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_thumbnailImg = thumbnailImg; |
_info = info; |
_buyCount = buyCount; |
_sellCountLimit = sellCountLimit; |
_vipDiscount = vipDiscount; |
} |
ProductVips.fromJson(dynamic json) { |
_id = json['id']; |
_createTime = json['createTime']; |
_createUser = json['createUser']; |
_updateTime = json['updateTime']; |
_updateUser = json['updateUser']; |
_supplierName = json['supplierName']; |
_storeId = json['storeId']; |
_categoryId = json['categoryId']; |
_groupId = json['groupId']; |
_shortName = json['shortName']; |
_productName = json['productName']; |
_sellDesc = json['sellDesc']; |
_productCode = json['productCode']; |
_weight = json['weight']; |
_applyPrice = json['applyPrice']; |
_price = json['price']; |
_vipPrice = json['vipPrice']; |
_stock = json['stock']; |
_sellCount = json['sellCount']; |
_needLogistics = json['needLogistics']; |
_oversold = json['oversold']; |
_organic = json['organic']; |
_status = json['status']; |
_posShow = json['posShow']; |
_productType = json['productType']; |
_productNumber = json['productNumber']; |
_setMeal = json['setMeal']; |
_attrStyle = json['attrStyle']; |
_detail = json['detail']; |
_isDelete = json['isDelete']; |
_printerFlag = json['printerFlag']; |
_materials = json['materials']; |
_materialId = json['materialId']; |
_details = json['details']; |
_thumbnailImg = json['thumbnailImg']; |
_info = json['info']; |
_buyCount = json['buyCount']; |
_sellCountLimit = json['sellCountLimit']; |
_vipDiscount = json['vipDiscount']; |
} |
String _id; |
String _createTime; |
String _createUser; |
String _updateTime; |
String _updateUser; |
String _supplierName; |
String _storeId; |
String _categoryId; |
String _groupId; |
String _shortName; |
String _productName; |
String _sellDesc; |
String _productCode; |
String _weight; |
String _applyPrice; |
String _price; |
String _vipPrice; |
num _stock; |
num _sellCount; |
num _needLogistics; |
num _oversold; |
num _organic; |
num _status; |
bool _posShow; |
num _productType; |
num _productNumber; |
num _setMeal; |
num _attrStyle; |
String _detail; |
num _isDelete; |
String _printerFlag; |
dynamic _materials; |
dynamic _materialId; |
String _details; |
String _thumbnailImg; |
String _info; |
num _buyCount; |
num _sellCountLimit; |
String _vipDiscount; |
ProductVips copyWith({ String id, |
String createTime, |
String createUser, |
String updateTime, |
String updateUser, |
String supplierName, |
String storeId, |
String categoryId, |
String groupId, |
String shortName, |
String productName, |
String sellDesc, |
String productCode, |
String weight, |
String applyPrice, |
String price, |
String vipPrice, |
num stock, |
num sellCount, |
num needLogistics, |
num oversold, |
num organic, |
num status, |
bool posShow, |
num productType, |
num productNumber, |
num setMeal, |
num attrStyle, |
String detail, |
num isDelete, |
String printerFlag, |
dynamic materials, |
dynamic materialId, |
String details, |
String thumbnailImg, |
String info, |
num buyCount, |
num sellCountLimit, |
String vipDiscount, |
}) => ProductVips( id: id ?? _id, |
createTime: createTime ?? _createTime, |
createUser: createUser ?? _createUser, |
updateTime: updateTime ?? _updateTime, |
updateUser: updateUser ?? _updateUser, |
supplierName: supplierName ?? _supplierName, |
storeId: storeId ?? _storeId, |
categoryId: categoryId ?? _categoryId, |
groupId: groupId ?? _groupId, |
shortName: shortName ?? _shortName, |
productName: productName ?? _productName, |
sellDesc: sellDesc ?? _sellDesc, |
productCode: productCode ?? _productCode, |
weight: weight ?? _weight, |
applyPrice: applyPrice ?? _applyPrice, |
price: price ?? _price, |
vipPrice: vipPrice ?? _vipPrice, |
stock: stock ?? _stock, |
sellCount: sellCount ?? _sellCount, |
needLogistics: needLogistics ?? _needLogistics, |
oversold: oversold ?? _oversold, |
organic: organic ?? _organic, |
status: status ?? _status, |
posShow: posShow ?? _posShow, |
productType: productType ?? _productType, |
productNumber: productNumber ?? _productNumber, |
setMeal: setMeal ?? _setMeal, |
attrStyle: attrStyle ?? _attrStyle, |
detail: detail ?? _detail, |
isDelete: isDelete ?? _isDelete, |
printerFlag: printerFlag ?? _printerFlag, |
materials: materials ?? _materials, |
materialId: materialId ?? _materialId, |
details: details ?? _details, |
thumbnailImg: thumbnailImg ?? _thumbnailImg, |
info: info ?? _info, |
buyCount: buyCount ?? _buyCount, |
sellCountLimit: sellCountLimit ?? _sellCountLimit, |
vipDiscount: vipDiscount ?? _vipDiscount, |
); |
String get id => _id; |
String get createTime => _createTime; |
String get createUser => _createUser; |
String get updateTime => _updateTime; |
String get updateUser => _updateUser; |
String get supplierName => _supplierName; |
String get storeId => _storeId; |
String get categoryId => _categoryId; |
String get groupId => _groupId; |
String get shortName => _shortName; |
String get productName => _productName; |
String get sellDesc => _sellDesc; |
String get productCode => _productCode; |
String get weight => _weight; |
String get applyPrice => _applyPrice; |
String get price => _price; |
String get vipPrice => _vipPrice; |
num get stock => _stock; |
num get sellCount => _sellCount; |
num get needLogistics => _needLogistics; |
num get oversold => _oversold; |
num get organic => _organic; |
num get status => _status; |
bool get posShow => _posShow; |
num get productType => _productType; |
num get productNumber => _productNumber; |
num get setMeal => _setMeal; |
num get attrStyle => _attrStyle; |
String get detail => _detail; |
num get isDelete => _isDelete; |
String get printerFlag => _printerFlag; |
dynamic get materials => _materials; |
dynamic get materialId => _materialId; |
String get details => _details; |
String get thumbnailImg => _thumbnailImg; |
String get info => _info; |
num get buyCount => _buyCount; |
num get sellCountLimit => _sellCountLimit; |
String get vipDiscount => _vipDiscount; |
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() { |
final map = <String, dynamic>{}; |
map['id'] = _id; |
map['createTime'] = _createTime; |
map['createUser'] = _createUser; |
map['updateTime'] = _updateTime; |
map['updateUser'] = _updateUser; |
map['supplierName'] = _supplierName; |
map['storeId'] = _storeId; |
map['categoryId'] = _categoryId; |
map['groupId'] = _groupId; |
map['shortName'] = _shortName; |
map['productName'] = _productName; |
map['sellDesc'] = _sellDesc; |
map['productCode'] = _productCode; |
map['weight'] = _weight; |
map['applyPrice'] = _applyPrice; |
map['price'] = _price; |
map['vipPrice'] = _vipPrice; |
map['stock'] = _stock; |
map['sellCount'] = _sellCount; |
map['needLogistics'] = _needLogistics; |
map['oversold'] = _oversold; |
map['organic'] = _organic; |
map['status'] = _status; |
map['posShow'] = _posShow; |
map['productType'] = _productType; |
map['productNumber'] = _productNumber; |
map['setMeal'] = _setMeal; |
map['attrStyle'] = _attrStyle; |
map['detail'] = _detail; |
map['isDelete'] = _isDelete; |
map['printerFlag'] = _printerFlag; |
map['materials'] = _materials; |
map['materialId'] = _materialId; |
map['details'] = _details; |
map['thumbnailImg'] = _thumbnailImg; |
map['info'] = _info; |
map['buyCount'] = _buyCount; |
map['sellCountLimit'] = _sellCountLimit; |
map['vipDiscount'] = _vipDiscount; |
return map; |
} |
} |
/// id : "1579679485240803328" |
/// createTime : "2022-10-11 11:45:13" |
/// createUser : "1" |
/// updateTime : "2022-10-11 11:48:48" |
/// updateUser : "1" |
/// name : "888绿卡" |
/// duration : 30 |
/// price : "188.00" |
/// autoSubscribe : true |
/// isDelete : true |
class Cards { |
Cards({ |
String id, |
String createTime, |
String createUser, |
String updateTime, |
String updateUser, |
String name, |
num duration, |
String price, |
bool autoSubscribe, |
bool isDelete,}){ |
_id = id; |
_createTime = createTime; |
_createUser = createUser; |
_updateTime = updateTime; |
_updateUser = updateUser; |
_name = name; |
_duration = duration; |
_price = price; |
_autoSubscribe = autoSubscribe; |
_isDelete = isDelete; |
} |
Cards.fromJson(dynamic json) { |
_id = json['id']; |
_createTime = json['createTime']; |
_createUser = json['createUser']; |
_updateTime = json['updateTime']; |
_updateUser = json['updateUser']; |
_name = json['name']; |
_duration = json['duration']; |
_price = json['price']; |
_autoSubscribe = json['autoSubscribe']; |
_isDelete = json['isDelete']; |
} |
String _id; |
String _createTime; |
String _createUser; |
String _updateTime; |
String _updateUser; |
String _name; |
num _duration; |
String _price; |
bool _autoSubscribe; |
bool _isDelete; |
Cards copyWith({ String id, |
String createTime, |
String createUser, |
String updateTime, |
String updateUser, |
String name, |
num duration, |
String price, |
bool autoSubscribe, |
bool isDelete, |
}) => Cards( id: id ?? _id, |
createTime: createTime ?? _createTime, |
createUser: createUser ?? _createUser, |
updateTime: updateTime ?? _updateTime, |
updateUser: updateUser ?? _updateUser, |
name: name ?? _name, |
duration: duration ?? _duration, |
price: price ?? _price, |
autoSubscribe: autoSubscribe ?? _autoSubscribe, |
isDelete: isDelete ?? _isDelete, |
); |
String get id => _id; |
String get createTime => _createTime; |
String get createUser => _createUser; |
String get updateTime => _updateTime; |
String get updateUser => _updateUser; |
String get name => _name; |
num get duration => _duration; |
String get price => _price; |
bool get autoSubscribe => _autoSubscribe; |
bool get isDelete => _isDelete; |
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() { |
final map = <String, dynamic>{}; |
map['id'] = _id; |
map['createTime'] = _createTime; |
map['createUser'] = _createUser; |
map['updateTime'] = _updateTime; |
map['updateUser'] = _updateUser; |
map['name'] = _name; |
map['duration'] = _duration; |
map['price'] = _price; |
map['autoSubscribe'] = _autoSubscribe; |
map['isDelete'] = _isDelete; |
return map; |
} |
} |
/// masterId : "0" |
/// masterCardRankName : null |
/// vipNo : "1379254113602109440" |
/// nickname : "哈哈哈" |
/// headimg : "" |
/// userType : true |
/// sex : "0" |
/// level : 1 |
/// addressId : "0" |
/// remark : "" |
/// phone : "13052919193" |
/// createTime : "2021-04-06 10:06:21" |
/// birth : "1998-09-17" |
/// balance : null |
/// money : "31.12" |
/// activityMoney : "0.00" |
/// greenMoney : "4872.00" |
/// expendAmount : "180.02" |
/// organic : 0 |
/// points : "741" |
/// isBind : true |
/// memberRankVo : {"id":"1462684050274648064","rankName":"白银会员","rankOrigin":69,"rankContent":"","rankImg":"","status":true,"nextId":"1462684471177248768","nextName":"黄金会员","nextOrigin":20000} |
/// age : 24 |
/// inviteCode : "MFZPXU" |
/// inviteNumber : 4 |
/// todayInviteNumber : 0 |
/// signature : "" |
/// background : "" |
/// certification : null |
/// hasPayPassword : true |
/// isVip : false |
/// vipExpire : null |
/// isVipSubscribe : false |
/// vipDuration : 33 |
class Member { |
Member({ |
String masterId, |
dynamic masterCardRankName, |
String vipNo, |
String nickname, |
String headimg, |
bool userType, |
String sex, |
num level, |
String addressId, |
String remark, |
String phone, |
String createTime, |
String birth, |
dynamic balance, |
String money, |
String activityMoney, |
String greenMoney, |
String expendAmount, |
num organic, |
String points, |
bool isBind, |
MemberRankVo memberRankVo, |
num age, |
String inviteCode, |
num inviteNumber, |
num todayInviteNumber, |
String signature, |
String background, |
dynamic certification, |
bool hasPayPassword, |
bool isVip, |
dynamic vipExpire, |
bool isVipSubscribe, |
num vipDuration,}){ |
_masterId = masterId; |
_masterCardRankName = masterCardRankName; |
_vipNo = vipNo; |
_nickname = nickname; |
_headimg = headimg; |
_userType = userType; |
_sex = sex; |
_level = level; |
_addressId = addressId; |
_remark = remark; |
_phone = phone; |
_createTime = createTime; |
_birth = birth; |
_balance = balance; |
_money = money; |
_activityMoney = activityMoney; |
_greenMoney = greenMoney; |
_expendAmount = expendAmount; |
_organic = organic; |
_points = points; |
_isBind = isBind; |
_memberRankVo = memberRankVo; |
_age = age; |
_inviteCode = inviteCode; |
_inviteNumber = inviteNumber; |
_todayInviteNumber = todayInviteNumber; |
_signature = signature; |
_background = background; |
_certification = certification; |
_hasPayPassword = hasPayPassword; |
_isVip = isVip; |
_vipExpire = vipExpire; |
_isVipSubscribe = isVipSubscribe; |
_vipDuration = vipDuration; |
} |
Member.fromJson(dynamic json) { |
_masterId = json['masterId']; |
_masterCardRankName = json['masterCardRankName']; |
_vipNo = json['vipNo']; |
_nickname = json['nickname']; |
_headimg = json['headimg']; |
_userType = json['userType']; |
_sex = json['sex']; |
_level = json['level']; |
_addressId = json['addressId']; |
_remark = json['remark']; |
_phone = json['phone']; |
_createTime = json['createTime']; |
_birth = json['birth']; |
_balance = json['balance']; |
_money = json['money']; |
_activityMoney = json['activityMoney']; |
_greenMoney = json['greenMoney']; |
_expendAmount = json['expendAmount']; |
_organic = json['organic']; |
_points = json['points']; |
_isBind = json['isBind']; |
_memberRankVo = json['memberRankVo'] != null ? MemberRankVo.fromJson(json['memberRankVo']) : null; |
_age = json['age']; |
_inviteCode = json['inviteCode']; |
_inviteNumber = json['inviteNumber']; |
_todayInviteNumber = json['todayInviteNumber']; |
_signature = json['signature']; |
_background = json['background']; |
_certification = json['certification']; |
_hasPayPassword = json['hasPayPassword']; |
_isVip = json['isVip']; |
_vipExpire = json['vipExpire']; |
_isVipSubscribe = json['isVipSubscribe']; |
_vipDuration = json['vipDuration']; |
} |
String _masterId; |
dynamic _masterCardRankName; |
String _vipNo; |
String _nickname; |
String _headimg; |
bool _userType; |
String _sex; |
num _level; |
String _addressId; |
String _remark; |
String _phone; |
String _createTime; |
String _birth; |
dynamic _balance; |
String _money; |
String _activityMoney; |
String _greenMoney; |
String _expendAmount; |
num _organic; |
String _points; |
bool _isBind; |
MemberRankVo _memberRankVo; |
num _age; |
String _inviteCode; |
num _inviteNumber; |
num _todayInviteNumber; |
String _signature; |
String _background; |
dynamic _certification; |
bool _hasPayPassword; |
bool _isVip; |
dynamic _vipExpire; |
bool _isVipSubscribe; |
num _vipDuration; |
Member copyWith({ String masterId, |
dynamic masterCardRankName, |
String vipNo, |
String nickname, |
String headimg, |
bool userType, |
String sex, |
num level, |
String addressId, |
String remark, |
String phone, |
String createTime, |
String birth, |
dynamic balance, |
String money, |
String activityMoney, |
String greenMoney, |
String expendAmount, |
num organic, |
String points, |
bool isBind, |
MemberRankVo memberRankVo, |
num age, |
String inviteCode, |
num inviteNumber, |
num todayInviteNumber, |
String signature, |
String background, |
dynamic certification, |
bool hasPayPassword, |
bool isVip, |
dynamic vipExpire, |
bool isVipSubscribe, |
num vipDuration, |
}) => Member( masterId: masterId ?? _masterId, |
masterCardRankName: masterCardRankName ?? _masterCardRankName, |
vipNo: vipNo ?? _vipNo, |
nickname: nickname ?? _nickname, |
headimg: headimg ?? _headimg, |
userType: userType ?? _userType, |
sex: sex ?? _sex, |
level: level ?? _level, |
addressId: addressId ?? _addressId, |
remark: remark ?? _remark, |
phone: phone ?? _phone, |
createTime: createTime ?? _createTime, |
birth: birth ?? _birth, |
balance: balance ?? _balance, |
money: money ?? _money, |
activityMoney: activityMoney ?? _activityMoney, |
greenMoney: greenMoney ?? _greenMoney, |
expendAmount: expendAmount ?? _expendAmount, |
organic: organic ?? _organic, |
points: points ?? _points, |
isBind: isBind ?? _isBind, |
memberRankVo: memberRankVo ?? _memberRankVo, |
age: age ?? _age, |
inviteCode: inviteCode ?? _inviteCode, |
inviteNumber: inviteNumber ?? _inviteNumber, |
todayInviteNumber: todayInviteNumber ?? _todayInviteNumber, |
signature: signature ?? _signature, |
background: background ?? _background, |
certification: certification ?? _certification, |
hasPayPassword: hasPayPassword ?? _hasPayPassword, |
isVip: isVip ?? _isVip, |
vipExpire: vipExpire ?? _vipExpire, |
isVipSubscribe: isVipSubscribe ?? _isVipSubscribe, |
vipDuration: vipDuration ?? _vipDuration, |
); |
String get masterId => _masterId; |
dynamic get masterCardRankName => _masterCardRankName; |
String get vipNo => _vipNo; |
String get nickname => _nickname; |
String get headimg => _headimg; |
bool get userType => _userType; |
String get sex => _sex; |
num get level => _level; |
String get addressId => _addressId; |
String get remark => _remark; |
String get phone => _phone; |
String get createTime => _createTime; |
String get birth => _birth; |
dynamic get balance => _balance; |
String get money => _money; |
String get activityMoney => _activityMoney; |
String get greenMoney => _greenMoney; |
String get expendAmount => _expendAmount; |
num get organic => _organic; |
String get points => _points; |
bool get isBind => _isBind; |
MemberRankVo get memberRankVo => _memberRankVo; |
num get age => _age; |
String get inviteCode => _inviteCode; |
num get inviteNumber => _inviteNumber; |
num get todayInviteNumber => _todayInviteNumber; |
String get signature => _signature; |
String get background => _background; |
dynamic get certification => _certification; |
bool get hasPayPassword => _hasPayPassword; |
bool get isVip => _isVip; |
dynamic get vipExpire => _vipExpire; |
bool get isVipSubscribe => _isVipSubscribe; |
num get vipDuration => _vipDuration; |
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() { |
final map = <String, dynamic>{}; |
map['masterId'] = _masterId; |
map['masterCardRankName'] = _masterCardRankName; |
map['vipNo'] = _vipNo; |
map['nickname'] = _nickname; |
map['headimg'] = _headimg; |
map['userType'] = _userType; |
map['sex'] = _sex; |
map['level'] = _level; |
map['addressId'] = _addressId; |
map['remark'] = _remark; |
map['phone'] = _phone; |
map['createTime'] = _createTime; |
map['birth'] = _birth; |
map['balance'] = _balance; |
map['money'] = _money; |
map['activityMoney'] = _activityMoney; |
map['greenMoney'] = _greenMoney; |
map['expendAmount'] = _expendAmount; |
map['organic'] = _organic; |
map['points'] = _points; |
map['isBind'] = _isBind; |
if (_memberRankVo != null) { |
map['memberRankVo'] = _memberRankVo.toJson(); |
} |
map['age'] = _age; |
map['inviteCode'] = _inviteCode; |
map['inviteNumber'] = _inviteNumber; |
map['todayInviteNumber'] = _todayInviteNumber; |
map['signature'] = _signature; |
map['background'] = _background; |
map['certification'] = _certification; |
map['hasPayPassword'] = _hasPayPassword; |
map['isVip'] = _isVip; |
map['vipExpire'] = _vipExpire; |
map['isVipSubscribe'] = _isVipSubscribe; |
map['vipDuration'] = _vipDuration; |
return map; |
} |
} |
/// id : "1462684050274648064" |
/// rankName : "白银会员" |
/// rankOrigin : 69 |
/// rankContent : "" |
/// rankImg : "" |
/// status : true |
/// nextId : "1462684471177248768" |
/// nextName : "黄金会员" |
/// nextOrigin : 20000 |
class MemberRankVo { |
MemberRankVo({ |
String id, |
String rankName, |
num rankOrigin, |
String rankContent, |
String rankImg, |
bool status, |
String nextId, |
String nextName, |
num nextOrigin,}){ |
_id = id; |
_rankName = rankName; |
_rankOrigin = rankOrigin; |
_rankContent = rankContent; |
_rankImg = rankImg; |
_status = status; |
_nextId = nextId; |
_nextName = nextName; |
_nextOrigin = nextOrigin; |
} |
MemberRankVo.fromJson(dynamic json) { |
_id = json['id']; |
_rankName = json['rankName']; |
_rankOrigin = json['rankOrigin']; |
_rankContent = json['rankContent']; |
_rankImg = json['rankImg']; |
_status = json['status']; |
_nextId = json['nextId']; |
_nextName = json['nextName']; |
_nextOrigin = json['nextOrigin']; |
} |
String _id; |
String _rankName; |
num _rankOrigin; |
String _rankContent; |
String _rankImg; |
bool _status; |
String _nextId; |
String _nextName; |
num _nextOrigin; |
MemberRankVo copyWith({ String id, |
String rankName, |
num rankOrigin, |
String rankContent, |
String rankImg, |
bool status, |
String nextId, |
String nextName, |
num nextOrigin, |
}) => MemberRankVo( id: id ?? _id, |
rankName: rankName ?? _rankName, |
rankOrigin: rankOrigin ?? _rankOrigin, |
rankContent: rankContent ?? _rankContent, |
rankImg: rankImg ?? _rankImg, |
status: status ?? _status, |
nextId: nextId ?? _nextId, |
nextName: nextName ?? _nextName, |
nextOrigin: nextOrigin ?? _nextOrigin, |
); |
String get id => _id; |
String get rankName => _rankName; |
num get rankOrigin => _rankOrigin; |
String get rankContent => _rankContent; |
String get rankImg => _rankImg; |
bool get status => _status; |
String get nextId => _nextId; |
String get nextName => _nextName; |
num get nextOrigin => _nextOrigin; |
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() { |
final map = <String, dynamic>{}; |
map['id'] = _id; |
map['rankName'] = _rankName; |
map['rankOrigin'] = _rankOrigin; |
map['rankContent'] = _rankContent; |
map['rankImg'] = _rankImg; |
map['status'] = _status; |
map['nextId'] = _nextId; |
map['nextName'] = _nextName; |
map['nextOrigin'] = _nextOrigin; |
return map; |
} |
} |