You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
598 lines
20 KiB
598 lines
20 KiB
import 'dart:convert'; |
import 'package:dio/dio.dart'; |
import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; |
import 'package:flutter_easyloading/flutter_easyloading.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/generated/l10n.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/data/base_data.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/data/goods.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/data/goods_category.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/data/page.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/data/user_info.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/retrofit/retrofit_api.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/utils/flutter_utils.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/utils/font_weight.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/view_widget/classic_header.dart'; |
import 'package:flutter_screenutil/flutter_screenutil.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/view_widget/custom_image.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/view_widget/my_footer.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/view_widget/my_tab.dart'; |
import 'package:huixiang/view_widget/no_data_view.dart'; |
import 'package:pull_to_refresh/pull_to_refresh.dart'; |
import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart'; |
class WelfareExchange extends StatefulWidget { |
@override |
State<StatefulWidget> createState() { |
return _WelfareExchange(); |
} |
} |
class _WelfareExchange extends State<WelfareExchange> |
with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin, AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin { |
ApiService? apiService; |
final RefreshController refreshController = RefreshController(); |
int pageNum = 1; |
//排序类型枚举:1-自然排序,2-销量,3-价格 |
int orderType = 1; |
//是否降序排列 |
bool orderDesc = true; |
List<Goods> goods = []; |
List<Goods> gooods = []; |
List<GoodsCategory> gooodsCategorys = []; |
UserInfo? userInfo; |
String? categoryId; |
@override |
void dispose() { |
super.dispose(); |
refreshController.dispose(); |
} |
@override |
void initState() { |
super.initState(); |
SharedPreferences.getInstance().then((value) => { |
apiService = ApiService(Dio(), |
context: context, |
token: value.getString("token"), |
showLoading: false), |
creditGoods(), |
}); |
} |
queryUser() async { |
BaseData<UserInfo>? baseData = |
await apiService?.queryInfo().catchError((onError) {}); |
if (baseData?.isSuccess ?? false) { |
userInfo = baseData!.data; |
SharedPreferences.getInstance().then((value) => { |
value.setString('user', jsonEncode(, |
}); |
} |
} |
creditGoods({bool isLoading = true}) async { |
try { |
if (isLoading) |
| |
status: S.current.zhengzaijiazai, |
maskType:; |
final SharedPreferences value = await SharedPreferences.getInstance(); |
apiService = ApiService(Dio(), |
context: context, |
token: value.getString('token'), |
showLoading: false); |
await queryUser(); |
BaseData<PageInfo<Goods>>? goodsData = await apiService?.creditGoods({ |
"orderDesc": true, |
"orderType": 1, |
"pageNum": 1, |
"pageSize": 100, |
"state": 1 |
}).catchError((onError) { |
refreshController.refreshFailed(); |
}); |
if (goodsData?.isSuccess ?? false) { |
gooods.clear(); |
gooods.addAll(goodsData?.data?.list ?? []); |
} |
BaseData<PageInfo<GoodsCategory>>? dataCategory = |
await apiService?.goodsCategory({ |
"current": 1, |
"map": {}, |
"model": {"pageNum": 1, "pageSize": 20, "searchKey": ""}, |
"order": "descending", |
"size": 20, |
"sort": "sortOrder" |
}).catchError((onError) { |
refreshController.loadFailed(); |
refreshController.refreshFailed(); |
}); |
if ((dataCategory?.isSuccess ?? false) && |
(dataCategory?.data?.records?.isNotEmpty ?? false)) { |
gooodsCategorys.clear(); |
gooodsCategorys.add(GoodsCategory() = S.of(context).quanbu); |
gooodsCategorys.addAll(dataCategory?.data?.records ?? []); |
} |
var param = { |
"categoryId": categoryId ?? "", |
"orderDesc": orderDesc, |
"orderType": orderType, |
"pageNum": pageNum, |
"pageSize": 100, |
"state": 1 |
}; |
BaseData<PageInfo<Goods>>? pageGoods = |
await apiService?.creditGoods(param).catchError((onError) { |
refreshController.loadFailed(); |
refreshController.refreshFailed(); |
}); |
if (pageGoods?.isSuccess ?? false) { |
if (pageNum == 1) { |
goods.clear(); |
} |
goods.addAll(pageGoods?.data?.list ?? []); |
refreshController.refreshCompleted(); |
refreshController.loadComplete(); |
if (pageGoods?.data?.pageNum == pageGoods?.data?.pages) { |
refreshController.loadNoData(); |
} else { |
pageNum += 1; |
} |
} else { |
refreshController.loadFailed(); |
refreshController.refreshFailed(); |
} |
} finally { |
EasyLoading.dismiss(); |
setState(() {}); |
} |
} |
_onRefresh() { |
creditGoods(isLoading: false); |
} |
@override |
Widget build(BuildContext context) { |
return Scaffold( |
backgroundColor: Colors.white, |
body: NestedScrollView( |
headerSliverBuilder: (context, inner) { |
return [ |
SliverAppBar( |
pinned: true, |
backgroundColor: Colors.white, |
elevation: 0, |
title: Text( |
S.of(context).fuliduihuan, |
style: |
TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, color: Colors.white), |
), |
centerTitle: true, |
leading: GestureDetector( |
onTap: () { |
Navigator.of(context).pop(); |
}, |
child: Container( |
alignment: Alignment.centerRight, |
margin: EdgeInsets.only(left: 10.w), |
padding: EdgeInsets.all(6), |
child: Icon( |
Icons.arrow_back_ios, |
color: Colors.white, |
size: 24, |
), |
), |
), |
flexibleSpace: FlexibleSpaceBar( |
background: Stack( |
children: [ |
Container( |
// padding: EdgeInsets.only(top: 40.h), |
height: 172.h, |
decoration: BoxDecoration( |
// border: Border.all(color: Colors.white,width: 0.5), |
color: Color(0xFF277D4B), |
shape: BoxShape.rectangle, |
borderRadius: BorderRadius.only( |
bottomRight: Radius.circular(40.r), |
bottomLeft: Radius.circular(40.r), |
), |
), |
), |
Container( |
alignment: Alignment.topCenter, |
margin: EdgeInsets.only(top: 110.h), |
child: pointUser(), |
), |
], |
)), |
expandedHeight: |
MediaQuery.of(context).size.height >= 750 ? 245.h : 258.h, |
bottom: PreferredSize( |
preferredSize: Size(double.infinity, 0), |
child: DefaultTabController( |
length: gooodsCategorys == null ? 0 : gooodsCategorys.length, |
child: Container( |
color: Colors.white, |
alignment: Alignment.centerLeft, |
child: TabBar( |
isScrollable: true, |
//可滚动 |
indicatorColor: Color(0xff39B54A), |
labelColor: Color(0xff32A060), |
dividerHeight: 0, |
tabAlignment:TabAlignment.start, |
labelStyle: TextStyle( |
fontSize: 14.sp, |
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, |
), |
unselectedLabelStyle: TextStyle( |
fontSize: 14.sp, |
fontWeight: MyFontWeight.regular, |
), |
// controller: tabController, |
//未选中文字颜色 |
unselectedLabelColor: Color(0xff4D4D4D), |
indicatorSize: TabBarIndicatorSize.label, |
//指示器与文字等宽 |
tabs: gooodsCategorys |
?.map((e) => MyTab(text: "${}")) |
.toList() ?? |
[], |
onTap: (index) { |
categoryId = gooodsCategorys[index].id; |
pageNum = 1; |
creditGoods(); |
}, |
), |
), |
), |
), |
), |
]; |
}, |
body: SmartRefresher( |
controller: refreshController, |
enablePullDown: true, |
enablePullUp: false, |
physics: ClampingScrollPhysics(), |
header: MyHeader(), |
footer: CustomFooter( |
builder: (context, mode) { |
return MyFooter(mode); |
}, |
), |
onRefresh: _onRefresh, |
child: Container( |
color: Colors.white, |
padding: EdgeInsets.only(top: 15.h), |
child: pointList(), |
)), |
), |
); |
} |
Widget pointUser() { |
return Container( |
decoration: BoxDecoration( |
color: Colors.white, |
borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(4.r)), |
boxShadow: [ |
BoxShadow( |
color:, |
offset: Offset(0, 1), |
blurRadius: 8, |
spreadRadius: 0, |
) |
]), |
margin: EdgeInsets.all(16), |
padding: EdgeInsets.all(16), |
child: Row( |
children: [ |
MImage( |
userInfo?.headimg ?? "", |
width: 50, |
height: 50, |
isCircle: true, |
fit: BoxFit.cover, |
errorSrc: "assets/image/default_user.webp", |
fadeSrc: "assets/image/default_user.webp", |
), |
Expanded( |
child: Container( |
margin: EdgeInsets.only(left: 12.w), |
height: 55.h, |
child: Column( |
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceEvenly, |
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, |
children: [ |
userInfo == null |
? Text( |
S.of(context).denglu, |
style: TextStyle( |
fontSize: 16.sp, |
fontWeight: MyFontWeight.medium, |
color: Color(0xFF353535), |
), |
) |
: Text( |
userInfo?.nickname ?? "", |
style: TextStyle( |
fontSize: 16.sp, |
fontWeight: MyFontWeight.bold, |
color: Color(0xFF353535), |
), |
), |
SizedBox( |
height: 2.h, |
), |
userInfo == null |
? Text( |
S.of(context).weidengluxinxi, |
style: TextStyle( |
fontSize: 12.sp, |
fontWeight: MyFontWeight.regular, |
color: Color(0xFF353535), |
), |
) |
: Text( |
userInfo == null |
? "" |
: AppUtils.phoneEncode(userInfo?.phone ?? ""), |
style: TextStyle( |
fontSize: 12.sp, |
fontWeight: MyFontWeight.regular, |
color: Color(0xFF353535), |
), |
), |
], |
), |
), |
flex: 1, |
), |
userInfo == null |
? Icon( |
Icons.keyboard_arrow_right, |
size: 20, |
color:, |
) |
: Container( |
margin: EdgeInsets.only(left: 15.w), |
height: 62.h, |
child: Column( |
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceEvenly, |
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, |
children: [ |
Row( |
children: [ |
Text( |
"总积分", |
style: TextStyle( |
fontSize: 14.sp, |
fontWeight: MyFontWeight.medium, |
color: Color(0xFF4C4C4C), |
), |
), |
Padding( |
padding: EdgeInsets.only(left: 2.w), |
child: Text( |
"${userInfo?.points}" ?? "", |
style: TextStyle( |
fontSize: 16.sp, |
color: Color(0xFF32A060), |
fontFamily: 'JDZhengHT', |
fontWeight: MyFontWeight.medium, |
), |
), |
), |
SizedBox( |
width: 4.w, |
), |
Image.asset( |
"assets/image/icon_gold_coin.webp", |
width: 18, |
height: 18, |
), |
], |
), |
SizedBox( |
height: 4.h, |
), |
Row( |
children: [ |
Text( |
"总印章", |
style: TextStyle( |
fontSize: 14.sp, |
fontWeight: MyFontWeight.medium, |
color: Color(0xFF4C4C4C), |
), |
), |
Padding( |
padding: EdgeInsets.only(left: 2.w), |
child: Text( |
"${userInfo?.happyBean ?? 0}" ?? "", |
style: TextStyle( |
fontSize: 16.sp, |
color: Color(0xFF32A060), |
fontFamily: 'JDZhengHT', |
fontWeight: MyFontWeight.medium, |
), |
), |
), |
SizedBox( |
width: 4.w, |
), |
Image.asset( |
"assets/image/trading_logo.webp", |
width: 18, |
height: 18, |
), |
], |
), |
], |
), |
), |
], |
), |
); |
} |
Widget pointList() { |
return Container( |
child: (goods?.isEmpty ?? true) |
? NoDataView( |
src: "assets/image/xiao_fei.webp", |
isShowBtn: false, |
text: "当前分类暂无商品", |
fontSize: 16.sp, |
margin: EdgeInsets.only( |
top: 120.h, left: 60.w, right: 60.w, |
), |
) |
: GridView.builder( |
itemCount: goods?.length ?? 0, |
padding: EdgeInsets.only( |
left: 16.w, |
right: 16.w, |
top: 18.h, |
bottom: 16.h, |
), |
shrinkWrap: true, |
physics: BouncingScrollPhysics(), |
gridDelegate: SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCount( |
//一行的Widget数量 |
crossAxisCount: 2, |
//水平子Widget之间间距 |
crossAxisSpacing: 11.w, |
//垂直子Widget之间间距 |
mainAxisSpacing: 16.w, |
//子Widget宽高比例 0.59 |
childAspectRatio: 200 / (285 / 2 + (285 / 2) * AppUtils.textScale(context)), |
), |
itemBuilder: (context, index) { |
return GestureDetector( |
onTap: () { |
Navigator.of(context).pushNamed( |
'/router/integral_store_page', |
arguments: {"goodsId": goods[index].id}, |
); |
}, |
child: pointItem(goods[index]), |
); |
}, |
), |
); |
} |
Widget pointItem(Goods goods) { |
return Container( |
alignment:, |
decoration: BoxDecoration( |
color: Color(0xFFFFFFFF), |
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(4), |
boxShadow: [ |
BoxShadow( |
color:, |
offset: Offset(0, 2), |
blurRadius: 4, |
spreadRadius: 0, |
), |
], |
), |
child: Stack( |
alignment: AlignmentDirectional.topEnd, |
fit: StackFit.loose, |
children: [ |
Column( |
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, |
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, |
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.max, |
children: [ |
MImage( |
goods.mainImgPath ?? "", |
aspectRatio: 1.1, |
fit: BoxFit.cover, |
radius: BorderRadius.only( |
topLeft: Radius.circular(4), |
topRight: Radius.circular(4), |
), |
errorSrc: "assets/image/default_1.webp", |
fadeSrc: "assets/image/default_1.webp", |
), |
Expanded( |
child: Container( |
margin: EdgeInsets.only( |
right: 12.w, |
top: 10.h, |
), |
padding: EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 8.h, left: 8.w), |
child: Column( |
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceAround, |
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, |
children: [ |
Text( |
| ?? "", |
overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis, |
maxLines: 1, |
style: TextStyle( |
color: Color(0xFF0D0D0D), |
height: 1.2, |
fontWeight: MyFontWeight.regular, |
fontSize: 14.sp, |
), |
), |
Spacer(), |
Text( |
pointPrice(goods), |
overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis, |
maxLines: 2, |
style: TextStyle( |
color: Color(0xFFE5600D), |
fontFamily: 'JDZhengHT', |
fontSize: 16.sp, |
fontWeight: MyFontWeight.semi_bold, |
), |
), |
], |
), |
), |
flex: 1, |
), |
], |
), |
], |
), |
); |
} |
String pointPrice(Goods goods) { |
if (goods.oneBean != "0") { |
return "${goods.oneBean}印章"; |
} else if (goods.onePrice != "0") { |
return S.of(context).jifen_("${goods.onePrice}"); |
} else if ((goods.onePrice == "0") && |
((goods.price != "0") || ( != "0.00"))) { |
return (goods.price == "0" ? "" : S.of(context).jifen_("${goods.price}")) + |
( == "0" |
? "" |
: " + ${AppUtils.calculateDouble(double.tryParse("${}") ?? 0)}元"); |
} else if (goods.oneMoney != "0.00") { |
return "${AppUtils.calculateDouble(double.tryParse("${goods.oneMoney}") ?? 0)}元"; |
} |
return ""; |
} |
@override |
bool get wantKeepAlive => true; |