You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1515 lines
50 KiB
1515 lines
50 KiB
/// id : "1797587255380934656" |
/// createTime : "2024-06-03 19:12:54" |
/// createUser : "1623178240350748672" |
/// updateTime : "2024-06-03 19:16:11" |
/// updateUser : "0" |
/// phone : "" |
/// receivingPhone : null |
/// mid : "1623178240350748672" |
/// orderIds : ["1797582782189273088"] |
/// money : "0.01" |
/// type : "ELECTRONIC" |
/// headerId : "1797580038447562752" |
/// state : "AUDIT_PASS" |
/// reviewerTime : "2024-06-03 19:16:11" |
/// reviewerBy : "1" |
/// ossUrl : "" |
/// reason : "" |
/// isDelete : 0 |
/// invoiceHeaderName : "回乡信息技术(上海)有限公司武汉分公司" |
/// invoiceHeaderCode : "91420106MA49J8GY8D" |
/// orderList : [{"id":"1797582782189273088","createTime":"2024-06-03 18:55:07","createUser":"1623178240350748672","updateTime":"2024-06-03 18:55:07","updateUser":"1623178240350748672","tenantCode":"1187","storeId":"1509811680584925184","storeName":"桑葚认养2022","tableId":"0","responsible":null,"orderType":0,"clearTable":false,"mid":"1623178240350748672","parentId":"0","parentCode":null,"orderCode":"202406031855070001","dayFlowCode":"518","orderStatus":4,"sendStatus":0,"payStatus":1,"haveTimes":false,"invoicing":true,"memberAccount":"AA_oODK34oXp-4O8zQhg4OzFbEIL9Yo","owner":"1610225796515889152","logisticsId":"0","shipperCode":"","logisticsName":"","logisticsNum":"","logisticsCase":null,"refundStatus":0,"addressExt":{"addressId":"1777546429707845632","country":null,"countryId":null,"province":"湖北省","provinceId":null,"city":"武汉市","cityId":null,"district":"江岸区","districtId":null,"cityInfo":"江岸区会议中心","address":"中海中心","recName":"","recMobile":"17612711844","longitude":"114.3096","latitude":"30.59982"},"contactsExtList":[{"name":"兰东","mobile":"17612711844","idcard":""}],"postFee":"0.00","totalPackagingFee":"0.00","couponSubPrice":"0.00","removeDecimal":"0.00","isSubscribe":false,"subcribeTime":null,"sendTime":null,"confirmTime":null,"returnMoneyTime":null,"notes":"","prepayId":"WxPayMpOrderResult(appId=wx4ffd76994dc95086, timeStamp=1717412111, nonceStr=p82DnfDFYGFJzPi5, packageValue=prepay_id=wx031855122394490fad3a1b3b449dd20000, signType=MD5, paySign=35926ED291B7426675A6B6E35C890095)","payTime":"2024-06-03 18:55:30","payChannel":1,"payNum":"","promotionId":"0","actId":"0","couponId":"0","isDelete":0,"isTakeOut":0,"batch":1,"orderDiscountPrice":"0.00","dishesDiscountPrice":"0.00","orderPercentPrice":"0.00","activityNoPrice":"0.00","activityDiscountPrice":"0.00","uniqueDiscountType":"AUTO","totalDiscountPrice":null,"vipDayDiscountPrice":"0.00","orderSource":1,"benefitDiscountAmount":"0.00","vipDiscountPrice":"0.00","orderMerge":null,"canSettlement":true,"endRefundTime":null,"orderProductList":[{"id":"1797582782721949696","createTime":"2024-06-03 18:55:08","createUser":"1623178240350748672","updateTime":"2024-06-03 18:55:08","updateUser":"1623178240350748672","tenantCode":"1187","storeId":"1509811680584925184","orderId":"1797582782189273088","actInfo":null,"productId":"1777275921871405056","times":null,"usedTimes":null,"productName":"牡丹花认养测试","skuId":"1777291794300534784","skuNameStr":"","skuImg":"","buyNum":1,"refundNum":0,"type":0,"reason":null,"weight":0.0,"applyPrice":"200.00","sellPrice":"0.01","postPay":"0.00","isDelete":0,"discountAmount":"0.00","discountPercent":100,"status":true,"batch":1,"deliveries":1,"ticketType":"ADOPT_WARRANT","ticketDays":"365","takeType":null,"skuTickets":["牡丹花挂牌*1","有机牡丹籽油250ml*1"],"ticketStyle":"{\"mainImage\":\"\",\"identityImage\":\"\",\"identityName\":\"认养花卉\",\"signature\":\"牡丹认养\"}","setMealDataList":null,"packagingFee":"0.00"}],"businessType":null,"paySum":"0.01","useInvoice":null,"payedPrice":"0.01","finalPayPrice":null,"isEnableSubscribePay":null,"invoiceId":null,"invoiceState":null,"posType":null}] |
/// headertype : "COMPANY" |
/// companyAddr : "" |
/// companyPhone : "" |
/// bank : "" |
/// bankNumber : "" |
class InvoicesDetailInfo { |
InvoicesDetailInfo({ |
String id, |
String createTime, |
String createUser, |
String updateTime, |
String updateUser, |
String phone, |
dynamic receivingPhone, |
String mid, |
List<String> orderIds, |
String money, |
String type, |
String headerId, |
String state, |
String reviewerTime, |
String reviewerBy, |
String ossUrl, |
String reason, |
num isDelete, |
String invoiceHeaderName, |
String invoiceHeaderCode, |
List<OrderList> orderList, |
String headertype, |
String companyAddr, |
String companyPhone, |
String bank, |
String bankNumber,}){ |
_id = id; |
_createTime = createTime; |
_createUser = createUser; |
_updateTime = updateTime; |
_updateUser = updateUser; |
_phone = phone; |
_receivingPhone = receivingPhone; |
_mid = mid; |
_orderIds = orderIds; |
_money = money; |
_type = type; |
_headerId = headerId; |
_state = state; |
_reviewerTime = reviewerTime; |
_reviewerBy = reviewerBy; |
_ossUrl = ossUrl; |
_reason = reason; |
_isDelete = isDelete; |
_invoiceHeaderName = invoiceHeaderName; |
_invoiceHeaderCode = invoiceHeaderCode; |
_orderList = orderList; |
_headertype = headertype; |
_companyAddr = companyAddr; |
_companyPhone = companyPhone; |
_bank = bank; |
_bankNumber = bankNumber; |
} |
InvoicesDetailInfo.fromJson(dynamic json) { |
_id = json['id']; |
_createTime = json['createTime']; |
_createUser = json['createUser']; |
_updateTime = json['updateTime']; |
_updateUser = json['updateUser']; |
_phone = json['phone']; |
_receivingPhone = json['receivingPhone']; |
_mid = json['mid']; |
_orderIds = json['orderIds'] != null ? json['orderIds'].cast<String>() : []; |
_money = json['money']; |
_type = json['type']; |
_headerId = json['headerId']; |
_state = json['state']; |
_reviewerTime = json['reviewerTime']; |
_reviewerBy = json['reviewerBy']; |
_ossUrl = json['ossUrl']; |
_reason = json['reason']; |
_isDelete = json['isDelete']; |
_invoiceHeaderName = json['invoiceHeaderName']; |
_invoiceHeaderCode = json['invoiceHeaderCode']; |
if (json['orderList'] != null) { |
_orderList = []; |
json['orderList'].forEach((v) { |
_orderList.add(OrderList.fromJson(v)); |
}); |
} |
_headertype = json['headertype']; |
_companyAddr = json['companyAddr']; |
_companyPhone = json['companyPhone']; |
_bank = json['bank']; |
_bankNumber = json['bankNumber']; |
} |
String _id; |
String _createTime; |
String _createUser; |
String _updateTime; |
String _updateUser; |
String _phone; |
dynamic _receivingPhone; |
String _mid; |
List<String> _orderIds; |
String _money; |
String _type; |
String _headerId; |
String _state; |
String _reviewerTime; |
String _reviewerBy; |
String _ossUrl; |
String _reason; |
num _isDelete; |
String _invoiceHeaderName; |
String _invoiceHeaderCode; |
List<OrderList> _orderList; |
String _headertype; |
String _companyAddr; |
String _companyPhone; |
String _bank; |
String _bankNumber; |
InvoicesDetailInfo copyWith({ String id, |
String createTime, |
String createUser, |
String updateTime, |
String updateUser, |
String phone, |
dynamic receivingPhone, |
String mid, |
List<String> orderIds, |
String money, |
String type, |
String headerId, |
String state, |
String reviewerTime, |
String reviewerBy, |
String ossUrl, |
String reason, |
num isDelete, |
String invoiceHeaderName, |
String invoiceHeaderCode, |
List<OrderList> orderList, |
String headertype, |
String companyAddr, |
String companyPhone, |
String bank, |
String bankNumber, |
}) => InvoicesDetailInfo( id: id ?? _id, |
createTime: createTime ?? _createTime, |
createUser: createUser ?? _createUser, |
updateTime: updateTime ?? _updateTime, |
updateUser: updateUser ?? _updateUser, |
phone: phone ?? _phone, |
receivingPhone: receivingPhone ?? _receivingPhone, |
mid: mid ?? _mid, |
orderIds: orderIds ?? _orderIds, |
money: money ?? _money, |
type: type ?? _type, |
headerId: headerId ?? _headerId, |
state: state ?? _state, |
reviewerTime: reviewerTime ?? _reviewerTime, |
reviewerBy: reviewerBy ?? _reviewerBy, |
ossUrl: ossUrl ?? _ossUrl, |
reason: reason ?? _reason, |
isDelete: isDelete ?? _isDelete, |
invoiceHeaderName: invoiceHeaderName ?? _invoiceHeaderName, |
invoiceHeaderCode: invoiceHeaderCode ?? _invoiceHeaderCode, |
orderList: orderList ?? _orderList, |
headertype: headertype ?? _headertype, |
companyAddr: companyAddr ?? _companyAddr, |
companyPhone: companyPhone ?? _companyPhone, |
bank: bank ?? _bank, |
bankNumber: bankNumber ?? _bankNumber, |
); |
String get id => _id; |
String get createTime => _createTime; |
String get createUser => _createUser; |
String get updateTime => _updateTime; |
String get updateUser => _updateUser; |
String get phone => _phone; |
dynamic get receivingPhone => _receivingPhone; |
String get mid => _mid; |
List<String> get orderIds => _orderIds; |
String get money => _money; |
String get type => _type; |
String get headerId => _headerId; |
String get state => _state; |
String get reviewerTime => _reviewerTime; |
String get reviewerBy => _reviewerBy; |
String get ossUrl => _ossUrl; |
String get reason => _reason; |
num get isDelete => _isDelete; |
String get invoiceHeaderName => _invoiceHeaderName; |
String get invoiceHeaderCode => _invoiceHeaderCode; |
List<OrderList> get orderList => _orderList; |
String get headertype => _headertype; |
String get companyAddr => _companyAddr; |
String get companyPhone => _companyPhone; |
String get bank => _bank; |
String get bankNumber => _bankNumber; |
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() { |
final map = <String, dynamic>{}; |
map['id'] = _id; |
map['createTime'] = _createTime; |
map['createUser'] = _createUser; |
map['updateTime'] = _updateTime; |
map['updateUser'] = _updateUser; |
map['phone'] = _phone; |
map['receivingPhone'] = _receivingPhone; |
map['mid'] = _mid; |
map['orderIds'] = _orderIds; |
map['money'] = _money; |
map['type'] = _type; |
map['headerId'] = _headerId; |
map['state'] = _state; |
map['reviewerTime'] = _reviewerTime; |
map['reviewerBy'] = _reviewerBy; |
map['ossUrl'] = _ossUrl; |
map['reason'] = _reason; |
map['isDelete'] = _isDelete; |
map['invoiceHeaderName'] = _invoiceHeaderName; |
map['invoiceHeaderCode'] = _invoiceHeaderCode; |
if (_orderList != null) { |
map['orderList'] = => v.toJson()).toList(); |
} |
map['headertype'] = _headertype; |
map['companyAddr'] = _companyAddr; |
map['companyPhone'] = _companyPhone; |
map['bank'] = _bank; |
map['bankNumber'] = _bankNumber; |
return map; |
} |
} |
/// id : "1797582782189273088" |
/// createTime : "2024-06-03 18:55:07" |
/// createUser : "1623178240350748672" |
/// updateTime : "2024-06-03 18:55:07" |
/// updateUser : "1623178240350748672" |
/// tenantCode : "1187" |
/// storeId : "1509811680584925184" |
/// storeName : "桑葚认养2022" |
/// tableId : "0" |
/// responsible : null |
/// orderType : 0 |
/// clearTable : false |
/// mid : "1623178240350748672" |
/// parentId : "0" |
/// parentCode : null |
/// orderCode : "202406031855070001" |
/// dayFlowCode : "518" |
/// orderStatus : 4 |
/// sendStatus : 0 |
/// payStatus : 1 |
/// haveTimes : false |
/// invoicing : true |
/// memberAccount : "AA_oODK34oXp-4O8zQhg4OzFbEIL9Yo" |
/// owner : "1610225796515889152" |
/// logisticsId : "0" |
/// shipperCode : "" |
/// logisticsName : "" |
/// logisticsNum : "" |
/// logisticsCase : null |
/// refundStatus : 0 |
/// addressExt : {"addressId":"1777546429707845632","country":null,"countryId":null,"province":"湖北省","provinceId":null,"city":"武汉市","cityId":null,"district":"江岸区","districtId":null,"cityInfo":"江岸区会议中心","address":"中海中心","recName":"","recMobile":"17612711844","longitude":"114.3096","latitude":"30.59982"} |
/// contactsExtList : [{"name":"兰东","mobile":"17612711844","idcard":""}] |
/// postFee : "0.00" |
/// totalPackagingFee : "0.00" |
/// couponSubPrice : "0.00" |
/// removeDecimal : "0.00" |
/// isSubscribe : false |
/// subcribeTime : null |
/// sendTime : null |
/// confirmTime : null |
/// returnMoneyTime : null |
/// notes : "" |
/// prepayId : "WxPayMpOrderResult(appId=wx4ffd76994dc95086, timeStamp=1717412111, nonceStr=p82DnfDFYGFJzPi5, packageValue=prepay_id=wx031855122394490fad3a1b3b449dd20000, signType=MD5, paySign=35926ED291B7426675A6B6E35C890095)" |
/// payTime : "2024-06-03 18:55:30" |
/// payChannel : 1 |
/// payNum : "" |
/// promotionId : "0" |
/// actId : "0" |
/// couponId : "0" |
/// isDelete : 0 |
/// isTakeOut : 0 |
/// batch : 1 |
/// orderDiscountPrice : "0.00" |
/// dishesDiscountPrice : "0.00" |
/// orderPercentPrice : "0.00" |
/// activityNoPrice : "0.00" |
/// activityDiscountPrice : "0.00" |
/// uniqueDiscountType : "AUTO" |
/// totalDiscountPrice : null |
/// vipDayDiscountPrice : "0.00" |
/// orderSource : 1 |
/// benefitDiscountAmount : "0.00" |
/// vipDiscountPrice : "0.00" |
/// orderMerge : null |
/// canSettlement : true |
/// endRefundTime : null |
/// orderProductList : [{"id":"1797582782721949696","createTime":"2024-06-03 18:55:08","createUser":"1623178240350748672","updateTime":"2024-06-03 18:55:08","updateUser":"1623178240350748672","tenantCode":"1187","storeId":"1509811680584925184","orderId":"1797582782189273088","actInfo":null,"productId":"1777275921871405056","times":null,"usedTimes":null,"productName":"牡丹花认养测试","skuId":"1777291794300534784","skuNameStr":"","skuImg":"","buyNum":1,"refundNum":0,"type":0,"reason":null,"weight":0.0,"applyPrice":"200.00","sellPrice":"0.01","postPay":"0.00","isDelete":0,"discountAmount":"0.00","discountPercent":100,"status":true,"batch":1,"deliveries":1,"ticketType":"ADOPT_WARRANT","ticketDays":"365","takeType":null,"skuTickets":["牡丹花挂牌*1","有机牡丹籽油250ml*1"],"ticketStyle":"{\"mainImage\":\"\",\"identityImage\":\"\",\"identityName\":\"认养花卉\",\"signature\":\"牡丹认养\"}","setMealDataList":null,"packagingFee":"0.00"}] |
/// businessType : null |
/// paySum : "0.01" |
/// useInvoice : null |
/// payedPrice : "0.01" |
/// finalPayPrice : null |
/// isEnableSubscribePay : null |
/// invoiceId : null |
/// invoiceState : null |
/// posType : null |
class OrderList { |
OrderList({ |
String id, |
String createTime, |
String createUser, |
String updateTime, |
String updateUser, |
String tenantCode, |
String storeId, |
String storeName, |
String tableId, |
dynamic responsible, |
num orderType, |
bool clearTable, |
String mid, |
String parentId, |
dynamic parentCode, |
String orderCode, |
String dayFlowCode, |
num orderStatus, |
num sendStatus, |
num payStatus, |
bool haveTimes, |
bool invoicing, |
String memberAccount, |
String owner, |
String logisticsId, |
String shipperCode, |
String logisticsName, |
String logisticsNum, |
dynamic logisticsCase, |
num refundStatus, |
AddressExt addressExt, |
List<ContactsExtList> contactsExtList, |
String postFee, |
String totalPackagingFee, |
String couponSubPrice, |
String removeDecimal, |
bool isSubscribe, |
dynamic subcribeTime, |
dynamic sendTime, |
dynamic confirmTime, |
dynamic returnMoneyTime, |
String notes, |
String prepayId, |
String payTime, |
num payChannel, |
String payNum, |
String promotionId, |
String actId, |
String couponId, |
num isDelete, |
num isTakeOut, |
num batch, |
String orderDiscountPrice, |
String dishesDiscountPrice, |
String orderPercentPrice, |
String activityNoPrice, |
String activityDiscountPrice, |
String uniqueDiscountType, |
dynamic totalDiscountPrice, |
String vipDayDiscountPrice, |
num orderSource, |
String benefitDiscountAmount, |
String vipDiscountPrice, |
dynamic orderMerge, |
bool canSettlement, |
dynamic endRefundTime, |
List<OrderProductList> orderProductList, |
dynamic businessType, |
String paySum, |
dynamic useInvoice, |
String payedPrice, |
dynamic finalPayPrice, |
dynamic isEnableSubscribePay, |
dynamic invoiceId, |
dynamic invoiceState, |
dynamic posType,}){ |
_id = id; |
_createTime = createTime; |
_createUser = createUser; |
_updateTime = updateTime; |
_updateUser = updateUser; |
_tenantCode = tenantCode; |
_storeId = storeId; |
_storeName = storeName; |
_tableId = tableId; |
_responsible = responsible; |
_orderType = orderType; |
_clearTable = clearTable; |
_mid = mid; |
_parentId = parentId; |
_parentCode = parentCode; |
_orderCode = orderCode; |
_dayFlowCode = dayFlowCode; |
_orderStatus = orderStatus; |
_sendStatus = sendStatus; |
_payStatus = payStatus; |
_haveTimes = haveTimes; |
_invoicing = invoicing; |
_memberAccount = memberAccount; |
_owner = owner; |
_logisticsId = logisticsId; |
_shipperCode = shipperCode; |
_logisticsName = logisticsName; |
_logisticsNum = logisticsNum; |
_logisticsCase = logisticsCase; |
_refundStatus = refundStatus; |
_addressExt = addressExt; |
_contactsExtList = contactsExtList; |
_postFee = postFee; |
_totalPackagingFee = totalPackagingFee; |
_couponSubPrice = couponSubPrice; |
_removeDecimal = removeDecimal; |
_isSubscribe = isSubscribe; |
_subcribeTime = subcribeTime; |
_sendTime = sendTime; |
_confirmTime = confirmTime; |
_returnMoneyTime = returnMoneyTime; |
_notes = notes; |
_prepayId = prepayId; |
_payTime = payTime; |
_payChannel = payChannel; |
_payNum = payNum; |
_promotionId = promotionId; |
_actId = actId; |
_couponId = couponId; |
_isDelete = isDelete; |
_isTakeOut = isTakeOut; |
_batch = batch; |
_orderDiscountPrice = orderDiscountPrice; |
_dishesDiscountPrice = dishesDiscountPrice; |
_orderPercentPrice = orderPercentPrice; |
_activityNoPrice = activityNoPrice; |
_activityDiscountPrice = activityDiscountPrice; |
_uniqueDiscountType = uniqueDiscountType; |
_totalDiscountPrice = totalDiscountPrice; |
_vipDayDiscountPrice = vipDayDiscountPrice; |
_orderSource = orderSource; |
_benefitDiscountAmount = benefitDiscountAmount; |
_vipDiscountPrice = vipDiscountPrice; |
_orderMerge = orderMerge; |
_canSettlement = canSettlement; |
_endRefundTime = endRefundTime; |
_orderProductList = orderProductList; |
_businessType = businessType; |
_paySum = paySum; |
_useInvoice = useInvoice; |
_payedPrice = payedPrice; |
_finalPayPrice = finalPayPrice; |
_isEnableSubscribePay = isEnableSubscribePay; |
_invoiceId = invoiceId; |
_invoiceState = invoiceState; |
_posType = posType; |
} |
OrderList.fromJson(dynamic json) { |
_id = json['id']; |
_createTime = json['createTime']; |
_createUser = json['createUser']; |
_updateTime = json['updateTime']; |
_updateUser = json['updateUser']; |
_tenantCode = json['tenantCode']; |
_storeId = json['storeId']; |
_storeName = json['storeName']; |
_tableId = json['tableId']; |
_responsible = json['responsible']; |
_orderType = json['orderType']; |
_clearTable = json['clearTable']; |
_mid = json['mid']; |
_parentId = json['parentId']; |
_parentCode = json['parentCode']; |
_orderCode = json['orderCode']; |
_dayFlowCode = json['dayFlowCode']; |
_orderStatus = json['orderStatus']; |
_sendStatus = json['sendStatus']; |
_payStatus = json['payStatus']; |
_haveTimes = json['haveTimes']; |
_invoicing = json['invoicing']; |
_memberAccount = json['memberAccount']; |
_owner = json['owner']; |
_logisticsId = json['logisticsId']; |
_shipperCode = json['shipperCode']; |
_logisticsName = json['logisticsName']; |
_logisticsNum = json['logisticsNum']; |
_logisticsCase = json['logisticsCase']; |
_refundStatus = json['refundStatus']; |
_addressExt = json['addressExt'] != null ? AddressExt.fromJson(json['addressExt']) : null; |
if (json['contactsExtList'] != null) { |
_contactsExtList = []; |
json['contactsExtList'].forEach((v) { |
_contactsExtList.add(ContactsExtList.fromJson(v)); |
}); |
} |
_postFee = json['postFee']; |
_totalPackagingFee = json['totalPackagingFee']; |
_couponSubPrice = json['couponSubPrice']; |
_removeDecimal = json['removeDecimal']; |
_isSubscribe = json['isSubscribe']; |
_subcribeTime = json['subcribeTime']; |
_sendTime = json['sendTime']; |
_confirmTime = json['confirmTime']; |
_returnMoneyTime = json['returnMoneyTime']; |
_notes = json['notes']; |
_prepayId = json['prepayId']; |
_payTime = json['payTime']; |
_payChannel = json['payChannel']; |
_payNum = json['payNum']; |
_promotionId = json['promotionId']; |
_actId = json['actId']; |
_couponId = json['couponId']; |
_isDelete = json['isDelete']; |
_isTakeOut = json['isTakeOut']; |
_batch = json['batch']; |
_orderDiscountPrice = json['orderDiscountPrice']; |
_dishesDiscountPrice = json['dishesDiscountPrice']; |
_orderPercentPrice = json['orderPercentPrice']; |
_activityNoPrice = json['activityNoPrice']; |
_activityDiscountPrice = json['activityDiscountPrice']; |
_uniqueDiscountType = json['uniqueDiscountType']; |
_totalDiscountPrice = json['totalDiscountPrice']; |
_vipDayDiscountPrice = json['vipDayDiscountPrice']; |
_orderSource = json['orderSource']; |
_benefitDiscountAmount = json['benefitDiscountAmount']; |
_vipDiscountPrice = json['vipDiscountPrice']; |
_orderMerge = json['orderMerge']; |
_canSettlement = json['canSettlement']; |
_endRefundTime = json['endRefundTime']; |
if (json['orderProductList'] != null) { |
_orderProductList = []; |
json['orderProductList'].forEach((v) { |
_orderProductList.add(OrderProductList.fromJson(v)); |
}); |
} |
_businessType = json['businessType']; |
_paySum = json['paySum']; |
_useInvoice = json['useInvoice']; |
_payedPrice = json['payedPrice']; |
_finalPayPrice = json['finalPayPrice']; |
_isEnableSubscribePay = json['isEnableSubscribePay']; |
_invoiceId = json['invoiceId']; |
_invoiceState = json['invoiceState']; |
_posType = json['posType']; |
} |
String _id; |
String _createTime; |
String _createUser; |
String _updateTime; |
String _updateUser; |
String _tenantCode; |
String _storeId; |
String _storeName; |
String _tableId; |
dynamic _responsible; |
num _orderType; |
bool _clearTable; |
String _mid; |
String _parentId; |
dynamic _parentCode; |
String _orderCode; |
String _dayFlowCode; |
num _orderStatus; |
num _sendStatus; |
num _payStatus; |
bool _haveTimes; |
bool _invoicing; |
String _memberAccount; |
String _owner; |
String _logisticsId; |
String _shipperCode; |
String _logisticsName; |
String _logisticsNum; |
dynamic _logisticsCase; |
num _refundStatus; |
AddressExt _addressExt; |
List<ContactsExtList> _contactsExtList; |
String _postFee; |
String _totalPackagingFee; |
String _couponSubPrice; |
String _removeDecimal; |
bool _isSubscribe; |
dynamic _subcribeTime; |
dynamic _sendTime; |
dynamic _confirmTime; |
dynamic _returnMoneyTime; |
String _notes; |
String _prepayId; |
String _payTime; |
num _payChannel; |
String _payNum; |
String _promotionId; |
String _actId; |
String _couponId; |
num _isDelete; |
num _isTakeOut; |
num _batch; |
String _orderDiscountPrice; |
String _dishesDiscountPrice; |
String _orderPercentPrice; |
String _activityNoPrice; |
String _activityDiscountPrice; |
String _uniqueDiscountType; |
dynamic _totalDiscountPrice; |
String _vipDayDiscountPrice; |
num _orderSource; |
String _benefitDiscountAmount; |
String _vipDiscountPrice; |
dynamic _orderMerge; |
bool _canSettlement; |
dynamic _endRefundTime; |
List<OrderProductList> _orderProductList; |
dynamic _businessType; |
String _paySum; |
dynamic _useInvoice; |
String _payedPrice; |
dynamic _finalPayPrice; |
dynamic _isEnableSubscribePay; |
dynamic _invoiceId; |
dynamic _invoiceState; |
dynamic _posType; |
OrderList copyWith({ String id, |
String createTime, |
String createUser, |
String updateTime, |
String updateUser, |
String tenantCode, |
String storeId, |
String storeName, |
String tableId, |
dynamic responsible, |
num orderType, |
bool clearTable, |
String mid, |
String parentId, |
dynamic parentCode, |
String orderCode, |
String dayFlowCode, |
num orderStatus, |
num sendStatus, |
num payStatus, |
bool haveTimes, |
bool invoicing, |
String memberAccount, |
String owner, |
String logisticsId, |
String shipperCode, |
String logisticsName, |
String logisticsNum, |
dynamic logisticsCase, |
num refundStatus, |
AddressExt addressExt, |
List<ContactsExtList> contactsExtList, |
String postFee, |
String totalPackagingFee, |
String couponSubPrice, |
String removeDecimal, |
bool isSubscribe, |
dynamic subcribeTime, |
dynamic sendTime, |
dynamic confirmTime, |
dynamic returnMoneyTime, |
String notes, |
String prepayId, |
String payTime, |
num payChannel, |
String payNum, |
String promotionId, |
String actId, |
String couponId, |
num isDelete, |
num isTakeOut, |
num batch, |
String orderDiscountPrice, |
String dishesDiscountPrice, |
String orderPercentPrice, |
String activityNoPrice, |
String activityDiscountPrice, |
String uniqueDiscountType, |
dynamic totalDiscountPrice, |
String vipDayDiscountPrice, |
num orderSource, |
String benefitDiscountAmount, |
String vipDiscountPrice, |
dynamic orderMerge, |
bool canSettlement, |
dynamic endRefundTime, |
List<OrderProductList> orderProductList, |
dynamic businessType, |
String paySum, |
dynamic useInvoice, |
String payedPrice, |
dynamic finalPayPrice, |
dynamic isEnableSubscribePay, |
dynamic invoiceId, |
dynamic invoiceState, |
dynamic posType, |
}) => OrderList( id: id ?? _id, |
createTime: createTime ?? _createTime, |
createUser: createUser ?? _createUser, |
updateTime: updateTime ?? _updateTime, |
updateUser: updateUser ?? _updateUser, |
tenantCode: tenantCode ?? _tenantCode, |
storeId: storeId ?? _storeId, |
storeName: storeName ?? _storeName, |
tableId: tableId ?? _tableId, |
responsible: responsible ?? _responsible, |
orderType: orderType ?? _orderType, |
clearTable: clearTable ?? _clearTable, |
mid: mid ?? _mid, |
parentId: parentId ?? _parentId, |
parentCode: parentCode ?? _parentCode, |
orderCode: orderCode ?? _orderCode, |
dayFlowCode: dayFlowCode ?? _dayFlowCode, |
orderStatus: orderStatus ?? _orderStatus, |
sendStatus: sendStatus ?? _sendStatus, |
payStatus: payStatus ?? _payStatus, |
haveTimes: haveTimes ?? _haveTimes, |
invoicing: invoicing ?? _invoicing, |
memberAccount: memberAccount ?? _memberAccount, |
owner: owner ?? _owner, |
logisticsId: logisticsId ?? _logisticsId, |
shipperCode: shipperCode ?? _shipperCode, |
logisticsName: logisticsName ?? _logisticsName, |
logisticsNum: logisticsNum ?? _logisticsNum, |
logisticsCase: logisticsCase ?? _logisticsCase, |
refundStatus: refundStatus ?? _refundStatus, |
addressExt: addressExt ?? _addressExt, |
contactsExtList: contactsExtList ?? _contactsExtList, |
postFee: postFee ?? _postFee, |
totalPackagingFee: totalPackagingFee ?? _totalPackagingFee, |
couponSubPrice: couponSubPrice ?? _couponSubPrice, |
removeDecimal: removeDecimal ?? _removeDecimal, |
isSubscribe: isSubscribe ?? _isSubscribe, |
subcribeTime: subcribeTime ?? _subcribeTime, |
sendTime: sendTime ?? _sendTime, |
confirmTime: confirmTime ?? _confirmTime, |
returnMoneyTime: returnMoneyTime ?? _returnMoneyTime, |
notes: notes ?? _notes, |
prepayId: prepayId ?? _prepayId, |
payTime: payTime ?? _payTime, |
payChannel: payChannel ?? _payChannel, |
payNum: payNum ?? _payNum, |
promotionId: promotionId ?? _promotionId, |
actId: actId ?? _actId, |
couponId: couponId ?? _couponId, |
isDelete: isDelete ?? _isDelete, |
isTakeOut: isTakeOut ?? _isTakeOut, |
batch: batch ?? _batch, |
orderDiscountPrice: orderDiscountPrice ?? _orderDiscountPrice, |
dishesDiscountPrice: dishesDiscountPrice ?? _dishesDiscountPrice, |
orderPercentPrice: orderPercentPrice ?? _orderPercentPrice, |
activityNoPrice: activityNoPrice ?? _activityNoPrice, |
activityDiscountPrice: activityDiscountPrice ?? _activityDiscountPrice, |
uniqueDiscountType: uniqueDiscountType ?? _uniqueDiscountType, |
totalDiscountPrice: totalDiscountPrice ?? _totalDiscountPrice, |
vipDayDiscountPrice: vipDayDiscountPrice ?? _vipDayDiscountPrice, |
orderSource: orderSource ?? _orderSource, |
benefitDiscountAmount: benefitDiscountAmount ?? _benefitDiscountAmount, |
vipDiscountPrice: vipDiscountPrice ?? _vipDiscountPrice, |
orderMerge: orderMerge ?? _orderMerge, |
canSettlement: canSettlement ?? _canSettlement, |
endRefundTime: endRefundTime ?? _endRefundTime, |
orderProductList: orderProductList ?? _orderProductList, |
businessType: businessType ?? _businessType, |
paySum: paySum ?? _paySum, |
useInvoice: useInvoice ?? _useInvoice, |
payedPrice: payedPrice ?? _payedPrice, |
finalPayPrice: finalPayPrice ?? _finalPayPrice, |
isEnableSubscribePay: isEnableSubscribePay ?? _isEnableSubscribePay, |
invoiceId: invoiceId ?? _invoiceId, |
invoiceState: invoiceState ?? _invoiceState, |
posType: posType ?? _posType, |
); |
String get id => _id; |
String get createTime => _createTime; |
String get createUser => _createUser; |
String get updateTime => _updateTime; |
String get updateUser => _updateUser; |
String get tenantCode => _tenantCode; |
String get storeId => _storeId; |
String get storeName => _storeName; |
String get tableId => _tableId; |
dynamic get responsible => _responsible; |
num get orderType => _orderType; |
bool get clearTable => _clearTable; |
String get mid => _mid; |
String get parentId => _parentId; |
dynamic get parentCode => _parentCode; |
String get orderCode => _orderCode; |
String get dayFlowCode => _dayFlowCode; |
num get orderStatus => _orderStatus; |
num get sendStatus => _sendStatus; |
num get payStatus => _payStatus; |
bool get haveTimes => _haveTimes; |
bool get invoicing => _invoicing; |
String get memberAccount => _memberAccount; |
String get owner => _owner; |
String get logisticsId => _logisticsId; |
String get shipperCode => _shipperCode; |
String get logisticsName => _logisticsName; |
String get logisticsNum => _logisticsNum; |
dynamic get logisticsCase => _logisticsCase; |
num get refundStatus => _refundStatus; |
AddressExt get addressExt => _addressExt; |
List<ContactsExtList> get contactsExtList => _contactsExtList; |
String get postFee => _postFee; |
String get totalPackagingFee => _totalPackagingFee; |
String get couponSubPrice => _couponSubPrice; |
String get removeDecimal => _removeDecimal; |
bool get isSubscribe => _isSubscribe; |
dynamic get subcribeTime => _subcribeTime; |
dynamic get sendTime => _sendTime; |
dynamic get confirmTime => _confirmTime; |
dynamic get returnMoneyTime => _returnMoneyTime; |
String get notes => _notes; |
String get prepayId => _prepayId; |
String get payTime => _payTime; |
num get payChannel => _payChannel; |
String get payNum => _payNum; |
String get promotionId => _promotionId; |
String get actId => _actId; |
String get couponId => _couponId; |
num get isDelete => _isDelete; |
num get isTakeOut => _isTakeOut; |
num get batch => _batch; |
String get orderDiscountPrice => _orderDiscountPrice; |
String get dishesDiscountPrice => _dishesDiscountPrice; |
String get orderPercentPrice => _orderPercentPrice; |
String get activityNoPrice => _activityNoPrice; |
String get activityDiscountPrice => _activityDiscountPrice; |
String get uniqueDiscountType => _uniqueDiscountType; |
dynamic get totalDiscountPrice => _totalDiscountPrice; |
String get vipDayDiscountPrice => _vipDayDiscountPrice; |
num get orderSource => _orderSource; |
String get benefitDiscountAmount => _benefitDiscountAmount; |
String get vipDiscountPrice => _vipDiscountPrice; |
dynamic get orderMerge => _orderMerge; |
bool get canSettlement => _canSettlement; |
dynamic get endRefundTime => _endRefundTime; |
List<OrderProductList> get orderProductList => _orderProductList; |
dynamic get businessType => _businessType; |
String get paySum => _paySum; |
dynamic get useInvoice => _useInvoice; |
String get payedPrice => _payedPrice; |
dynamic get finalPayPrice => _finalPayPrice; |
dynamic get isEnableSubscribePay => _isEnableSubscribePay; |
dynamic get invoiceId => _invoiceId; |
dynamic get invoiceState => _invoiceState; |
dynamic get posType => _posType; |
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() { |
final map = <String, dynamic>{}; |
map['id'] = _id; |
map['createTime'] = _createTime; |
map['createUser'] = _createUser; |
map['updateTime'] = _updateTime; |
map['updateUser'] = _updateUser; |
map['tenantCode'] = _tenantCode; |
map['storeId'] = _storeId; |
map['storeName'] = _storeName; |
map['tableId'] = _tableId; |
map['responsible'] = _responsible; |
map['orderType'] = _orderType; |
map['clearTable'] = _clearTable; |
map['mid'] = _mid; |
map['parentId'] = _parentId; |
map['parentCode'] = _parentCode; |
map['orderCode'] = _orderCode; |
map['dayFlowCode'] = _dayFlowCode; |
map['orderStatus'] = _orderStatus; |
map['sendStatus'] = _sendStatus; |
map['payStatus'] = _payStatus; |
map['haveTimes'] = _haveTimes; |
map['invoicing'] = _invoicing; |
map['memberAccount'] = _memberAccount; |
map['owner'] = _owner; |
map['logisticsId'] = _logisticsId; |
map['shipperCode'] = _shipperCode; |
map['logisticsName'] = _logisticsName; |
map['logisticsNum'] = _logisticsNum; |
map['logisticsCase'] = _logisticsCase; |
map['refundStatus'] = _refundStatus; |
if (_addressExt != null) { |
map['addressExt'] = _addressExt.toJson(); |
} |
if (_contactsExtList != null) { |
map['contactsExtList'] = => v.toJson()).toList(); |
} |
map['postFee'] = _postFee; |
map['totalPackagingFee'] = _totalPackagingFee; |
map['couponSubPrice'] = _couponSubPrice; |
map['removeDecimal'] = _removeDecimal; |
map['isSubscribe'] = _isSubscribe; |
map['subcribeTime'] = _subcribeTime; |
map['sendTime'] = _sendTime; |
map['confirmTime'] = _confirmTime; |
map['returnMoneyTime'] = _returnMoneyTime; |
map['notes'] = _notes; |
map['prepayId'] = _prepayId; |
map['payTime'] = _payTime; |
map['payChannel'] = _payChannel; |
map['payNum'] = _payNum; |
map['promotionId'] = _promotionId; |
map['actId'] = _actId; |
map['couponId'] = _couponId; |
map['isDelete'] = _isDelete; |
map['isTakeOut'] = _isTakeOut; |
map['batch'] = _batch; |
map['orderDiscountPrice'] = _orderDiscountPrice; |
map['dishesDiscountPrice'] = _dishesDiscountPrice; |
map['orderPercentPrice'] = _orderPercentPrice; |
map['activityNoPrice'] = _activityNoPrice; |
map['activityDiscountPrice'] = _activityDiscountPrice; |
map['uniqueDiscountType'] = _uniqueDiscountType; |
map['totalDiscountPrice'] = _totalDiscountPrice; |
map['vipDayDiscountPrice'] = _vipDayDiscountPrice; |
map['orderSource'] = _orderSource; |
map['benefitDiscountAmount'] = _benefitDiscountAmount; |
map['vipDiscountPrice'] = _vipDiscountPrice; |
map['orderMerge'] = _orderMerge; |
map['canSettlement'] = _canSettlement; |
map['endRefundTime'] = _endRefundTime; |
if (_orderProductList != null) { |
map['orderProductList'] = => v.toJson()).toList(); |
} |
map['businessType'] = _businessType; |
map['paySum'] = _paySum; |
map['useInvoice'] = _useInvoice; |
map['payedPrice'] = _payedPrice; |
map['finalPayPrice'] = _finalPayPrice; |
map['isEnableSubscribePay'] = _isEnableSubscribePay; |
map['invoiceId'] = _invoiceId; |
map['invoiceState'] = _invoiceState; |
map['posType'] = _posType; |
return map; |
} |
} |
/// id : "1797582782721949696" |
/// createTime : "2024-06-03 18:55:08" |
/// createUser : "1623178240350748672" |
/// updateTime : "2024-06-03 18:55:08" |
/// updateUser : "1623178240350748672" |
/// tenantCode : "1187" |
/// storeId : "1509811680584925184" |
/// orderId : "1797582782189273088" |
/// actInfo : null |
/// productId : "1777275921871405056" |
/// times : null |
/// usedTimes : null |
/// productName : "牡丹花认养测试" |
/// skuId : "1777291794300534784" |
/// skuNameStr : "" |
/// skuImg : "" |
/// buyNum : 1 |
/// refundNum : 0 |
/// type : 0 |
/// reason : null |
/// weight : 0.0 |
/// applyPrice : "200.00" |
/// sellPrice : "0.01" |
/// postPay : "0.00" |
/// isDelete : 0 |
/// discountAmount : "0.00" |
/// discountPercent : 100 |
/// status : true |
/// batch : 1 |
/// deliveries : 1 |
/// ticketType : "ADOPT_WARRANT" |
/// ticketDays : "365" |
/// takeType : null |
/// skuTickets : ["牡丹花挂牌*1","有机牡丹籽油250ml*1"] |
/// ticketStyle : "{\"mainImage\":\"\",\"identityImage\":\"\",\"identityName\":\"认养花卉\",\"signature\":\"牡丹认养\"}" |
/// setMealDataList : null |
/// packagingFee : "0.00" |
class OrderProductList { |
OrderProductList({ |
String id, |
String createTime, |
String createUser, |
String updateTime, |
String updateUser, |
String tenantCode, |
String storeId, |
String orderId, |
dynamic actInfo, |
String productId, |
dynamic times, |
dynamic usedTimes, |
String productName, |
String skuId, |
String skuNameStr, |
String skuImg, |
num buyNum, |
num refundNum, |
num type, |
dynamic reason, |
num weight, |
String applyPrice, |
String sellPrice, |
String postPay, |
num isDelete, |
String discountAmount, |
num discountPercent, |
bool status, |
num batch, |
num deliveries, |
String ticketType, |
String ticketDays, |
dynamic takeType, |
List<String> skuTickets, |
String ticketStyle, |
dynamic setMealDataList, |
String packagingFee,}){ |
_id = id; |
_createTime = createTime; |
_createUser = createUser; |
_updateTime = updateTime; |
_updateUser = updateUser; |
_tenantCode = tenantCode; |
_storeId = storeId; |
_orderId = orderId; |
_actInfo = actInfo; |
_productId = productId; |
_times = times; |
_usedTimes = usedTimes; |
_productName = productName; |
_skuId = skuId; |
_skuNameStr = skuNameStr; |
_skuImg = skuImg; |
_buyNum = buyNum; |
_refundNum = refundNum; |
_type = type; |
_reason = reason; |
_weight = weight; |
_applyPrice = applyPrice; |
_sellPrice = sellPrice; |
_postPay = postPay; |
_isDelete = isDelete; |
_discountAmount = discountAmount; |
_discountPercent = discountPercent; |
_status = status; |
_batch = batch; |
_deliveries = deliveries; |
_ticketType = ticketType; |
_ticketDays = ticketDays; |
_takeType = takeType; |
_skuTickets = skuTickets; |
_ticketStyle = ticketStyle; |
_setMealDataList = setMealDataList; |
_packagingFee = packagingFee; |
} |
OrderProductList.fromJson(dynamic json) { |
_id = json['id']; |
_createTime = json['createTime']; |
_createUser = json['createUser']; |
_updateTime = json['updateTime']; |
_updateUser = json['updateUser']; |
_tenantCode = json['tenantCode']; |
_storeId = json['storeId']; |
_orderId = json['orderId']; |
_actInfo = json['actInfo']; |
_productId = json['productId']; |
_times = json['times']; |
_usedTimes = json['usedTimes']; |
_productName = json['productName']; |
_skuId = json['skuId']; |
_skuNameStr = json['skuNameStr']; |
_skuImg = json['skuImg']; |
_buyNum = json['buyNum']; |
_refundNum = json['refundNum']; |
_type = json['type']; |
_reason = json['reason']; |
_weight = json['weight']; |
_applyPrice = json['applyPrice']; |
_sellPrice = json['sellPrice']; |
_postPay = json['postPay']; |
_isDelete = json['isDelete']; |
_discountAmount = json['discountAmount']; |
_discountPercent = json['discountPercent']; |
_status = json['status']; |
_batch = json['batch']; |
_deliveries = json['deliveries']; |
_ticketType = json['ticketType']; |
_ticketDays = json['ticketDays']; |
_takeType = json['takeType']; |
_skuTickets = json['skuTickets'] != null ? json['skuTickets'].cast<String>() : []; |
_ticketStyle = json['ticketStyle']; |
_setMealDataList = json['setMealDataList']; |
_packagingFee = json['packagingFee']; |
} |
String _id; |
String _createTime; |
String _createUser; |
String _updateTime; |
String _updateUser; |
String _tenantCode; |
String _storeId; |
String _orderId; |
dynamic _actInfo; |
String _productId; |
dynamic _times; |
dynamic _usedTimes; |
String _productName; |
String _skuId; |
String _skuNameStr; |
String _skuImg; |
num _buyNum; |
num _refundNum; |
num _type; |
dynamic _reason; |
num _weight; |
String _applyPrice; |
String _sellPrice; |
String _postPay; |
num _isDelete; |
String _discountAmount; |
num _discountPercent; |
bool _status; |
num _batch; |
num _deliveries; |
String _ticketType; |
String _ticketDays; |
dynamic _takeType; |
List<String> _skuTickets; |
String _ticketStyle; |
dynamic _setMealDataList; |
String _packagingFee; |
OrderProductList copyWith({ String id, |
String createTime, |
String createUser, |
String updateTime, |
String updateUser, |
String tenantCode, |
String storeId, |
String orderId, |
dynamic actInfo, |
String productId, |
dynamic times, |
dynamic usedTimes, |
String productName, |
String skuId, |
String skuNameStr, |
String skuImg, |
num buyNum, |
num refundNum, |
num type, |
dynamic reason, |
num weight, |
String applyPrice, |
String sellPrice, |
String postPay, |
num isDelete, |
String discountAmount, |
num discountPercent, |
bool status, |
num batch, |
num deliveries, |
String ticketType, |
String ticketDays, |
dynamic takeType, |
List<String> skuTickets, |
String ticketStyle, |
dynamic setMealDataList, |
String packagingFee, |
}) => OrderProductList( id: id ?? _id, |
createTime: createTime ?? _createTime, |
createUser: createUser ?? _createUser, |
updateTime: updateTime ?? _updateTime, |
updateUser: updateUser ?? _updateUser, |
tenantCode: tenantCode ?? _tenantCode, |
storeId: storeId ?? _storeId, |
orderId: orderId ?? _orderId, |
actInfo: actInfo ?? _actInfo, |
productId: productId ?? _productId, |
times: times ?? _times, |
usedTimes: usedTimes ?? _usedTimes, |
productName: productName ?? _productName, |
skuId: skuId ?? _skuId, |
skuNameStr: skuNameStr ?? _skuNameStr, |
skuImg: skuImg ?? _skuImg, |
buyNum: buyNum ?? _buyNum, |
refundNum: refundNum ?? _refundNum, |
type: type ?? _type, |
reason: reason ?? _reason, |
weight: weight ?? _weight, |
applyPrice: applyPrice ?? _applyPrice, |
sellPrice: sellPrice ?? _sellPrice, |
postPay: postPay ?? _postPay, |
isDelete: isDelete ?? _isDelete, |
discountAmount: discountAmount ?? _discountAmount, |
discountPercent: discountPercent ?? _discountPercent, |
status: status ?? _status, |
batch: batch ?? _batch, |
deliveries: deliveries ?? _deliveries, |
ticketType: ticketType ?? _ticketType, |
ticketDays: ticketDays ?? _ticketDays, |
takeType: takeType ?? _takeType, |
skuTickets: skuTickets ?? _skuTickets, |
ticketStyle: ticketStyle ?? _ticketStyle, |
setMealDataList: setMealDataList ?? _setMealDataList, |
packagingFee: packagingFee ?? _packagingFee, |
); |
String get id => _id; |
String get createTime => _createTime; |
String get createUser => _createUser; |
String get updateTime => _updateTime; |
String get updateUser => _updateUser; |
String get tenantCode => _tenantCode; |
String get storeId => _storeId; |
String get orderId => _orderId; |
dynamic get actInfo => _actInfo; |
String get productId => _productId; |
dynamic get times => _times; |
dynamic get usedTimes => _usedTimes; |
String get productName => _productName; |
String get skuId => _skuId; |
String get skuNameStr => _skuNameStr; |
String get skuImg => _skuImg; |
num get buyNum => _buyNum; |
num get refundNum => _refundNum; |
num get type => _type; |
dynamic get reason => _reason; |
num get weight => _weight; |
String get applyPrice => _applyPrice; |
String get sellPrice => _sellPrice; |
String get postPay => _postPay; |
num get isDelete => _isDelete; |
String get discountAmount => _discountAmount; |
num get discountPercent => _discountPercent; |
bool get status => _status; |
num get batch => _batch; |
num get deliveries => _deliveries; |
String get ticketType => _ticketType; |
String get ticketDays => _ticketDays; |
dynamic get takeType => _takeType; |
List<String> get skuTickets => _skuTickets; |
String get ticketStyle => _ticketStyle; |
dynamic get setMealDataList => _setMealDataList; |
String get packagingFee => _packagingFee; |
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() { |
final map = <String, dynamic>{}; |
map['id'] = _id; |
map['createTime'] = _createTime; |
map['createUser'] = _createUser; |
map['updateTime'] = _updateTime; |
map['updateUser'] = _updateUser; |
map['tenantCode'] = _tenantCode; |
map['storeId'] = _storeId; |
map['orderId'] = _orderId; |
map['actInfo'] = _actInfo; |
map['productId'] = _productId; |
map['times'] = _times; |
map['usedTimes'] = _usedTimes; |
map['productName'] = _productName; |
map['skuId'] = _skuId; |
map['skuNameStr'] = _skuNameStr; |
map['skuImg'] = _skuImg; |
map['buyNum'] = _buyNum; |
map['refundNum'] = _refundNum; |
map['type'] = _type; |
map['reason'] = _reason; |
map['weight'] = _weight; |
map['applyPrice'] = _applyPrice; |
map['sellPrice'] = _sellPrice; |
map['postPay'] = _postPay; |
map['isDelete'] = _isDelete; |
map['discountAmount'] = _discountAmount; |
map['discountPercent'] = _discountPercent; |
map['status'] = _status; |
map['batch'] = _batch; |
map['deliveries'] = _deliveries; |
map['ticketType'] = _ticketType; |
map['ticketDays'] = _ticketDays; |
map['takeType'] = _takeType; |
map['skuTickets'] = _skuTickets; |
map['ticketStyle'] = _ticketStyle; |
map['setMealDataList'] = _setMealDataList; |
map['packagingFee'] = _packagingFee; |
return map; |
} |
} |
/// name : "兰东" |
/// mobile : "17612711844" |
/// idcard : "" |
class ContactsExtList { |
ContactsExtList({ |
String name, |
String mobile, |
String idcard,}){ |
_name = name; |
_mobile = mobile; |
_idcard = idcard; |
} |
ContactsExtList.fromJson(dynamic json) { |
_name = json['name']; |
_mobile = json['mobile']; |
_idcard = json['idcard']; |
} |
String _name; |
String _mobile; |
String _idcard; |
ContactsExtList copyWith({ String name, |
String mobile, |
String idcard, |
}) => ContactsExtList( name: name ?? _name, |
mobile: mobile ?? _mobile, |
idcard: idcard ?? _idcard, |
); |
String get name => _name; |
String get mobile => _mobile; |
String get idcard => _idcard; |
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() { |
final map = <String, dynamic>{}; |
map['name'] = _name; |
map['mobile'] = _mobile; |
map['idcard'] = _idcard; |
return map; |
} |
} |
/// addressId : "1777546429707845632" |
/// country : null |
/// countryId : null |
/// province : "湖北省" |
/// provinceId : null |
/// city : "武汉市" |
/// cityId : null |
/// district : "江岸区" |
/// districtId : null |
/// cityInfo : "江岸区会议中心" |
/// address : "中海中心" |
/// recName : "" |
/// recMobile : "17612711844" |
/// longitude : "114.3096" |
/// latitude : "30.59982" |
class AddressExt { |
AddressExt({ |
String addressId, |
dynamic country, |
dynamic countryId, |
String province, |
dynamic provinceId, |
String city, |
dynamic cityId, |
String district, |
dynamic districtId, |
String cityInfo, |
String address, |
String recName, |
String recMobile, |
String longitude, |
String latitude,}){ |
_addressId = addressId; |
_country = country; |
_countryId = countryId; |
_province = province; |
_provinceId = provinceId; |
_city = city; |
_cityId = cityId; |
_district = district; |
_districtId = districtId; |
_cityInfo = cityInfo; |
_address = address; |
_recName = recName; |
_recMobile = recMobile; |
_longitude = longitude; |
_latitude = latitude; |
} |
AddressExt.fromJson(dynamic json) { |
_addressId = json['addressId']; |
_country = json['country']; |
_countryId = json['countryId']; |
_province = json['province']; |
_provinceId = json['provinceId']; |
_city = json['city']; |
_cityId = json['cityId']; |
_district = json['district']; |
_districtId = json['districtId']; |
_cityInfo = json['cityInfo']; |
_address = json['address']; |
_recName = json['recName']; |
_recMobile = json['recMobile']; |
_longitude = json['longitude']; |
_latitude = json['latitude']; |
} |
String _addressId; |
dynamic _country; |
dynamic _countryId; |
String _province; |
dynamic _provinceId; |
String _city; |
dynamic _cityId; |
String _district; |
dynamic _districtId; |
String _cityInfo; |
String _address; |
String _recName; |
String _recMobile; |
String _longitude; |
String _latitude; |
AddressExt copyWith({ String addressId, |
dynamic country, |
dynamic countryId, |
String province, |
dynamic provinceId, |
String city, |
dynamic cityId, |
String district, |
dynamic districtId, |
String cityInfo, |
String address, |
String recName, |
String recMobile, |
String longitude, |
String latitude, |
}) => AddressExt( addressId: addressId ?? _addressId, |
country: country ?? _country, |
countryId: countryId ?? _countryId, |
province: province ?? _province, |
provinceId: provinceId ?? _provinceId, |
city: city ?? _city, |
cityId: cityId ?? _cityId, |
district: district ?? _district, |
districtId: districtId ?? _districtId, |
cityInfo: cityInfo ?? _cityInfo, |
address: address ?? _address, |
recName: recName ?? _recName, |
recMobile: recMobile ?? _recMobile, |
longitude: longitude ?? _longitude, |
latitude: latitude ?? _latitude, |
); |
String get addressId => _addressId; |
dynamic get country => _country; |
dynamic get countryId => _countryId; |
String get province => _province; |
dynamic get provinceId => _provinceId; |
String get city => _city; |
dynamic get cityId => _cityId; |
String get district => _district; |
dynamic get districtId => _districtId; |
String get cityInfo => _cityInfo; |
String get address => _address; |
String get recName => _recName; |
String get recMobile => _recMobile; |
String get longitude => _longitude; |
String get latitude => _latitude; |
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() { |
final map = <String, dynamic>{}; |
map['addressId'] = _addressId; |
map['country'] = _country; |
map['countryId'] = _countryId; |
map['province'] = _province; |
map['provinceId'] = _provinceId; |
map['city'] = _city; |
map['cityId'] = _cityId; |
map['district'] = _district; |
map['districtId'] = _districtId; |
map['cityInfo'] = _cityInfo; |
map['address'] = _address; |
map['recName'] = _recName; |
map['recMobile'] = _recMobile; |
map['longitude'] = _longitude; |
map['latitude'] = _latitude; |
return map; |
} |
} |