You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:dio/dio.dart';
import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
import 'package:flutter_smart_dialog/flutter_smart_dialog.dart';
import 'package:huixiang/constant.dart';
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';
class AppUtils {
// ///计算距离(当前位置到店位置直线距离)
// static Future<String> calculateDistance(
// BMFCoordinate bmfCoordinate, BMFCoordinate myLatLng, {bool isMi = false}) async {
// double? mi = await BMFCalculateUtils.getLocationDistance(bmfCoordinate, myLatLng);
// if (mi == null) {
// return "0";
// }
// NumberFormat numberFormat = NumberFormat("#.#");
// return "${numberFormat.format(mi! / (isMi ? 1 :1000))}";
// }
static double stringAsFixedDouble2(double value) {
String valueStr = value.toString();
if (!valueStr.contains(".")) return value;
if (valueStr.indexOf(".") + 3 >= valueStr.length)
return value;
return double.tryParse(valueStr.substring(0, valueStr.indexOf(".") + 3))??0;
static Color getLighterColor(String hexColor) {
// 将16进制颜色值转换为Color对象
Color color = Color(int.parse(hexColor.replaceAll("#", "FF"), radix: 16));
// 计算颜色的RGB值
int red = + 95;
int green = + 95;
int blue = + 95;
// 确保RGB值不超过255
red = red > 255 ? 255 : red;
green = green > 255 ? 255 : green;
blue = blue > 255 ? 255 : blue;
// 返回较浅的颜色值
return Color.fromARGB(255, red, green, blue);
static bool versionCompare(String localVersion, String? serverVersion) {
try {
if (serverVersion?.isNotEmpty ?? false) {
return false;
var localVersionArr = localVersion.split(".");
var serverVersionArr = serverVersion!.split(".");
if ((int.tryParse(localVersionArr[0]) ?? 0) > (int.tryParse(serverVersionArr[0]) ?? 0))
return false;
if ((int.tryParse(localVersionArr[1]) ?? 0) > (int.tryParse(serverVersionArr[1]) ?? 0))
return false;
if ((int.tryParse(localVersionArr[2]) ?? 0) > (int.tryParse(serverVersionArr[2]) ?? 0))
return false;
} catch (ex) {}
return true;
static String trimEnd(String resString, String char) {
while (resString.endsWith(char)) {
resString = resString.substring(0, resString.length - 1);
return resString;
static String calculateDouble(double res) {
String resString = res.toStringAsFixed(2);
resString = trimEnd(resString, "0");
resString = trimEnd(resString, ".");
return resString;
// ///坐标系转换(高德转百度)
// static Future<BMFCoordinate?> coordConvert(BMFCoordinate latLng) async {
// // return BMFCalculateUtils.coordConvert(
// // coordinate: latLng,
// // fromType: BMF_COORD_TYPE.COMMON,
// // toType: BMF_COORD_TYPE.BD09LL);
// }
static bool isPhone(mobile) {
RegExp exp = RegExp(
return exp.hasMatch(mobile);
static String phoneEncode(String phone) {
if (phone.length != 11) return phone;
return phone.substring(0, 3) + "****" + phone.substring(phone.length - 4);
static double textScale(context) {
double textScaleFactor = MediaQuery.of(context).textScaleFactor;
// print("textScaleFactor: $textScaleFactor");
return textScaleFactor > 1.15 ? 1.15 : textScaleFactor;
static String getAge(DateTime brt) {
int age = 0;
DateTime dateTime =;
if (dateTime.isBefore(brt)) {
return '出生日期不正確';
int yearNow = dateTime.year; //当前年份
int monthNow = dateTime.month; //当前月份
int dayOfMonthNow =; //当前日期
int yearBirth = brt.year;
int monthBirth = brt.month;
int dayOfMonthBirth =;
age = yearNow - yearBirth; //计算整岁数
if (monthNow <= monthBirth) {
if (monthNow == monthBirth) {
if (dayOfMonthNow < dayOfMonthBirth) age--; //当前日期在生日之前,年龄减一
} else {
age--; //当前月份在生日之前,年龄减一
return age.toString();
static String getAgeByString(String birth) {
if (birth == "") return "";
int age = 0;
DateTime brt = DateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").parse(birth);
DateTime dateTime =;
if (dateTime.isBefore(brt)) {
return '出生日期不正確';
int yearNow = dateTime.year; //当前年份
int monthNow = dateTime.month; //当前月份
int dayOfMonthNow =; //当前日期
int yearBirth = brt.year;
int monthBirth = brt.month;
int dayOfMonthBirth =;
age = yearNow - yearBirth; //计算整岁数
if (monthNow <= monthBirth) {
if (monthNow == monthBirth) {
if (dayOfMonthNow < dayOfMonthBirth) age--; //当前日期在生日之前,年龄减一
} else {
age--; //当前月份在生日之前,年龄减一
return age.toString();
static String getHourMinuteByString(String birth) {
if (birth == "") return "";
DateTime brt = DateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").parse(birth);
return DateFormat("HH:mm").format(brt);
static String getHourMinuteAfter30mByString(String birth) {
if (birth == "") return "";
DateTime brt = DateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").parse(birth);
DateTime dateTime = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(
brt.millisecondsSinceEpoch + 30 * 60 * 1000);
return DateFormat("HH:mm").format(dateTime); //分钟
/// 获取缓存大小
static Future<int> total() async {
Directory tempDir = await getTemporaryDirectory();
int total = await _reduce(tempDir);
return total;
/// 清除缓存
static Future<void> clear() async {
Directory tempDir = await getTemporaryDirectory();
await _delete(tempDir);
/// 递归缓存目录,计算缓存大小
static Future<int> _reduce(FileSystemEntity file) async {
/// 如果是一个文件,则直接返回文件大小
if (file is File) {
int length = await file.length();
return length;
/// 如果是目录,则遍历目录并累计大小
if (file is Directory) {
final List<FileSystemEntity> children = file.listSync();
int total = 0;
if (children.isNotEmpty)
for (final FileSystemEntity child in children)
total += await _reduce(child);
return total;
return 0;
/// 递归删除缓存目录和文件
static Future<void> _delete(FileSystemEntity file) async {
if (file is Directory) {
final List<FileSystemEntity> children = file.listSync();
for (final FileSystemEntity child in children) {
await child.delete(recursive: true);
} else {
await file.delete();
/// 递归删除缓存目录和文件
static Future<void> deleteDirectory(FileSystemEntity file) async {
if (file is Directory) {
final List<FileSystemEntity> children = file.listSync();
for (final FileSystemEntity child in children) {
child.deleteSync(recursive: true);
static String dioErrorTypeToString(DioExceptionType? type) {
String errorStr = "";
if (type == null) {
return errorStr;
switch (type) {
case DioExceptionType.cancel:
errorStr = "取消请求";
case DioExceptionType.connectionTimeout:
errorStr = "链接超时";
case DioExceptionType.receiveTimeout:
errorStr = "响应超时";
case DioExceptionType.sendTimeout:
errorStr = "请求超时";
case DioExceptionType.badResponse:
errorStr = "服务器异常";
case DioExceptionType.unknown:
errorStr = "请求异常";
errorStr += ",请检查手机网络是否正常";
return errorStr;
static String textSubStr(String input, int length) {
length -= 1;
if (length < 0 || input.length < length) return input;
return "${input.substring(0, length)}...";
static bool compareTime(String? time1, String time2) {
var time1List = time1?.split(":");
var time2List = time2.split(":");
if (time1List?.length != 3 || time2List.length != 3) {
return false;
if (time1List == null) {
return false;
var hour1 = int.parse(time1List[0]);
var hour2 = int.parse(time2List[0]);
var minute1 = int.parse(time1List[1]);
var minute2 = int.parse(time2List[1]);
var second1 = int.parse(time1List[2]);
var second2 = int.parse(time2List[2]);
if (hour1 > hour2) {
return false;
} else if (hour1 == hour2) {
if (minute1 > minute2) {
return false;
}else if (minute1 == minute2) {
if (second1 > second2) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
} else {
return true;
} else {
return true;
static String timeFormatter(DateTime time) {
final now =;
final diff = now.difference(time).inHours;
final diff2 = now.difference(time).inDays;
if (diff < 24) {
return '刚刚'; // 24小时内显示为“刚刚”
return DateFormat('HH:mm').format(time); // 24小时内显示为今天发送信息的时间点
} else if (diff < 48) {
return '昨天'; // 昨天
} else if (diff < 72) {
return '前天'; // 前天
return '昨天 ${DateFormat('HH:mm').format(time)}'; // 昨天+时间点
} else if (diff < 72 && diff2<7) {
return DateFormat('${DateFormat('EEEE').format(time)}').format(time);// 超过72小时显示为星期几
} else if (time.year == now.year) {
return DateFormat('MM月dd日').format(time); // 今年内的日期
} else {
return DateFormat('yyyy年MM月dd日').format(time); // 其他年份的日期
static String milliTimeFormatter(DateTime time) {
final now =;
final diff = now.difference(time).inHours;
if (diff < 24) {
return DateFormat('HH:mm').format(time); // 24小时内显示为今天发送信息的时间点
} else if (diff < 48) {
return '昨天 ${DateFormat('HH:mm').format(time)}'; // 昨天+时间点
} else if (diff < 72) {
return DateFormat('${DateFormat('EEEE').format(time)}').format(time) + " ${DateFormat('HH:mm').format(time)}";// 超过72小时显示为星期几+时间点
} else if (time.year == now.year) {
return DateFormat('MM月dd日').format(time) + " ${DateFormat('HH:mm').format(time)}"; // 今年内的日期+时间点
} else {
return DateFormat('yyyy年MM月dd日').format(time) + " ${DateFormat('HH:mm').format(time)}"; // 其他年份的日期+时间点
static List<String> loadingPaths = [];
static void addLoadingPath(String path) {
static void removeLoadingPath(String path) {
if (loadingPaths.isEmpty) {
SmartDialog.dismiss(status: SmartStatus.loading, force: true);
static void cleanLoadingPath() {
SmartDialog.dismiss(status: SmartStatus.loading, force: true);