refundContact;
_refundTel = refundTel;
_remark = remark;
_shipAddress = shipAddress;
_soldNum = soldNum;
_storeBrandImg = storeBrandImg;
_storeName = storeName;
_storeTable = storeTable;
_storeTemplateConfig = storeTemplateConfig;
_threshold = threshold;
_posType = posType;
_tips = tips;
StoreVO.fromJson(dynamic json) {
if (json["banners"] != null) {
_banners = [];
json["banners"].forEach((v) {
_businessService = json["businessService"];
_couponVO =
json["couponVO"] != null ? CouponVO.fromJson(json["couponVO"]) : null;
_defaultPostAge = json["defaultPostAge"];
_deliveryDistance = json["deliveryDistance"];
_freePostAge = json["freePostAge"];
_id = json["id"];
_isAutoSendRefundAddress = json["isAutoSendRefundAddress"];
_latitude = json["latitude"];
_logisticsFreePostAge = json["logisticsFreePostAge"];
_logisticsThreshold = json["logisticsThreshold"];
_logo = json["logo"];
_longitude = json["longitude"];
_mobile = json["mobile"];
_nickName = json["nickName"];
_openEndTime = json["openEndTime"];
_openStartTime = json["openStartTime"];
_refundAddress = json["refundAddress"];
_refundContact = json["refundContact"];
_refundTel = json["refundTel"];
_remark = json["remark"];
_shipAddress = json["shipAddress"];
_soldNum = json["soldNum"];
_storeBrandImg = json["storeBrandImg"];
_storeName = json["storeName"];
_storeTable = json["storeTable"] != null
? StoreTable.fromJson(json["storeTable"])
: null;
_storeTemplateConfig = json["storeTemplateConfig"];
_threshold = json["threshold"];
_posType =
json["posType"] != null ? PosType.fromJson(json["posType"]) : null;
_tips = json["tips"];
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
var map = <String, dynamic>{};
if (_banners != null) {
map["banners"] = => v.toJson()).toList();
map["businessService"] = _businessService;
if (_couponVO != null) {
map["couponVO"] = _couponVO.toJson();
map["defaultPostAge"] = _defaultPostAge;
map["deliveryDistance"] = _deliveryDistance;
map["freePostAge"] = _freePostAge;
map["id"] = _id;
map["isAutoSendRefundAddress"] = _isAutoSendRefundAddress;
map["latitude"] = _latitude;
map["logisticsFreePostAge"] = _logisticsFreePostAge;
map["logisticsThreshold"] = _logisticsThreshold;
map["logo"] = _logo;
map["longitude"] = _longitude;
map["mobile"] = _mobile;
map["nickName"] = _nickName;
map["openEndTime"] = _openEndTime;
map["openStartTime"] = _openStartTime;
map["refundAddress"] = _refundAddress;
map["refundContact"] = _refundContact;
map["refundTel"] = _refundTel;
map["remark"] = _remark;
map["shipAddress"] = _shipAddress;
map["soldNum"] = _soldNum;
map["storeBrandImg"] = _storeBrandImg;
map["storeName"] = _storeName;
if (_storeTable != null) {
map["storeTable"] = _storeTable.toJson();
map["storeTemplateConfig"] = _storeTemplateConfig;
map["threshold"] = _threshold;
map["tips"] = _tips;
map["posType"] = _posType;
return map;
/// areaId : 0
/// createTime : ""
/// createUser : 0
/// id : 0
/// isDelete : 0
/// numberOfPeople : 0
/// remark : ""
/// storeId : 0
/// tableCapacity : 0
/// tableName : ""
/// tableSort : 0
/// tableType : 0
/// tenantCode : ""
/// updateTime : ""
/// updateUser : 0
class StoreTable {
String _areaId;
String _createTime;
String _createUser;
String _id;
String _isDelete;
String _numberOfPeople;
String _remark;
String _storeId;
String _tableCapacity;
String _tableName;
String _tableSort;
String _tableType;
String _tenantCode;
String _updateTime;
String _updateUser;
String get areaId => _areaId;
String get createTime => _createTime;
String get createUser => _createUser;
String get id => _id;
String get isDelete => _isDelete;
String get numberOfPeople => _numberOfPeople;
String get remark => _remark;
String get storeId => _storeId;
String get tableCapacity => _tableCapacity;
String get tableName => _tableName;
String get tableSort => _tableSort;
String get tableType => _tableType;
String get tenantCode => _tenantCode;
String get updateTime => _updateTime;
String get updateUser => _updateUser;
{String areaId,
String createTime,
String createUser,
String id,
String isDelete,
String numberOfPeople,
String remark,
String storeId,
String tableCapacity,
String tableName,
String tableSort,
String tableType,
String tenantCode,
String updateTime,
String updateUser}) {
_areaId = areaId;
_createTime = createTime;
_createUser = createUser;
_id = id;
_isDelete = isDelete;
_numberOfPeople = numberOfPeople;
_remark = remark;
_storeId = storeId;
_tableCapacity = tableCapacity;
_tableName = tableName;
_tableSort = tableSort;
_tableType = tableType;
_tenantCode = tenantCode;
_updateTime = updateTime;
_updateUser = updateUser;
StoreTable.fromJson(dynamic json) {
_areaId = json["areaId"];
_createTime = json["createTime"];
_createUser = json["createUser"];
_id = json["id"];
_isDelete = json["isDelete"];
_numberOfPeople = json["numberOfPeople"];
_remark = json["remark"];
_storeId = json["storeId"];
_tableCapacity = json["tableCapacity"];
_tableName = json["tableName"];
_tableSort = json["tableSort"];
_tableType = json["tableType"];
_tenantCode = json["tenantCode"];
_updateTime = json["updateTime"];
_updateUser = json["updateUser"];
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
var map = <String, dynamic>{};
map["areaId"] = _areaId;
map["createTime"] = _createTime;
map["createUser"] = _createUser;
map["id"] = _id;
map["isDelete"] = _isDelete;
map["numberOfPeople"] = _numberOfPeople;
map["remark"] = _remark;
map["storeId"] = _storeId;
map["tableCapacity"] = _tableCapacity;
map["tableName"] = _tableName;
map["tableSort"] = _tableSort;
map["tableType"] = _tableType;
map["tenantCode"] = _tenantCode;
map["updateTime"] = _updateTime;
map["updateUser"] = _updateUser;
return map;
/// bizId : ""
/// bizType : 0
/// centreDisplay : true
/// couponDescription : ""
/// couponImg : ""
/// couponName : ""
/// createTime : ""
/// createUser : 0
/// dateOrDay : true
/// daysValidate : 0
/// discountAmount : 0
/// discountPercent : 0
/// fullAmount : 0
/// id : 0
/// isDelete : 0
/// memberCouponId : 0
/// promotionId : 0
/// publishEndTime : ""
/// publishStartTime : ""
/// receiveTime : ""
/// received : true
/// startAfterDays : 0
/// status : 0
/// storeList : [{"address":"","businessService":"","city":"","createTime":"","createUser":0,"deliveryInfo":{"dadaRegStatus":true,"dadaSourceId":"","dadaStatus":true,"dianwodaRegStatus":true,"dianwodaStatus":true,"meituanRegStatus":true,"meituanStatus":true},"district":"","headMobile":"","headName":"","id":0,"isAutoSendRefundAddress":0,"latitude":0,"logo":"","longitude":0,"mobile":"","nickName":"","openEndTime":{"hour":0,"minute":0,"nano":0,"second":0},"openStartTime":{"hour":0,"minute":0,"nano":0,"second":0},"posType":{"code":"NORMALSTORE","desc":""},"province":"","refundAddress":"","refundContact":"","refundTel":"","remark":"","shipAddress":"","storeName":"","tenantCode":"","updateTime":"","updateUser":0,"useErp":true}]
/// tenantCode : ""
/// updateTime : ""
/// updateUser : 0
/// useEndTime : ""
/// useStartTime : ""
/// useTime : ""
class CouponVO {
String _bizId;
String _bizType;
bool _centreDisplay;
String _couponDescription;
String _couponImg;
String _couponName;
String _createTime;
String _createUser;
bool _dateOrDay;
String _daysValidate;
String _discountAmount;
String _discountPercent;
String _fullAmount;
String _id;
String _isDelete;
String _memberCouponId;
String _promotionId;
String _publishEndTime;
String _publishStartTime;
String _receiveTime;
bool _received;
String _startAfterDays;
String _status;
List<StoreList> _storeList;
String _tenantCode;
String _updateTime;
String _updateUser;
String _useEndTime;
String _useStartTime;
String _useTime;
String get bizId => _bizId;
String get bizType => _bizType;
bool get centreDisplay => _centreDisplay;
String get couponDescription => _couponDescription;
String get couponImg => _couponImg;
String get couponName => _couponName;
String get createTime => _createTime;
String get createUser => _createUser;
bool get dateOrDay => _dateOrDay;
String get daysValidate => _daysValidate;
String get discountAmount => _discountAmount;
String get discountPercent => _discountPercent;
String get fullAmount => _fullAmount;
String get id => _id;
String get isDelete => _isDelete;
String get memberCouponId => _memberCouponId;
String get promotionId => _promotionId;
String get publishEndTime => _publishEndTime;
String get publishStartTime => _publishStartTime;
String get receiveTime => _receiveTime;
bool get received => _received;
String get startAfterDays => _startAfterDays;
String get status => _status;
List<StoreList> get storeList => _storeList;
String get tenantCode => _tenantCode;
String get updateTime => _updateTime;
String get updateUser => _updateUser;
String get useEndTime => _useEndTime;
String get useStartTime => _useStartTime;
String get useTime => _useTime;
{String bizId,
String bizType,
bool centreDisplay,
String couponDescription,
String couponImg,
String couponName,
String createTime,
String createUser,
bool dateOrDay,
String daysValidate,
String discountAmount,
String discountPercent,
String fullAmount,
String id,
String isDelete,
String memberCouponId,
String promotionId,
String publishEndTime,
String publishStartTime,
String receiveTime,
bool received,
String startAfterDays,
String status,
List<StoreList> storeList,
String tenantCode,
String updateTime,
String updateUser,
String useEndTime,
String useStartTime,
String useTime}) {
_bizId = bizId;
_bizType = bizType;
_centreDisplay = centreDisplay;
_couponDescription = couponDescription;
_couponImg = couponImg;
_couponName = couponName;
_createTime = createTime;
_createUser = createUser;
_dateOrDay = dateOrDay;
_daysValidate = daysValidate;
_discountAmount = discountAmount;
_discountPercent = discountPercent;
_fullAmount = fullAmount;
_id = id;
_isDelete = isDelete;
_memberCouponId = memberCouponId;
_promotionId = promotionId;
_publishEndTime = publishEndTime;
_publishStartTime = publishStartTime;
_receiveTime = receiveTime;
_received = received;
_startAfterDays = startAfterDays;
_status = status;
_storeList = storeList;
_tenantCode = tenantCode;
_updateTime = updateTime;
_updateUser = updateUser;
_useEndTime = useEndTime;
_useStartTime = useStartTime;
_useTime = useTime;
CouponVO.fromJson(dynamic json) {
_bizId = json["bizId"];
_bizType = json["bizType"];
_centreDisplay = json["centreDisplay"];
_couponDescription = json["couponDescription"];
_couponImg = json["couponImg"];
_couponName = json["couponName"];
_createTime = json["createTime"];
_createUser = json["createUser"];
_dateOrDay = json["dateOrDay"];
_daysValidate = json["daysValidate"];
_discountAmount = json["discountAmount"];
_discountPercent = json["discountPercent"];
_fullAmount = json["fullAmount"];
_id = json["id"];
_isDelete = json["isDelete"];
_memberCouponId = json["memberCouponId"];
_promotionId = json["promotionId"];
_publishEndTime = json["publishEndTime"];
_publishStartTime = json["publishStartTime"];
_receiveTime = json["receiveTime"];
_received = json["received"];
_startAfterDays = json["startAfterDays"];
_status = json["status"];
if (json["storeList"] != null) {
_storeList = [];
json["storeList"].forEach((v) {
_tenantCode = json["tenantCode"];
_updateTime = json["updateTime"];
_updateUser = json["updateUser"];
_useEndTime = json["useEndTime"];
_useStartTime = json["useStartTime"];
_useTime = json["useTime"];
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
var map = <String, dynamic>{};
map["bizId"] = _bizId;
map["bizType"] = _bizType;
map["centreDisplay"] = _centreDisplay;
map["couponDescription"] = _couponDescription;
map["couponImg"] = _couponImg;
map["couponName"] = _couponName;
map["createTime"] = _createTime;
map["createUser"] = _createUser;
map["dateOrDay"] = _dateOrDay;
map["daysValidate"] = _daysValidate;
map["discountAmount"] = _discountAmount;
map["discountPercent"] = _discountPercent;
map["fullAmount"] = _fullAmount;
map["id"] = _id;
map["isDelete"] = _isDelete;
map["memberCouponId"] = _memberCouponId;
map["promotionId"] = _promotionId;
map["publishEndTime"] = _publishEndTime;
map["publishStartTime"] = _publishStartTime;
map["receiveTime"] = _receiveTime;
map["received"] = _received;
map["startAfterDays"] = _startAfterDays;
map["status"] = _status;
if (_storeList != null) {
map["storeList"] = => v.toJson()).toList();
map["tenantCode"] = _tenantCode;
map["updateTime"] = _updateTime;
map["updateUser"] = _updateUser;
map["useEndTime"] = _useEndTime;
map["useStartTime"] = _useStartTime;
map["useTime"] = _useTime;
return map;
/// address : ""
/// businessService : ""
/// city : ""
/// createTime : ""
/// createUser : 0
/// deliveryInfo : {"dadaRegStatus":true,"dadaSourceId":"","dadaStatus":true,"dianwodaRegStatus":true,"dianwodaStatus":true,"meituanRegStatus":true,"meituanStatus":true}
/// district : ""
/// headMobile : ""
/// headName : ""
/// id : 0
/// isAutoSendRefundAddress : 0
/// latitude : 0
/// logo : ""
/// longitude : 0
/// mobile : ""
/// nickName : ""
/// openEndTime : {"hour":0,"minute":0,"nano":0,"second":0}
/// openStartTime : {"hour":0,"minute":0,"nano":0,"second":0}
/// posType : {"code":"NORMALSTORE","desc":""}
/// province : ""
/// refundAddress : ""
/// refundContact : ""
/// refundTel : ""
/// remark : ""
/// shipAddress : ""
/// storeName : ""
/// tenantCode : ""
/// updateTime : ""
/// updateUser : 0
/// useErp : true
class StoreList {
String _address;
String _businessService;
String _city;
String _createTime;
String _createUser;
DeliveryInfo _deliveryInfo;
String _district;
String _headMobile;
String _headName;
String _id;
String _isAutoSendRefundAddress;
String _latitude;
String _logo;
String _longitude;
String _mobile;
String _nickName;
String _openEndTime;
String _openStartTime;
PosType _posType;
String _province;
String _refundAddress;
String _refundContact;
String _refundTel;
String _remark;
String _shipAddress;
String _storeName;
String _tenantCode;
String _updateTime;
String _updateUser;
bool _useErp;
String get address => _address;
String get businessService => _businessService;
String get city => _city;
String get createTime => _createTime;
String get createUser => _createUser;
DeliveryInfo get deliveryInfo => _deliveryInfo;
String get district => _district;
String get headMobile => _headMobile;
String get headName => _headName;
String get id => _id;
String get isAutoSendRefundAddress => _isAutoSendRefundAddress;
String get latitude => _latitude;
String get logo => _logo;
String get longitude => _longitude;
String get mobile => _mobile;
String get nickName => _nickName;
String get openEndTime => _openEndTime;
String get openStartTime => _openStartTime;
PosType get posType => _posType;
String get province => _province;
String get refundAddress => _refundAddress;
String get refundContact => _refundContact;
String get refundTel => _refundTel;
String get remark => _remark;
String get shipAddress => _shipAddress;
String get storeName => _storeName;
String get tenantCode => _tenantCode;
String get updateTime => _updateTime;
String get updateUser => _updateUser;
bool get useErp => _useErp;
{String address,
String businessService,
String city,
String createTime,
String createUser,
DeliveryInfo deliveryInfo,
String district,
String headMobile,
String headName,
String id,
String isAutoSendRefundAddress,
String latitude,
String logo,
String longitude,
String mobile,
String nickName,
String openEndTime,
String openStartTime,
PosType posType,
String province,
String refundAddress,
String refundContact,
String refundTel,
String remark,
String shipAddress,
String storeName,
String tenantCode,
String updateTime,
String updateUser,
bool useErp}) {
_address = address;
_businessService = businessService;
_city = city;
_createTime = createTime;
_createUser = createUser;
_deliveryInfo = deliveryInfo;
_district = district;
_headMobile = headMobile;
_headName = headName;
_id = id;
_isAutoSendRefundAddress = isAutoSendRefundAddress;
_latitude = latitude;
_logo = logo;
_longitude = longitude;
_mobile = mobile;
_nickName = nickName;
_openEndTime = openEndTime;
_openStartTime = openStartTime;
_posType = posType;
_province = province;
_refundAddress = refundAddress;
_refundContact = refundContact;
_refundTel = refundTel;
_remark = remark;
_shipAddress = shipAddress;
_storeName = storeName;
_tenantCode = tenantCode;
_updateTime = updateTime;
_updateUser = updateUser;
_useErp = useErp;
StoreList.fromJson(dynamic json) {
_address = json["address"];
_businessService = json["businessService"];
_city = json["city"];
_createTime = json["createTime"];
_createUser = json["createUser"];
_deliveryInfo = json["deliveryInfo"] != null
? DeliveryInfo.fromJson(json["deliveryInfo"])
: null;
_district = json["district"];
_headMobile = json["headMobile"];
_headName = json["headName"];
_id = json["id"];
_isAutoSendRefundAddress = json["isAutoSendRefundAddress"];
_latitude = json["latitude"];
_logo = json["logo"];
_longitude = json["longitude"];
_mobile = json["mobile"];
_nickName = json["nickName"];
_openEndTime = json["openEndTime"];
_openStartTime = json["openStartTime"];
_posType =
json["posType"] != null ? PosType.fromJson(json["posType"]) : null;
_province = json["province"];
_refundAddress = json["refundAddress"];
_refundContact = json["refundContact"];
_refundTel = json["refundTel"];
_remark = json["remark"];
_shipAddress = json["shipAddress"];
_storeName = json["storeName"];
_tenantCode = json["tenantCode"];
_updateTime = json["updateTime"];
_updateUser = json["updateUser"];
_useErp = json["useErp"];
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
var map = <String, dynamic>{};
map["address"] = _address;
map["businessService"] = _businessService;
map["city"] = _city;
map["createTime"] = _createTime;
map["createUser"] = _createUser;
if (_deliveryInfo != null) {
map["deliveryInfo"] = _deliveryInfo.toJson();
map["district"] = _district;
map["headMobile"] = _headMobile;
map["headName"] = _headName;
map["id"] = _id;
map["isAutoSendRefundAddress"] = _isAutoSendRefundAddress;
map["latitude"] = _latitude;
map["logo"] = _logo;
map["longitude"] = _longitude;
map["mobile"] = _mobile;
map["nickName"] = _nickName;
map["openEndTime"] = _openEndTime;
map["openStartTime"] = _openStartTime;
if (_posType != null) {
map["posType"] = _posType.toJson();
map["province"] = _province;
map["refundAddress"] = _refundAddress;
map["refundContact"] = _refundContact;
map["refundTel"] = _refundTel;
map["remark"] = _remark;
map["shipAddress"] = _shipAddress;
map["storeName"] = _storeName;
map["tenantCode"] = _tenantCode;
map["updateTime"] = _updateTime;
map["updateUser"] = _updateUser;
map["useErp"] = _useErp;
return map;
/// code : "NORMALSTORE"
/// desc : ""
class PosType {
String _code;
String _desc;
String get code => _code;
String get desc => _desc;
PosType({String code, String desc}) {
_code = code;
_desc = desc;
PosType.fromJson(dynamic json) {
_code = json["code"];
_desc = json["desc"];
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
var map = <String, dynamic>{};
map["code"] = _code;
map["desc"] = _desc;
return map;
/// dadaRegStatus : true
/// dadaSourceId : ""
/// dadaStatus : true
/// dianwodaRegStatus : true
/// dianwodaStatus : true
/// meituanRegStatus : true
/// meituanStatus : true
class DeliveryInfo {
bool _dadaRegStatus;
String _dadaSourceId;
bool _dadaStatus;
bool _dianwodaRegStatus;
bool _dianwodaStatus;
bool _meituanRegStatus;
bool _meituanStatus;
bool get dadaRegStatus => _dadaRegStatus;
String get dadaSourceId => _dadaSourceId;
bool get dadaStatus => _dadaStatus;
bool get dianwodaRegStatus => _dianwodaRegStatus;
bool get dianwodaStatus => _dianwodaStatus;
bool get meituanRegStatus => _meituanRegStatus;
bool get meituanStatus => _meituanStatus;
{bool dadaRegStatus,
String dadaSourceId,
bool dadaStatus,
bool dianwodaRegStatus,
bool dianwodaStatus,
bool meituanRegStatus,
bool meituanStatus}) {
_dadaRegStatus = dadaRegStatus;
_dadaSourceId = dadaSourceId;
_dadaStatus = dadaStatus;
_dianwodaRegStatus = dianwodaRegStatus;
_dianwodaStatus = dianwodaStatus;
_meituanRegStatus = meituanRegStatus;
_meituanStatus = meituanStatus;
DeliveryInfo.fromJson(dynamic json) {
_dadaRegStatus = json["dadaRegStatus"];
_dadaSourceId = json["dadaSourceId"];
_dadaStatus = json["dadaStatus"];
_dianwodaRegStatus = json["dianwodaRegStatus"];
_dianwodaStatus = json["dianwodaStatus"];
_meituanRegStatus = json["meituanRegStatus"];
_meituanStatus = json["meituanStatus"];
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
var map = <String, dynamic>{};
map["dadaRegStatus"] = _dadaRegStatus;
map["dadaSourceId"] = _dadaSourceId;
map["dadaStatus"] = _dadaStatus;
map["dianwodaRegStatus"] = _dianwodaRegStatus;
map["dianwodaStatus"] = _dianwodaStatus;
map["meituanRegStatus"] = _meituanRegStatus;
map["meituanStatus"] = _meituanStatus;
return map;
/// content : ""
/// createTime : ""
/// createUser : 0
/// id : 0
/// imgUrl : ""
/// isDelete : true
/// storeId : 0
/// tenantCode : ""
/// type : ""
/// updateTime : ""
/// updateUser : 0
class Banners {
String _content;
String _createTime;
String _createUser;
String _id;
String _imgUrl;
bool _isDelete;
String _storeId;
String _tenantCode;
String _type;
String _updateTime;
String _updateUser;
String get content => _content;
String get createTime => _createTime;
String get createUser => _createUser;
String get id => _id;
String get imgUrl => _imgUrl;
bool get isDelete => _isDelete;
String get storeId => _storeId;
String get tenantCode => _tenantCode;
String get type => _type;
String get updateTime => _updateTime;
String get updateUser => _updateUser;
{String content,
String createTime,
String createUser,
String id,
String imgUrl,
bool isDelete,
String storeId,
String tenantCode,
String type,
String updateTime,
String updateUser}) {
_content = content;
_createTime = createTime;
_createUser = createUser;
_id = id;
_imgUrl = imgUrl;
_isDelete = isDelete;
_storeId = storeId;
_tenantCode = tenantCode;
_type = type;
_updateTime = updateTime;
_updateUser = updateUser;
Banners.fromJson(dynamic json) {
_content = json["content"];
_createTime = json["createTime"];
_createUser = json["createUser"];
_id = json["id"];
_imgUrl = json["imgUrl"];
_isDelete = json["isDelete"];
_storeId = json["storeId"];
_tenantCode = json["tenantCode"];
_type = json["type"];
_updateTime = json["updateTime"];
_updateUser = json["updateUser"];
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
var map = <String, dynamic>{};
map["content"] = _content;
map["createTime"] = _createTime;
map["createUser"] = _createUser;
map["id"] = _id;
map["imgUrl"] = _imgUrl;
map["isDelete"] = _isDelete;
map["storeId"] = _storeId;
map["tenantCode"] = _tenantCode;
map["type"] = _type;
map["updateTime"] = _updateTime;
map["updateUser"] = _updateUser;
return map;
/// activityName : ""
/// activityNoPrice : 0
/// activityPrice : 0
/// couponDTO : {"money":0,"name":"","num":0,"receiveMoney":0}
/// customPrice : 0
/// discountMoney : 0
/// discountName : ""
/// discountNumber : 0
/// dishesList : [{"buyNum":0,"productName":"","subMoney":0}]
/// isSubscribe : true
/// isTakeOut : 0
/// logisticsName : ""
/// logisticsNum : ""
/// memberRec : {"rec_address":"","rec_mobile":"","rec_name":""}
/// nextPerson : ""
/// orderProductList : [{"applyPrice":0,"buyNum":0,"discountAmount":0,"discountPercent":0,"id":0,"isDelete":0,"orderId":0,"platterList":[{"id":0,"productId":0,"required":true,"skuId":0,"skuName":""}],"postPay":0,"productId":0,"productName":"","refundNum":0,"sellPrice":0,"skuId":0,"skuImg":"","skuNameStr":"","storeId":0,"tenantCode":"","weight":0}]
/// orderSumPrice : 0
/// paySumPrice : 0
/// postFee : 0
/// shipperCode : ""
/// subcribeTime : ""
class DetailDTO {
String _activityName;
String _activityNoPrice;
String _activityPrice;
CouponDTO _couponDTO;
String _customPrice;
String _discountMoney;
String _discountName;
String _discountNumber;
List<DishesList> _dishesList;
bool _isSubscribe;
int _isTakeOut;
String _logisticsName;
String _logisticsNum;
MemberRec _memberRec;
String _nextPerson;
List<OrderProductList> _orderProductList;
String _orderSumPrice;
String _paySumPrice;
String _postFee;
String _shipperCode;
String _subcribeTime;
String get activityName => _activityName;
String get activityNoPrice => _activityNoPrice;
String get activityPrice => _activityPrice;
CouponDTO get couponDTO => _couponDTO;
String get customPrice => _customPrice;
String get discountMoney => _discountMoney;
String get discountName => _discountName;
String get discountNumber => _discountNumber;
List<DishesList> get dishesList => _dishesList;
bool get isSubscribe => _isSubscribe;
int get isTakeOut => _isTakeOut;
String get logisticsName => _logisticsName;
String get logisticsNum => _logisticsNum;
MemberRec get memberRec => _memberRec;
String get nextPerson => _nextPerson;
List<OrderProductList> get orderProductList => _orderProductList;
String get orderSumPrice => _orderSumPrice;
String get paySumPrice => _paySumPrice;
String get postFee => _postFee;
String get shipperCode => _shipperCode;
String get subcribeTime => _subcribeTime;
{String activityName,
String activityNoPrice,
String activityPrice,
CouponDTO couponDTO,
String customPrice,
String discountMoney,
String discountName,
String discountNumber,
List<DishesList> dishesList,
bool isSubscribe,
int isTakeOut,
String logisticsName,
String logisticsNum,
MemberRec memberRec,
String nextPerson,
List<OrderProductList> orderProductList,
String orderSumPrice,
String paySumPrice,
String postFee,
String shipperCode,
String subcribeTime}) {
_activityName = activityName;
_activityNoPrice = activityNoPrice;
_activityPrice = activityPrice;
_couponDTO = couponDTO;
_customPrice = customPrice;
_discountMoney = discountMoney;
_discountName = discountName;
_discountNumber = discountNumber;
_dishesList = dishesList;
_isSubscribe = isSubscribe;
_isTakeOut = isTakeOut;
_logisticsName = logisticsName;
_logisticsNum = logisticsNum;
_memberRec = memberRec;
_nextPerson = nextPerson;
_orderProductList = orderProductList;
_orderSumPrice = orderSumPrice;
_paySumPrice = paySumPrice;
_postFee = postFee;
_shipperCode = shipperCode;
_subcribeTime = subcribeTime;
DetailDTO.fromJson(dynamic json) {
_activityName = json["activityName"];
_activityNoPrice = json["activityNoPrice"];
_activityPrice = json["activityPrice"];
_couponDTO = json["couponDTO"] != null
? CouponDTO.fromJson(json["couponDTO"])
: null;
_customPrice = json["customPrice"];
_discountMoney = json["discountMoney"];
_discountName = json["discountName"];
_discountNumber = json["discountNumber"];
if (json["dishesList"] != null) {
_dishesList = [];
json["dishesList"].forEach((v) {
_isSubscribe = json["isSubscribe"];
_isTakeOut = json["isTakeOut"];
_logisticsName = json["logisticsName"];
_logisticsNum = json["logisticsNum"];
_memberRec = json["memberRec"] != null
? MemberRec.fromJson(json["memberRec"])
: null;
_nextPerson = json["nextPerson"];
if (json["orderProductList"] != null) {
_orderProductList = [];
json["orderProductList"].forEach((v) {
_orderSumPrice = json["orderSumPrice"];
_paySumPrice = json["paySumPrice"];
_postFee = json["postFee"];
_shipperCode = json["shipperCode"];
_subcribeTime = json["subcribeTime"];
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
var map = <String, dynamic>{};
map["activityName"] = _activityName;
map["activityNoPrice"] = _activityNoPrice;
map["activityPrice"] = _activityPrice;
if (_couponDTO != null) {
map["couponDTO"] = _couponDTO.toJson();
map["customPrice"] = _customPrice;
map["discountMoney"] = _discountMoney;
map["discountName"] = _discountName;
map["discountNumber"] = _discountNumber;
if (_dishesList != null) {
map["dishesList"] = => v.toJson()).toList();
map["isSubscribe"] = _isSubscribe;
map["isTakeOut"] = _isTakeOut;
map["logisticsName"] = _logisticsName;
map["logisticsNum"] = _logisticsNum;
if (_memberRec != null) {
map["memberRec"] = _memberRec.toJson();
map["nextPerson"] = _nextPerson;
if (_orderProductList != null) {
map["orderProductList"] = => v.toJson()).toList();
map["orderSumPrice"] = _orderSumPrice;
map["paySumPrice"] = _paySumPrice;
map["postFee"] = _postFee;
map["shipperCode"] = _shipperCode;
map["subcribeTime"] = _subcribeTime;
return map;
/// applyPrice : 0
/// buyNum : 0
/// discountAmount : 0
/// discountPercent : 0
/// id : 0
/// isDelete : 0
/// orderId : 0
/// platterList : [{"id":0,"productId":0,"required":true,"skuId":0,"skuName":""}]
/// postPay : 0
/// productId : 0
/// productName : "1"
/// refundNum : 0
/// sellPrice : 0
/// skuId : 0
/// skuImg : ""
/// skuNameStr : ""
/// storeId : 0
/// tenantCode : ""
/// weight : 0
class OrderProductList {
String _applyPrice;
int _buyNum;
String _discountAmount;
int _discountPercent;
String _id;
int _isDelete;
String _orderId;
List<PlatterList> _platterList;
String _postPay;
String _productId;
String _productName;
int _refundNum;
String _sellPrice;
String _skuId;
String _skuImg;
String _skuNameStr;
String _storeId;
String _tenantCode;
double _weight;
String get applyPrice => _applyPrice;
int get buyNum => _buyNum;
String get discountAmount => _discountAmount;
int get discountPercent => _discountPercent;
String get id => _id;
int get isDelete => _isDelete;
String get orderId => _orderId;
List<PlatterList> get platterList => _platterList;
String get postPay => _postPay;
String get productId => _productId;
String get productName => _productName;
int get refundNum => _refundNum;
String get sellPrice => _sellPrice;
String get skuId => _skuId;
String get skuImg => _skuImg;
String get skuNameStr => _skuNameStr;
String get storeId => _storeId;
String get tenantCode => _tenantCode;
double get weight => _weight;
{String applyPrice,
int buyNum,
String discountAmount,
int discountPercent,
String id,
int isDelete,
String orderId,
List<PlatterList> platterList,
String postPay,
String productId,
String productName,
int refundNum,
String sellPrice,
String skuId,
String skuImg,
String skuNameStr,
String storeId,
String tenantCode,
double weight}) {
_applyPrice = applyPrice;
_buyNum = buyNum;
_discountAmount = discountAmount;
_discountPercent = discountPercent;
_id = id;
_isDelete = isDelete;
_orderId = orderId;
_platterList = platterList;
_postPay = postPay;
_productId = productId;
_productName = productName;
_refundNum = refundNum;
_sellPrice = sellPrice;
_skuId = skuId;
_skuImg = skuImg;
_skuNameStr = skuNameStr;
_storeId = storeId;
_tenantCode = tenantCode;
_weight = weight;
OrderProductList.fromJson(dynamic json) {
_applyPrice = json["applyPrice"];
_buyNum = json["buyNum"];
_discountAmount = json["discountAmount"];
_discountPercent = json["discountPercent"];
_id = json["id"];
_isDelete = json["isDelete"];
_orderId = json["orderId"];
if (json["platterList"] != null) {
_platterList = [];
json["platterList"].forEach((v) {
_postPay = json["postPay"];
_productId = json["productId"];
_productName = json["productName"];
_refundNum = json["refundNum"];
_sellPrice = json["sellPrice"];
_skuId = json["skuId"];
_skuImg = json["skuImg"];
_skuNameStr = json["skuNameStr"];
_storeId = json["storeId"];
_tenantCode = json["tenantCode"];
_weight = json["weight"];
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
var map = <String, dynamic>{};
map["applyPrice"] = _applyPrice;
map["buyNum"] = _buyNum;
map["discountAmount"] = _discountAmount;
map["discountPercent"] = _discountPercent;
map["id"] = _id;
map["isDelete"] = _isDelete;
map["orderId"] = _orderId;
if (_platterList != null) {
map["platterList"] = => v.toJson()).toList();
map["postPay"] = _postPay;
map["productId"] = _productId;
map["productName"] = _productName;
map["refundNum"] = _refundNum;
map["sellPrice"] = _sellPrice;
map["skuId"] = _skuId;
map["skuImg"] = _skuImg;
map["skuNameStr"] = _skuNameStr;
map["storeId"] = _storeId;
map["tenantCode"] = _tenantCode;
map["weight"] = _weight;
return map;
/// id : 0
/// productId : 0
/// required : true
/// skuId : 0
/// skuName : ""
class PlatterList {
String _id;
String _productId;
bool _required;
String _skuId;
String _skuName;
String get id => _id;
String get productId => _productId;
bool get required => _required;
String get skuId => _skuId;
String get skuName => _skuName;
{String id,
String productId,
bool required,
String skuId,
String skuName}) {
_id = id;
_productId = productId;
_required = required;
_skuId = skuId;
_skuName = skuName;
PlatterList.fromJson(dynamic json) {
_id = json["id"];
_productId = json["productId"];
_required = json["required"];
_skuId = json["skuId"];
_skuName = json["skuName"];
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
var map = <String, dynamic>{};
map["id"] = _id;
map["productId"] = _productId;
map["required"] = _required;
map["skuId"] = _skuId;
map["skuName"] = _skuName;
return map;
/// rec_address : ""
/// rec_mobile : ""
/// rec_name : ""
class MemberRec {
String _recAddress;
String _recMobile;
String _recName;
String get recAddress => _recAddress;
String get recMobile => _recMobile;
String get recName => _recName;
MemberRec({String recAddress, String recMobile, String recName}) {
_recAddress = recAddress;
_recMobile = recMobile;
_recName = recName;
MemberRec.fromJson(dynamic json) {
_recAddress = json["rec_address"];
_recMobile = json["rec_mobile"];
_recName = json["rec_name"];
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
var map = <String, dynamic>{};
map["rec_address"] = _recAddress;
map["rec_mobile"] = _recMobile;
map["rec_name"] = _recName;
return map;
/// buyNum : 0
/// productName : ""
/// subMoney : 0
class DishesList {
String _buyNum;
String _productName;
String _subMoney;
String get buyNum => _buyNum;
String get productName => _productName;
String get subMoney => _subMoney;
DishesList({String buyNum, String productName, String subMoney}) {
_buyNum = buyNum;
_productName = productName;
_subMoney = subMoney;
DishesList.fromJson(dynamic json) {
_buyNum = json["buyNum"];
_productName = json["productName"];
_subMoney = json["subMoney"];
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
var map = <String, dynamic>{};
map["buyNum"] = _buyNum;
map["productName"] = _productName;
map["subMoney"] = _subMoney;
return map;
/// money : 0
/// name : ""
/// num : 0
/// receiveMoney : 0
class CouponDTO {
String _money;
String _name;
String _num;
String _receiveMoney;
String get money => _money;
String get name => _name;
String get num => _num;
String get receiveMoney => _receiveMoney;
CouponDTO({String money, String name, String num, String receiveMoney}) {
_money = money;
_name = name;
_num = num;
_receiveMoney = receiveMoney;
CouponDTO.fromJson(dynamic json) {
_money = json["money"];
_name = json["name"];
_num = json["num"];
_receiveMoney = json["receiveMoney"];
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
var map = <String, dynamic>{};
map["money"] = _money;
map["name"] = _name;
map["num"] = _num;
map["receiveMoney"] = _receiveMoney;
return map;
/// address : ""
/// addressId : 0
/// city : ""
/// cityId : 0
/// country : ""
/// countryId : 0
/// district : ""
/// districtId : 0
/// latitude : 0
/// longitude : 0
/// province : ""
/// provinceId : 0
/// recMobile : ""
/// recName : ""
class AddressExt {
String _address;
String _addressId;
String _city;
String _cityId;
String _country;
String _countryId;
String _district;
String _districtId;
String _latitude;
String _longitude;
String _province;
String _provinceId;
String _recMobile;
String _recName;
String get address => _address;
String get addressId => _addressId;
String get city => _city;
String get cityId => _cityId;
String get country => _country;
String get countryId => _countryId;
String get district => _district;
String get districtId => _districtId;
String get latitude => _latitude;
String get longitude => _longitude;
String get province => _province;
String get provinceId => _provinceId;
String get recMobile => _recMobile;
String get recName => _recName;
{String address,
String addressId,
String city,
String cityId,
String country,
String countryId,
String district,
String districtId,
String latitude,
String longitude,
String province,
String provinceId,
String recMobile,
String recName}) {
_address = address;
_addressId = addressId;
_city = city;
_cityId = cityId;
_country = country;
_countryId = countryId;
_district = district;
_districtId = districtId;
_latitude = latitude;
_longitude = longitude;
_province = province;
_provinceId = provinceId;
_recMobile = recMobile;
_recName = recName;
AddressExt.fromJson(dynamic json) {
_address = json["address"];
_addressId = json["addressId"];
_city = json["city"];
_cityId = json["cityId"];
_country = json["country"];
_countryId = json["countryId"];
_district = json["district"];
_districtId = json["districtId"];
_latitude = json["latitude"];
_longitude = json["longitude"];
_province = json["province"];
_provinceId = json["provinceId"];
_recMobile = json["recMobile"];
_recName = json["recName"];
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
var map = <String, dynamic>{};
map["address"] = _address;
map["addressId"] = _addressId;
map["city"] = _city;
map["cityId"] = _cityId;
map["country"] = _country;
map["countryId"] = _countryId;
map["district"] = _district;
map["districtId"] = _districtId;
map["latitude"] = _latitude;
map["longitude"] = _longitude;
map["province"] = _province;
map["provinceId"] = _provinceId;
map["recMobile"] = _recMobile;
map["recName"] = _recName;
return map;