You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
2446 lines
73 KiB
2446 lines
73 KiB
/// accountPay : 0 |
/// activityDiscountPrice : 0 |
/// activityNoPrice : 0 |
/// addressExt : {"address":"","addressId":0,"city":"","cityId":0,"country":"","countryId":0,"district":"","districtId":0,"latitude":0,"longitude":0,"province":"","provinceId":0,"recMobile":"","recName":""} |
/// batch : 0 |
/// confirmTime : "" |
/// couponId : 0 |
/// couponSubPrice : 0 |
/// createTime : "" |
/// createUser : 0 |
/// customPrice : 0 |
/// dayFlowCode : "" |
/// dishesDiscountPrice : 0 |
/// finalPayPrice : 0 |
/// id : 0 |
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/// isDelete : 0 |
/// isSubscribe : true |
/// isTakeOut : 0 |
/// logisticsCase : "" |
/// logisticsId : 0 |
/// logisticsName : "" |
/// logisticsNum : "" |
/// memberAccount : "" |
/// mid : 0 |
/// notes : "" |
/// orderCode : "" |
/// orderDiscountPrice : 0 |
/// orderPercentPrice : 0 |
/// orderSource : 0 |
/// orderStatus : 0 |
/// orderSum : 0 |
/// parentCode : "" |
/// parentId : 0 |
/// payChannel : 0 |
/// payNum : "" |
/// payStatus : 0 |
/// paySum : 0 |
/// paySumSub : 0 |
/// payTime : "" |
/// postFee : 0 |
/// prepayId : "" |
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/// promotionId : 0 |
/// refundStatus : 0 |
/// removeDecimal : 0 |
/// returnMoneyTime : "" |
/// sendStatus : 0 |
/// sendTime : "" |
/// shipperCode : "" |
/// storeId : 0 |
/// storeName : "" |
/// storeVO : {"banners":[{"content":"","createTime":"","createUser":0,"id":0,"imgUrl":"","isDelete":true,"storeId":0,"tenantCode":"","type":"","updateTime":"","updateUser":0}],"businessService":"","businessType":"","couponVO":{"bizId":"","bizType":0,"centreDisplay":true,"couponDescription":"","couponImg":"","couponName":"","createTime":"","createUser":0,"dateOrDay":true,"daysValidate":0,"discountAmount":0,"discountPercent":0,"fullAmount":0,"id":0,"isDelete":0,"memberCouponId":0,"promotionId":0,"publishEndTime":"","publishStartTime":"","receiveTime":"","received":true,"startAfterDays":0,"status":0,"storeList":[{"address":"","businessService":"","businessType":"","city":"","createTime":"","createUser":0,"deliveryInfo":{"dadaRegStatus":true,"dadaSourceId":"","dadaStatus":true,"dianwodaRegStatus":true,"dianwodaStatus":true,"meituanRegStatus":true,"meituanStatus":true},"district":"","headMobile":"","headName":"","id":0,"isAutoSendRefundAddress":0,"latitude":0,"logo":"","longitude":0,"miniParam":{"mini_key_cert_path":"","mini_key_key_path":"","mini_key_path":"","mini_key_sn_no":"","mini_mch_id":"","mini_mch_key":"","mini_program_app_id":"","mini_program_secret":""},"mobile":"","nickName":"","openEndTime":{"hour":0,"minute":0,"nano":0,"second":0},"openStartTime":{"hour":0,"minute":0,"nano":0,"second":0},"posType":{"code":"NORMALSTORE","desc":""},"province":"","refundAddress":"","refundContact":"","refundTel":"","remark":"","shipAddress":"","storeName":"","tenantCode":"","updateTime":"","updateUser":0,"useErp":true}],"tenantCode":"","updateTime":"","updateUser":0,"useEndTime":"","useStartTime":"","useTime":""},"defaultPostAge":0,"deliveryDistance":0,"freePostAge":0,"id":0,"isAutoSendRefundAddress":0,"latitude":0,"logisticsFreePostAge":0,"logisticsThreshold":0,"logo":"","longitude":0,"mobile":"","nickName":"","openEndTime":{"hour":0,"minute":0,"nano":0,"second":0},"openStartTime":{"hour":0,"minute":0,"nano":0,"second":0},"posType":{"code":"NORMALSTORE","desc":""},"refundAddress":"","refundContact":"","refundTel":"","remark":"","shipAddress":"","soldNum":0,"storeBrandImg":"","storeName":"","storeTable":{"areaId":0,"createTime":"","createUser":0,"id":0,"isDelete":0,"numberOfPeople":0,"remark":"","storeId":0,"tableCapacity":0,"tableName":"","tableSort":0,"tableType":0,"tenantCode":"","updateTime":"","updateUser":0},"storeTemplateConfig":"","threshold":0,"tips":""} |
/// subcribeTime : "" |
/// tableId : 0 |
/// tenantCode : "" |
/// totalDiscountPrice : 0 |
/// updateTime : "" |
/// updateUser : 0 |
class OrderInfo { |
int _accountPay; |
int _activityDiscountPrice; |
int _activityNoPrice; |
AddressExt _addressExt; |
int _batch; |
String _confirmTime; |
int _couponId; |
int _couponSubPrice; |
String _createTime; |
int _createUser; |
int _customPrice; |
String _dayFlowCode; |
int _dishesDiscountPrice; |
int _finalPayPrice; |
int _id; |
Info _info; |
int _isDelete; |
bool _isSubscribe; |
int _isTakeOut; |
String _logisticsCase; |
int _logisticsId; |
String _logisticsName; |
String _logisticsNum; |
String _memberAccount; |
int _mid; |
String _notes; |
String _orderCode; |
int _orderDiscountPrice; |
int _orderPercentPrice; |
int _orderSource; |
int _orderStatus; |
int _orderSum; |
String _parentCode; |
int _parentId; |
int _payChannel; |
String _payNum; |
int _payStatus; |
int _paySum; |
int _paySumSub; |
String _payTime; |
int _postFee; |
String _prepayId; |
List<ProductList> _productList; |
int _promotionId; |
int _refundStatus; |
int _removeDecimal; |
String _returnMoneyTime; |
int _sendStatus; |
String _sendTime; |
String _shipperCode; |
int _storeId; |
String _storeName; |
StoreVO _storeVO; |
String _subcribeTime; |
int _tableId; |
String _tenantCode; |
int _totalDiscountPrice; |
String _updateTime; |
int _updateUser; |
int get accountPay => _accountPay; |
int get activityDiscountPrice => _activityDiscountPrice; |
int get activityNoPrice => _activityNoPrice; |
AddressExt get addressExt => _addressExt; |
int get batch => _batch; |
String get confirmTime => _confirmTime; |
int get couponId => _couponId; |
int get couponSubPrice => _couponSubPrice; |
String get createTime => _createTime; |
int get createUser => _createUser; |
int get customPrice => _customPrice; |
String get dayFlowCode => _dayFlowCode; |
int get dishesDiscountPrice => _dishesDiscountPrice; |
int get finalPayPrice => _finalPayPrice; |
int get id => _id; |
Info get info => _info; |
int get isDelete => _isDelete; |
bool get isSubscribe => _isSubscribe; |
int get isTakeOut => _isTakeOut; |
String get logisticsCase => _logisticsCase; |
int get logisticsId => _logisticsId; |
String get logisticsName => _logisticsName; |
String get logisticsNum => _logisticsNum; |
String get memberAccount => _memberAccount; |
int get mid => _mid; |
String get notes => _notes; |
String get orderCode => _orderCode; |
int get orderDiscountPrice => _orderDiscountPrice; |
int get orderPercentPrice => _orderPercentPrice; |
int get orderSource => _orderSource; |
int get orderStatus => _orderStatus; |
int get orderSum => _orderSum; |
String get parentCode => _parentCode; |
int get parentId => _parentId; |
int get payChannel => _payChannel; |
String get payNum => _payNum; |
int get payStatus => _payStatus; |
int get paySum => _paySum; |
int get paySumSub => _paySumSub; |
String get payTime => _payTime; |
int get postFee => _postFee; |
String get prepayId => _prepayId; |
List<ProductList> get productList => _productList; |
int get promotionId => _promotionId; |
int get refundStatus => _refundStatus; |
int get removeDecimal => _removeDecimal; |
String get returnMoneyTime => _returnMoneyTime; |
int get sendStatus => _sendStatus; |
String get sendTime => _sendTime; |
String get shipperCode => _shipperCode; |
int get storeId => _storeId; |
String get storeName => _storeName; |
StoreVO get storeVO => _storeVO; |
String get subcribeTime => _subcribeTime; |
int get tableId => _tableId; |
String get tenantCode => _tenantCode; |
int get totalDiscountPrice => _totalDiscountPrice; |
String get updateTime => _updateTime; |
int get updateUser => _updateUser; |
OrderInfo({ |
int accountPay, |
int activityDiscountPrice, |
int activityNoPrice, |
AddressExt addressExt, |
int batch, |
String confirmTime, |
int couponId, |
int couponSubPrice, |
String createTime, |
int createUser, |
int customPrice, |
String dayFlowCode, |
int dishesDiscountPrice, |
int finalPayPrice, |
int id, |
Info info, |
int isDelete, |
bool isSubscribe, |
int isTakeOut, |
String logisticsCase, |
int logisticsId, |
String logisticsName, |
String logisticsNum, |
String memberAccount, |
int mid, |
String notes, |
String orderCode, |
int orderDiscountPrice, |
int orderPercentPrice, |
int orderSource, |
int orderStatus, |
int orderSum, |
String parentCode, |
int parentId, |
int payChannel, |
String payNum, |
int payStatus, |
int paySum, |
int paySumSub, |
String payTime, |
int postFee, |
String prepayId, |
List<ProductList> productList, |
int promotionId, |
int refundStatus, |
int removeDecimal, |
String returnMoneyTime, |
int sendStatus, |
String sendTime, |
String shipperCode, |
int storeId, |
String storeName, |
StoreVO storeVO, |
String subcribeTime, |
int tableId, |
String tenantCode, |
int totalDiscountPrice, |
String updateTime, |
int updateUser}){ |
_accountPay = accountPay; |
_activityDiscountPrice = activityDiscountPrice; |
_activityNoPrice = activityNoPrice; |
_addressExt = addressExt; |
_batch = batch; |
_confirmTime = confirmTime; |
_couponId = couponId; |
_couponSubPrice = couponSubPrice; |
_createTime = createTime; |
_createUser = createUser; |
_customPrice = customPrice; |
_dayFlowCode = dayFlowCode; |
_dishesDiscountPrice = dishesDiscountPrice; |
_finalPayPrice = finalPayPrice; |
_id = id; |
_info = info; |
_isDelete = isDelete; |
_isSubscribe = isSubscribe; |
_isTakeOut = isTakeOut; |
_logisticsCase = logisticsCase; |
_logisticsId = logisticsId; |
_logisticsName = logisticsName; |
_logisticsNum = logisticsNum; |
_memberAccount = memberAccount; |
_mid = mid; |
_notes = notes; |
_orderCode = orderCode; |
_orderDiscountPrice = orderDiscountPrice; |
_orderPercentPrice = orderPercentPrice; |
_orderSource = orderSource; |
_orderStatus = orderStatus; |
_orderSum = orderSum; |
_parentCode = parentCode; |
_parentId = parentId; |
_payChannel = payChannel; |
_payNum = payNum; |
_payStatus = payStatus; |
_paySum = paySum; |
_paySumSub = paySumSub; |
_payTime = payTime; |
_postFee = postFee; |
_prepayId = prepayId; |
_productList = productList; |
_promotionId = promotionId; |
_refundStatus = refundStatus; |
_removeDecimal = removeDecimal; |
_returnMoneyTime = returnMoneyTime; |
_sendStatus = sendStatus; |
_sendTime = sendTime; |
_shipperCode = shipperCode; |
_storeId = storeId; |
_storeName = storeName; |
_storeVO = storeVO; |
_subcribeTime = subcribeTime; |
_tableId = tableId; |
_tenantCode = tenantCode; |
_totalDiscountPrice = totalDiscountPrice; |
_updateTime = updateTime; |
_updateUser = updateUser; |
} |
OrderInfo.fromJson(dynamic json) { |
_accountPay = json["accountPay"]; |
_activityDiscountPrice = json["activityDiscountPrice"]; |
_activityNoPrice = json["activityNoPrice"]; |
_addressExt = json["addressExt"] != null ? AddressExt.fromJson(json["addressExt"]) : null; |
_batch = json["batch"]; |
_confirmTime = json["confirmTime"]; |
_couponId = json["couponId"]; |
_couponSubPrice = json["couponSubPrice"]; |
_createTime = json["createTime"]; |
_createUser = json["createUser"]; |
_customPrice = json["customPrice"]; |
_dayFlowCode = json["dayFlowCode"]; |
_dishesDiscountPrice = json["dishesDiscountPrice"]; |
_finalPayPrice = json["finalPayPrice"]; |
_id = json["id"]; |
_info = json["info"] != null ? Info.fromJson(json["info"]) : null; |
_isDelete = json["isDelete"]; |
_isSubscribe = json["isSubscribe"]; |
_isTakeOut = json["isTakeOut"]; |
_logisticsCase = json["logisticsCase"]; |
_logisticsId = json["logisticsId"]; |
_logisticsName = json["logisticsName"]; |
_logisticsNum = json["logisticsNum"]; |
_memberAccount = json["memberAccount"]; |
_mid = json["mid"]; |
_notes = json["notes"]; |
_orderCode = json["orderCode"]; |
_orderDiscountPrice = json["orderDiscountPrice"]; |
_orderPercentPrice = json["orderPercentPrice"]; |
_orderSource = json["orderSource"]; |
_orderStatus = json["orderStatus"]; |
_orderSum = json["orderSum"]; |
_parentCode = json["parentCode"]; |
_parentId = json["parentId"]; |
_payChannel = json["payChannel"]; |
_payNum = json["payNum"]; |
_payStatus = json["payStatus"]; |
_paySum = json["paySum"]; |
_paySumSub = json["paySumSub"]; |
_payTime = json["payTime"]; |
_postFee = json["postFee"]; |
_prepayId = json["prepayId"]; |
if (json["productList"] != null) { |
_productList = []; |
json["productList"].forEach((v) { |
_productList.add(ProductList.fromJson(v)); |
}); |
} |
_promotionId = json["promotionId"]; |
_refundStatus = json["refundStatus"]; |
_removeDecimal = json["removeDecimal"]; |
_returnMoneyTime = json["returnMoneyTime"]; |
_sendStatus = json["sendStatus"]; |
_sendTime = json["sendTime"]; |
_shipperCode = json["shipperCode"]; |
_storeId = json["storeId"]; |
_storeName = json["storeName"]; |
_storeVO = json["storeVO"] != null ? StoreVO.fromJson(json["storeVO"]) : null; |
_subcribeTime = json["subcribeTime"]; |
_tableId = json["tableId"]; |
_tenantCode = json["tenantCode"]; |
_totalDiscountPrice = json["totalDiscountPrice"]; |
_updateTime = json["updateTime"]; |
_updateUser = json["updateUser"]; |
} |
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() { |
var map = <String, dynamic>{}; |
map["accountPay"] = _accountPay; |
map["activityDiscountPrice"] = _activityDiscountPrice; |
map["activityNoPrice"] = _activityNoPrice; |
if (_addressExt != null) { |
map["addressExt"] = _addressExt.toJson(); |
} |
map["batch"] = _batch; |
map["confirmTime"] = _confirmTime; |
map["couponId"] = _couponId; |
map["couponSubPrice"] = _couponSubPrice; |
map["createTime"] = _createTime; |
map["createUser"] = _createUser; |
map["customPrice"] = _customPrice; |
map["dayFlowCode"] = _dayFlowCode; |
map["dishesDiscountPrice"] = _dishesDiscountPrice; |
map["finalPayPrice"] = _finalPayPrice; |
map["id"] = _id; |
if (_info != null) { |
map["info"] = _info.toJson(); |
} |
map["isDelete"] = _isDelete; |
map["isSubscribe"] = _isSubscribe; |
map["isTakeOut"] = _isTakeOut; |
map["logisticsCase"] = _logisticsCase; |
map["logisticsId"] = _logisticsId; |
map["logisticsName"] = _logisticsName; |
map["logisticsNum"] = _logisticsNum; |
map["memberAccount"] = _memberAccount; |
map["mid"] = _mid; |
map["notes"] = _notes; |
map["orderCode"] = _orderCode; |
map["orderDiscountPrice"] = _orderDiscountPrice; |
map["orderPercentPrice"] = _orderPercentPrice; |
map["orderSource"] = _orderSource; |
map["orderStatus"] = _orderStatus; |
map["orderSum"] = _orderSum; |
map["parentCode"] = _parentCode; |
map["parentId"] = _parentId; |
map["payChannel"] = _payChannel; |
map["payNum"] = _payNum; |
map["payStatus"] = _payStatus; |
map["paySum"] = _paySum; |
map["paySumSub"] = _paySumSub; |
map["payTime"] = _payTime; |
map["postFee"] = _postFee; |
map["prepayId"] = _prepayId; |
if (_productList != null) { |
map["productList"] = => v.toJson()).toList(); |
} |
map["promotionId"] = _promotionId; |
map["refundStatus"] = _refundStatus; |
map["removeDecimal"] = _removeDecimal; |
map["returnMoneyTime"] = _returnMoneyTime; |
map["sendStatus"] = _sendStatus; |
map["sendTime"] = _sendTime; |
map["shipperCode"] = _shipperCode; |
map["storeId"] = _storeId; |
map["storeName"] = _storeName; |
if (_storeVO != null) { |
map["storeVO"] = _storeVO.toJson(); |
} |
map["subcribeTime"] = _subcribeTime; |
map["tableId"] = _tableId; |
map["tenantCode"] = _tenantCode; |
map["totalDiscountPrice"] = _totalDiscountPrice; |
map["updateTime"] = _updateTime; |
map["updateUser"] = _updateUser; |
return map; |
} |
} |
/// banners : [{"content":"","createTime":"","createUser":0,"id":0,"imgUrl":"","isDelete":true,"storeId":0,"tenantCode":"","type":"","updateTime":"","updateUser":0}] |
/// businessService : "" |
/// businessType : "" |
/// couponVO : {"bizId":"","bizType":0,"centreDisplay":true,"couponDescription":"","couponImg":"","couponName":"","createTime":"","createUser":0,"dateOrDay":true,"daysValidate":0,"discountAmount":0,"discountPercent":0,"fullAmount":0,"id":0,"isDelete":0,"memberCouponId":0,"promotionId":0,"publishEndTime":"","publishStartTime":"","receiveTime":"","received":true,"startAfterDays":0,"status":0,"storeList":[{"address":"","businessService":"","businessType":"","city":"","createTime":"","createUser":0,"deliveryInfo":{"dadaRegStatus":true,"dadaSourceId":"","dadaStatus":true,"dianwodaRegStatus":true,"dianwodaStatus":true,"meituanRegStatus":true,"meituanStatus":true},"district":"","headMobile":"","headName":"","id":0,"isAutoSendRefundAddress":0,"latitude":0,"logo":"","longitude":0,"miniParam":{"mini_key_cert_path":"","mini_key_key_path":"","mini_key_path":"","mini_key_sn_no":"","mini_mch_id":"","mini_mch_key":"","mini_program_app_id":"","mini_program_secret":""},"mobile":"","nickName":"","openEndTime":{"hour":0,"minute":0,"nano":0,"second":0},"openStartTime":{"hour":0,"minute":0,"nano":0,"second":0},"posType":{"code":"NORMALSTORE","desc":""},"province":"","refundAddress":"","refundContact":"","refundTel":"","remark":"","shipAddress":"","storeName":"","tenantCode":"","updateTime":"","updateUser":0,"useErp":true}],"tenantCode":"","updateTime":"","updateUser":0,"useEndTime":"","useStartTime":"","useTime":""} |
/// defaultPostAge : 0 |
/// deliveryDistance : 0 |
/// freePostAge : 0 |
/// id : 0 |
/// isAutoSendRefundAddress : 0 |
/// latitude : 0 |
/// logisticsFreePostAge : 0 |
/// logisticsThreshold : 0 |
/// logo : "" |
/// longitude : 0 |
/// mobile : "" |
/// nickName : "" |
/// openEndTime : {"hour":0,"minute":0,"nano":0,"second":0} |
/// openStartTime : {"hour":0,"minute":0,"nano":0,"second":0} |
/// posType : {"code":"NORMALSTORE","desc":""} |
/// refundAddress : "" |
/// refundContact : "" |
/// refundTel : "" |
/// remark : "" |
/// shipAddress : "" |
/// soldNum : 0 |
/// storeBrandImg : "" |
/// storeName : "" |
/// storeTable : {"areaId":0,"createTime":"","createUser":0,"id":0,"isDelete":0,"numberOfPeople":0,"remark":"","storeId":0,"tableCapacity":0,"tableName":"","tableSort":0,"tableType":0,"tenantCode":"","updateTime":"","updateUser":0} |
/// storeTemplateConfig : "" |
/// threshold : 0 |
/// tips : "" |
class StoreVO { |
List<Banners> _banners; |
String _businessService; |
String _businessType; |
CouponVO _couponVO; |
int _defaultPostAge; |
int _deliveryDistance; |
int _freePostAge; |
int _id; |
int _isAutoSendRefundAddress; |
int _latitude; |
int _logisticsFreePostAge; |
int _logisticsThreshold; |
String _logo; |
int _longitude; |
String _mobile; |
String _nickName; |
OpenEndTime _openEndTime; |
OpenStartTime _openStartTime; |
PosType _posType; |
String _refundAddress; |
String _refundContact; |
String _refundTel; |
String _remark; |
String _shipAddress; |
int _soldNum; |
String _storeBrandImg; |
String _storeName; |
StoreTable _storeTable; |
String _storeTemplateConfig; |
int _threshold; |
String _tips; |
List<Banners> get banners => _banners; |
String get businessService => _businessService; |
String get businessType => _businessType; |
CouponVO get couponVO => _couponVO; |
int get defaultPostAge => _defaultPostAge; |
int get deliveryDistance => _deliveryDistance; |
int get freePostAge => _freePostAge; |
int get id => _id; |
int get isAutoSendRefundAddress => _isAutoSendRefundAddress; |
int get latitude => _latitude; |
int get logisticsFreePostAge => _logisticsFreePostAge; |
int get logisticsThreshold => _logisticsThreshold; |
String get logo => _logo; |
int get longitude => _longitude; |
String get mobile => _mobile; |
String get nickName => _nickName; |
OpenEndTime get openEndTime => _openEndTime; |
OpenStartTime get openStartTime => _openStartTime; |
PosType get posType => _posType; |
String get refundAddress => _refundAddress; |
String get refundContact => _refundContact; |
String get refundTel => _refundTel; |
String get remark => _remark; |
String get shipAddress => _shipAddress; |
int get soldNum => _soldNum; |
String get storeBrandImg => _storeBrandImg; |
String get storeName => _storeName; |
StoreTable get storeTable => _storeTable; |
String get storeTemplateConfig => _storeTemplateConfig; |
int get threshold => _threshold; |
String get tips => _tips; |
StoreVO({ |
List<Banners> banners, |
String businessService, |
String businessType, |
CouponVO couponVO, |
int defaultPostAge, |
int deliveryDistance, |
int freePostAge, |
int id, |
int isAutoSendRefundAddress, |
int latitude, |
int logisticsFreePostAge, |
int logisticsThreshold, |
String logo, |
int longitude, |
String mobile, |
String nickName, |
OpenEndTime openEndTime, |
OpenStartTime openStartTime, |
PosType posType, |
String refundAddress, |
String refundContact, |
String refundTel, |
String remark, |
String shipAddress, |
int soldNum, |
String storeBrandImg, |
String storeName, |
StoreTable storeTable, |
String storeTemplateConfig, |
int threshold, |
String tips}){ |
_banners = banners; |
_businessService = businessService; |
_businessType = businessType; |
_couponVO = couponVO; |
_defaultPostAge = defaultPostAge; |
_deliveryDistance = deliveryDistance; |
_freePostAge = freePostAge; |
_id = id; |
_isAutoSendRefundAddress = isAutoSendRefundAddress; |
_latitude = latitude; |
_logisticsFreePostAge = logisticsFreePostAge; |
_logisticsThreshold = logisticsThreshold; |
_logo = logo; |
_longitude = longitude; |
_mobile = mobile; |
_nickName = nickName; |
_openEndTime = openEndTime; |
_openStartTime = openStartTime; |
_posType = posType; |
_refundAddress = refundAddress; |
_refundContact = refundContact; |
_refundTel = refundTel; |
_remark = remark; |
_shipAddress = shipAddress; |
_soldNum = soldNum; |
_storeBrandImg = storeBrandImg; |
_storeName = storeName; |
_storeTable = storeTable; |
_storeTemplateConfig = storeTemplateConfig; |
_threshold = threshold; |
_tips = tips; |
} |
StoreVO.fromJson(dynamic json) { |
if (json["banners"] != null) { |
_banners = []; |
json["banners"].forEach((v) { |
_banners.add(Banners.fromJson(v)); |
}); |
} |
_businessService = json["businessService"]; |
_businessType = json["businessType"]; |
_couponVO = json["couponVO"] != null ? CouponVO.fromJson(json["couponVO"]) : null; |
_defaultPostAge = json["defaultPostAge"]; |
_deliveryDistance = json["deliveryDistance"]; |
_freePostAge = json["freePostAge"]; |
_id = json["id"]; |
_isAutoSendRefundAddress = json["isAutoSendRefundAddress"]; |
_latitude = json["latitude"]; |
_logisticsFreePostAge = json["logisticsFreePostAge"]; |
_logisticsThreshold = json["logisticsThreshold"]; |
_logo = json["logo"]; |
_longitude = json["longitude"]; |
_mobile = json["mobile"]; |
_nickName = json["nickName"]; |
_openEndTime = json["openEndTime"] != null ? OpenEndTime.fromJson(json["openEndTime"]) : null; |
_openStartTime = json["openStartTime"] != null ? OpenStartTime.fromJson(json["openStartTime"]) : null; |
_posType = json["posType"] != null ? PosType.fromJson(json["posType"]) : null; |
_refundAddress = json["refundAddress"]; |
_refundContact = json["refundContact"]; |
_refundTel = json["refundTel"]; |
_remark = json["remark"]; |
_shipAddress = json["shipAddress"]; |
_soldNum = json["soldNum"]; |
_storeBrandImg = json["storeBrandImg"]; |
_storeName = json["storeName"]; |
_storeTable = json["storeTable"] != null ? StoreTable.fromJson(json["storeTable"]) : null; |
_storeTemplateConfig = json["storeTemplateConfig"]; |
_threshold = json["threshold"]; |
_tips = json["tips"]; |
} |
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() { |
var map = <String, dynamic>{}; |
if (_banners != null) { |
map["banners"] = => v.toJson()).toList(); |
} |
map["businessService"] = _businessService; |
map["businessType"] = _businessType; |
if (_couponVO != null) { |
map["couponVO"] = _couponVO.toJson(); |
} |
map["defaultPostAge"] = _defaultPostAge; |
map["deliveryDistance"] = _deliveryDistance; |
map["freePostAge"] = _freePostAge; |
map["id"] = _id; |
map["isAutoSendRefundAddress"] = _isAutoSendRefundAddress; |
map["latitude"] = _latitude; |
map["logisticsFreePostAge"] = _logisticsFreePostAge; |
map["logisticsThreshold"] = _logisticsThreshold; |
map["logo"] = _logo; |
map["longitude"] = _longitude; |
map["mobile"] = _mobile; |
map["nickName"] = _nickName; |
if (_openEndTime != null) { |
map["openEndTime"] = _openEndTime.toJson(); |
} |
if (_openStartTime != null) { |
map["openStartTime"] = _openStartTime.toJson(); |
} |
if (_posType != null) { |
map["posType"] = _posType.toJson(); |
} |
map["refundAddress"] = _refundAddress; |
map["refundContact"] = _refundContact; |
map["refundTel"] = _refundTel; |
map["remark"] = _remark; |
map["shipAddress"] = _shipAddress; |
map["soldNum"] = _soldNum; |
map["storeBrandImg"] = _storeBrandImg; |
map["storeName"] = _storeName; |
if (_storeTable != null) { |
map["storeTable"] = _storeTable.toJson(); |
} |
map["storeTemplateConfig"] = _storeTemplateConfig; |
map["threshold"] = _threshold; |
map["tips"] = _tips; |
return map; |
} |
} |
/// areaId : 0 |
/// createTime : "" |
/// createUser : 0 |
/// id : 0 |
/// isDelete : 0 |
/// numberOfPeople : 0 |
/// remark : "" |
/// storeId : 0 |
/// tableCapacity : 0 |
/// tableName : "" |
/// tableSort : 0 |
/// tableType : 0 |
/// tenantCode : "" |
/// updateTime : "" |
/// updateUser : 0 |
class StoreTable { |
int _areaId; |
String _createTime; |
int _createUser; |
int _id; |
int _isDelete; |
int _numberOfPeople; |
String _remark; |
int _storeId; |
int _tableCapacity; |
String _tableName; |
int _tableSort; |
int _tableType; |
String _tenantCode; |
String _updateTime; |
int _updateUser; |
int get areaId => _areaId; |
String get createTime => _createTime; |
int get createUser => _createUser; |
int get id => _id; |
int get isDelete => _isDelete; |
int get numberOfPeople => _numberOfPeople; |
String get remark => _remark; |
int get storeId => _storeId; |
int get tableCapacity => _tableCapacity; |
String get tableName => _tableName; |
int get tableSort => _tableSort; |
int get tableType => _tableType; |
String get tenantCode => _tenantCode; |
String get updateTime => _updateTime; |
int get updateUser => _updateUser; |
StoreTable({ |
int areaId, |
String createTime, |
int createUser, |
int id, |
int isDelete, |
int numberOfPeople, |
String remark, |
int storeId, |
int tableCapacity, |
String tableName, |
int tableSort, |
int tableType, |
String tenantCode, |
String updateTime, |
int updateUser}){ |
_areaId = areaId; |
_createTime = createTime; |
_createUser = createUser; |
_id = id; |
_isDelete = isDelete; |
_numberOfPeople = numberOfPeople; |
_remark = remark; |
_storeId = storeId; |
_tableCapacity = tableCapacity; |
_tableName = tableName; |
_tableSort = tableSort; |
_tableType = tableType; |
_tenantCode = tenantCode; |
_updateTime = updateTime; |
_updateUser = updateUser; |
} |
StoreTable.fromJson(dynamic json) { |
_areaId = json["areaId"]; |
_createTime = json["createTime"]; |
_createUser = json["createUser"]; |
_id = json["id"]; |
_isDelete = json["isDelete"]; |
_numberOfPeople = json["numberOfPeople"]; |
_remark = json["remark"]; |
_storeId = json["storeId"]; |
_tableCapacity = json["tableCapacity"]; |
_tableName = json["tableName"]; |
_tableSort = json["tableSort"]; |
_tableType = json["tableType"]; |
_tenantCode = json["tenantCode"]; |
_updateTime = json["updateTime"]; |
_updateUser = json["updateUser"]; |
} |
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() { |
var map = <String, dynamic>{}; |
map["areaId"] = _areaId; |
map["createTime"] = _createTime; |
map["createUser"] = _createUser; |
map["id"] = _id; |
map["isDelete"] = _isDelete; |
map["numberOfPeople"] = _numberOfPeople; |
map["remark"] = _remark; |
map["storeId"] = _storeId; |
map["tableCapacity"] = _tableCapacity; |
map["tableName"] = _tableName; |
map["tableSort"] = _tableSort; |
map["tableType"] = _tableType; |
map["tenantCode"] = _tenantCode; |
map["updateTime"] = _updateTime; |
map["updateUser"] = _updateUser; |
return map; |
} |
} |
/// code : "NORMALSTORE" |
/// desc : "" |
class PosType { |
String _code; |
String _desc; |
String get code => _code; |
String get desc => _desc; |
PosType({ |
String code, |
String desc}){ |
_code = code; |
_desc = desc; |
} |
PosType.fromJson(dynamic json) { |
_code = json["code"]; |
_desc = json["desc"]; |
} |
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() { |
var map = <String, dynamic>{}; |
map["code"] = _code; |
map["desc"] = _desc; |
return map; |
} |
} |
/// hour : 0 |
/// minute : 0 |
/// nano : 0 |
/// second : 0 |
class OpenStartTime { |
int _hour; |
int _minute; |
int _nano; |
int _second; |
int get hour => _hour; |
int get minute => _minute; |
int get nano => _nano; |
int get second => _second; |
OpenStartTime({ |
int hour, |
int minute, |
int nano, |
int second}){ |
_hour = hour; |
_minute = minute; |
_nano = nano; |
_second = second; |
} |
OpenStartTime.fromJson(dynamic json) { |
_hour = json["hour"]; |
_minute = json["minute"]; |
_nano = json["nano"]; |
_second = json["second"]; |
} |
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() { |
var map = <String, dynamic>{}; |
map["hour"] = _hour; |
map["minute"] = _minute; |
map["nano"] = _nano; |
map["second"] = _second; |
return map; |
} |
} |
/// hour : 0 |
/// minute : 0 |
/// nano : 0 |
/// second : 0 |
class OpenEndTime { |
int _hour; |
int _minute; |
int _nano; |
int _second; |
int get hour => _hour; |
int get minute => _minute; |
int get nano => _nano; |
int get second => _second; |
OpenEndTime({ |
int hour, |
int minute, |
int nano, |
int second}){ |
_hour = hour; |
_minute = minute; |
_nano = nano; |
_second = second; |
} |
OpenEndTime.fromJson(dynamic json) { |
_hour = json["hour"]; |
_minute = json["minute"]; |
_nano = json["nano"]; |
_second = json["second"]; |
} |
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() { |
var map = <String, dynamic>{}; |
map["hour"] = _hour; |
map["minute"] = _minute; |
map["nano"] = _nano; |
map["second"] = _second; |
return map; |
} |
} |
/// bizId : "" |
/// bizType : 0 |
/// centreDisplay : true |
/// couponDescription : "" |
/// couponImg : "" |
/// couponName : "" |
/// createTime : "" |
/// createUser : 0 |
/// dateOrDay : true |
/// daysValidate : 0 |
/// discountAmount : 0 |
/// discountPercent : 0 |
/// fullAmount : 0 |
/// id : 0 |
/// isDelete : 0 |
/// memberCouponId : 0 |
/// promotionId : 0 |
/// publishEndTime : "" |
/// publishStartTime : "" |
/// receiveTime : "" |
/// received : true |
/// startAfterDays : 0 |
/// status : 0 |
/// storeList : [{"address":"","businessService":"","businessType":"","city":"","createTime":"","createUser":0,"deliveryInfo":{"dadaRegStatus":true,"dadaSourceId":"","dadaStatus":true,"dianwodaRegStatus":true,"dianwodaStatus":true,"meituanRegStatus":true,"meituanStatus":true},"district":"","headMobile":"","headName":"","id":0,"isAutoSendRefundAddress":0,"latitude":0,"logo":"","longitude":0,"miniParam":{"mini_key_cert_path":"","mini_key_key_path":"","mini_key_path":"","mini_key_sn_no":"","mini_mch_id":"","mini_mch_key":"","mini_program_app_id":"","mini_program_secret":""},"mobile":"","nickName":"","openEndTime":{"hour":0,"minute":0,"nano":0,"second":0},"openStartTime":{"hour":0,"minute":0,"nano":0,"second":0},"posType":{"code":"NORMALSTORE","desc":""},"province":"","refundAddress":"","refundContact":"","refundTel":"","remark":"","shipAddress":"","storeName":"","tenantCode":"","updateTime":"","updateUser":0,"useErp":true}] |
/// tenantCode : "" |
/// updateTime : "" |
/// updateUser : 0 |
/// useEndTime : "" |
/// useStartTime : "" |
/// useTime : "" |
class CouponVO { |
String _bizId; |
int _bizType; |
bool _centreDisplay; |
String _couponDescription; |
String _couponImg; |
String _couponName; |
String _createTime; |
int _createUser; |
bool _dateOrDay; |
int _daysValidate; |
int _discountAmount; |
int _discountPercent; |
int _fullAmount; |
int _id; |
int _isDelete; |
int _memberCouponId; |
int _promotionId; |
String _publishEndTime; |
String _publishStartTime; |
String _receiveTime; |
bool _received; |
int _startAfterDays; |
int _status; |
List<StoreList> _storeList; |
String _tenantCode; |
String _updateTime; |
int _updateUser; |
String _useEndTime; |
String _useStartTime; |
String _useTime; |
String get bizId => _bizId; |
int get bizType => _bizType; |
bool get centreDisplay => _centreDisplay; |
String get couponDescription => _couponDescription; |
String get couponImg => _couponImg; |
String get couponName => _couponName; |
String get createTime => _createTime; |
int get createUser => _createUser; |
bool get dateOrDay => _dateOrDay; |
int get daysValidate => _daysValidate; |
int get discountAmount => _discountAmount; |
int get discountPercent => _discountPercent; |
int get fullAmount => _fullAmount; |
int get id => _id; |
int get isDelete => _isDelete; |
int get memberCouponId => _memberCouponId; |
int get promotionId => _promotionId; |
String get publishEndTime => _publishEndTime; |
String get publishStartTime => _publishStartTime; |
String get receiveTime => _receiveTime; |
bool get received => _received; |
int get startAfterDays => _startAfterDays; |
int get status => _status; |
List<StoreList> get storeList => _storeList; |
String get tenantCode => _tenantCode; |
String get updateTime => _updateTime; |
int get updateUser => _updateUser; |
String get useEndTime => _useEndTime; |
String get useStartTime => _useStartTime; |
String get useTime => _useTime; |
CouponVO({ |
String bizId, |
int bizType, |
bool centreDisplay, |
String couponDescription, |
String couponImg, |
String couponName, |
String createTime, |
int createUser, |
bool dateOrDay, |
int daysValidate, |
int discountAmount, |
int discountPercent, |
int fullAmount, |
int id, |
int isDelete, |
int memberCouponId, |
int promotionId, |
String publishEndTime, |
String publishStartTime, |
String receiveTime, |
bool received, |
int startAfterDays, |
int status, |
List<StoreList> storeList, |
String tenantCode, |
String updateTime, |
int updateUser, |
String useEndTime, |
String useStartTime, |
String useTime}){ |
_bizId = bizId; |
_bizType = bizType; |
_centreDisplay = centreDisplay; |
_couponDescription = couponDescription; |
_couponImg = couponImg; |
_couponName = couponName; |
_createTime = createTime; |
_createUser = createUser; |
_dateOrDay = dateOrDay; |
_daysValidate = daysValidate; |
_discountAmount = discountAmount; |
_discountPercent = discountPercent; |
_fullAmount = fullAmount; |
_id = id; |
_isDelete = isDelete; |
_memberCouponId = memberCouponId; |
_promotionId = promotionId; |
_publishEndTime = publishEndTime; |
_publishStartTime = publishStartTime; |
_receiveTime = receiveTime; |
_received = received; |
_startAfterDays = startAfterDays; |
_status = status; |
_storeList = storeList; |
_tenantCode = tenantCode; |
_updateTime = updateTime; |
_updateUser = updateUser; |
_useEndTime = useEndTime; |
_useStartTime = useStartTime; |
_useTime = useTime; |
} |
CouponVO.fromJson(dynamic json) { |
_bizId = json["bizId"]; |
_bizType = json["bizType"]; |
_centreDisplay = json["centreDisplay"]; |
_couponDescription = json["couponDescription"]; |
_couponImg = json["couponImg"]; |
_couponName = json["couponName"]; |
_createTime = json["createTime"]; |
_createUser = json["createUser"]; |
_dateOrDay = json["dateOrDay"]; |
_daysValidate = json["daysValidate"]; |
_discountAmount = json["discountAmount"]; |
_discountPercent = json["discountPercent"]; |
_fullAmount = json["fullAmount"]; |
_id = json["id"]; |
_isDelete = json["isDelete"]; |
_memberCouponId = json["memberCouponId"]; |
_promotionId = json["promotionId"]; |
_publishEndTime = json["publishEndTime"]; |
_publishStartTime = json["publishStartTime"]; |
_receiveTime = json["receiveTime"]; |
_received = json["received"]; |
_startAfterDays = json["startAfterDays"]; |
_status = json["status"]; |
if (json["storeList"] != null) { |
_storeList = []; |
json["storeList"].forEach((v) { |
_storeList.add(StoreList.fromJson(v)); |
}); |
} |
_tenantCode = json["tenantCode"]; |
_updateTime = json["updateTime"]; |
_updateUser = json["updateUser"]; |
_useEndTime = json["useEndTime"]; |
_useStartTime = json["useStartTime"]; |
_useTime = json["useTime"]; |
} |
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() { |
var map = <String, dynamic>{}; |
map["bizId"] = _bizId; |
map["bizType"] = _bizType; |
map["centreDisplay"] = _centreDisplay; |
map["couponDescription"] = _couponDescription; |
map["couponImg"] = _couponImg; |
map["couponName"] = _couponName; |
map["createTime"] = _createTime; |
map["createUser"] = _createUser; |
map["dateOrDay"] = _dateOrDay; |
map["daysValidate"] = _daysValidate; |
map["discountAmount"] = _discountAmount; |
map["discountPercent"] = _discountPercent; |
map["fullAmount"] = _fullAmount; |
map["id"] = _id; |
map["isDelete"] = _isDelete; |
map["memberCouponId"] = _memberCouponId; |
map["promotionId"] = _promotionId; |
map["publishEndTime"] = _publishEndTime; |
map["publishStartTime"] = _publishStartTime; |
map["receiveTime"] = _receiveTime; |
map["received"] = _received; |
map["startAfterDays"] = _startAfterDays; |
map["status"] = _status; |
if (_storeList != null) { |
map["storeList"] = => v.toJson()).toList(); |
} |
map["tenantCode"] = _tenantCode; |
map["updateTime"] = _updateTime; |
map["updateUser"] = _updateUser; |
map["useEndTime"] = _useEndTime; |
map["useStartTime"] = _useStartTime; |
map["useTime"] = _useTime; |
return map; |
} |
} |
/// address : "" |
/// businessService : "" |
/// businessType : "" |
/// city : "" |
/// createTime : "" |
/// createUser : 0 |
/// deliveryInfo : {"dadaRegStatus":true,"dadaSourceId":"","dadaStatus":true,"dianwodaRegStatus":true,"dianwodaStatus":true,"meituanRegStatus":true,"meituanStatus":true} |
/// district : "" |
/// headMobile : "" |
/// headName : "" |
/// id : 0 |
/// isAutoSendRefundAddress : 0 |
/// latitude : 0 |
/// logo : "" |
/// longitude : 0 |
/// miniParam : {"mini_key_cert_path":"","mini_key_key_path":"","mini_key_path":"","mini_key_sn_no":"","mini_mch_id":"","mini_mch_key":"","mini_program_app_id":"","mini_program_secret":""} |
/// mobile : "" |
/// nickName : "" |
/// openEndTime : {"hour":0,"minute":0,"nano":0,"second":0} |
/// openStartTime : {"hour":0,"minute":0,"nano":0,"second":0} |
/// posType : {"code":"NORMALSTORE","desc":""} |
/// province : "" |
/// refundAddress : "" |
/// refundContact : "" |
/// refundTel : "" |
/// remark : "" |
/// shipAddress : "" |
/// storeName : "" |
/// tenantCode : "" |
/// updateTime : "" |
/// updateUser : 0 |
/// useErp : true |
class StoreList { |
String _address; |
String _businessService; |
String _businessType; |
String _city; |
String _createTime; |
int _createUser; |
DeliveryInfo _deliveryInfo; |
String _district; |
String _headMobile; |
String _headName; |
int _id; |
int _isAutoSendRefundAddress; |
int _latitude; |
String _logo; |
int _longitude; |
MiniParam _miniParam; |
String _mobile; |
String _nickName; |
OpenEndTime _openEndTime; |
OpenStartTime _openStartTime; |
PosType _posType; |
String _province; |
String _refundAddress; |
String _refundContact; |
String _refundTel; |
String _remark; |
String _shipAddress; |
String _storeName; |
String _tenantCode; |
String _updateTime; |
int _updateUser; |
bool _useErp; |
String get address => _address; |
String get businessService => _businessService; |
String get businessType => _businessType; |
String get city => _city; |
String get createTime => _createTime; |
int get createUser => _createUser; |
DeliveryInfo get deliveryInfo => _deliveryInfo; |
String get district => _district; |
String get headMobile => _headMobile; |
String get headName => _headName; |
int get id => _id; |
int get isAutoSendRefundAddress => _isAutoSendRefundAddress; |
int get latitude => _latitude; |
String get logo => _logo; |
int get longitude => _longitude; |
MiniParam get miniParam => _miniParam; |
String get mobile => _mobile; |
String get nickName => _nickName; |
OpenEndTime get openEndTime => _openEndTime; |
OpenStartTime get openStartTime => _openStartTime; |
PosType get posType => _posType; |
String get province => _province; |
String get refundAddress => _refundAddress; |
String get refundContact => _refundContact; |
String get refundTel => _refundTel; |
String get remark => _remark; |
String get shipAddress => _shipAddress; |
String get storeName => _storeName; |
String get tenantCode => _tenantCode; |
String get updateTime => _updateTime; |
int get updateUser => _updateUser; |
bool get useErp => _useErp; |
StoreList({ |
String address, |
String businessService, |
String businessType, |
String city, |
String createTime, |
int createUser, |
DeliveryInfo deliveryInfo, |
String district, |
String headMobile, |
String headName, |
int id, |
int isAutoSendRefundAddress, |
int latitude, |
String logo, |
int longitude, |
MiniParam miniParam, |
String mobile, |
String nickName, |
OpenEndTime openEndTime, |
OpenStartTime openStartTime, |
PosType posType, |
String province, |
String refundAddress, |
String refundContact, |
String refundTel, |
String remark, |
String shipAddress, |
String storeName, |
String tenantCode, |
String updateTime, |
int updateUser, |
bool useErp}){ |
_address = address; |
_businessService = businessService; |
_businessType = businessType; |
_city = city; |
_createTime = createTime; |
_createUser = createUser; |
_deliveryInfo = deliveryInfo; |
_district = district; |
_headMobile = headMobile; |
_headName = headName; |
_id = id; |
_isAutoSendRefundAddress = isAutoSendRefundAddress; |
_latitude = latitude; |
_logo = logo; |
_longitude = longitude; |
_miniParam = miniParam; |
_mobile = mobile; |
_nickName = nickName; |
_openEndTime = openEndTime; |
_openStartTime = openStartTime; |
_posType = posType; |
_province = province; |
_refundAddress = refundAddress; |
_refundContact = refundContact; |
_refundTel = refundTel; |
_remark = remark; |
_shipAddress = shipAddress; |
_storeName = storeName; |
_tenantCode = tenantCode; |
_updateTime = updateTime; |
_updateUser = updateUser; |
_useErp = useErp; |
} |
StoreList.fromJson(dynamic json) { |
_address = json["address"]; |
_businessService = json["businessService"]; |
_businessType = json["businessType"]; |
_city = json["city"]; |
_createTime = json["createTime"]; |
_createUser = json["createUser"]; |
_deliveryInfo = json["deliveryInfo"] != null ? DeliveryInfo.fromJson(json["deliveryInfo"]) : null; |
_district = json["district"]; |
_headMobile = json["headMobile"]; |
_headName = json["headName"]; |
_id = json["id"]; |
_isAutoSendRefundAddress = json["isAutoSendRefundAddress"]; |
_latitude = json["latitude"]; |
_logo = json["logo"]; |
_longitude = json["longitude"]; |
_miniParam = json["miniParam"] != null ? MiniParam.fromJson(json["miniParam"]) : null; |
_mobile = json["mobile"]; |
_nickName = json["nickName"]; |
_openEndTime = json["openEndTime"] != null ? OpenEndTime.fromJson(json["openEndTime"]) : null; |
_openStartTime = json["openStartTime"] != null ? OpenStartTime.fromJson(json["openStartTime"]) : null; |
_posType = json["posType"] != null ? PosType.fromJson(json["posType"]) : null; |
_province = json["province"]; |
_refundAddress = json["refundAddress"]; |
_refundContact = json["refundContact"]; |
_refundTel = json["refundTel"]; |
_remark = json["remark"]; |
_shipAddress = json["shipAddress"]; |
_storeName = json["storeName"]; |
_tenantCode = json["tenantCode"]; |
_updateTime = json["updateTime"]; |
_updateUser = json["updateUser"]; |
_useErp = json["useErp"]; |
} |
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() { |
var map = <String, dynamic>{}; |
map["address"] = _address; |
map["businessService"] = _businessService; |
map["businessType"] = _businessType; |
map["city"] = _city; |
map["createTime"] = _createTime; |
map["createUser"] = _createUser; |
if (_deliveryInfo != null) { |
map["deliveryInfo"] = _deliveryInfo.toJson(); |
} |
map["district"] = _district; |
map["headMobile"] = _headMobile; |
map["headName"] = _headName; |
map["id"] = _id; |
map["isAutoSendRefundAddress"] = _isAutoSendRefundAddress; |
map["latitude"] = _latitude; |
map["logo"] = _logo; |
map["longitude"] = _longitude; |
if (_miniParam != null) { |
map["miniParam"] = _miniParam.toJson(); |
} |
map["mobile"] = _mobile; |
map["nickName"] = _nickName; |
if (_openEndTime != null) { |
map["openEndTime"] = _openEndTime.toJson(); |
} |
if (_openStartTime != null) { |
map["openStartTime"] = _openStartTime.toJson(); |
} |
if (_posType != null) { |
map["posType"] = _posType.toJson(); |
} |
map["province"] = _province; |
map["refundAddress"] = _refundAddress; |
map["refundContact"] = _refundContact; |
map["refundTel"] = _refundTel; |
map["remark"] = _remark; |
map["shipAddress"] = _shipAddress; |
map["storeName"] = _storeName; |
map["tenantCode"] = _tenantCode; |
map["updateTime"] = _updateTime; |
map["updateUser"] = _updateUser; |
map["useErp"] = _useErp; |
return map; |
} |
} |
/// mini_key_cert_path : "" |
/// mini_key_key_path : "" |
/// mini_key_path : "" |
/// mini_key_sn_no : "" |
/// mini_mch_id : "" |
/// mini_mch_key : "" |
/// mini_program_app_id : "" |
/// mini_program_secret : "" |
class MiniParam { |
String _miniKeyCertPath; |
String _miniKeyKeyPath; |
String _miniKeyPath; |
String _miniKeySnNo; |
String _miniMchId; |
String _miniMchKey; |
String _miniProgramAppId; |
String _miniProgramSecret; |
String get miniKeyCertPath => _miniKeyCertPath; |
String get miniKeyKeyPath => _miniKeyKeyPath; |
String get miniKeyPath => _miniKeyPath; |
String get miniKeySnNo => _miniKeySnNo; |
String get miniMchId => _miniMchId; |
String get miniMchKey => _miniMchKey; |
String get miniProgramAppId => _miniProgramAppId; |
String get miniProgramSecret => _miniProgramSecret; |
MiniParam({ |
String miniKeyCertPath, |
String miniKeyKeyPath, |
String miniKeyPath, |
String miniKeySnNo, |
String miniMchId, |
String miniMchKey, |
String miniProgramAppId, |
String miniProgramSecret}){ |
_miniKeyCertPath = miniKeyCertPath; |
_miniKeyKeyPath = miniKeyKeyPath; |
_miniKeyPath = miniKeyPath; |
_miniKeySnNo = miniKeySnNo; |
_miniMchId = miniMchId; |
_miniMchKey = miniMchKey; |
_miniProgramAppId = miniProgramAppId; |
_miniProgramSecret = miniProgramSecret; |
} |
MiniParam.fromJson(dynamic json) { |
_miniKeyCertPath = json["mini_key_cert_path"]; |
_miniKeyKeyPath = json["mini_key_key_path"]; |
_miniKeyPath = json["mini_key_path"]; |
_miniKeySnNo = json["mini_key_sn_no"]; |
_miniMchId = json["mini_mch_id"]; |
_miniMchKey = json["mini_mch_key"]; |
_miniProgramAppId = json["mini_program_app_id"]; |
_miniProgramSecret = json["mini_program_secret"]; |
} |
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() { |
var map = <String, dynamic>{}; |
map["mini_key_cert_path"] = _miniKeyCertPath; |
map["mini_key_key_path"] = _miniKeyKeyPath; |
map["mini_key_path"] = _miniKeyPath; |
map["mini_key_sn_no"] = _miniKeySnNo; |
map["mini_mch_id"] = _miniMchId; |
map["mini_mch_key"] = _miniMchKey; |
map["mini_program_app_id"] = _miniProgramAppId; |
map["mini_program_secret"] = _miniProgramSecret; |
return map; |
} |
} |
/// dadaRegStatus : true |
/// dadaSourceId : "" |
/// dadaStatus : true |
/// dianwodaRegStatus : true |
/// dianwodaStatus : true |
/// meituanRegStatus : true |
/// meituanStatus : true |
class DeliveryInfo { |
bool _dadaRegStatus; |
String _dadaSourceId; |
bool _dadaStatus; |
bool _dianwodaRegStatus; |
bool _dianwodaStatus; |
bool _meituanRegStatus; |
bool _meituanStatus; |
bool get dadaRegStatus => _dadaRegStatus; |
String get dadaSourceId => _dadaSourceId; |
bool get dadaStatus => _dadaStatus; |
bool get dianwodaRegStatus => _dianwodaRegStatus; |
bool get dianwodaStatus => _dianwodaStatus; |
bool get meituanRegStatus => _meituanRegStatus; |
bool get meituanStatus => _meituanStatus; |
DeliveryInfo({ |
bool dadaRegStatus, |
String dadaSourceId, |
bool dadaStatus, |
bool dianwodaRegStatus, |
bool dianwodaStatus, |
bool meituanRegStatus, |
bool meituanStatus}){ |
_dadaRegStatus = dadaRegStatus; |
_dadaSourceId = dadaSourceId; |
_dadaStatus = dadaStatus; |
_dianwodaRegStatus = dianwodaRegStatus; |
_dianwodaStatus = dianwodaStatus; |
_meituanRegStatus = meituanRegStatus; |
_meituanStatus = meituanStatus; |
} |
DeliveryInfo.fromJson(dynamic json) { |
_dadaRegStatus = json["dadaRegStatus"]; |
_dadaSourceId = json["dadaSourceId"]; |
_dadaStatus = json["dadaStatus"]; |
_dianwodaRegStatus = json["dianwodaRegStatus"]; |
_dianwodaStatus = json["dianwodaStatus"]; |
_meituanRegStatus = json["meituanRegStatus"]; |
_meituanStatus = json["meituanStatus"]; |
} |
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() { |
var map = <String, dynamic>{}; |
map["dadaRegStatus"] = _dadaRegStatus; |
map["dadaSourceId"] = _dadaSourceId; |
map["dadaStatus"] = _dadaStatus; |
map["dianwodaRegStatus"] = _dianwodaRegStatus; |
map["dianwodaStatus"] = _dianwodaStatus; |
map["meituanRegStatus"] = _meituanRegStatus; |
map["meituanStatus"] = _meituanStatus; |
return map; |
} |
} |
/// content : "" |
/// createTime : "" |
/// createUser : 0 |
/// id : 0 |
/// imgUrl : "" |
/// isDelete : true |
/// storeId : 0 |
/// tenantCode : "" |
/// type : "" |
/// updateTime : "" |
/// updateUser : 0 |
class Banners { |
String _content; |
String _createTime; |
int _createUser; |
int _id; |
String _imgUrl; |
bool _isDelete; |
int _storeId; |
String _tenantCode; |
String _type; |
String _updateTime; |
int _updateUser; |
String get content => _content; |
String get createTime => _createTime; |
int get createUser => _createUser; |
int get id => _id; |
String get imgUrl => _imgUrl; |
bool get isDelete => _isDelete; |
int get storeId => _storeId; |
String get tenantCode => _tenantCode; |
String get type => _type; |
String get updateTime => _updateTime; |
int get updateUser => _updateUser; |
Banners({ |
String content, |
String createTime, |
int createUser, |
int id, |
String imgUrl, |
bool isDelete, |
int storeId, |
String tenantCode, |
String type, |
String updateTime, |
int updateUser}){ |
_content = content; |
_createTime = createTime; |
_createUser = createUser; |
_id = id; |
_imgUrl = imgUrl; |
_isDelete = isDelete; |
_storeId = storeId; |
_tenantCode = tenantCode; |
_type = type; |
_updateTime = updateTime; |
_updateUser = updateUser; |
} |
Banners.fromJson(dynamic json) { |
_content = json["content"]; |
_createTime = json["createTime"]; |
_createUser = json["createUser"]; |
_id = json["id"]; |
_imgUrl = json["imgUrl"]; |
_isDelete = json["isDelete"]; |
_storeId = json["storeId"]; |
_tenantCode = json["tenantCode"]; |
_type = json["type"]; |
_updateTime = json["updateTime"]; |
_updateUser = json["updateUser"]; |
} |
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() { |
var map = <String, dynamic>{}; |
map["content"] = _content; |
map["createTime"] = _createTime; |
map["createUser"] = _createUser; |
map["id"] = _id; |
map["imgUrl"] = _imgUrl; |
map["isDelete"] = _isDelete; |
map["storeId"] = _storeId; |
map["tenantCode"] = _tenantCode; |
map["type"] = _type; |
map["updateTime"] = _updateTime; |
map["updateUser"] = _updateUser; |
return map; |
} |
} |
/// applyPrice : 0 |
/// batch : 0 |
/// buyNum : 0 |
/// createTime : "" |
/// createUser : 0 |
/// discountAmount : 0 |
/// discountPercent : 0 |
/// id : 0 |
/// isDelete : 0 |
/// orderId : 0 |
/// postPay : 0 |
/// productId : 0 |
/// productName : "" |
/// refundNum : 0 |
/// sellPrice : 0 |
/// skuId : 0 |
/// skuImg : "" |
/// skuNameStr : "" |
/// status : true |
/// storeId : 0 |
/// tenantCode : "" |
/// updateTime : "" |
/// updateUser : 0 |
/// weight : 0 |
class ProductList { |
int _applyPrice; |
int _batch; |
int _buyNum; |
String _createTime; |
int _createUser; |
int _discountAmount; |
int _discountPercent; |
int _id; |
int _isDelete; |
int _orderId; |
int _postPay; |
int _productId; |
String _productName; |
int _refundNum; |
int _sellPrice; |
int _skuId; |
String _skuImg; |
String _skuNameStr; |
bool _status; |
int _storeId; |
String _tenantCode; |
String _updateTime; |
int _updateUser; |
int _weight; |
int get applyPrice => _applyPrice; |
int get batch => _batch; |
int get buyNum => _buyNum; |
String get createTime => _createTime; |
int get createUser => _createUser; |
int get discountAmount => _discountAmount; |
int get discountPercent => _discountPercent; |
int get id => _id; |
int get isDelete => _isDelete; |
int get orderId => _orderId; |
int get postPay => _postPay; |
int get productId => _productId; |
String get productName => _productName; |
int get refundNum => _refundNum; |
int get sellPrice => _sellPrice; |
int get skuId => _skuId; |
String get skuImg => _skuImg; |
String get skuNameStr => _skuNameStr; |
bool get status => _status; |
int get storeId => _storeId; |
String get tenantCode => _tenantCode; |
String get updateTime => _updateTime; |
int get updateUser => _updateUser; |
int get weight => _weight; |
ProductList({ |
int applyPrice, |
int batch, |
int buyNum, |
String createTime, |
int createUser, |
int discountAmount, |
int discountPercent, |
int id, |
int isDelete, |
int orderId, |
int postPay, |
int productId, |
String productName, |
int refundNum, |
int sellPrice, |
int skuId, |
String skuImg, |
String skuNameStr, |
bool status, |
int storeId, |
String tenantCode, |
String updateTime, |
int updateUser, |
int weight}){ |
_applyPrice = applyPrice; |
_batch = batch; |
_buyNum = buyNum; |
_createTime = createTime; |
_createUser = createUser; |
_discountAmount = discountAmount; |
_discountPercent = discountPercent; |
_id = id; |
_isDelete = isDelete; |
_orderId = orderId; |
_postPay = postPay; |
_productId = productId; |
_productName = productName; |
_refundNum = refundNum; |
_sellPrice = sellPrice; |
_skuId = skuId; |
_skuImg = skuImg; |
_skuNameStr = skuNameStr; |
_status = status; |
_storeId = storeId; |
_tenantCode = tenantCode; |
_updateTime = updateTime; |
_updateUser = updateUser; |
_weight = weight; |
} |
ProductList.fromJson(dynamic json) { |
_applyPrice = json["applyPrice"]; |
_batch = json["batch"]; |
_buyNum = json["buyNum"]; |
_createTime = json["createTime"]; |
_createUser = json["createUser"]; |
_discountAmount = json["discountAmount"]; |
_discountPercent = json["discountPercent"]; |
_id = json["id"]; |
_isDelete = json["isDelete"]; |
_orderId = json["orderId"]; |
_postPay = json["postPay"]; |
_productId = json["productId"]; |
_productName = json["productName"]; |
_refundNum = json["refundNum"]; |
_sellPrice = json["sellPrice"]; |
_skuId = json["skuId"]; |
_skuImg = json["skuImg"]; |
_skuNameStr = json["skuNameStr"]; |
_status = json["status"]; |
_storeId = json["storeId"]; |
_tenantCode = json["tenantCode"]; |
_updateTime = json["updateTime"]; |
_updateUser = json["updateUser"]; |
_weight = json["weight"]; |
} |
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() { |
var map = <String, dynamic>{}; |
map["applyPrice"] = _applyPrice; |
map["batch"] = _batch; |
map["buyNum"] = _buyNum; |
map["createTime"] = _createTime; |
map["createUser"] = _createUser; |
map["discountAmount"] = _discountAmount; |
map["discountPercent"] = _discountPercent; |
map["id"] = _id; |
map["isDelete"] = _isDelete; |
map["orderId"] = _orderId; |
map["postPay"] = _postPay; |
map["productId"] = _productId; |
map["productName"] = _productName; |
map["refundNum"] = _refundNum; |
map["sellPrice"] = _sellPrice; |
map["skuId"] = _skuId; |
map["skuImg"] = _skuImg; |
map["skuNameStr"] = _skuNameStr; |
map["status"] = _status; |
map["storeId"] = _storeId; |
map["tenantCode"] = _tenantCode; |
map["updateTime"] = _updateTime; |
map["updateUser"] = _updateUser; |
map["weight"] = _weight; |
return map; |
} |
} |
/// couponList : [{"bizId":"","bizType":0,"couponId":0,"discountAmount":0,"discountPercent":0,"fullAmount":0,"id":0,"mid":0,"productList":[{"applyPrice":0,"attrStyle":0,"categoryId":0,"createTime":"","createUser":0,"groupId":0,"id":0,"isDelete":0,"needLogistics":0,"oversold":0,"posShow":true,"price":0,"printerFlag":"","productCode":"","productName":"","productType":0,"sellCount":0,"sellDesc":"","setMeal":0,"shortName":"","status":0,"stock":0,"storeId":0,"supplierName":"","updateTime":"","updateUser":0,"weight":0}],"promotionId":0,"promotionName":"","publishEndTime":"","publishStartTime":"","receiveTime":"","status":0,"tenantCode":"","type":0,"usable":true,"useEndTime":"","useStartTime":"","useTime":""}] |
/// discountAmount : 0 |
/// freePostAge : 0 |
/// memberVO : {"addressId":0,"age":0,"balance":0,"birth":"","createTime":"","headimg":"","isBind":true,"level":0,"memberRankVo":{"id":0,"nextId":0,"nextName":"","nextOrigin":0,"rankContent":"","rankImg":"","rankName":"","rankOrigin":0,"status":true},"money":0,"nickname":"","phone":"","points":0,"remark":"","sex":"","userType":true,"vipNo":""} |
/// orderNum : 0 |
/// orderSum : 0 |
/// postAge : 0 |
/// price : 0 |
/// productNum : 0 |
/// threshold : 0 |
/// time : 0 |
class Info { |
List<CouponList> _couponList; |
int _discountAmount; |
int _freePostAge; |
MemberVO _memberVO; |
int _orderNum; |
int _orderSum; |
int _postAge; |
int _price; |
int _productNum; |
int _threshold; |
int _time; |
List<CouponList> get couponList => _couponList; |
int get discountAmount => _discountAmount; |
int get freePostAge => _freePostAge; |
MemberVO get memberVO => _memberVO; |
int get orderNum => _orderNum; |
int get orderSum => _orderSum; |
int get postAge => _postAge; |
int get price => _price; |
int get productNum => _productNum; |
int get threshold => _threshold; |
int get time => _time; |
Info({ |
List<CouponList> couponList, |
int discountAmount, |
int freePostAge, |
MemberVO memberVO, |
int orderNum, |
int orderSum, |
int postAge, |
int price, |
int productNum, |
int threshold, |
int time}){ |
_couponList = couponList; |
_discountAmount = discountAmount; |
_freePostAge = freePostAge; |
_memberVO = memberVO; |
_orderNum = orderNum; |
_orderSum = orderSum; |
_postAge = postAge; |
_price = price; |
_productNum = productNum; |
_threshold = threshold; |
_time = time; |
} |
Info.fromJson(dynamic json) { |
if (json["couponList"] != null) { |
_couponList = []; |
json["couponList"].forEach((v) { |
_couponList.add(CouponList.fromJson(v)); |
}); |
} |
_discountAmount = json["discountAmount"]; |
_freePostAge = json["freePostAge"]; |
_memberVO = json["memberVO"] != null ? MemberVO.fromJson(json["memberVO"]) : null; |
_orderNum = json["orderNum"]; |
_orderSum = json["orderSum"]; |
_postAge = json["postAge"]; |
_price = json["price"]; |
_productNum = json["productNum"]; |
_threshold = json["threshold"]; |
_time = json["time"]; |
} |
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() { |
var map = <String, dynamic>{}; |
if (_couponList != null) { |
map["couponList"] = => v.toJson()).toList(); |
} |
map["discountAmount"] = _discountAmount; |
map["freePostAge"] = _freePostAge; |
if (_memberVO != null) { |
map["memberVO"] = _memberVO.toJson(); |
} |
map["orderNum"] = _orderNum; |
map["orderSum"] = _orderSum; |
map["postAge"] = _postAge; |
map["price"] = _price; |
map["productNum"] = _productNum; |
map["threshold"] = _threshold; |
map["time"] = _time; |
return map; |
} |
} |
/// addressId : 0 |
/// age : 0 |
/// balance : 0 |
/// birth : "" |
/// createTime : "" |
/// headimg : "" |
/// isBind : true |
/// level : 0 |
/// memberRankVo : {"id":0,"nextId":0,"nextName":"","nextOrigin":0,"rankContent":"","rankImg":"","rankName":"","rankOrigin":0,"status":true} |
/// money : 0 |
/// nickname : "" |
/// phone : "" |
/// points : 0 |
/// remark : "" |
/// sex : "" |
/// userType : true |
/// vipNo : "" |
class MemberVO { |
int _addressId; |
int _age; |
int _balance; |
String _birth; |
String _createTime; |
String _headimg; |
bool _isBind; |
int _level; |
MemberRankVo _memberRankVo; |
int _money; |
String _nickname; |
String _phone; |
int _points; |
String _remark; |
String _sex; |
bool _userType; |
String _vipNo; |
int get addressId => _addressId; |
int get age => _age; |
int get balance => _balance; |
String get birth => _birth; |
String get createTime => _createTime; |
String get headimg => _headimg; |
bool get isBind => _isBind; |
int get level => _level; |
MemberRankVo get memberRankVo => _memberRankVo; |
int get money => _money; |
String get nickname => _nickname; |
String get phone => _phone; |
int get points => _points; |
String get remark => _remark; |
String get sex => _sex; |
bool get userType => _userType; |
String get vipNo => _vipNo; |
MemberVO({ |
int addressId, |
int age, |
int balance, |
String birth, |
String createTime, |
String headimg, |
bool isBind, |
int level, |
MemberRankVo memberRankVo, |
int money, |
String nickname, |
String phone, |
int points, |
String remark, |
String sex, |
bool userType, |
String vipNo}){ |
_addressId = addressId; |
_age = age; |
_balance = balance; |
_birth = birth; |
_createTime = createTime; |
_headimg = headimg; |
_isBind = isBind; |
_level = level; |
_memberRankVo = memberRankVo; |
_money = money; |
_nickname = nickname; |
_phone = phone; |
_points = points; |
_remark = remark; |
_sex = sex; |
_userType = userType; |
_vipNo = vipNo; |
} |
MemberVO.fromJson(dynamic json) { |
_addressId = json["addressId"]; |
_age = json["age"]; |
_balance = json["balance"]; |
_birth = json["birth"]; |
_createTime = json["createTime"]; |
_headimg = json["headimg"]; |
_isBind = json["isBind"]; |
_level = json["level"]; |
_memberRankVo = json["memberRankVo"] != null ? MemberRankVo.fromJson(json["memberRankVo"]) : null; |
_money = json["money"]; |
_nickname = json["nickname"]; |
_phone = json["phone"]; |
_points = json["points"]; |
_remark = json["remark"]; |
_sex = json["sex"]; |
_userType = json["userType"]; |
_vipNo = json["vipNo"]; |
} |
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() { |
var map = <String, dynamic>{}; |
map["addressId"] = _addressId; |
map["age"] = _age; |
map["balance"] = _balance; |
map["birth"] = _birth; |
map["createTime"] = _createTime; |
map["headimg"] = _headimg; |
map["isBind"] = _isBind; |
map["level"] = _level; |
if (_memberRankVo != null) { |
map["memberRankVo"] = _memberRankVo.toJson(); |
} |
map["money"] = _money; |
map["nickname"] = _nickname; |
map["phone"] = _phone; |
map["points"] = _points; |
map["remark"] = _remark; |
map["sex"] = _sex; |
map["userType"] = _userType; |
map["vipNo"] = _vipNo; |
return map; |
} |
} |
/// id : 0 |
/// nextId : 0 |
/// nextName : "" |
/// nextOrigin : 0 |
/// rankContent : "" |
/// rankImg : "" |
/// rankName : "" |
/// rankOrigin : 0 |
/// status : true |
class MemberRankVo { |
int _id; |
int _nextId; |
String _nextName; |
int _nextOrigin; |
String _rankContent; |
String _rankImg; |
String _rankName; |
int _rankOrigin; |
bool _status; |
int get id => _id; |
int get nextId => _nextId; |
String get nextName => _nextName; |
int get nextOrigin => _nextOrigin; |
String get rankContent => _rankContent; |
String get rankImg => _rankImg; |
String get rankName => _rankName; |
int get rankOrigin => _rankOrigin; |
bool get status => _status; |
MemberRankVo({ |
int id, |
int nextId, |
String nextName, |
int nextOrigin, |
String rankContent, |
String rankImg, |
String rankName, |
int rankOrigin, |
bool status}){ |
_id = id; |
_nextId = nextId; |
_nextName = nextName; |
_nextOrigin = nextOrigin; |
_rankContent = rankContent; |
_rankImg = rankImg; |
_rankName = rankName; |
_rankOrigin = rankOrigin; |
_status = status; |
} |
MemberRankVo.fromJson(dynamic json) { |
_id = json["id"]; |
_nextId = json["nextId"]; |
_nextName = json["nextName"]; |
_nextOrigin = json["nextOrigin"]; |
_rankContent = json["rankContent"]; |
_rankImg = json["rankImg"]; |
_rankName = json["rankName"]; |
_rankOrigin = json["rankOrigin"]; |
_status = json["status"]; |
} |
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() { |
var map = <String, dynamic>{}; |
map["id"] = _id; |
map["nextId"] = _nextId; |
map["nextName"] = _nextName; |
map["nextOrigin"] = _nextOrigin; |
map["rankContent"] = _rankContent; |
map["rankImg"] = _rankImg; |
map["rankName"] = _rankName; |
map["rankOrigin"] = _rankOrigin; |
map["status"] = _status; |
return map; |
} |
} |
/// bizId : "" |
/// bizType : 0 |
/// couponId : 0 |
/// discountAmount : 0 |
/// discountPercent : 0 |
/// fullAmount : 0 |
/// id : 0 |
/// mid : 0 |
/// productList : [{"applyPrice":0,"attrStyle":0,"categoryId":0,"createTime":"","createUser":0,"groupId":0,"id":0,"isDelete":0,"needLogistics":0,"oversold":0,"posShow":true,"price":0,"printerFlag":"","productCode":"","productName":"","productType":0,"sellCount":0,"sellDesc":"","setMeal":0,"shortName":"","status":0,"stock":0,"storeId":0,"supplierName":"","updateTime":"","updateUser":0,"weight":0}] |
/// promotionId : 0 |
/// promotionName : "" |
/// publishEndTime : "" |
/// publishStartTime : "" |
/// receiveTime : "" |
/// status : 0 |
/// tenantCode : "" |
/// type : 0 |
/// usable : true |
/// useEndTime : "" |
/// useStartTime : "" |
/// useTime : "" |
class CouponList { |
String _bizId; |
int _bizType; |
int _couponId; |
int _discountAmount; |
int _discountPercent; |
int _fullAmount; |
int _id; |
int _mid; |
List<ProductList> _productList; |
int _promotionId; |
String _promotionName; |
String _publishEndTime; |
String _publishStartTime; |
String _receiveTime; |
int _status; |
String _tenantCode; |
int _type; |
bool _usable; |
String _useEndTime; |
String _useStartTime; |
String _useTime; |
String get bizId => _bizId; |
int get bizType => _bizType; |
int get couponId => _couponId; |
int get discountAmount => _discountAmount; |
int get discountPercent => _discountPercent; |
int get fullAmount => _fullAmount; |
int get id => _id; |
int get mid => _mid; |
List<ProductList> get productList => _productList; |
int get promotionId => _promotionId; |
String get promotionName => _promotionName; |
String get publishEndTime => _publishEndTime; |
String get publishStartTime => _publishStartTime; |
String get receiveTime => _receiveTime; |
int get status => _status; |
String get tenantCode => _tenantCode; |
int get type => _type; |
bool get usable => _usable; |
String get useEndTime => _useEndTime; |
String get useStartTime => _useStartTime; |
String get useTime => _useTime; |
CouponList({ |
String bizId, |
int bizType, |
int couponId, |
int discountAmount, |
int discountPercent, |
int fullAmount, |
int id, |
int mid, |
List<ProductList> productList, |
int promotionId, |
String promotionName, |
String publishEndTime, |
String publishStartTime, |
String receiveTime, |
int status, |
String tenantCode, |
int type, |
bool usable, |
String useEndTime, |
String useStartTime, |
String useTime}){ |
_bizId = bizId; |
_bizType = bizType; |
_couponId = couponId; |
_discountAmount = discountAmount; |
_discountPercent = discountPercent; |
_fullAmount = fullAmount; |
_id = id; |
_mid = mid; |
_productList = productList; |
_promotionId = promotionId; |
_promotionName = promotionName; |
_publishEndTime = publishEndTime; |
_publishStartTime = publishStartTime; |
_receiveTime = receiveTime; |
_status = status; |
_tenantCode = tenantCode; |
_type = type; |
_usable = usable; |
_useEndTime = useEndTime; |
_useStartTime = useStartTime; |
_useTime = useTime; |
} |
CouponList.fromJson(dynamic json) { |
_bizId = json["bizId"]; |
_bizType = json["bizType"]; |
_couponId = json["couponId"]; |
_discountAmount = json["discountAmount"]; |
_discountPercent = json["discountPercent"]; |
_fullAmount = json["fullAmount"]; |
_id = json["id"]; |
_mid = json["mid"]; |
if (json["productList"] != null) { |
_productList = []; |
json["productList"].forEach((v) { |
_productList.add(ProductList.fromJson(v)); |
}); |
} |
_promotionId = json["promotionId"]; |
_promotionName = json["promotionName"]; |
_publishEndTime = json["publishEndTime"]; |
_publishStartTime = json["publishStartTime"]; |
_receiveTime = json["receiveTime"]; |
_status = json["status"]; |
_tenantCode = json["tenantCode"]; |
_type = json["type"]; |
_usable = json["usable"]; |
_useEndTime = json["useEndTime"]; |
_useStartTime = json["useStartTime"]; |
_useTime = json["useTime"]; |
} |
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() { |
var map = <String, dynamic>{}; |
map["bizId"] = _bizId; |
map["bizType"] = _bizType; |
map["couponId"] = _couponId; |
map["discountAmount"] = _discountAmount; |
map["discountPercent"] = _discountPercent; |
map["fullAmount"] = _fullAmount; |
map["id"] = _id; |
map["mid"] = _mid; |
if (_productList != null) { |
map["productList"] = => v.toJson()).toList(); |
} |
map["promotionId"] = _promotionId; |
map["promotionName"] = _promotionName; |
map["publishEndTime"] = _publishEndTime; |
map["publishStartTime"] = _publishStartTime; |
map["receiveTime"] = _receiveTime; |
map["status"] = _status; |
map["tenantCode"] = _tenantCode; |
map["type"] = _type; |
map["usable"] = _usable; |
map["useEndTime"] = _useEndTime; |
map["useStartTime"] = _useStartTime; |
map["useTime"] = _useTime; |
return map; |
} |
} |
/// address : "" |
/// addressId : 0 |
/// city : "" |
/// cityId : 0 |
/// country : "" |
/// countryId : 0 |
/// district : "" |
/// districtId : 0 |
/// latitude : 0 |
/// longitude : 0 |
/// province : "" |
/// provinceId : 0 |
/// recMobile : "" |
/// recName : "" |
class AddressExt { |
String _address; |
int _addressId; |
String _city; |
int _cityId; |
String _country; |
int _countryId; |
String _district; |
int _districtId; |
int _latitude; |
int _longitude; |
String _province; |
int _provinceId; |
String _recMobile; |
String _recName; |
String get address => _address; |
int get addressId => _addressId; |
String get city => _city; |
int get cityId => _cityId; |
String get country => _country; |
int get countryId => _countryId; |
String get district => _district; |
int get districtId => _districtId; |
int get latitude => _latitude; |
int get longitude => _longitude; |
String get province => _province; |
int get provinceId => _provinceId; |
String get recMobile => _recMobile; |
String get recName => _recName; |
AddressExt({ |
String address, |
int addressId, |
String city, |
int cityId, |
String country, |
int countryId, |
String district, |
int districtId, |
int latitude, |
int longitude, |
String province, |
int provinceId, |
String recMobile, |
String recName}){ |
_address = address; |
_addressId = addressId; |
_city = city; |
_cityId = cityId; |
_country = country; |
_countryId = countryId; |
_district = district; |
_districtId = districtId; |
_latitude = latitude; |
_longitude = longitude; |
_province = province; |
_provinceId = provinceId; |
_recMobile = recMobile; |
_recName = recName; |
} |
AddressExt.fromJson(dynamic json) { |
_address = json["address"]; |
_addressId = json["addressId"]; |
_city = json["city"]; |
_cityId = json["cityId"]; |
_country = json["country"]; |
_countryId = json["countryId"]; |
_district = json["district"]; |
_districtId = json["districtId"]; |
_latitude = json["latitude"]; |
_longitude = json["longitude"]; |
_province = json["province"]; |
_provinceId = json["provinceId"]; |
_recMobile = json["recMobile"]; |
_recName = json["recName"]; |
} |
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() { |
var map = <String, dynamic>{}; |
map["address"] = _address; |
map["addressId"] = _addressId; |
map["city"] = _city; |
map["cityId"] = _cityId; |
map["country"] = _country; |
map["countryId"] = _countryId; |
map["district"] = _district; |
map["districtId"] = _districtId; |
map["latitude"] = _latitude; |
map["longitude"] = _longitude; |
map["province"] = _province; |
map["provinceId"] = _provinceId; |
map["recMobile"] = _recMobile; |
map["recName"] = _recName; |
return map; |
} |
} |