849 lines
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849 lines
28 KiB
import 'package:dio/dio.dart'; |
import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; |
import 'package:flutter_easyloading/flutter_easyloading.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/generated/l10n.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/data/base_data.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/data/exchange_order.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/data/page.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/retrofit/retrofit_api.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/utils/font_weight.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/view_widget/classic_header.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/view_widget/custom_image.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/view_widget/icon_text.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/view_widget/my_appbar.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/view_widget/my_footer.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/view_widget/my_tab.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/view_widget/no_data_view.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/view_widget/round_button.dart'; |
import 'package:pull_to_refresh/pull_to_refresh.dart'; |
import 'package:flutter_screenutil/flutter_screenutil.dart'; |
import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart'; |
import 'package:shimmer/shimmer.dart'; |
class ExchangeHistoryPage extends StatefulWidget { |
@override |
State<StatefulWidget> createState() { |
return _ExchangeHistoryPage(); |
} |
} |
class _ExchangeHistoryPage extends State<ExchangeHistoryPage> |
with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin { |
List<Widget> tabs = []; |
List<Widget> _pages = []; |
TabController? tabcontroller; |
@override |
void initState() { |
super.initState(); |
} |
@override |
void didChangeDependencies() { |
super.didChangeDependencies(); |
tabs = [ |
MyTab( |
text: S.of(context).quanbuduihuan, |
), |
MyTab( |
text: S.of(context).weiwancheng, |
), |
// MyTab( |
// text: S.of(context).keshiyong, |
// ), |
MyTab( |
text: S.of(context).yiwancheng, |
) |
]; |
_pages = [ |
ExchangeHistoryList(0), |
ExchangeHistoryList(1), |
ExchangeHistoryList(2), |
// ExchangeHistoryList(3) |
]; |
} |
@override |
Widget build(BuildContext context) { |
return DefaultTabController( |
length: 3, |
child: Scaffold( |
appBar: MyAppBar( |
title: S.of(context).duihuanlishi, |
titleColor: Colors.black, |
titleSize: 18.sp, |
background: Color(0xFFFFFFFF), |
leadingColor: Colors.black, |
toolbarHeight: kToolbarHeight + MediaQuery.of(context).padding.top, |
bottom: PreferredSize( |
preferredSize: Size(double.infinity, 38.h), |
child: Theme( |
data: ThemeData( |
splashColor: Colors.transparent, // 点击时的水波纹颜色设置为透明 |
highlightColor: Colors.transparent, // 点击时的背景高亮颜色设置为透明 |
), |
child: TabBar( |
controller: tabcontroller, |
indicatorWeight: 2, |
indicatorColor: Color(0xFF39B54A), |
indicatorSize: TabBarIndicatorSize.label, |
indicatorPadding: EdgeInsets.only(top: 3), |
unselectedLabelStyle: TextStyle( |
fontSize: 16.sp, |
fontWeight: FontWeight.normal, |
), |
labelStyle: TextStyle( |
color: Colors.black, |
fontSize: 16.sp, |
fontWeight: MyFontWeight.semi_bold, |
), |
labelColor: Colors.black, |
tabs: tabs, |
)), |
), |
), |
body: TabBarView( |
children: _pages, |
controller: tabcontroller, |
), |
), |
); |
} |
} |
class ExchangeHistoryList extends StatefulWidget { |
final int orderStatus; |
ExchangeHistoryList(this.orderStatus); |
@override |
State<StatefulWidget> createState() { |
return _ExchangeHistoryList(); |
} |
} |
class _ExchangeHistoryList extends State<ExchangeHistoryList> |
with AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin { |
ApiService? apiService; |
RefreshController _refreshController = RefreshController(initialRefresh: false); |
int pageNum = 1; |
List<ExchangeOrder> orders = []; |
int networkStatus = 0; |
@override |
void initState() { |
super.initState(); |
SharedPreferences.getInstance().then((value) => { |
apiService = ApiService(Dio(), |
showLoading: false, |
context: context, |
token: value.getString('token')), |
queryHistory(), |
}); |
} |
queryHistory({bool isLoading = true}) async { |
try { |
if (isLoading) |
EasyLoading.show( |
status: S.current.zhengzaijiazai, |
maskType: EasyLoadingMaskType.black); |
var map = { |
"pageNum": pageNum, |
"pageSize": 10, |
// "state": widget.orderStatus |
}; |
if (widget.orderStatus != 0) { |
map["state"] = widget.orderStatus; |
} |
BaseData<PageInfo<ExchangeOrder>>? baseData = await apiService?.creditOrderList(map).catchError((error) { |
networkStatus = -1; |
_refreshController.loadFailed(); |
_refreshController.refreshFailed(); |
}); |
if (baseData?.isSuccess ?? false) { |
if (baseData!.data!.list?.isNotEmpty ?? false) { |
if (pageNum == 1) { |
orders.clear(); |
} |
orders.addAll(baseData.data!.list!); |
} |
_refreshController.loadComplete(); |
_refreshController.refreshCompleted(); |
if (baseData.data?.pages == baseData.data?.pageNum) { |
_refreshController.loadNoData(); |
} else { |
pageNum += 1; |
} |
networkStatus = 1; |
} else { |
_refreshController.refreshFailed(); |
_refreshController.loadFailed(); |
} |
} finally { |
EasyLoading.dismiss(); |
setState(() {}); |
} |
} |
_refresh() { |
pageNum = 1; |
queryHistory(isLoading: false); |
} |
@override |
Widget build(BuildContext context) { |
return SmartRefresher( |
enablePullDown: true, |
enablePullUp: true, |
header: MyHeader(), |
footer: CustomFooter( |
builder: (BuildContext context, LoadStatus? mode) { |
return MyFooter(mode); |
}, |
), |
controller: _refreshController, |
onRefresh: _refresh, |
onLoading: () { |
queryHistory(isLoading: false); |
}, |
child: networkStatus == 0 |
? ListView.builder( |
itemCount: 10, |
physics: BouncingScrollPhysics(), |
shrinkWrap: true, |
itemBuilder: (context, position) { |
return buildOrderSm(); |
}, |
) |
: (orders.length == 0 |
? NoDataView( |
src: "assets/image/ding_dan.webp", |
isShowBtn: false, |
text: "目前暂无记录,手上那么多积分要赶紧用掉哦~", |
fontSize: 16.sp, |
margin: EdgeInsets.only( |
top: 120.h, left: 72, right: 72, |
), |
) |
: ListView.builder( |
itemCount: orders.length ?? 0, |
itemBuilder: (context, position) { |
return buildOrder(orders[position]); |
}, |
)), |
); |
} |
String orderStatus(state) { |
String orderStatus = ""; |
switch (state) { |
case 1: |
orderStatus = S.of(context).weiwancheng; |
break; |
case 2: |
orderStatus = S.of(context).yiwancheng; |
break; |
case 9: |
orderStatus = S.of(context).yiquxiao; |
break; |
} |
return orderStatus; |
} |
Widget buildOrder(ExchangeOrder exchangeOrder) { |
return Container( |
margin: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB( |
16.w, 8.h, 16.w, 8.h, |
), |
padding: EdgeInsets.all(12), |
decoration: BoxDecoration( |
color: Colors.white, |
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8), |
boxShadow: [ |
BoxShadow( |
color: Colors.black.withAlpha(12), |
offset: Offset(0, 3), |
blurRadius: 14, |
spreadRadius: 0, |
) |
]), |
child: Column( |
children: [ |
Row( |
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween, |
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.center, |
children: [ |
Text( |
"创建时间 : ${exchangeOrder.createTime}", |
style: TextStyle( |
color: Colors.black, |
fontWeight: MyFontWeight.semi_bold, |
fontSize: 14.sp, |
), |
), |
Text( |
exchangeOrder.payStatus != 1 |
? "未支付" |
: ((exchangeOrder.useTyped == 1) |
? ((exchangeOrder.sendStatus == 3 || |
exchangeOrder.sendStatus == 9) |
? "已自提" |
: "待提货") |
: (exchangeOrder.useTyped == 2 |
? ((exchangeOrder.sendStatus == 1) ? "待发货" : "已发货") |
: orderStatus(exchangeOrder.state))), |
style: TextStyle( |
color: Color(0xFFFE951E), |
fontWeight: MyFontWeight.semi_bold, |
fontSize: 14.sp, |
), |
) |
], |
), |
SizedBox( |
height: 16.h, |
), |
exchangeOrder.useTyped == 1 |
? Container( |
child: Column( |
children: [ |
Row( |
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, |
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, |
children: [ |
Text( |
"自提门店" + " :", |
style: TextStyle( |
color: Color(0xFF353535), |
fontWeight: MyFontWeight.regular, |
fontSize: 12.sp, |
), |
), |
SizedBox( |
width: 8.w, |
), |
Expanded( |
child: Text( |
exchangeOrder.storeName ?? "", |
style: TextStyle( |
color: Colors.black, |
fontWeight: MyFontWeight.regular, |
fontSize: 12.sp, |
), |
), |
) |
], |
), |
SizedBox( |
height: 8.h, |
), |
Row( |
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, |
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, |
children: [ |
Text( |
S.of(context).zitidizhi + " :", |
style: TextStyle( |
color: Color(0xFF353535), |
fontWeight: MyFontWeight.regular, |
fontSize: 12.sp, |
), |
), |
SizedBox( |
width: 8.w, |
), |
Expanded( |
child: Text( |
exchangeOrder.address ?? "", |
style: TextStyle( |
color: Colors.black, |
fontWeight: MyFontWeight.regular, |
fontSize: 12.sp, |
), |
), |
) |
], |
), |
SizedBox( |
height: 8.h, |
), |
Row( |
children: [ |
Text( |
S.of(context).zitishijian + " :", |
style: TextStyle( |
color: Color(0xFF353535), |
fontWeight: MyFontWeight.regular, |
fontSize: 12.sp, |
), |
), |
SizedBox( |
width: 8.h, |
), |
Expanded( |
child: Text( |
S.of(context).duihuanhouwugegongzuori, |
style: TextStyle( |
color: Colors.black, |
fontWeight: MyFontWeight.regular, |
fontSize: 12.sp, |
), |
), |
) |
], |
), |
], |
), |
) |
: Row( |
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, |
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, |
children: [ |
if (exchangeOrder.useTyped != 3) |
Text( |
S.of(context).shouhuodi + " :", |
style: TextStyle( |
color: Color(0xFF353535), |
fontWeight: MyFontWeight.regular, |
fontSize: 12.sp, |
), |
), |
SizedBox( |
width: 8.w, |
), |
Expanded( |
child: Text( |
exchangeOrder.recAddress ?? "", |
style: TextStyle( |
color: Colors.black, |
fontWeight: MyFontWeight.regular, |
fontSize: 12.sp, |
), |
), |
) |
], |
), |
SizedBox( |
height: 16.h, |
), |
Row( |
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, |
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, |
children: [ |
MImage( |
exchangeOrder.creditOrderDetailList?[0].goodsMainImg ?? "", |
errorSrc: "assets/image/default_1.webp", |
fadeSrc: "assets/image/default_1.webp", |
width: 66, |
height: 66, |
fit: BoxFit.cover, |
), |
SizedBox( |
width: 12.w, |
), |
Expanded( |
child: SizedBox( |
height: 66.h, |
child: Column( |
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, |
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, |
children: [ |
Text( |
exchangeOrder.creditOrderDetailList?[0].name ?? "", |
overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis, |
style: TextStyle( |
fontSize: 14.sp, |
fontWeight: MyFontWeight.semi_bold, |
color: Color(0xFF353535), |
), |
), |
SizedBox( |
height: 5.h, |
), |
Text( |
exchangeOrder.useTyped == 3 |
? S.of(context).feishiwuduihuanma |
: (exchangeOrder.creditOrderDetailList?[0].description ?? ""), |
maxLines: 2, |
style: TextStyle( |
fontSize: 10.sp, |
fontWeight: MyFontWeight.regular, |
color: Color(0xFF727272), |
), |
), |
], |
), |
), |
flex: 1, |
), |
Text( |
"x${exchangeOrder.creditOrderDetailList?[0].goodsNumber}", |
style: TextStyle( |
fontSize: 12.sp, |
fontWeight: MyFontWeight.regular, |
color: Color(0xFF353535), |
), |
) |
], |
), |
Row( |
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.end, |
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.end, |
children: [ |
// Text( |
// S.of(context).shangpinjifen(90), |
// style: TextStyle( |
// fontSize: 12, |
// color: Color(0xFFA0A0A0), |
// ), |
// ), |
// SizedBox( |
// width: 4, |
// ), |
Text( |
exchangeOrder.amount == "0" |
? "" |
: exchangeOrder.payType == 2 |
? "实付印章 ${exchangeOrder.amount}印章" |
: (S.of(context).shifujifen("${exchangeOrder.amount}") + |
(exchangeOrder.creditOrderDetailList?[0].money == "0.00" ? "" |
: " + ${double.parse("${exchangeOrder.creditOrderDetailList?[0].money}") * (exchangeOrder.creditOrderDetailList?[0].goodsNumber ?? 0)}元")), |
style: TextStyle( |
fontSize: 12.sp, |
fontWeight: MyFontWeight.semi_bold, |
color: Colors.black, |
), |
), |
], |
), |
SizedBox( |
height: 12.h, |
), |
Row( |
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween, |
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.end, |
children: [ |
IconText( |
"${S.of(context).dingdanbianhao}: ${exchangeOrder.orderCode}", |
leftImage: "assets/image/bianhao.webp", |
iconSize: 16, |
textStyle: TextStyle( |
fontSize: 12.sp, |
fontWeight: MyFontWeight.regular, |
color: Color(0xFF353535), |
), |
), |
if (exchangeOrder.useTyped != 3) |
(exchangeOrder.useTyped == 1 |
? GestureDetector( |
behavior: HitTestBehavior.opaque, |
onTap: () { |
// if (exchangeOrder.state == 1) { |
// receive2Card(exchangeOrder.id); |
// } else { |
// Navigator.of(context) |
// .pushNamed('/router/write_off_page', arguments: {}); |
// } |
Navigator.of(context).pushNamed( |
'/router/exchange_write_offPage', |
arguments: { |
"exchangeOrder": exchangeOrder.toJson(), |
}); |
}, |
child: buildBtnStatus(exchangeOrder.state), |
) |
: GestureDetector( |
behavior: HitTestBehavior.opaque, |
onTap: () { |
Navigator.of(context).pushNamed( |
'/router/logistics_information_page', |
arguments: { |
"orderId": exchangeOrder.creditOrderDetailList?[0].orderId, |
"logisticsNum": "", |
"logisticsName": "", |
"productNum": exchangeOrder.creditOrderDetailList?[0].goodsNumber, |
"skuImg": exchangeOrder.creditOrderDetailList?[0].goodsMainImg |
}); |
}, |
child: buildBtnStatusTow(exchangeOrder.sendStatus), |
)) |
], |
) |
], |
), |
); |
} |
Widget buildOrderSm() { |
return Container( |
margin: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(16.w, 8.h, 16.w, 8.h), |
padding: EdgeInsets.all(12), |
decoration: BoxDecoration( |
color: Colors.white, |
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8), |
boxShadow: [ |
BoxShadow( |
color: Colors.black.withAlpha(12), |
offset: Offset(0, 3), |
blurRadius: 14, |
spreadRadius: 0, |
) |
]), |
child: Column( |
children: [ |
Row( |
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween, |
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.center, |
children: [ |
Shimmer.fromColors( |
baseColor: Color(0XFFD8D8D8), |
highlightColor: Color(0XFFD8D8D8), |
child: Container( |
color: Color(0XFFD8D8D8), |
width: 153.w, |
height: 20.h, |
), |
), |
Spacer(), |
Shimmer.fromColors( |
baseColor: Color(0XFFD8D8D8), |
highlightColor: Color(0XFFD8D8D8), |
child: Container( |
color: Color(0XFFD8D8D8), |
width: 44.w, |
height: 20.h, |
), |
) |
], |
), |
SizedBox( |
height: 16.h, |
), |
Row( |
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, |
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, |
children: [ |
Shimmer.fromColors( |
baseColor: Color(0XFFD8D8D8), |
highlightColor: Color(0XFFD8D8D8), |
child: Container( |
color: Color(0XFFD8D8D8), |
width: 50.w, |
height: 17.h, |
), |
), |
SizedBox( |
width: 9.w, |
), |
Shimmer.fromColors( |
baseColor: Color(0XFFD8D8D8), |
highlightColor: Color(0XFFD8D8D8), |
child: Container( |
color: Color(0XFFD8D8D8), |
width: 225.w, |
height: 17.h, |
), |
) |
], |
), |
SizedBox( |
height: 10.h, |
), |
Row( |
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, |
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, |
children: [ |
Shimmer.fromColors( |
baseColor: Color(0XFFD8D8D8), |
highlightColor: Color(0XFFD8D8D8), |
child: Container( |
color: Color(0XFFD8D8D8), |
width: 50.w, |
height: 17.h, |
), |
), |
SizedBox( |
width: 10.w, |
), |
Shimmer.fromColors( |
baseColor: Color(0XFFD8D8D8), |
highlightColor: Color(0XFFD8D8D8), |
child: Container( |
color: Color(0XFFD8D8D8), |
width: 164.w, |
height: 17.h, |
), |
) |
], |
), |
SizedBox( |
height: 16.h, |
), |
Row( |
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, |
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, |
children: [ |
Shimmer.fromColors( |
baseColor: Color(0XFFD8D8D8), |
highlightColor: Color(0XFFD8D8D8), |
child: Container( |
color: Color(0XFFD8D8D8), |
width: 66.h, |
height: 66.h, |
), |
), |
SizedBox( |
width: 12.w, |
), |
Expanded( |
child: Container( |
height: 66.h, |
child: Column( |
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, |
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, |
children: [ |
Shimmer.fromColors( |
baseColor: Color(0XFFD8D8D8), |
highlightColor: Color(0XFFD8D8D8), |
child: Container( |
color: Color(0XFFD8D8D8), |
width: 44.w, |
height: 20.h, |
), |
), |
SizedBox( |
height: 5.h, |
), |
Shimmer.fromColors( |
baseColor: Color(0XFFD8D8D8), |
highlightColor: Color(0XFFD8D8D8), |
child: Container( |
color: Color(0XFFD8D8D8), |
width: 213.w, |
height: 20.h, |
), |
), |
], |
), |
), |
flex: 1, |
), |
Shimmer.fromColors( |
baseColor: Color(0XFFD8D8D8), |
highlightColor: Color(0XFFD8D8D8), |
child: Container( |
color: Color(0XFFD8D8D8), |
width: 17.w, |
height: 20.h, |
), |
) |
], |
), |
Row( |
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.end, |
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.end, |
children: [ |
Shimmer.fromColors( |
baseColor: Color(0XFFD8D8D8), |
highlightColor: Color(0XFFD8D8D8), |
child: Container( |
color: Color(0XFFD8D8D8), |
width: 91.w, |
height: 20.h, |
), |
), |
], |
), |
SizedBox( |
height: 12.h, |
), |
Row( |
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween, |
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.end, |
children: [ |
Shimmer.fromColors( |
baseColor: Color(0XFFD8D8D8), |
highlightColor: Color(0XFFD8D8D8), |
child: Container( |
color: Color(0XFFD8D8D8), |
width: 135.w, |
height: 17.h, |
), |
), |
Shimmer.fromColors( |
baseColor: Color(0XFFD8D8D8), |
highlightColor: Color(0XFFD8D8D8), |
child: Container( |
decoration: BoxDecoration( |
color: Color(0XFFD8D8D8), |
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10), |
), |
width:72.w, |
height: 25.h, |
), |
) |
], |
) |
], |
), |
); |
} |
receive2Card(id) async { |
BaseData? baseData = await apiService?.creditOrderReceive(id); |
if (baseData?.isSuccess ?? false) { |
_refresh(); |
} |
} |
Widget buildBtnStatus(state) { |
if (state == 1) { |
return RoundButton( |
padding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(8, 4, 8, 4), |
text: S.of(context).chakanhexiaoma, |
textColor: Colors.white, |
fontSize: 12, |
backgroup: Color(0xFF32A060), |
radius: 2, |
); |
} else { |
return Container(); |
// return BorderText( |
// text: S.of(context).shanchudingdan, |
// textColor: Color(0xFF32A060), |
// borderWidth: 1, |
// borderColor: Color(0xFF32A060), |
// fontSize: 12, |
// padding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(14, 4, 14, 4), |
// ); |
} |
} |
Widget buildBtnStatusTow(state) { |
if (state == 2) { |
return RoundButton( |
padding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(8, 4, 8, 4), |
text: S.of(context).chakanwuliu, |
textColor: Colors.white, |
fontSize: 12, |
backgroup: Color(0xFF32A060), |
radius: 2, |
); |
} else { |
return Container(); |
// return BorderText( |
// text: S.of(context).shanchudingdan, |
// textColor: Color(0xFF32A060), |
// borderWidth: 1, |
// borderColor: Color(0xFF32A060), |
// fontSize: 12, |
// padding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(14, 4, 14, 4), |
// ); |
} |
} |
@override |
bool get wantKeepAlive => true; |