You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1515 lines
50 KiB
1515 lines
50 KiB
5 months ago
/// id : "1797587255380934656"
/// createTime : "2024-06-03 19:12:54"
/// createUser : "1623178240350748672"
/// updateTime : "2024-06-03 19:16:11"
/// updateUser : "0"
/// phone : ""
/// receivingPhone : null
/// mid : "1623178240350748672"
/// orderIds : ["1797582782189273088"]
/// money : "0.01"
/// type : "ELECTRONIC"
/// headerId : "1797580038447562752"
/// state : "AUDIT_PASS"
/// reviewerTime : "2024-06-03 19:16:11"
/// reviewerBy : "1"
/// ossUrl : ""
/// reason : ""
/// isDelete : 0
/// invoiceHeaderName : "回乡信息技术(上海)有限公司武汉分公司"
/// invoiceHeaderCode : "91420106MA49J8GY8D"
/// orderList : [{"id":"1797582782189273088","createTime":"2024-06-03 18:55:07","createUser":"1623178240350748672","updateTime":"2024-06-03 18:55:07","updateUser":"1623178240350748672","tenantCode":"1187","storeId":"1509811680584925184","storeName":"桑葚认养2022","tableId":"0","responsible":null,"orderType":0,"clearTable":false,"mid":"1623178240350748672","parentId":"0","parentCode":null,"orderCode":"202406031855070001","dayFlowCode":"518","orderStatus":4,"sendStatus":0,"payStatus":1,"haveTimes":false,"invoicing":true,"memberAccount":"AA_oODK34oXp-4O8zQhg4OzFbEIL9Yo","owner":"1610225796515889152","logisticsId":"0","shipperCode":"","logisticsName":"","logisticsNum":"","logisticsCase":null,"refundStatus":0,"addressExt":{"addressId":"1777546429707845632","country":null,"countryId":null,"province":"湖北省","provinceId":null,"city":"武汉市","cityId":null,"district":"江岸区","districtId":null,"cityInfo":"江岸区会议中心","address":"中海中心","recName":"","recMobile":"17612711844","longitude":"114.3096","latitude":"30.59982"},"contactsExtList":[{"name":"兰东","mobile":"17612711844","idcard":""}],"postFee":"0.00","totalPackagingFee":"0.00","couponSubPrice":"0.00","removeDecimal":"0.00","isSubscribe":false,"subcribeTime":null,"sendTime":null,"confirmTime":null,"returnMoneyTime":null,"notes":"","prepayId":"WxPayMpOrderResult(appId=wx4ffd76994dc95086, timeStamp=1717412111, nonceStr=p82DnfDFYGFJzPi5, packageValue=prepay_id=wx031855122394490fad3a1b3b449dd20000, signType=MD5, paySign=35926ED291B7426675A6B6E35C890095)","payTime":"2024-06-03 18:55:30","payChannel":1,"payNum":"","promotionId":"0","actId":"0","couponId":"0","isDelete":0,"isTakeOut":0,"batch":1,"orderDiscountPrice":"0.00","dishesDiscountPrice":"0.00","orderPercentPrice":"0.00","activityNoPrice":"0.00","activityDiscountPrice":"0.00","uniqueDiscountType":"AUTO","totalDiscountPrice":null,"vipDayDiscountPrice":"0.00","orderSource":1,"benefitDiscountAmount":"0.00","vipDiscountPrice":"0.00","orderMerge":null,"canSettlement":true,"endRefundTime":null,"orderProductList":[{"id":"1797582782721949696","createTime":"2024-06-03 18:55:08","createUser":"1623178240350748672","updateTime":"2024-06-03 18:55:08","updateUser":"1623178240350748672","tenantCode":"1187","storeId":"1509811680584925184","orderId":"1797582782189273088","actInfo":null,"productId":"1777275921871405056","times":null,"usedTimes":null,"productName":"牡丹花认养测试","skuId":"1777291794300534784","skuNameStr":"","skuImg":"","buyNum":1,"refundNum":0,"type":0,"reason":null,"weight":0.0,"applyPrice":"200.00","sellPrice":"0.01","postPay":"0.00","isDelete":0,"discountAmount":"0.00","discountPercent":100,"status":true,"batch":1,"deliveries":1,"ticketType":"ADOPT_WARRANT","ticketDays":"365","takeType":null,"skuTickets":["牡丹花挂牌*1","有机牡丹籽油250ml*1"],"ticketStyle":"{\"mainImage\":\"\",\"identityImage\":\"\",\"identityName\":\"认养花卉\",\"signature\":\"牡丹认养\"}","setMealDataList":null,"packagingFee":"0.00"}],"businessType":null,"paySum":"0.01","useInvoice":null,"payedPrice":"0.01","finalPayPrice":null,"isEnableSubscribePay":null,"invoiceId":null,"invoiceState":null,"posType":null}]
/// headertype : "COMPANY"
/// companyAddr : ""
/// companyPhone : ""
/// bank : ""
/// bankNumber : ""
class InvoicesDetailInfo {
String id,
String createTime,
String createUser,
String updateTime,
String updateUser,
String phone,
dynamic receivingPhone,
String mid,
List<String> orderIds,
String money,
String type,
String headerId,
String state,
String reviewerTime,
String reviewerBy,
String ossUrl,
String reason,
num isDelete,
String invoiceHeaderName,
String invoiceHeaderCode,
List<OrderList> orderList,
String headertype,
String companyAddr,
String companyPhone,
String bank,
String bankNumber,}){
_id = id;
_createTime = createTime;
_createUser = createUser;
_updateTime = updateTime;
_updateUser = updateUser;
_phone = phone;
_receivingPhone = receivingPhone;
_mid = mid;
_orderIds = orderIds;
_money = money;
_type = type;
_headerId = headerId;
_state = state;
_reviewerTime = reviewerTime;
_reviewerBy = reviewerBy;
_ossUrl = ossUrl;
_reason = reason;
_isDelete = isDelete;
_invoiceHeaderName = invoiceHeaderName;
_invoiceHeaderCode = invoiceHeaderCode;
_orderList = orderList;
_headertype = headertype;
_companyAddr = companyAddr;
_companyPhone = companyPhone;
_bank = bank;
_bankNumber = bankNumber;
InvoicesDetailInfo.fromJson(dynamic json) {
_id = json['id'];
_createTime = json['createTime'];
_createUser = json['createUser'];
_updateTime = json['updateTime'];
_updateUser = json['updateUser'];
_phone = json['phone'];
_receivingPhone = json['receivingPhone'];
_mid = json['mid'];
_orderIds = json['orderIds'] != null ? json['orderIds'].cast<String>() : [];
_money = json['money'];
_type = json['type'];
_headerId = json['headerId'];
_state = json['state'];
_reviewerTime = json['reviewerTime'];
_reviewerBy = json['reviewerBy'];
_ossUrl = json['ossUrl'];
_reason = json['reason'];
_isDelete = json['isDelete'];
_invoiceHeaderName = json['invoiceHeaderName'];
_invoiceHeaderCode = json['invoiceHeaderCode'];
if (json['orderList'] != null) {
_orderList = [];
json['orderList'].forEach((v) {
_headertype = json['headertype'];
_companyAddr = json['companyAddr'];
_companyPhone = json['companyPhone'];
_bank = json['bank'];
_bankNumber = json['bankNumber'];
String _id;
String _createTime;
String _createUser;
String _updateTime;
String _updateUser;
String _phone;
dynamic _receivingPhone;
String _mid;
List<String> _orderIds;
String _money;
String _type;
String _headerId;
String _state;
String _reviewerTime;
String _reviewerBy;
String _ossUrl;
String _reason;
num _isDelete;
String _invoiceHeaderName;
String _invoiceHeaderCode;
List<OrderList> _orderList;
String _headertype;
String _companyAddr;
String _companyPhone;
String _bank;
String _bankNumber;
InvoicesDetailInfo copyWith({ String id,
String createTime,
String createUser,
String updateTime,
String updateUser,
String phone,
dynamic receivingPhone,
String mid,
List<String> orderIds,
String money,
String type,
String headerId,
String state,
String reviewerTime,
String reviewerBy,
String ossUrl,
String reason,
num isDelete,
String invoiceHeaderName,
String invoiceHeaderCode,
List<OrderList> orderList,
String headertype,
String companyAddr,
String companyPhone,
String bank,
String bankNumber,
}) => InvoicesDetailInfo( id: id ?? _id,
createTime: createTime ?? _createTime,
createUser: createUser ?? _createUser,
updateTime: updateTime ?? _updateTime,
updateUser: updateUser ?? _updateUser,
phone: phone ?? _phone,
receivingPhone: receivingPhone ?? _receivingPhone,
mid: mid ?? _mid,
orderIds: orderIds ?? _orderIds,
money: money ?? _money,
type: type ?? _type,
headerId: headerId ?? _headerId,
state: state ?? _state,
reviewerTime: reviewerTime ?? _reviewerTime,
reviewerBy: reviewerBy ?? _reviewerBy,
ossUrl: ossUrl ?? _ossUrl,
reason: reason ?? _reason,
isDelete: isDelete ?? _isDelete,
invoiceHeaderName: invoiceHeaderName ?? _invoiceHeaderName,
invoiceHeaderCode: invoiceHeaderCode ?? _invoiceHeaderCode,
orderList: orderList ?? _orderList,
headertype: headertype ?? _headertype,
companyAddr: companyAddr ?? _companyAddr,
companyPhone: companyPhone ?? _companyPhone,
bank: bank ?? _bank,
bankNumber: bankNumber ?? _bankNumber,
String get id => _id;
String get createTime => _createTime;
String get createUser => _createUser;
String get updateTime => _updateTime;
String get updateUser => _updateUser;
String get phone => _phone;
dynamic get receivingPhone => _receivingPhone;
String get mid => _mid;
List<String> get orderIds => _orderIds;
String get money => _money;
String get type => _type;
String get headerId => _headerId;
String get state => _state;
String get reviewerTime => _reviewerTime;
String get reviewerBy => _reviewerBy;
String get ossUrl => _ossUrl;
String get reason => _reason;
num get isDelete => _isDelete;
String get invoiceHeaderName => _invoiceHeaderName;
String get invoiceHeaderCode => _invoiceHeaderCode;
List<OrderList> get orderList => _orderList;
String get headertype => _headertype;
String get companyAddr => _companyAddr;
String get companyPhone => _companyPhone;
String get bank => _bank;
String get bankNumber => _bankNumber;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final map = <String, dynamic>{};
map['id'] = _id;
map['createTime'] = _createTime;
map['createUser'] = _createUser;
map['updateTime'] = _updateTime;
map['updateUser'] = _updateUser;
map['phone'] = _phone;
map['receivingPhone'] = _receivingPhone;
map['mid'] = _mid;
map['orderIds'] = _orderIds;
map['money'] = _money;
map['type'] = _type;
map['headerId'] = _headerId;
map['state'] = _state;
map['reviewerTime'] = _reviewerTime;
map['reviewerBy'] = _reviewerBy;
map['ossUrl'] = _ossUrl;
map['reason'] = _reason;
map['isDelete'] = _isDelete;
map['invoiceHeaderName'] = _invoiceHeaderName;
map['invoiceHeaderCode'] = _invoiceHeaderCode;
if (_orderList != null) {
map['orderList'] = => v.toJson()).toList();
map['headertype'] = _headertype;
map['companyAddr'] = _companyAddr;
map['companyPhone'] = _companyPhone;
map['bank'] = _bank;
map['bankNumber'] = _bankNumber;
return map;
/// id : "1797582782189273088"
/// createTime : "2024-06-03 18:55:07"
/// createUser : "1623178240350748672"
/// updateTime : "2024-06-03 18:55:07"
/// updateUser : "1623178240350748672"
/// tenantCode : "1187"
/// storeId : "1509811680584925184"
/// storeName : "桑葚认养2022"
/// tableId : "0"
/// responsible : null
/// orderType : 0
/// clearTable : false
/// mid : "1623178240350748672"
/// parentId : "0"
/// parentCode : null
/// orderCode : "202406031855070001"
/// dayFlowCode : "518"
/// orderStatus : 4
/// sendStatus : 0
/// payStatus : 1
/// haveTimes : false
/// invoicing : true
/// memberAccount : "AA_oODK34oXp-4O8zQhg4OzFbEIL9Yo"
/// owner : "1610225796515889152"
/// logisticsId : "0"
/// shipperCode : ""
/// logisticsName : ""
/// logisticsNum : ""
/// logisticsCase : null
/// refundStatus : 0
/// addressExt : {"addressId":"1777546429707845632","country":null,"countryId":null,"province":"湖北省","provinceId":null,"city":"武汉市","cityId":null,"district":"江岸区","districtId":null,"cityInfo":"江岸区会议中心","address":"中海中心","recName":"","recMobile":"17612711844","longitude":"114.3096","latitude":"30.59982"}
/// contactsExtList : [{"name":"兰东","mobile":"17612711844","idcard":""}]
/// postFee : "0.00"
/// totalPackagingFee : "0.00"
/// couponSubPrice : "0.00"
/// removeDecimal : "0.00"
/// isSubscribe : false
/// subcribeTime : null
/// sendTime : null
/// confirmTime : null
/// returnMoneyTime : null
/// notes : ""
/// prepayId : "WxPayMpOrderResult(appId=wx4ffd76994dc95086, timeStamp=1717412111, nonceStr=p82DnfDFYGFJzPi5, packageValue=prepay_id=wx031855122394490fad3a1b3b449dd20000, signType=MD5, paySign=35926ED291B7426675A6B6E35C890095)"
/// payTime : "2024-06-03 18:55:30"
/// payChannel : 1
/// payNum : ""
/// promotionId : "0"
/// actId : "0"
/// couponId : "0"
/// isDelete : 0
/// isTakeOut : 0
/// batch : 1
/// orderDiscountPrice : "0.00"
/// dishesDiscountPrice : "0.00"
/// orderPercentPrice : "0.00"
/// activityNoPrice : "0.00"
/// activityDiscountPrice : "0.00"
/// uniqueDiscountType : "AUTO"
/// totalDiscountPrice : null
/// vipDayDiscountPrice : "0.00"
/// orderSource : 1
/// benefitDiscountAmount : "0.00"
/// vipDiscountPrice : "0.00"
/// orderMerge : null
/// canSettlement : true
/// endRefundTime : null
/// orderProductList : [{"id":"1797582782721949696","createTime":"2024-06-03 18:55:08","createUser":"1623178240350748672","updateTime":"2024-06-03 18:55:08","updateUser":"1623178240350748672","tenantCode":"1187","storeId":"1509811680584925184","orderId":"1797582782189273088","actInfo":null,"productId":"1777275921871405056","times":null,"usedTimes":null,"productName":"牡丹花认养测试","skuId":"1777291794300534784","skuNameStr":"","skuImg":"","buyNum":1,"refundNum":0,"type":0,"reason":null,"weight":0.0,"applyPrice":"200.00","sellPrice":"0.01","postPay":"0.00","isDelete":0,"discountAmount":"0.00","discountPercent":100,"status":true,"batch":1,"deliveries":1,"ticketType":"ADOPT_WARRANT","ticketDays":"365","takeType":null,"skuTickets":["牡丹花挂牌*1","有机牡丹籽油250ml*1"],"ticketStyle":"{\"mainImage\":\"\",\"identityImage\":\"\",\"identityName\":\"认养花卉\",\"signature\":\"牡丹认养\"}","setMealDataList":null,"packagingFee":"0.00"}]
/// businessType : null
/// paySum : "0.01"
/// useInvoice : null
/// payedPrice : "0.01"
/// finalPayPrice : null
/// isEnableSubscribePay : null
/// invoiceId : null
/// invoiceState : null
/// posType : null
class OrderList {
String id,
String createTime,
String createUser,
String updateTime,
String updateUser,
String tenantCode,
String storeId,
String storeName,
String tableId,
dynamic responsible,
num orderType,
bool clearTable,
String mid,
String parentId,
dynamic parentCode,
String orderCode,
String dayFlowCode,
num orderStatus,
num sendStatus,
num payStatus,
bool haveTimes,
bool invoicing,
String memberAccount,
String owner,
String logisticsId,
String shipperCode,
String logisticsName,
String logisticsNum,
dynamic logisticsCase,
num refundStatus,
AddressExt addressExt,
List<ContactsExtList> contactsExtList,
String postFee,
String totalPackagingFee,
String couponSubPrice,
String removeDecimal,
bool isSubscribe,
dynamic subcribeTime,
dynamic sendTime,
dynamic confirmTime,
dynamic returnMoneyTime,
String notes,
String prepayId,
String payTime,
num payChannel,
String payNum,
String promotionId,
String actId,
String couponId,
num isDelete,
num isTakeOut,
num batch,
String orderDiscountPrice,
String dishesDiscountPrice,
String orderPercentPrice,
String activityNoPrice,
String activityDiscountPrice,
String uniqueDiscountType,
dynamic totalDiscountPrice,
String vipDayDiscountPrice,
num orderSource,
String benefitDiscountAmount,
String vipDiscountPrice,
dynamic orderMerge,
bool canSettlement,
dynamic endRefundTime,
List<OrderProductList> orderProductList,
dynamic businessType,
String paySum,
dynamic useInvoice,
String payedPrice,
dynamic finalPayPrice,
dynamic isEnableSubscribePay,
dynamic invoiceId,
dynamic invoiceState,
dynamic posType,}){
_id = id;
_createTime = createTime;
_createUser = createUser;
_updateTime = updateTime;
_updateUser = updateUser;
_tenantCode = tenantCode;
_storeId = storeId;
_storeName = storeName;
_tableId = tableId;
_responsible = responsible;
_orderType = orderType;
_clearTable = clearTable;
_mid = mid;
_parentId = parentId;
_parentCode = parentCode;
_orderCode = orderCode;
_dayFlowCode = dayFlowCode;
_orderStatus = orderStatus;
_sendStatus = sendStatus;
_payStatus = payStatus;
_haveTimes = haveTimes;
_invoicing = invoicing;
_memberAccount = memberAccount;
_owner = owner;
_logisticsId = logisticsId;
_shipperCode = shipperCode;
_logisticsName = logisticsName;
_logisticsNum = logisticsNum;
_logisticsCase = logisticsCase;
_refundStatus = refundStatus;
_addressExt = addressExt;
_contactsExtList = contactsExtList;
_postFee = postFee;
_totalPackagingFee = totalPackagingFee;
_couponSubPrice = couponSubPrice;
_removeDecimal = removeDecimal;
_isSubscribe = isSubscribe;
_subcribeTime = subcribeTime;
_sendTime = sendTime;
_confirmTime = confirmTime;
_returnMoneyTime = returnMoneyTime;
_notes = notes;
_prepayId = prepayId;
_payTime = payTime;
_payChannel = payChannel;
_payNum = payNum;
_promotionId = promotionId;
_actId = actId;
_couponId = couponId;
_isDelete = isDelete;
_isTakeOut = isTakeOut;
_batch = batch;
_orderDiscountPrice = orderDiscountPrice;
_dishesDiscountPrice = dishesDiscountPrice;
_orderPercentPrice = orderPercentPrice;
_activityNoPrice = activityNoPrice;
_activityDiscountPrice = activityDiscountPrice;
_uniqueDiscountType = uniqueDiscountType;
_totalDiscountPrice = totalDiscountPrice;
_vipDayDiscountPrice = vipDayDiscountPrice;
_orderSource = orderSource;
_benefitDiscountAmount = benefitDiscountAmount;
_vipDiscountPrice = vipDiscountPrice;
_orderMerge = orderMerge;
_canSettlement = canSettlement;
_endRefundTime = endRefundTime;
_orderProductList = orderProductList;
_businessType = businessType;
_paySum = paySum;
_useInvoice = useInvoice;
_payedPrice = payedPrice;
_finalPayPrice = finalPayPrice;
_isEnableSubscribePay = isEnableSubscribePay;
_invoiceId = invoiceId;
_invoiceState = invoiceState;
_posType = posType;
OrderList.fromJson(dynamic json) {
_id = json['id'];
_createTime = json['createTime'];
_createUser = json['createUser'];
_updateTime = json['updateTime'];
_updateUser = json['updateUser'];
_tenantCode = json['tenantCode'];
_storeId = json['storeId'];
_storeName = json['storeName'];
_tableId = json['tableId'];
_responsible = json['responsible'];
_orderType = json['orderType'];
_clearTable = json['clearTable'];
_mid = json['mid'];
_parentId = json['parentId'];
_parentCode = json['parentCode'];
_orderCode = json['orderCode'];
_dayFlowCode = json['dayFlowCode'];
_orderStatus = json['orderStatus'];
_sendStatus = json['sendStatus'];
_payStatus = json['payStatus'];
_haveTimes = json['haveTimes'];
_invoicing = json['invoicing'];
_memberAccount = json['memberAccount'];
_owner = json['owner'];
_logisticsId = json['logisticsId'];
_shipperCode = json['shipperCode'];
_logisticsName = json['logisticsName'];
_logisticsNum = json['logisticsNum'];
_logisticsCase = json['logisticsCase'];
_refundStatus = json['refundStatus'];
_addressExt = json['addressExt'] != null ? AddressExt.fromJson(json['addressExt']) : null;
if (json['contactsExtList'] != null) {
_contactsExtList = [];
json['contactsExtList'].forEach((v) {
_postFee = json['postFee'];
_totalPackagingFee = json['totalPackagingFee'];
_couponSubPrice = json['couponSubPrice'];
_removeDecimal = json['removeDecimal'];
_isSubscribe = json['isSubscribe'];
_subcribeTime = json['subcribeTime'];
_sendTime = json['sendTime'];
_confirmTime = json['confirmTime'];
_returnMoneyTime = json['returnMoneyTime'];
_notes = json['notes'];
_prepayId = json['prepayId'];
_payTime = json['payTime'];
_payChannel = json['payChannel'];
_payNum = json['payNum'];
_promotionId = json['promotionId'];
_actId = json['actId'];
_couponId = json['couponId'];
_isDelete = json['isDelete'];
_isTakeOut = json['isTakeOut'];
_batch = json['batch'];
_orderDiscountPrice = json['orderDiscountPrice'];
_dishesDiscountPrice = json['dishesDiscountPrice'];
_orderPercentPrice = json['orderPercentPrice'];
_activityNoPrice = json['activityNoPrice'];
_activityDiscountPrice = json['activityDiscountPrice'];
_uniqueDiscountType = json['uniqueDiscountType'];
_totalDiscountPrice = json['totalDiscountPrice'];
_vipDayDiscountPrice = json['vipDayDiscountPrice'];
_orderSource = json['orderSource'];
_benefitDiscountAmount = json['benefitDiscountAmount'];
_vipDiscountPrice = json['vipDiscountPrice'];
_orderMerge = json['orderMerge'];
_canSettlement = json['canSettlement'];
_endRefundTime = json['endRefundTime'];
if (json['orderProductList'] != null) {
_orderProductList = [];
json['orderProductList'].forEach((v) {
_businessType = json['businessType'];
_paySum = json['paySum'];
_useInvoice = json['useInvoice'];
_payedPrice = json['payedPrice'];
_finalPayPrice = json['finalPayPrice'];
_isEnableSubscribePay = json['isEnableSubscribePay'];
_invoiceId = json['invoiceId'];
_invoiceState = json['invoiceState'];
_posType = json['posType'];
String _id;
String _createTime;
String _createUser;
String _updateTime;
String _updateUser;
String _tenantCode;
String _storeId;
String _storeName;
String _tableId;
dynamic _responsible;
num _orderType;
bool _clearTable;
String _mid;
String _parentId;
dynamic _parentCode;
String _orderCode;
String _dayFlowCode;
num _orderStatus;
num _sendStatus;
num _payStatus;
bool _haveTimes;
bool _invoicing;
String _memberAccount;
String _owner;
String _logisticsId;
String _shipperCode;
String _logisticsName;
String _logisticsNum;
dynamic _logisticsCase;
num _refundStatus;
AddressExt _addressExt;
List<ContactsExtList> _contactsExtList;
String _postFee;
String _totalPackagingFee;
String _couponSubPrice;
String _removeDecimal;
bool _isSubscribe;
dynamic _subcribeTime;
dynamic _sendTime;
dynamic _confirmTime;
dynamic _returnMoneyTime;
String _notes;
String _prepayId;
String _payTime;
num _payChannel;
String _payNum;
String _promotionId;
String _actId;
String _couponId;
num _isDelete;
num _isTakeOut;
num _batch;
String _orderDiscountPrice;
String _dishesDiscountPrice;
String _orderPercentPrice;
String _activityNoPrice;
String _activityDiscountPrice;
String _uniqueDiscountType;
dynamic _totalDiscountPrice;
String _vipDayDiscountPrice;
num _orderSource;
String _benefitDiscountAmount;
String _vipDiscountPrice;
dynamic _orderMerge;
bool _canSettlement;
dynamic _endRefundTime;
List<OrderProductList> _orderProductList;
dynamic _businessType;
String _paySum;
dynamic _useInvoice;
String _payedPrice;
dynamic _finalPayPrice;
dynamic _isEnableSubscribePay;
dynamic _invoiceId;
dynamic _invoiceState;
dynamic _posType;
OrderList copyWith({ String id,
String createTime,
String createUser,
String updateTime,
String updateUser,
String tenantCode,
String storeId,
String storeName,
String tableId,
dynamic responsible,
num orderType,
bool clearTable,
String mid,
String parentId,
dynamic parentCode,
String orderCode,
String dayFlowCode,
num orderStatus,
num sendStatus,
num payStatus,
bool haveTimes,
bool invoicing,
String memberAccount,
String owner,
String logisticsId,
String shipperCode,
String logisticsName,
String logisticsNum,
dynamic logisticsCase,
num refundStatus,
AddressExt addressExt,
List<ContactsExtList> contactsExtList,
String postFee,
String totalPackagingFee,
String couponSubPrice,
String removeDecimal,
bool isSubscribe,
dynamic subcribeTime,
dynamic sendTime,
dynamic confirmTime,
dynamic returnMoneyTime,
String notes,
String prepayId,
String payTime,
num payChannel,
String payNum,
String promotionId,
String actId,
String couponId,
num isDelete,
num isTakeOut,
num batch,
String orderDiscountPrice,
String dishesDiscountPrice,
String orderPercentPrice,
String activityNoPrice,
String activityDiscountPrice,
String uniqueDiscountType,
dynamic totalDiscountPrice,
String vipDayDiscountPrice,
num orderSource,
String benefitDiscountAmount,
String vipDiscountPrice,
dynamic orderMerge,
bool canSettlement,
dynamic endRefundTime,
List<OrderProductList> orderProductList,
dynamic businessType,
String paySum,
dynamic useInvoice,
String payedPrice,
dynamic finalPayPrice,
dynamic isEnableSubscribePay,
dynamic invoiceId,
dynamic invoiceState,
dynamic posType,
}) => OrderList( id: id ?? _id,
createTime: createTime ?? _createTime,
createUser: createUser ?? _createUser,
updateTime: updateTime ?? _updateTime,
updateUser: updateUser ?? _updateUser,
tenantCode: tenantCode ?? _tenantCode,
storeId: storeId ?? _storeId,
storeName: storeName ?? _storeName,
tableId: tableId ?? _tableId,
responsible: responsible ?? _responsible,
orderType: orderType ?? _orderType,
clearTable: clearTable ?? _clearTable,
mid: mid ?? _mid,
parentId: parentId ?? _parentId,
parentCode: parentCode ?? _parentCode,
orderCode: orderCode ?? _orderCode,
dayFlowCode: dayFlowCode ?? _dayFlowCode,
orderStatus: orderStatus ?? _orderStatus,
sendStatus: sendStatus ?? _sendStatus,
payStatus: payStatus ?? _payStatus,
haveTimes: haveTimes ?? _haveTimes,
invoicing: invoicing ?? _invoicing,
memberAccount: memberAccount ?? _memberAccount,
owner: owner ?? _owner,
logisticsId: logisticsId ?? _logisticsId,
shipperCode: shipperCode ?? _shipperCode,
logisticsName: logisticsName ?? _logisticsName,
logisticsNum: logisticsNum ?? _logisticsNum,
logisticsCase: logisticsCase ?? _logisticsCase,
refundStatus: refundStatus ?? _refundStatus,
addressExt: addressExt ?? _addressExt,
contactsExtList: contactsExtList ?? _contactsExtList,
postFee: postFee ?? _postFee,
totalPackagingFee: totalPackagingFee ?? _totalPackagingFee,
couponSubPrice: couponSubPrice ?? _couponSubPrice,
removeDecimal: removeDecimal ?? _removeDecimal,
isSubscribe: isSubscribe ?? _isSubscribe,
subcribeTime: subcribeTime ?? _subcribeTime,
sendTime: sendTime ?? _sendTime,
confirmTime: confirmTime ?? _confirmTime,
returnMoneyTime: returnMoneyTime ?? _returnMoneyTime,
notes: notes ?? _notes,
prepayId: prepayId ?? _prepayId,
payTime: payTime ?? _payTime,
payChannel: payChannel ?? _payChannel,
payNum: payNum ?? _payNum,
promotionId: promotionId ?? _promotionId,
actId: actId ?? _actId,
couponId: couponId ?? _couponId,
isDelete: isDelete ?? _isDelete,
isTakeOut: isTakeOut ?? _isTakeOut,
batch: batch ?? _batch,
orderDiscountPrice: orderDiscountPrice ?? _orderDiscountPrice,
dishesDiscountPrice: dishesDiscountPrice ?? _dishesDiscountPrice,
orderPercentPrice: orderPercentPrice ?? _orderPercentPrice,
activityNoPrice: activityNoPrice ?? _activityNoPrice,
activityDiscountPrice: activityDiscountPrice ?? _activityDiscountPrice,
uniqueDiscountType: uniqueDiscountType ?? _uniqueDiscountType,
totalDiscountPrice: totalDiscountPrice ?? _totalDiscountPrice,
vipDayDiscountPrice: vipDayDiscountPrice ?? _vipDayDiscountPrice,
orderSource: orderSource ?? _orderSource,
benefitDiscountAmount: benefitDiscountAmount ?? _benefitDiscountAmount,
vipDiscountPrice: vipDiscountPrice ?? _vipDiscountPrice,
orderMerge: orderMerge ?? _orderMerge,
canSettlement: canSettlement ?? _canSettlement,
endRefundTime: endRefundTime ?? _endRefundTime,
orderProductList: orderProductList ?? _orderProductList,
businessType: businessType ?? _businessType,
paySum: paySum ?? _paySum,
useInvoice: useInvoice ?? _useInvoice,
payedPrice: payedPrice ?? _payedPrice,
finalPayPrice: finalPayPrice ?? _finalPayPrice,
isEnableSubscribePay: isEnableSubscribePay ?? _isEnableSubscribePay,
invoiceId: invoiceId ?? _invoiceId,
invoiceState: invoiceState ?? _invoiceState,
posType: posType ?? _posType,
String get id => _id;
String get createTime => _createTime;
String get createUser => _createUser;
String get updateTime => _updateTime;
String get updateUser => _updateUser;
String get tenantCode => _tenantCode;
String get storeId => _storeId;
String get storeName => _storeName;
String get tableId => _tableId;
dynamic get responsible => _responsible;
num get orderType => _orderType;
bool get clearTable => _clearTable;
String get mid => _mid;
String get parentId => _parentId;
dynamic get parentCode => _parentCode;
String get orderCode => _orderCode;
String get dayFlowCode => _dayFlowCode;
num get orderStatus => _orderStatus;
num get sendStatus => _sendStatus;
num get payStatus => _payStatus;
bool get haveTimes => _haveTimes;
bool get invoicing => _invoicing;
String get memberAccount => _memberAccount;
String get owner => _owner;
String get logisticsId => _logisticsId;
String get shipperCode => _shipperCode;
String get logisticsName => _logisticsName;
String get logisticsNum => _logisticsNum;
dynamic get logisticsCase => _logisticsCase;
num get refundStatus => _refundStatus;
AddressExt get addressExt => _addressExt;
List<ContactsExtList> get contactsExtList => _contactsExtList;
String get postFee => _postFee;
String get totalPackagingFee => _totalPackagingFee;
String get couponSubPrice => _couponSubPrice;
String get removeDecimal => _removeDecimal;
bool get isSubscribe => _isSubscribe;
dynamic get subcribeTime => _subcribeTime;
dynamic get sendTime => _sendTime;
dynamic get confirmTime => _confirmTime;
dynamic get returnMoneyTime => _returnMoneyTime;
String get notes => _notes;
String get prepayId => _prepayId;
String get payTime => _payTime;
num get payChannel => _payChannel;
String get payNum => _payNum;
String get promotionId => _promotionId;
String get actId => _actId;
String get couponId => _couponId;
num get isDelete => _isDelete;
num get isTakeOut => _isTakeOut;
num get batch => _batch;
String get orderDiscountPrice => _orderDiscountPrice;
String get dishesDiscountPrice => _dishesDiscountPrice;
String get orderPercentPrice => _orderPercentPrice;
String get activityNoPrice => _activityNoPrice;
String get activityDiscountPrice => _activityDiscountPrice;
String get uniqueDiscountType => _uniqueDiscountType;
dynamic get totalDiscountPrice => _totalDiscountPrice;
String get vipDayDiscountPrice => _vipDayDiscountPrice;
num get orderSource => _orderSource;
String get benefitDiscountAmount => _benefitDiscountAmount;
String get vipDiscountPrice => _vipDiscountPrice;
dynamic get orderMerge => _orderMerge;
bool get canSettlement => _canSettlement;
dynamic get endRefundTime => _endRefundTime;
List<OrderProductList> get orderProductList => _orderProductList;
dynamic get businessType => _businessType;
String get paySum => _paySum;
dynamic get useInvoice => _useInvoice;
String get payedPrice => _payedPrice;
dynamic get finalPayPrice => _finalPayPrice;
dynamic get isEnableSubscribePay => _isEnableSubscribePay;
dynamic get invoiceId => _invoiceId;
dynamic get invoiceState => _invoiceState;
dynamic get posType => _posType;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final map = <String, dynamic>{};
map['id'] = _id;
map['createTime'] = _createTime;
map['createUser'] = _createUser;
map['updateTime'] = _updateTime;
map['updateUser'] = _updateUser;
map['tenantCode'] = _tenantCode;
map['storeId'] = _storeId;
map['storeName'] = _storeName;
map['tableId'] = _tableId;
map['responsible'] = _responsible;
map['orderType'] = _orderType;
map['clearTable'] = _clearTable;
map['mid'] = _mid;
map['parentId'] = _parentId;
map['parentCode'] = _parentCode;
map['orderCode'] = _orderCode;
map['dayFlowCode'] = _dayFlowCode;
map['orderStatus'] = _orderStatus;
map['sendStatus'] = _sendStatus;
map['payStatus'] = _payStatus;
map['haveTimes'] = _haveTimes;
map['invoicing'] = _invoicing;
map['memberAccount'] = _memberAccount;
map['owner'] = _owner;
map['logisticsId'] = _logisticsId;
map['shipperCode'] = _shipperCode;
map['logisticsName'] = _logisticsName;
map['logisticsNum'] = _logisticsNum;
map['logisticsCase'] = _logisticsCase;
map['refundStatus'] = _refundStatus;
if (_addressExt != null) {
map['addressExt'] = _addressExt.toJson();
if (_contactsExtList != null) {
map['contactsExtList'] = => v.toJson()).toList();
map['postFee'] = _postFee;
map['totalPackagingFee'] = _totalPackagingFee;
map['couponSubPrice'] = _couponSubPrice;
map['removeDecimal'] = _removeDecimal;
map['isSubscribe'] = _isSubscribe;
map['subcribeTime'] = _subcribeTime;
map['sendTime'] = _sendTime;
map['confirmTime'] = _confirmTime;
map['returnMoneyTime'] = _returnMoneyTime;
map['notes'] = _notes;
map['prepayId'] = _prepayId;
map['payTime'] = _payTime;
map['payChannel'] = _payChannel;
map['payNum'] = _payNum;
map['promotionId'] = _promotionId;
map['actId'] = _actId;
map['couponId'] = _couponId;
map['isDelete'] = _isDelete;
map['isTakeOut'] = _isTakeOut;
map['batch'] = _batch;
map['orderDiscountPrice'] = _orderDiscountPrice;
map['dishesDiscountPrice'] = _dishesDiscountPrice;
map['orderPercentPrice'] = _orderPercentPrice;
map['activityNoPrice'] = _activityNoPrice;
map['activityDiscountPrice'] = _activityDiscountPrice;
map['uniqueDiscountType'] = _uniqueDiscountType;
map['totalDiscountPrice'] = _totalDiscountPrice;
map['vipDayDiscountPrice'] = _vipDayDiscountPrice;
map['orderSource'] = _orderSource;
map['benefitDiscountAmount'] = _benefitDiscountAmount;
map['vipDiscountPrice'] = _vipDiscountPrice;
map['orderMerge'] = _orderMerge;
map['canSettlement'] = _canSettlement;
map['endRefundTime'] = _endRefundTime;
if (_orderProductList != null) {
map['orderProductList'] = => v.toJson()).toList();
map['businessType'] = _businessType;
map['paySum'] = _paySum;
map['useInvoice'] = _useInvoice;
map['payedPrice'] = _payedPrice;
map['finalPayPrice'] = _finalPayPrice;
map['isEnableSubscribePay'] = _isEnableSubscribePay;
map['invoiceId'] = _invoiceId;
map['invoiceState'] = _invoiceState;
map['posType'] = _posType;
return map;
/// id : "1797582782721949696"
/// createTime : "2024-06-03 18:55:08"
/// createUser : "1623178240350748672"
/// updateTime : "2024-06-03 18:55:08"
/// updateUser : "1623178240350748672"
/// tenantCode : "1187"
/// storeId : "1509811680584925184"
/// orderId : "1797582782189273088"
/// actInfo : null
/// productId : "1777275921871405056"
/// times : null
/// usedTimes : null
/// productName : "牡丹花认养测试"
/// skuId : "1777291794300534784"
/// skuNameStr : ""
/// skuImg : ""
/// buyNum : 1
/// refundNum : 0
/// type : 0
/// reason : null
/// weight : 0.0
/// applyPrice : "200.00"
/// sellPrice : "0.01"
/// postPay : "0.00"
/// isDelete : 0
/// discountAmount : "0.00"
/// discountPercent : 100
/// status : true
/// batch : 1
/// deliveries : 1
/// ticketType : "ADOPT_WARRANT"
/// ticketDays : "365"
/// takeType : null
/// skuTickets : ["牡丹花挂牌*1","有机牡丹籽油250ml*1"]
/// ticketStyle : "{\"mainImage\":\"\",\"identityImage\":\"\",\"identityName\":\"认养花卉\",\"signature\":\"牡丹认养\"}"
/// setMealDataList : null
/// packagingFee : "0.00"
class OrderProductList {
String id,
String createTime,
String createUser,
String updateTime,
String updateUser,
String tenantCode,
String storeId,
String orderId,
dynamic actInfo,
String productId,
dynamic times,
dynamic usedTimes,
String productName,
String skuId,
String skuNameStr,
String skuImg,
num buyNum,
num refundNum,
num type,
dynamic reason,
num weight,
String applyPrice,
String sellPrice,
String postPay,
num isDelete,
String discountAmount,
num discountPercent,
bool status,
num batch,
num deliveries,
String ticketType,
String ticketDays,
dynamic takeType,
List<String> skuTickets,
String ticketStyle,
dynamic setMealDataList,
String packagingFee,}){
_id = id;
_createTime = createTime;
_createUser = createUser;
_updateTime = updateTime;
_updateUser = updateUser;
_tenantCode = tenantCode;
_storeId = storeId;
_orderId = orderId;
_actInfo = actInfo;
_productId = productId;
_times = times;
_usedTimes = usedTimes;
_productName = productName;
_skuId = skuId;
_skuNameStr = skuNameStr;
_skuImg = skuImg;
_buyNum = buyNum;
_refundNum = refundNum;
_type = type;
_reason = reason;
_weight = weight;
_applyPrice = applyPrice;
_sellPrice = sellPrice;
_postPay = postPay;
_isDelete = isDelete;
_discountAmount = discountAmount;
_discountPercent = discountPercent;
_status = status;
_batch = batch;
_deliveries = deliveries;
_ticketType = ticketType;
_ticketDays = ticketDays;
_takeType = takeType;
_skuTickets = skuTickets;
_ticketStyle = ticketStyle;
_setMealDataList = setMealDataList;
_packagingFee = packagingFee;
OrderProductList.fromJson(dynamic json) {
_id = json['id'];
_createTime = json['createTime'];
_createUser = json['createUser'];
_updateTime = json['updateTime'];
_updateUser = json['updateUser'];
_tenantCode = json['tenantCode'];
_storeId = json['storeId'];
_orderId = json['orderId'];
_actInfo = json['actInfo'];
_productId = json['productId'];
_times = json['times'];
_usedTimes = json['usedTimes'];
_productName = json['productName'];
_skuId = json['skuId'];
_skuNameStr = json['skuNameStr'];
_skuImg = json['skuImg'];
_buyNum = json['buyNum'];
_refundNum = json['refundNum'];
_type = json['type'];
_reason = json['reason'];
_weight = json['weight'];
_applyPrice = json['applyPrice'];
_sellPrice = json['sellPrice'];
_postPay = json['postPay'];
_isDelete = json['isDelete'];
_discountAmount = json['discountAmount'];
_discountPercent = json['discountPercent'];
_status = json['status'];
_batch = json['batch'];
_deliveries = json['deliveries'];
_ticketType = json['ticketType'];
_ticketDays = json['ticketDays'];
_takeType = json['takeType'];
_skuTickets = json['skuTickets'] != null ? json['skuTickets'].cast<String>() : [];
_ticketStyle = json['ticketStyle'];
_setMealDataList = json['setMealDataList'];
_packagingFee = json['packagingFee'];
String _id;
String _createTime;
String _createUser;
String _updateTime;
String _updateUser;
String _tenantCode;
String _storeId;
String _orderId;
dynamic _actInfo;
String _productId;
dynamic _times;
dynamic _usedTimes;
String _productName;
String _skuId;
String _skuNameStr;
String _skuImg;
num _buyNum;
num _refundNum;
num _type;
dynamic _reason;
num _weight;
String _applyPrice;
String _sellPrice;
String _postPay;
num _isDelete;
String _discountAmount;
num _discountPercent;
bool _status;
num _batch;
num _deliveries;
String _ticketType;
String _ticketDays;
dynamic _takeType;
List<String> _skuTickets;
String _ticketStyle;
dynamic _setMealDataList;
String _packagingFee;
OrderProductList copyWith({ String id,
String createTime,
String createUser,
String updateTime,
String updateUser,
String tenantCode,
String storeId,
String orderId,
dynamic actInfo,
String productId,
dynamic times,
dynamic usedTimes,
String productName,
String skuId,
String skuNameStr,
String skuImg,
num buyNum,
num refundNum,
num type,
dynamic reason,
num weight,
String applyPrice,
String sellPrice,
String postPay,
num isDelete,
String discountAmount,
num discountPercent,
bool status,
num batch,
num deliveries,
String ticketType,
String ticketDays,
dynamic takeType,
List<String> skuTickets,
String ticketStyle,
dynamic setMealDataList,
String packagingFee,
}) => OrderProductList( id: id ?? _id,
createTime: createTime ?? _createTime,
createUser: createUser ?? _createUser,
updateTime: updateTime ?? _updateTime,
updateUser: updateUser ?? _updateUser,
tenantCode: tenantCode ?? _tenantCode,
storeId: storeId ?? _storeId,
orderId: orderId ?? _orderId,
actInfo: actInfo ?? _actInfo,
productId: productId ?? _productId,
times: times ?? _times,
usedTimes: usedTimes ?? _usedTimes,
productName: productName ?? _productName,
skuId: skuId ?? _skuId,
skuNameStr: skuNameStr ?? _skuNameStr,
skuImg: skuImg ?? _skuImg,
buyNum: buyNum ?? _buyNum,
refundNum: refundNum ?? _refundNum,
type: type ?? _type,
reason: reason ?? _reason,
weight: weight ?? _weight,
applyPrice: applyPrice ?? _applyPrice,
sellPrice: sellPrice ?? _sellPrice,
postPay: postPay ?? _postPay,
isDelete: isDelete ?? _isDelete,
discountAmount: discountAmount ?? _discountAmount,
discountPercent: discountPercent ?? _discountPercent,
status: status ?? _status,
batch: batch ?? _batch,
deliveries: deliveries ?? _deliveries,
ticketType: ticketType ?? _ticketType,
ticketDays: ticketDays ?? _ticketDays,
takeType: takeType ?? _takeType,
skuTickets: skuTickets ?? _skuTickets,
ticketStyle: ticketStyle ?? _ticketStyle,
setMealDataList: setMealDataList ?? _setMealDataList,
packagingFee: packagingFee ?? _packagingFee,
String get id => _id;
String get createTime => _createTime;
String get createUser => _createUser;
String get updateTime => _updateTime;
String get updateUser => _updateUser;
String get tenantCode => _tenantCode;
String get storeId => _storeId;
String get orderId => _orderId;
dynamic get actInfo => _actInfo;
String get productId => _productId;
dynamic get times => _times;
dynamic get usedTimes => _usedTimes;
String get productName => _productName;
String get skuId => _skuId;
String get skuNameStr => _skuNameStr;
String get skuImg => _skuImg;
num get buyNum => _buyNum;
num get refundNum => _refundNum;
num get type => _type;
dynamic get reason => _reason;
num get weight => _weight;
String get applyPrice => _applyPrice;
String get sellPrice => _sellPrice;
String get postPay => _postPay;
num get isDelete => _isDelete;
String get discountAmount => _discountAmount;
num get discountPercent => _discountPercent;
bool get status => _status;
num get batch => _batch;
num get deliveries => _deliveries;
String get ticketType => _ticketType;
String get ticketDays => _ticketDays;
dynamic get takeType => _takeType;
List<String> get skuTickets => _skuTickets;
String get ticketStyle => _ticketStyle;
dynamic get setMealDataList => _setMealDataList;
String get packagingFee => _packagingFee;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final map = <String, dynamic>{};
map['id'] = _id;
map['createTime'] = _createTime;
map['createUser'] = _createUser;
map['updateTime'] = _updateTime;
map['updateUser'] = _updateUser;
map['tenantCode'] = _tenantCode;
map['storeId'] = _storeId;
map['orderId'] = _orderId;
map['actInfo'] = _actInfo;
map['productId'] = _productId;
map['times'] = _times;
map['usedTimes'] = _usedTimes;
map['productName'] = _productName;
map['skuId'] = _skuId;
map['skuNameStr'] = _skuNameStr;
map['skuImg'] = _skuImg;
map['buyNum'] = _buyNum;
map['refundNum'] = _refundNum;
map['type'] = _type;
map['reason'] = _reason;
map['weight'] = _weight;
map['applyPrice'] = _applyPrice;
map['sellPrice'] = _sellPrice;
map['postPay'] = _postPay;
map['isDelete'] = _isDelete;
map['discountAmount'] = _discountAmount;
map['discountPercent'] = _discountPercent;
map['status'] = _status;
map['batch'] = _batch;
map['deliveries'] = _deliveries;
map['ticketType'] = _ticketType;
map['ticketDays'] = _ticketDays;
map['takeType'] = _takeType;
map['skuTickets'] = _skuTickets;
map['ticketStyle'] = _ticketStyle;
map['setMealDataList'] = _setMealDataList;
map['packagingFee'] = _packagingFee;
return map;
/// name : "兰东"
/// mobile : "17612711844"
/// idcard : ""
class ContactsExtList {
String name,
String mobile,
String idcard,}){
_name = name;
_mobile = mobile;
_idcard = idcard;
ContactsExtList.fromJson(dynamic json) {
_name = json['name'];
_mobile = json['mobile'];
_idcard = json['idcard'];
String _name;
String _mobile;
String _idcard;
ContactsExtList copyWith({ String name,
String mobile,
String idcard,
}) => ContactsExtList( name: name ?? _name,
mobile: mobile ?? _mobile,
idcard: idcard ?? _idcard,
String get name => _name;
String get mobile => _mobile;
String get idcard => _idcard;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final map = <String, dynamic>{};
map['name'] = _name;
map['mobile'] = _mobile;
map['idcard'] = _idcard;
return map;
/// addressId : "1777546429707845632"
/// country : null
/// countryId : null
/// province : "湖北省"
/// provinceId : null
/// city : "武汉市"
/// cityId : null
/// district : "江岸区"
/// districtId : null
/// cityInfo : "江岸区会议中心"
/// address : "中海中心"
/// recName : ""
/// recMobile : "17612711844"
/// longitude : "114.3096"
/// latitude : "30.59982"
class AddressExt {
String addressId,
dynamic country,
dynamic countryId,
String province,
dynamic provinceId,
String city,
dynamic cityId,
String district,
dynamic districtId,
String cityInfo,
String address,
String recName,
String recMobile,
String longitude,
String latitude,}){
_addressId = addressId;
_country = country;
_countryId = countryId;
_province = province;
_provinceId = provinceId;
_city = city;
_cityId = cityId;
_district = district;
_districtId = districtId;
_cityInfo = cityInfo;
_address = address;
_recName = recName;
_recMobile = recMobile;
_longitude = longitude;
_latitude = latitude;
AddressExt.fromJson(dynamic json) {
_addressId = json['addressId'];
_country = json['country'];
_countryId = json['countryId'];
_province = json['province'];
_provinceId = json['provinceId'];
_city = json['city'];
_cityId = json['cityId'];
_district = json['district'];
_districtId = json['districtId'];
_cityInfo = json['cityInfo'];
_address = json['address'];
_recName = json['recName'];
_recMobile = json['recMobile'];
_longitude = json['longitude'];
_latitude = json['latitude'];
String _addressId;
dynamic _country;
dynamic _countryId;
String _province;
dynamic _provinceId;
String _city;
dynamic _cityId;
String _district;
dynamic _districtId;
String _cityInfo;
String _address;
String _recName;
String _recMobile;
String _longitude;
String _latitude;
AddressExt copyWith({ String addressId,
dynamic country,
dynamic countryId,
String province,
dynamic provinceId,
String city,
dynamic cityId,
String district,
dynamic districtId,
String cityInfo,
String address,
String recName,
String recMobile,
String longitude,
String latitude,
}) => AddressExt( addressId: addressId ?? _addressId,
country: country ?? _country,
countryId: countryId ?? _countryId,
province: province ?? _province,
provinceId: provinceId ?? _provinceId,
city: city ?? _city,
cityId: cityId ?? _cityId,
district: district ?? _district,
districtId: districtId ?? _districtId,
cityInfo: cityInfo ?? _cityInfo,
address: address ?? _address,
recName: recName ?? _recName,
recMobile: recMobile ?? _recMobile,
longitude: longitude ?? _longitude,
latitude: latitude ?? _latitude,
String get addressId => _addressId;
dynamic get country => _country;
dynamic get countryId => _countryId;
String get province => _province;
dynamic get provinceId => _provinceId;
String get city => _city;
dynamic get cityId => _cityId;
String get district => _district;
dynamic get districtId => _districtId;
String get cityInfo => _cityInfo;
String get address => _address;
String get recName => _recName;
String get recMobile => _recMobile;
String get longitude => _longitude;
String get latitude => _latitude;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final map = <String, dynamic>{};
map['addressId'] = _addressId;
map['country'] = _country;
map['countryId'] = _countryId;
map['province'] = _province;
map['provinceId'] = _provinceId;
map['city'] = _city;
map['cityId'] = _cityId;
map['district'] = _district;
map['districtId'] = _districtId;
map['cityInfo'] = _cityInfo;
map['address'] = _address;
map['recName'] = _recName;
map['recMobile'] = _recMobile;
map['longitude'] = _longitude;
map['latitude'] = _latitude;
return map;