707 lines
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707 lines
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import 'package:dio/dio.dart'; |
import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; |
import 'package:flutter_smart_dialog/flutter_smart_dialog.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/generated/l10n.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/order/order_utils.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/order/order_view/order_pay_selected.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/retrofit/data/base_data.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/retrofit/data/order_info.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/retrofit/data/order_product_vo.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/retrofit/data/page.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/retrofit/data/product.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/retrofit/min_api.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/retrofit/retrofit_api.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/store/scan.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/utils/status_utils.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/view_widget/classic_header.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/view_widget/custom_image.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/view_widget/my_appbar.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/view_widget/my_footer.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/view_widget/my_tab.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/view_widget/no_data_view.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/view_widget/tips_dialog.dart'; |
import 'package:pull_to_refresh/pull_to_refresh.dart'; |
import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart'; |
import 'package:flutter_screenutil/flutter_screenutil.dart'; |
class OrderHistoryPage extends StatefulWidget { |
final Map arguments; |
OrderHistoryPage({this.arguments}); |
@override |
State<StatefulWidget> createState() { |
return _OrderHistoryPage(); |
} |
} |
class _OrderHistoryPage extends State<OrderHistoryPage> |
with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin { |
List<Widget> _pages; |
TabController tabController; |
@override |
void didChangeDependencies() { |
super.didChangeDependencies(); |
if (tabController == null) |
tabController = TabController( |
initialIndex: widget.arguments["status"], length: 4, vsync: this); |
_pages = [ |
OrderHistoryList(0), |
OrderHistoryList(1), |
OrderHistoryList(2), |
OrderHistoryList(3) |
]; |
} |
@override |
Widget build(BuildContext context) { |
return DefaultTabController( |
length: 4, |
child: Scaffold( |
appBar: MyAppBar( |
title: S.of(context).dingdan, |
titleColor: Colors.black, |
titleSize: 18.sp, |
background: Color(0xFFFFFFFF), |
leadingColor: Colors.black, |
toolbarHeight: kToolbarHeight + MediaQuery.of(context).padding.top, |
bottom: PreferredSize( |
preferredSize: Size(double.infinity, 38.h), |
child: Theme( |
data: ThemeData( |
splashColor: Colors.transparent, // 点击时的水波纹颜色设置为透明 |
highlightColor: Colors.transparent, // 点击时的背景高亮颜色设置为透明 |
), |
child: TabBar( |
controller: tabController, |
isScrollable: false, |
indicatorWeight: 2.w, |
indicatorSize: TabBarIndicatorSize.label, |
indicatorColor: Color(0xFF39B54A), |
indicatorPadding: EdgeInsets.only(top: 3.h), |
unselectedLabelStyle: TextStyle( |
fontSize: 16.sp, |
fontWeight: FontWeight.normal, |
), |
labelStyle: TextStyle( |
color: Colors.black, |
fontSize: 16.sp, |
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, |
), |
labelColor: Colors.black, |
tabs: [ |
MyTab( |
text: S.of(context).quanbu, |
), |
MyTab( |
text: S.of(context).daifukuan, |
), |
MyTab( |
text: S.of(context).weiwancheng, |
), |
MyTab( |
text: S.of(context).yiwancheng, |
) |
], |
)), |
), |
), |
body: TabBarView( |
children: _pages, |
controller: tabController, |
), |
), |
); |
} |
} |
class OrderHistoryList extends StatefulWidget { |
final int orderStatus; |
OrderHistoryList(this.orderStatus); |
@override |
State<StatefulWidget> createState() { |
return _OrderHistoryList(); |
} |
} |
class _OrderHistoryList extends State<OrderHistoryList> |
with AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin { |
final RefreshController refreshController = RefreshController(); |
@override |
Widget build(BuildContext context) { |
super.build(context); |
return SmartRefresher( |
controller: refreshController, |
enablePullDown: true, |
enablePullUp: true, |
physics: BouncingScrollPhysics(), |
header: MyHeader(), |
footer: CustomFooter( |
builder: (context, mode) { |
return MyFooter(mode); |
}, |
), |
onRefresh: _onRefresh, |
onLoading: queryOrder, |
child: (orderInfos != null && orderInfos.length > 0) |
? ListView.builder( |
itemCount: orderInfos != null ? orderInfos.length : 0, |
itemBuilder: (context, position) { |
return InkWell( |
onTap: () { |
Navigator.of(context).pushNamed('/router/order_details', |
arguments: {"id": orderInfos[position].id,"jumpState":2}); |
}, |
child: orderItem(orderInfos[position]), |
); |
}) |
: NoDataView( |
src: "assets/image/ding_dan.webp", |
isShowBtn: false, |
text: "目前暂无订单,快去下一单吧~", |
fontSize: 16.sp, |
margin: EdgeInsets.only(top: 120), |
), |
); |
} |
bool isRemake = true; |
ApiService apiService; |
int current = 1; |
_onRefresh() { |
current = 1; |
queryOrder(); |
} |
List<OrderInfo> orderInfos = []; |
queryOrder() async { |
BaseData<PageInfo<OrderInfo>> baseData = await apiService.orderList({ |
"current": current, |
"model": {"status": widget.orderStatus}, |
"order": "descending", |
"size": 10, |
"sort": "id" |
}).catchError((onError) { |
refreshController.refreshFailed(); |
refreshController.loadFailed(); |
}); |
if (baseData != null && baseData.isSuccess) { |
if (current == 1) { |
orderInfos.clear(); |
} |
orderInfos.addAll(baseData.data.records); |
// baseData.data.records.forEach((element) { |
// if(element.orderType==0||(element.orderType==1 && element.payStatus==1 && element.refundStatus == 0)||(element.orderType==2 && element.payStatus==1&& element.refundStatus == 0)||(element.orderType==3 && element.payStatus==1&& element.refundStatus == 0)) |
// orderInfos.add(element); |
// }); |
refreshController.refreshCompleted(); |
refreshController.loadComplete(); |
if (current * 10 > int.tryParse(baseData.data.total)) { |
refreshController.loadNoData(); |
} else { |
current += 1; |
} |
setState(() {}); |
} else { |
SmartDialog.showToast(baseData?.msg ?? "",alignment: Alignment.center); |
refreshController.refreshFailed(); |
refreshController.loadFailed(); |
} |
} |
@override |
void initState() { |
super.initState(); |
SharedPreferences.getInstance().then((value) => { |
apiService = ApiService(Dio(), |
showLoading: true, |
context: context, |
token: value.getString("token")), |
queryOrder(), |
}); |
} |
String orderAllGoods(OrderInfo orderInfo) { |
int count = 0; |
if (orderInfo.productList != null) { |
orderInfo.productList.forEach((element) { |
count += element.buyNum; |
}); |
} |
return count.toString(); |
} |
Widget orderItem(OrderInfo orderInfo) { |
return Container( |
margin: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(16.w, 8.h, 16.w, 8.h), |
decoration: BoxDecoration( |
color: Colors.white, |
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(4), |
boxShadow: [ |
BoxShadow( |
color: Colors.black.withAlpha(25), |
offset: Offset(0, 1), |
blurRadius: 12, |
spreadRadius: 0, |
), |
], |
), |
child: Column( |
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceAround, |
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, |
children: [ |
Row( |
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween, |
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, |
children: [ |
// (orderInfo != null && orderInfo.orderType == 0) |
// ? Container() |
// : Container( |
// width: 19, |
// height: 21, |
// margin: EdgeInsets.only(left: 12.w, top: 12.h), |
// alignment: Alignment.center, |
// decoration: BoxDecoration( |
// color: Colors.white, |
// borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(2), |
// border: Border.all( |
// width: 1, |
// color: Color(0xFF32A060), |
// style: BorderStyle.solid, |
// )), |
// child: Text( |
// (orderInfo != null && orderInfo.orderType == 1) |
// ? "团" |
// : ((orderInfo != null && orderInfo.orderType == 2) |
// ? "秒" |
// : "砍"), |
// style: TextStyle( |
// fontSize: 12.sp, |
// fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, |
// color: Color(0xFF32A060), |
// ), |
// ), |
// ), |
// Container( |
// width: 19, |
// height: 21, |
// margin: EdgeInsets.only(left: 7.w, top: 12.h), |
// alignment: Alignment.center, |
// decoration: BoxDecoration( |
// color: Color(0xff32A060), |
// borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(2), |
// ), |
// child: Text( |
// (orderInfo != null && orderInfo.isTakeOut == 0) |
// ? "自" |
// : ((orderInfo != null && orderInfo.isTakeOut == 1) |
// ? "外" |
// : "物"), |
// style: TextStyle( |
// fontSize: 12.sp, |
// fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, |
// color: Colors.white, |
// ), |
// ), |
// ), |
Expanded( |
child: Container( |
width: double.infinity, |
margin: EdgeInsets.only(left:12.w, top: 12.h), |
alignment: Alignment.centerLeft, |
child: Text( |
(orderInfo != null) ? orderInfo.storeName : "", |
style: TextStyle( |
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, |
fontSize: 14.sp, |
color: Color(0xFF353535), |
), |
), |
), |
flex: 1, |
), |
Padding( |
padding: EdgeInsets.only(top: 12.h, right: 12.w), |
child: Text( |
(orderInfo != null && |
orderInfo.storeVO != null && |
orderInfo.storeVO.posType != null) |
? StatusUtils.statusText( |
context, |
orderInfo.refundStatus, |
orderInfo.orderStatus, |
orderInfo.payStatus, |
orderInfo.sendStatus, |
orderInfo.isTakeOut) |
: "", |
style: TextStyle( |
fontSize: 14.sp, |
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, |
color: (orderInfo == null) |
? Color(0xFF32A060) |
: (orderInfo.refundStatus == 1 || |
orderInfo.orderStatus == -1 || orderInfo.orderStatus >= 5) |
? Colors.grey |
: (orderInfo.orderStatus == 4) |
? Color(0xFF32A060) |
: Color(0xffFE951E), |
), |
), |
), |
], |
), |
Container( |
margin: EdgeInsets.only(left: 12.w,top:3.h), |
child: Column( |
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, |
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, |
children: [ |
Text( |
S.of(context).xiadanshijian_( |
(orderInfo != null) ? orderInfo.createTime : ""), |
style: TextStyle( |
fontSize: 10.sp, |
color: Color(0xFF727272), |
), |
), |
SizedBox( |
height: 8.h, |
), |
Row( |
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, |
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.center, |
children: [ |
Expanded( |
child: Container( |
child: Row( |
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, |
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.center, |
children: goodsItem((orderInfo != null && |
orderInfo.productList != null) |
? orderInfo.productList |
: null), |
), |
), |
flex: 1, |
), |
Padding( |
padding: EdgeInsets.all(22.w), |
child: Image.asset( |
"assets/image/icon_order_more.webp", |
width: 24, |
height: 24, |
), |
) |
], |
), |
], |
), |
), |
SizedBox( |
height: 12.h, |
), |
Container( |
margin: EdgeInsets.only(right: 12.w, bottom: 12.h), |
child: Directionality( |
textDirection: TextDirection.rtl, |
child: Column( |
children: [ |
Row( |
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, |
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, |
children: [ |
Text.rich( |
TextSpan( |
children: [ |
TextSpan( |
text: S.of(context).gong, |
style: TextStyle( |
fontSize: 12.sp, |
color: Color(0xFF868686), |
), |
), |
TextSpan( |
text: orderAllGoods(orderInfo), |
style: TextStyle( |
fontSize: 12.sp, |
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, |
color: Colors.black, |
), |
), |
TextSpan( |
text: S.of(context).jian, |
style: TextStyle( |
fontSize: 12.sp, |
color: Color(0xFF868686), |
), |
), |
], |
), |
), |
SizedBox( |
width: 4.w, |
), |
Text.rich( |
TextSpan( |
children: [ |
TextSpan( |
text: S.of(context).heji, |
style: TextStyle( |
fontSize: 12.sp, |
color: Color(0xFF868686), |
), |
), |
TextSpan( |
// text: totalPrice(orderInfo), |
text: orderInfo.finalPayPrice, |
style: TextStyle( |
fontSize: 12.sp, |
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, |
color: Colors.black, |
), |
), |
TextSpan( |
text: S.of(context).yuan, |
style: TextStyle( |
fontSize: 12.sp, |
color: Color(0xFF868686), |
), |
), |
], |
), |
), |
], |
), |
SizedBox( |
height: 8.h, |
), |
Row( |
children: (orderInfo != null) |
? StatusUtils.statusBtn( |
context, |
orderInfo.payStatus, |
orderInfo.orderStatus, |
orderInfo.isTakeOut, |
orderInfo.sendStatus, |
orderInfo.refundStatus, |
orderInfo.dayFlowCode, (type) { |
if (type == 0) { |
aginOrder(orderInfo); |
} else if (type == 1) { |
SmartDialog.show( |
widget: Tips( |
() { |
SmartDialog.dismiss(); |
}, |
text: "暂不支持此功能", |
)); |
} else if (type == 2) { |
orderCancel(orderInfo.id); |
} else if (type == 3) { |
minLogin(orderInfo); |
} else if (type == 4) { |
Navigator.of(context).pushNamed( |
'/router/logistics_information_page', |
arguments: { |
"logisticsNum": orderInfo.logisticsNum, |
"logisticsName": orderInfo.logisticsName, |
"shipperCode": orderInfo.shipperCode, |
"productNum": orderInfo.productList.length, |
"skuImg": orderInfo.productList.length > 0 |
? orderInfo.productList[0].skuImg |
: "" |
}); |
} |
}) |
: [], |
), |
], |
), |
), |
), |
], |
), |
); |
} |
minLogin(OrderInfo orderInfo) { |
apiService.minLogin(orderInfo.storeId).catchError((onError) { |
debugPrint(onError); |
}).then((baseData) { |
if (baseData != null && baseData.isSuccess) { |
Map<String, dynamic> minStoreInfo = baseData.data; |
String minToken = minStoreInfo["token"]; |
String tenant = orderInfo.tenantCode; |
String storeId = orderInfo.storeId; |
SharedPreferences.getInstance().then( |
(value) => { |
value.setString('minToken', minToken), |
value.setString('tenant', tenant), |
value.setString('storeId', storeId), |
}, |
); |
paySelected( |
orderInfo, |
MinApiService( |
Dio(), |
context: context, |
token: minToken, |
tenant: tenant, |
storeId: storeId, |
)); |
} |
}); |
} |
queryDetails(id) async { |
if (apiService == null) { |
SharedPreferences value = await SharedPreferences.getInstance(); |
apiService = ApiService(Dio(), |
context: context, token: value.getString("token"), showLoading: true); |
} |
BaseData<OrderInfo> baseData = |
await apiService.orderDetail(id).catchError((error) {}); |
if (baseData != null && baseData.isSuccess) { |
return baseData.data; |
} |
} |
paySelected(OrderInfo orderInfo, MinApiService minService) async { |
var payChannel = await showModalBottomSheet( |
context: context, |
backgroundColor: Colors.transparent, |
builder: (context) { |
return OrderPaySelected(); |
}, |
); |
if (payChannel != null && payChannel > 0) { |
orderInfo = await queryDetails(orderInfo.id); |
OrderUtils.carryOnPay( |
payChannel, |
minService, |
orderInfo, |
(BaseData baseData) { |
SmartDialog.showToast( |
baseData?.msg == "ok" ? "订单支付成功" : baseData?.msg, |
alignment: Alignment.center); |
Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 3), () { |
_onRefresh(); |
}); |
}, |
); |
} |
} |
payResult(BaseData baseData) {} |
orderCancel(String orderId) async { |
BaseData baseData = |
await apiService.orderCancel(orderId).catchError((onError) {}); |
if (baseData != null && baseData.isSuccess) { |
SmartDialog.showToast("订单取消成功"); |
_onRefresh(); |
}else{ |
if(baseData.msg != null) |
SmartDialog.showToast(baseData.msg,alignment: Alignment.center); |
} |
} |
aginOrder(OrderInfo orderInfo) { |
// Navigator.of(context).pushNamed( |
// '/router/union_detail_page', |
// arguments: {"id": storeId}, |
// ); |
// String storeId = (orderInfo != null && |
// orderInfo.storeVO != null) |
// ? (orderInfo.storeVO.id ?? "") |
// : ""; |
if (orderInfo.storeVO.posType.code == "NORMALSTORE") { |
Scan.toScan( |
context, |
orderInfo.storeVO.id, |
orderInfo.tenantCode, |
orderInfo.storeVO.storeName, |
); |
} else { |
Navigator.of(context).pushNamed( |
'/router/store_order', |
arguments: { |
"id": orderInfo.storeVO.id, |
"tenant": orderInfo.tenantCode, |
"storeName": orderInfo.storeVO.storeName |
}, |
); |
} |
} |
String totalPrice(orderInfo) { |
if (orderInfo == null) return ""; |
double totalPrice = (double.tryParse(orderInfo.orderSum) + |
double.tryParse(orderInfo.postFee)); |
if (orderInfo.orderDetail != null && |
orderInfo.orderDetail.couponDTO != null) { |
totalPrice -= double.tryParse(orderInfo.orderDetail.couponDTO.money); |
} |
return "$totalPrice"; |
} |
List<Widget> goodsItem(List<OrderProductVOList> products) { |
if (products == null) return []; |
if (products.length > 3) { |
products = products.sublist(0, 3); |
} |
return products |
.map( |
(e) => Container( |
margin: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 2.w), |
child: Column( |
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceAround, |
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.center, |
children: [ |
MImage( |
e.skuImg, |
width: 75.w, |
height: 75.w, |
fit: BoxFit.cover, |
errorSrc: "assets/image/default_1.webp", |
fadeSrc: "assets/image/default_1.webp", |
), |
SizedBox( |
height: 4.h, |
), |
if (isRemake) |
Container( |
width: 75.w, |
child: Text( |
e.productName, |
maxLines: 1, |
textAlign: TextAlign.center, |
overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis, |
style: TextStyle( |
fontSize: 10.sp, |
color: Color(0xFF353535), |
), |
), |
), |
], |
), |
), |
) |
.toList(); |
} |
@override |
bool get wantKeepAlive => true; |