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1080 lines
35 KiB
1080 lines
35 KiB
3 years ago
/// CommodityList : [{"goodList":[{"productImg":"","productSkuVOList":[{"ticketStyle":"","productId":"1519870512681975808","isDelete":0,"ticketDays":"0","setMeal":"","updateUser":"1333246101196636160","skuPrice":"0.01","skuStock":10,"weight":0,"updateTime":"2022-04-29 10:45:43","ticketType":"","sort":50,"storeId":"1511585212109160448","version":0,"deliveries":0,"volume":0,"autoRenewSkuStock":0,"skuNameStr":"","createTime":"2022-04-29 10:45:43","createUser":"1333246101196636160","id":"1519870513038491648","applyPrice":"0.00","skuAttrList":[{"attrValueId":"1519870512921051136","isDelete":0,"updateUser":"1333246101196636160","updateTime":"2022-04-29 10:45:43","attrId":"1519870512837165056","createTime":"2022-04-29 10:45:43","createUser":"1333246101196636160","id":"1519870513097211904","skuId":"1519870513038491648"}],"skuCode":"P202204291045422"}],"thumbnailImg":"","productName":"原味奶茶","posShow":true,"price":"0.01","sellCount":5,"details":"","id":"1519870512681975808","applyPrice":"0.00","stock":10,"status":1,"info":""}],"typeName":"好吃榜"}]
/// CommodityZone : [{"productImg":"","productSkuVOList":[{"ticketStyle":"","productId":"1472767814229032960","isDelete":0,"ticketDays":"0","setMeal":"","updateUser":"1328618782859460608","skuPrice":"13.00","skuStock":864,"weight":0,"updateTime":"2021-12-20 11:16:24","ticketType":"","sort":50,"storeId":"1328618782985289728","version":0,"deliveries":0,"volume":0,"autoRenewSkuStock":0,"skuNameStr":"","createTime":"2021-12-20 11:16:24","createUser":"1328618782859460608","id":"1472767814275170304","applyPrice":"13.00","skuAttrList":[{"attrValueId":"1472767814262587392","isDelete":0,"updateUser":"1328618782859460608","updateTime":"2021-12-20 11:16:24","attrId":"1472767814254198784","createTime":"2021-12-20 11:16:24","createUser":"1328618782859460608","id":"1472767814287753216","skuId":"1472767814275170304"}],"skuCode":"P202112201116242"}],"thumbnailImg":"","productName":"红薯魔方吐司","posShow":true,"price":"13.00","sellCount":135,"details":"","id":"1472767814229032960","applyPrice":"13.00","stock":865,"status":1,"info":""}]
/// CommodityListImg : ""
class HomeRank {
List<CommodityList> commodityList,
List<CommodityZone> commodityZone,
String commodityListImg,}){
_commodityList = commodityList;
_commodityZone = commodityZone;
_commodityListImg = commodityListImg;
HomeRank.fromJson(dynamic json) {
if (json['CommodityList'] != null) {
_commodityList = [];
json['CommodityList'].forEach((v) {
if (json['CommodityZone'] != null) {
_commodityZone = [];
json['CommodityZone'].forEach((v) {
_commodityListImg = json['CommodityListImg'];
List<CommodityList> _commodityList;
List<CommodityZone> _commodityZone;
String _commodityListImg;
HomeRank copyWith({ List<CommodityList> commodityList,
List<CommodityZone> commodityZone,
String commodityListImg,
}) => HomeRank( commodityList: commodityList ?? _commodityList,
commodityZone: commodityZone ?? _commodityZone,
commodityListImg: commodityListImg ?? _commodityListImg,
List<CommodityList> get commodityList => _commodityList;
List<CommodityZone> get commodityZone => _commodityZone;
String get commodityListImg => _commodityListImg;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final map = <String, dynamic>{};
if (_commodityList != null) {
map['CommodityList'] = => v.toJson()).toList();
if (_commodityZone != null) {
map['CommodityZone'] = => v.toJson()).toList();
map['CommodityListImg'] = _commodityListImg;
return map;
/// productImg : ""
/// productSkuVOList : [{"ticketStyle":"","productId":"1472767814229032960","isDelete":0,"ticketDays":"0","setMeal":"","updateUser":"1328618782859460608","skuPrice":"13.00","skuStock":864,"weight":0,"updateTime":"2021-12-20 11:16:24","ticketType":"","sort":50,"storeId":"1328618782985289728","version":0,"deliveries":0,"volume":0,"autoRenewSkuStock":0,"skuNameStr":"","createTime":"2021-12-20 11:16:24","createUser":"1328618782859460608","id":"1472767814275170304","applyPrice":"13.00","skuAttrList":[{"attrValueId":"1472767814262587392","isDelete":0,"updateUser":"1328618782859460608","updateTime":"2021-12-20 11:16:24","attrId":"1472767814254198784","createTime":"2021-12-20 11:16:24","createUser":"1328618782859460608","id":"1472767814287753216","skuId":"1472767814275170304"}],"skuCode":"P202112201116242"}]
/// thumbnailImg : ""
/// productName : "红薯魔方吐司"
/// posShow : true
/// price : "13.00"
/// sellCount : 135
/// details : ""
/// id : "1472767814229032960"
/// applyPrice : "13.00"
/// stock : 865
/// status : 1
/// info : ""
class CommodityZone {
String productImg,
List<ProductSkuVoList> productSkuVOList,
String thumbnailImg,
String tenantCode,
String storeId,
String productName,
bool posShow,
String price,
int sellCount,
String details,
String id,
String applyPrice,
int stock,
int status,
String info,}){
_productImg = productImg;
_productSkuVOList = productSkuVOList;
_thumbnailImg = thumbnailImg;
_tenantCode = tenantCode;
_storeId = storeId;
_productName = productName;
_posShow = posShow;
_price = price;
_sellCount = sellCount;
_details = details;
_id = id;
_applyPrice = applyPrice;
_stock = stock;
_status = status;
_info = info;
CommodityZone.fromJson(dynamic json) {
_productImg = json['productImg'];
if (json['productSkuVOList'] != null) {
_productSkuVOList = [];
json['productSkuVOList'].forEach((v) {
_thumbnailImg = json['thumbnailImg'];
_tenantCode = json['tenantCode'];
_storeId = json['storeId'];
_productName = json['productName'];
_posShow = json['posShow'];
_price = json['price'];
_sellCount = json['sellCount'];
_details = json['details'];
_id = json['id'];
_applyPrice = json['applyPrice'];
_stock = json['stock'];
_status = json['status'];
_info = json['info'];
String _productImg;
List<ProductSkuVoList> _productSkuVOList;
String _thumbnailImg;
String _tenantCode;
String _storeId;
String _productName;
bool _posShow;
String _price;
int _sellCount;
String _details;
String _id;
String _applyPrice;
int _stock;
int _status;
String _info;
CommodityZone copyWith({ String productImg,
List<ProductSkuVoList> productSkuVOList,
String thumbnailImg,
String tenantCode,
String storeId,
String productName,
bool posShow,
String price,
int sellCount,
String details,
String id,
String applyPrice,
int stock,
int status,
String info,
}) => CommodityZone( productImg: productImg ?? _productImg,
productSkuVOList: productSkuVOList ?? _productSkuVOList,
thumbnailImg: thumbnailImg ?? _thumbnailImg,
tenantCode: tenantCode ?? _tenantCode,
storeId: storeId ?? _storeId,
productName: productName ?? _productName,
posShow: posShow ?? _posShow,
price: price ?? _price,
sellCount: sellCount ?? _sellCount,
details: details ?? _details,
id: id ?? _id,
applyPrice: applyPrice ?? _applyPrice,
stock: stock ?? _stock,
status: status ?? _status,
info: info ?? _info,
String get productImg => _productImg;
List<ProductSkuVoList> get productSkuVOList => _productSkuVOList;
String get thumbnailImg => _thumbnailImg;
String get tenantCode => _tenantCode;
String get storeId => _storeId;
String get productName => _productName;
bool get posShow => _posShow;
String get price => _price;
int get sellCount => _sellCount;
String get details => _details;
String get id => _id;
String get applyPrice => _applyPrice;
int get stock => _stock;
int get status => _status;
String get info => _info;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final map = <String, dynamic>{};
map['productImg'] = _productImg;
if (_productSkuVOList != null) {
map['productSkuVOList'] = => v.toJson()).toList();
map['thumbnailImg'] = _thumbnailImg;
map['tenantCode'] = _tenantCode;
map['storeId'] = _storeId;
map['productName'] = _productName;
map['posShow'] = _posShow;
map['price'] = _price;
map['sellCount'] = _sellCount;
map['details'] = _details;
map['id'] = _id;
map['applyPrice'] = _applyPrice;
map['stock'] = _stock;
map['status'] = _status;
map['info'] = _info;
return map;
/// ticketStyle : ""
/// productId : "1472767814229032960"
/// isDelete : 0
/// ticketDays : "0"
/// setMeal : ""
/// updateUser : "1328618782859460608"
/// skuPrice : "13.00"
/// skuStock : 864
/// weight : 0
/// updateTime : "2021-12-20 11:16:24"
/// ticketType : ""
/// sort : 50
/// storeId : "1328618782985289728"
/// version : 0
/// deliveries : 0
/// volume : 0
/// autoRenewSkuStock : 0
/// skuNameStr : ""
/// createTime : "2021-12-20 11:16:24"
/// createUser : "1328618782859460608"
/// id : "1472767814275170304"
/// applyPrice : "13.00"
/// skuAttrList : [{"attrValueId":"1472767814262587392","isDelete":0,"updateUser":"1328618782859460608","updateTime":"2021-12-20 11:16:24","attrId":"1472767814254198784","createTime":"2021-12-20 11:16:24","createUser":"1328618782859460608","id":"1472767814287753216","skuId":"1472767814275170304"}]
/// skuCode : "P202112201116242"
class ProductSkuVoList {
String ticketStyle,
String productId,
int isDelete,
String ticketDays,
String setMeal,
String updateUser,
String skuPrice,
int skuStock,
int weight,
String updateTime,
String ticketType,
int sort,
int version,
int deliveries,
int volume,
int autoRenewSkuStock,
String skuNameStr,
String createTime,
String createUser,
String id,
String applyPrice,
List<SkuAttrList> skuAttrList,
String skuCode,}){
_ticketStyle = ticketStyle;
_productId = productId;
_isDelete = isDelete;
_ticketDays = ticketDays;
_setMeal = setMeal;
_updateUser = updateUser;
_skuPrice = skuPrice;
_skuStock = skuStock;
_weight = weight;
_updateTime = updateTime;
_ticketType = ticketType;
_sort = sort;
// _storeIds = storeIds;
_version = version;
_deliveries = deliveries;
_volume = volume;
_autoRenewSkuStock = autoRenewSkuStock;
_skuNameStr = skuNameStr;
_createTime = createTime;
_createUser = createUser;
_id = id;
_applyPrice = applyPrice;
_skuAttrList = skuAttrList;
_skuCode = skuCode;
ProductSkuVoList.fromJson(dynamic json) {
_ticketStyle = json['ticketStyle'];
_productId = json['productId'];
_isDelete = json['isDelete'];
_ticketDays = json['ticketDays'];
_setMeal = json['setMeal'];
_updateUser = json['updateUser'];
_skuPrice = json['skuPrice'];
_skuStock = json['skuStock'];
_weight = json['weight'];
_updateTime = json['updateTime'];
_ticketType = json['ticketType'];
_sort = json['sort'];
// _storeIds = json['storeIds'];
_version = json['version'];
_deliveries = json['deliveries'];
_volume = json['volume'];
_autoRenewSkuStock = json['autoRenewSkuStock'];
_skuNameStr = json['skuNameStr'];
_createTime = json['createTime'];
_createUser = json['createUser'];
_id = json['id'];
_applyPrice = json['applyPrice'];
if (json['skuAttrList'] != null) {
_skuAttrList = [];
json['skuAttrList'].forEach((v) {
_skuCode = json['skuCode'];
String _ticketStyle;
String _productId;
int _isDelete;
String _ticketDays;
String _setMeal;
String _updateUser;
String _skuPrice;
int _skuStock;
int _weight;
String _updateTime;
String _ticketType;
int _sort;
// String _storeIds;
int _version;
int _deliveries;
int _volume;
int _autoRenewSkuStock;
String _skuNameStr;
String _createTime;
String _createUser;
String _id;
String _applyPrice;
List<SkuAttrList> _skuAttrList;
String _skuCode;
ProductSkuVoList copyWith({ String ticketStyle,
String productId,
int isDelete,
String ticketDays,
String setMeal,
String updateUser,
String skuPrice,
int skuStock,
int weight,
String updateTime,
String ticketType,
int sort,
// String storeIds,
int version,
int deliveries,
int volume,
int autoRenewSkuStock,
String skuNameStr,
String createTime,
String createUser,
String id,
String applyPrice,
List<SkuAttrList> skuAttrList,
String skuCode,
}) => ProductSkuVoList( ticketStyle: ticketStyle ?? _ticketStyle,
productId: productId ?? _productId,
isDelete: isDelete ?? _isDelete,
ticketDays: ticketDays ?? _ticketDays,
setMeal: setMeal ?? _setMeal,
updateUser: updateUser ?? _updateUser,
skuPrice: skuPrice ?? _skuPrice,
skuStock: skuStock ?? _skuStock,
weight: weight ?? _weight,
updateTime: updateTime ?? _updateTime,
ticketType: ticketType ?? _ticketType,
sort: sort ?? _sort,
// storeId: storeId ?? _storeIds,
version: version ?? _version,
deliveries: deliveries ?? _deliveries,
volume: volume ?? _volume,
autoRenewSkuStock: autoRenewSkuStock ?? _autoRenewSkuStock,
skuNameStr: skuNameStr ?? _skuNameStr,
createTime: createTime ?? _createTime,
createUser: createUser ?? _createUser,
id: id ?? _id,
applyPrice: applyPrice ?? _applyPrice,
skuAttrList: skuAttrList ?? _skuAttrList,
skuCode: skuCode ?? _skuCode,
String get ticketStyle => _ticketStyle;
String get productId => _productId;
int get isDelete => _isDelete;
String get ticketDays => _ticketDays;
String get setMeal => _setMeal;
String get updateUser => _updateUser;
String get skuPrice => _skuPrice;
int get skuStock => _skuStock;
int get weight => _weight;
String get updateTime => _updateTime;
String get ticketType => _ticketType;
int get sort => _sort;
// String get storeIds => _storeIds;
int get version => _version;
int get deliveries => _deliveries;
int get volume => _volume;
int get autoRenewSkuStock => _autoRenewSkuStock;
String get skuNameStr => _skuNameStr;
String get createTime => _createTime;
String get createUser => _createUser;
String get id => _id;
String get applyPrice => _applyPrice;
List<SkuAttrList> get skuAttrList => _skuAttrList;
String get skuCode => _skuCode;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final map = <String, dynamic>{};
map['ticketStyle'] = _ticketStyle;
map['productId'] = _productId;
map['isDelete'] = _isDelete;
map['ticketDays'] = _ticketDays;
map['setMeal'] = _setMeal;
map['updateUser'] = _updateUser;
map['skuPrice'] = _skuPrice;
map['skuStock'] = _skuStock;
map['weight'] = _weight;
map['updateTime'] = _updateTime;
map['ticketType'] = _ticketType;
map['sort'] = _sort;
// map['storeIds'] = _storeIds;
map['version'] = _version;
map['deliveries'] = _deliveries;
map['volume'] = _volume;
map['autoRenewSkuStock'] = _autoRenewSkuStock;
map['skuNameStr'] = _skuNameStr;
map['createTime'] = _createTime;
map['createUser'] = _createUser;
map['id'] = _id;
map['applyPrice'] = _applyPrice;
if (_skuAttrList != null) {
map['skuAttrList'] = => v.toJson()).toList();
map['skuCode'] = _skuCode;
return map;
/// attrValueId : "1472767814262587392"
/// isDelete : 0
/// updateUser : "1328618782859460608"
/// updateTime : "2021-12-20 11:16:24"
/// attrId : "1472767814254198784"
/// createTime : "2021-12-20 11:16:24"
/// createUser : "1328618782859460608"
/// id : "1472767814287753216"
/// skuId : "1472767814275170304"
class SkuAttrList {
String attrValueId,
int isDelete,
String updateUser,
String updateTime,
String attrId,
String createTime,
String createUser,
String id,
String skuId,}){
_attrValueId = attrValueId;
_isDelete = isDelete;
_updateUser = updateUser;
_updateTime = updateTime;
_attrId = attrId;
_createTime = createTime;
_createUser = createUser;
_id = id;
_skuId = skuId;
SkuAttrList.fromJson(dynamic json) {
_attrValueId = json['attrValueId'];
_isDelete = json['isDelete'];
_updateUser = json['updateUser'];
_updateTime = json['updateTime'];
_attrId = json['attrId'];
_createTime = json['createTime'];
_createUser = json['createUser'];
_id = json['id'];
_skuId = json['skuId'];
String _attrValueId;
int _isDelete;
String _updateUser;
String _updateTime;
String _attrId;
String _createTime;
String _createUser;
String _id;
String _skuId;
SkuAttrList copyWith({ String attrValueId,
int isDelete,
String updateUser,
String updateTime,
String attrId,
String createTime,
String createUser,
String id,
String skuId,
}) => SkuAttrList( attrValueId: attrValueId ?? _attrValueId,
isDelete: isDelete ?? _isDelete,
updateUser: updateUser ?? _updateUser,
updateTime: updateTime ?? _updateTime,
attrId: attrId ?? _attrId,
createTime: createTime ?? _createTime,
createUser: createUser ?? _createUser,
id: id ?? _id,
skuId: skuId ?? _skuId,
String get attrValueId => _attrValueId;
int get isDelete => _isDelete;
String get updateUser => _updateUser;
String get updateTime => _updateTime;
String get attrId => _attrId;
String get createTime => _createTime;
String get createUser => _createUser;
String get id => _id;
String get skuId => _skuId;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final map = <String, dynamic>{};
map['attrValueId'] = _attrValueId;
map['isDelete'] = _isDelete;
map['updateUser'] = _updateUser;
map['updateTime'] = _updateTime;
map['attrId'] = _attrId;
map['createTime'] = _createTime;
map['createUser'] = _createUser;
map['id'] = _id;
map['skuId'] = _skuId;
return map;
/// goodList : [{"productImg":"","productSkuVOList":[{"ticketStyle":"","productId":"1519870512681975808","isDelete":0,"ticketDays":"0","setMeal":"","updateUser":"1333246101196636160","skuPrice":"0.01","skuStock":10,"weight":0,"updateTime":"2022-04-29 10:45:43","ticketType":"","sort":50,"storeId":"1511585212109160448","version":0,"deliveries":0,"volume":0,"autoRenewSkuStock":0,"skuNameStr":"","createTime":"2022-04-29 10:45:43","createUser":"1333246101196636160","id":"1519870513038491648","applyPrice":"0.00","skuAttrList":[{"attrValueId":"1519870512921051136","isDelete":0,"updateUser":"1333246101196636160","updateTime":"2022-04-29 10:45:43","attrId":"1519870512837165056","createTime":"2022-04-29 10:45:43","createUser":"1333246101196636160","id":"1519870513097211904","skuId":"1519870513038491648"}],"skuCode":"P202204291045422"}],"thumbnailImg":"","productName":"原味奶茶","posShow":true,"price":"0.01","sellCount":5,"details":"","id":"1519870512681975808","applyPrice":"0.00","stock":10,"status":1,"info":""}]
/// typeName : "好吃榜"
class CommodityList {
List<GoodList> goodList,
String typeName,}){
_goodList = goodList;
_typeName = typeName;
CommodityList.fromJson(dynamic json) {
if (json['goodList'] != null) {
_goodList = [];
json['goodList'].forEach((v) {
_typeName = json['typeName'];
List<GoodList> _goodList;
String _typeName;
CommodityList copyWith({ List<GoodList> goodList,
String typeName,
}) => CommodityList( goodList: goodList ?? _goodList,
typeName: typeName ?? _typeName,
List<GoodList> get goodList => _goodList;
String get typeName => _typeName;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final map = <String, dynamic>{};
if (_goodList != null) {
map['goodList'] = => v.toJson()).toList();
map['typeName'] = _typeName;
return map;
/// productImg : ""
/// productSkuVOList : [{"ticketStyle":"","productId":"1519870512681975808","isDelete":0,"ticketDays":"0","setMeal":"","updateUser":"1333246101196636160","skuPrice":"0.01","skuStock":10,"weight":0,"updateTime":"2022-04-29 10:45:43","ticketType":"","sort":50,"storeId":"1511585212109160448","version":0,"deliveries":0,"volume":0,"autoRenewSkuStock":0,"skuNameStr":"","createTime":"2022-04-29 10:45:43","createUser":"1333246101196636160","id":"1519870513038491648","applyPrice":"0.00","skuAttrList":[{"attrValueId":"1519870512921051136","isDelete":0,"updateUser":"1333246101196636160","updateTime":"2022-04-29 10:45:43","attrId":"1519870512837165056","createTime":"2022-04-29 10:45:43","createUser":"1333246101196636160","id":"1519870513097211904","skuId":"1519870513038491648"}],"skuCode":"P202204291045422"}]
/// thumbnailImg : ""
/// productName : "原味奶茶"
/// posShow : true
/// price : "0.01"
/// sellCount : 5
/// details : ""
/// id : "1519870512681975808"
/// applyPrice : "0.00"
/// stock : 10
/// status : 1
/// info : ""
class GoodList {
String productImg,
List<GoodProductSkuVOList> goodProductSkuVOList,
String thumbnailImg,
String tenantCode,
String storeId,
String productName,
bool posShow,
String price,
int sellCount,
String details,
String id,
String applyPrice,
int stock,
int status,
String info,}){
_productImg = productImg;
_goodProductSkuVOList = goodProductSkuVOList;
_thumbnailImg = thumbnailImg;
_tenantCode = tenantCode;
_storeId = storeId;
_productName = productName;
_posShow = posShow;
_price = price;
_sellCount = sellCount;
_details = details;
_id = id;
_applyPrice = applyPrice;
_stock = stock;
_status = status;
_info = info;
GoodList.fromJson(dynamic json) {
_productImg = json['productImg'];
if (json['productSkuVOList'] != null) {
_goodProductSkuVOList = [];
json['productSkuVOList'].forEach((v) {
_thumbnailImg = json['thumbnailImg'];
_tenantCode = json['tenantCode'];
_storeId = json['storeId'];
_productName = json['productName'];
_posShow = json['posShow'];
_price = json['price'];
_sellCount = json['sellCount'];
_details = json['details'];
_id = json['id'];
_applyPrice = json['applyPrice'];
_stock = json['stock'];
_status = json['status'];
_info = json['info'];
String _productImg;
List<GoodProductSkuVOList> _goodProductSkuVOList;
String _thumbnailImg;
String _tenantCode;
String _storeId;
String _productName;
bool _posShow;
String _price;
int _sellCount;
String _details;
String _id;
String _applyPrice;
int _stock;
int _status;
String _info;
GoodList copyWith({ String productImg,
List<ProductSkuVoList> goodProductSkuVOList,
String thumbnailImg,
String tenantCode,
String storeId,
String productName,
bool posShow,
String price,
int sellCount,
String details,
String id,
String applyPrice,
int stock,
int status,
String info,
}) => GoodList( productImg: productImg ?? _productImg,
goodProductSkuVOList: goodProductSkuVOList ?? _goodProductSkuVOList,
thumbnailImg: thumbnailImg ?? _thumbnailImg,
tenantCode: tenantCode ?? _tenantCode,
storeId: storeId ?? _storeId,
productName: productName ?? _productName,
posShow: posShow ?? _posShow,
price: price ?? _price,
sellCount: sellCount ?? _sellCount,
details: details ?? _details,
id: id ?? _id,
applyPrice: applyPrice ?? _applyPrice,
stock: stock ?? _stock,
status: status ?? _status,
info: info ?? _info,
String get productImg => _productImg;
List<GoodProductSkuVOList> get goodProductSkuVOList => _goodProductSkuVOList;
String get thumbnailImg => _thumbnailImg;
String get tenantCode => _tenantCode;
String get storeId => _storeId;
String get productName => _productName;
bool get posShow => _posShow;
String get price => _price;
int get sellCount => _sellCount;
String get details => _details;
String get id => _id;
String get applyPrice => _applyPrice;
int get stock => _stock;
int get status => _status;
String get info => _info;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final map = <String, dynamic>{};
map['productImg'] = _productImg;
if (_goodProductSkuVOList != null) {
map['goodProductSkuVOList'] = => v.toJson()).toList();
map['thumbnailImg'] = _thumbnailImg;
map['tenantCode'] = _tenantCode;
map['storeId'] = _storeId;
map['productName'] = _productName;
map['posShow'] = _posShow;
map['price'] = _price;
map['sellCount'] = _sellCount;
map['details'] = _details;
map['id'] = _id;
map['applyPrice'] = _applyPrice;
map['stock'] = _stock;
map['status'] = _status;
map['info'] = _info;
return map;
/// ticketStyle : ""
/// productId : "1519870512681975808"
/// isDelete : 0
/// ticketDays : "0"
/// setMeal : ""
/// updateUser : "1333246101196636160"
/// skuPrice : "0.01"
/// skuStock : 10
/// weight : 0
/// updateTime : "2022-04-29 10:45:43"
/// ticketType : ""
/// sort : 50
/// storeId : "1511585212109160448"
/// version : 0
/// deliveries : 0
/// volume : 0
/// autoRenewSkuStock : 0
/// skuNameStr : ""
/// createTime : "2022-04-29 10:45:43"
/// createUser : "1333246101196636160"
/// id : "1519870513038491648"
/// applyPrice : "0.00"
/// skuAttrList : [{"attrValueId":"1519870512921051136","isDelete":0,"updateUser":"1333246101196636160","updateTime":"2022-04-29 10:45:43","attrId":"1519870512837165056","createTime":"2022-04-29 10:45:43","createUser":"1333246101196636160","id":"1519870513097211904","skuId":"1519870513038491648"}]
/// skuCode : "P202204291045422"
class GoodProductSkuVOList {
String ticketStyle,
String productId,
int isDelete,
String ticketDays,
String setMeal,
String updateUser,
String skuPrice,
int skuStock,
int weight,
String updateTime,
String ticketType,
int sort,
// String storeIds,
int version,
int deliveries,
int volume,
int autoRenewSkuStock,
String skuNameStr,
String createTime,
String createUser,
String id,
String applyPrice,
List<GoodSkuAttrList> goodSkuAttrList,
String skuCode,}){
_ticketStyle = ticketStyle;
_productId = productId;
_isDelete = isDelete;
_ticketDays = ticketDays;
_setMeal = setMeal;
_updateUser = updateUser;
_skuPrice = skuPrice;
_skuStock = skuStock;
_weight = weight;
_updateTime = updateTime;
_ticketType = ticketType;
_sort = sort;
// _storeIds = storeIds;
_version = version;
_deliveries = deliveries;
_volume = volume;
_autoRenewSkuStock = autoRenewSkuStock;
_skuNameStr = skuNameStr;
_createTime = createTime;
_createUser = createUser;
_id = id;
_applyPrice = applyPrice;
_goodSkuAttrList = goodSkuAttrList;
_skuCode = skuCode;
GoodProductSkuVOList.fromJson(dynamic json) {
_ticketStyle = json['ticketStyle'];
_productId = json['productId'];
_isDelete = json['isDelete'];
_ticketDays = json['ticketDays'];
_setMeal = json['setMeal'];
_updateUser = json['updateUser'];
_skuPrice = json['skuPrice'];
_skuStock = json['skuStock'];
_weight = json['weight'];
_updateTime = json['updateTime'];
_ticketType = json['ticketType'];
_sort = json['sort'];
// _storeIds = json['storeIds'];
_version = json['version'];
_deliveries = json['deliveries'];
_volume = json['volume'];
_autoRenewSkuStock = json['autoRenewSkuStock'];
_skuNameStr = json['skuNameStr'];
_createTime = json['createTime'];
_createUser = json['createUser'];
_id = json['id'];
_applyPrice = json['applyPrice'];
if (json['goodSkuAttrList'] != null) {
_goodSkuAttrList = [];
json['goodSkuAttrList'].forEach((v) {
_skuCode = json['skuCode'];
String _ticketStyle;
String _productId;
int _isDelete;
String _ticketDays;
String _setMeal;
String _updateUser;
String _skuPrice;
int _skuStock;
int _weight;
String _updateTime;
String _ticketType;
int _sort;
// String _storeIds;
int _version;
int _deliveries;
int _volume;
int _autoRenewSkuStock;
String _skuNameStr;
String _createTime;
String _createUser;
String _id;
String _applyPrice;
List<GoodSkuAttrList> _goodSkuAttrList;
String _skuCode;
ProductSkuVoList copyWith({ String ticketStyle,
String productId,
int isDelete,
String ticketDays,
String setMeal,
String updateUser,
String skuPrice,
int skuStock,
int weight,
String updateTime,
String ticketType,
int sort,
// String storeIds,
int version,
int deliveries,
int volume,
int autoRenewSkuStock,
String skuNameStr,
String createTime,
String createUser,
String id,
String applyPrice,
List<SkuAttrList> goodSkuAttrList,
String skuCode,
}) => ProductSkuVoList( ticketStyle: ticketStyle ?? _ticketStyle,
productId: productId ?? _productId,
isDelete: isDelete ?? _isDelete,
ticketDays: ticketDays ?? _ticketDays,
setMeal: setMeal ?? _setMeal,
updateUser: updateUser ?? _updateUser,
skuPrice: skuPrice ?? _skuPrice,
skuStock: skuStock ?? _skuStock,
weight: weight ?? _weight,
updateTime: updateTime ?? _updateTime,
ticketType: ticketType ?? _ticketType,
sort: sort ?? _sort,
// storeIds: storeIds ?? _storeIds,
version: version ?? _version,
deliveries: deliveries ?? _deliveries,
volume: volume ?? _volume,
autoRenewSkuStock: autoRenewSkuStock ?? _autoRenewSkuStock,
skuNameStr: skuNameStr ?? _skuNameStr,
createTime: createTime ?? _createTime,
createUser: createUser ?? _createUser,
id: id ?? _id,
applyPrice: applyPrice ?? _applyPrice,
skuAttrList: goodSkuAttrList ?? _goodSkuAttrList,
skuCode: skuCode ?? _skuCode,
String get ticketStyle => _ticketStyle;
String get productId => _productId;
int get isDelete => _isDelete;
String get ticketDays => _ticketDays;
String get setMeal => _setMeal;
String get updateUser => _updateUser;
String get skuPrice => _skuPrice;
int get skuStock => _skuStock;
int get weight => _weight;
String get updateTime => _updateTime;
String get ticketType => _ticketType;
int get sort => _sort;
// String get storeIds => _storeIds;
int get version => _version;
int get deliveries => _deliveries;
int get volume => _volume;
int get autoRenewSkuStock => _autoRenewSkuStock;
String get skuNameStr => _skuNameStr;
String get createTime => _createTime;
String get createUser => _createUser;
String get id => _id;
String get applyPrice => _applyPrice;
List<GoodSkuAttrList> get goodSkuAttrList => _goodSkuAttrList;
String get skuCode => _skuCode;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final map = <String, dynamic>{};
map['ticketStyle'] = _ticketStyle;
map['productId'] = _productId;
map['isDelete'] = _isDelete;
map['ticketDays'] = _ticketDays;
map['setMeal'] = _setMeal;
map['updateUser'] = _updateUser;
map['skuPrice'] = _skuPrice;
map['skuStock'] = _skuStock;
map['weight'] = _weight;
map['updateTime'] = _updateTime;
map['ticketType'] = _ticketType;
map['sort'] = _sort;
// map['storeIds'] = _storeIds;
map['version'] = _version;
map['deliveries'] = _deliveries;
map['volume'] = _volume;
map['autoRenewSkuStock'] = _autoRenewSkuStock;
map['skuNameStr'] = _skuNameStr;
map['createTime'] = _createTime;
map['createUser'] = _createUser;
map['id'] = _id;
map['applyPrice'] = _applyPrice;
if (_goodSkuAttrList != null) {
map['goodSkuAttrList'] = => v.toJson()).toList();
map['skuCode'] = _skuCode;
return map;
/// attrValueId : "1519870512921051136"
/// isDelete : 0
/// updateUser : "1333246101196636160"
/// updateTime : "2022-04-29 10:45:43"
/// attrId : "1519870512837165056"
/// createTime : "2022-04-29 10:45:43"
/// createUser : "1333246101196636160"
/// id : "1519870513097211904"
/// skuId : "1519870513038491648"
class GoodSkuAttrList {
String attrValueId,
int isDelete,
String updateUser,
String updateTime,
String attrId,
String createTime,
String createUser,
String id,
String skuId,}){
_attrValueId = attrValueId;
_isDelete = isDelete;
_updateUser = updateUser;
_updateTime = updateTime;
_attrId = attrId;
_createTime = createTime;
_createUser = createUser;
_id = id;
_skuId = skuId;
GoodSkuAttrList.fromJson(dynamic json) {
_attrValueId = json['attrValueId'];
_isDelete = json['isDelete'];
_updateUser = json['updateUser'];
_updateTime = json['updateTime'];
_attrId = json['attrId'];
_createTime = json['createTime'];
_createUser = json['createUser'];
_id = json['id'];
_skuId = json['skuId'];
String _attrValueId;
int _isDelete;
String _updateUser;
String _updateTime;
String _attrId;
String _createTime;
String _createUser;
String _id;
String _skuId;
SkuAttrList copyWith({ String attrValueId,
int isDelete,
String updateUser,
String updateTime,
String attrId,
String createTime,
String createUser,
String id,
String skuId,
}) => SkuAttrList( attrValueId: attrValueId ?? _attrValueId,
isDelete: isDelete ?? _isDelete,
updateUser: updateUser ?? _updateUser,
updateTime: updateTime ?? _updateTime,
attrId: attrId ?? _attrId,
createTime: createTime ?? _createTime,
createUser: createUser ?? _createUser,
id: id ?? _id,
skuId: skuId ?? _skuId,
String get attrValueId => _attrValueId;
int get isDelete => _isDelete;
String get updateUser => _updateUser;
String get updateTime => _updateTime;
String get attrId => _attrId;
String get createTime => _createTime;
String get createUser => _createUser;
String get id => _id;
String get skuId => _skuId;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final map = <String, dynamic>{};
map['attrValueId'] = _attrValueId;
map['isDelete'] = _isDelete;
map['updateUser'] = _updateUser;
map['updateTime'] = _updateTime;
map['attrId'] = _attrId;
map['createTime'] = _createTime;
map['createUser'] = _createUser;
map['id'] = _id;
map['skuId'] = _skuId;
return map;