// DO NOT EDIT. This is code generated via package:intl/generate_localized.dart
// This is a library that provides messages for a en_US locale. All the
// messages from the main program should be duplicated here with the same
// function name.
// Ignore issues from commonly used lints in this file.
// ignore_for_file:unnecessary_brace_in_string_interps, unnecessary_new
// ignore_for_file:prefer_single_quotes,comment_references, directives_ordering
// ignore_for_file:annotate_overrides,prefer_generic_function_type_aliases
// ignore_for_file:unused_import, file_names
import ' package:intl/intl.dart ' ;
import ' package:intl/message_lookup_by_library.dart ' ;
final messages = new MessageLookup ( ) ;
typedef String MessageIfAbsent ( String messageStr , List < dynamic > args ) ;
class MessageLookup extends MessageLookupByLibrary {
String get localeName = > ' en_US ' ;
static m0 ( version ) = > " Version: ${ version } " ;
static m1 ( yuan ) = > " The minimum recharge amount is ${ yuan } " ;
static m2 ( time ) = > " Creation time ${ time } " ;
static m3 ( xihuan ) = > " Like ${ xihuan } " ;
static m4 ( shijian ) = > " Publishing start time ${ shijian } " ;
static m5 ( ge ) = > " ${ ge } g/piece " ;
static m6 ( jian ) = > " common ${ jian } piece " ;
static m7 ( jian ) = > " common ${ jian } items in total " ;
static m8 ( km ) = > " ${ km } km " ;
static m9 ( huifu ) = > " Reply@ ${ huifu } : " ;
static m10 ( yuan ) = > " Event relief ${ yuan } yuan distribution fee " ;
static m11 ( yue ) = > " Activity balance ${ yue } " ;
static m12 ( jifen ) = > " + ${ jifen } integral " ;
static m13 ( jianjie ) = > " Introduction: ${ jianjie } " ;
static m14 ( jifen ) = > " ${ jifen } integral " ;
static m15 ( jifen ) = > " ${ jifen } Integrate to the next level " ;
static m16 ( date ) = > " Opening date: ${ date } " ;
static m17 ( shijian ) = > " Picking time ${ shijian } " ;
static m18 ( yue ) = > " green coin ${ yue } " ;
static m19 ( man , jian ) = > " full ${ man } yuan Lijian ${ jian } yuan coupons " ;
static m20 ( yuan ) = > " full ${ yuan } available " ;
static m21 ( mi ) = > " ${ mi } meters " ;
static m22 ( tian ) = > " You have signed in for ${ tian } consecutive days " ;
static m23 ( pinglun ) = > " Comment( ${ pinglun } ) " ;
static m24 ( zongyue ) = > " Balance: ${ zongyue } " ;
static m25 ( zhe ) = > " full ${ zhe } folding " ;
static m26 ( num ) = > " Retrieval No ${ num } " ;
static m27 ( ren ) = > " ¥ ${ ren } /person " ;
static m28 ( second ) = > " ${ second } s and then resend " ;
static m29 ( jifen ) = > " Product credit ${ jifen } credit " ;
static m30 ( jifen ) = > " Paid in integral ${ jifen } integral " ;
static m31 ( jihuanka ) = > " paid-in trading card ${ jihuanka } trading card " ;
static m32 ( sui ) = > " ${ sui } years old " ;
static m33 ( num ) = > " Finish ${ num } " ;
static m34 ( time ) = > " Ordering time: ${ time } " ;
static m35 ( xihuan ) = > " Like( ${ xihuan } ) " ;
static m36 ( shoujihao ) = > " Inviter \' s mobile number: ${ shoujihao } " ;
static m37 ( jian ) = > " ${ jian } pieces redeemed " ;
static m38 ( time ) = > " Business hours: ${ time } " ;
static m39 ( date ) = > " Validity: ${ date } " ;
static m40 ( date ) = > " Valid until ${ date } " ;
static m41 ( yuan ) = > " ${ yuan } yuan " ;
static m42 ( yue ) = > " Balance ${ yue } " ;
static m43 ( yue ) = > " Balance ${ yue } " ;
static m44 ( zuozhe ) = > " Author: ${ zuozhe } " ;
final messages = _notInlinedMessages ( _notInlinedMessages ) ;
static _notInlinedMessages ( _ ) = > < String , Function > {
" bainianchuanjiao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Hundred year Sichuan Pepper " ) ,
" baiyin " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " silver " ) ,
" baiyinhuiyuan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Silver Member " ) ,
" banben " : m0 ,
" bangdingfuka " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " binding sub card " ) ,
" bangdingshouji " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " bind phone " ) ,
" bangong " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Office " ) ,
" bangzhuyufankui " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Help " ) ,
" baocun " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Save " ) ,
" baocunchenggong " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Saving succeeded " ) ,
" baocunsaoma " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " The screenshot saves the QR code below, invites others to scan WeChat for identification, long press follow, completes the small game, receives the coupon, and the invitation is successful! " ) ,
" beiyaoqingdejiangli " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Each invited user can get a coupon of 10 yuan for Qianjin Maiwei after entering the invitation code " ) ,
" beizhu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Remarks " ) ,
" beizhuxinxi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Remarks " ) ,
" benzhouquanbao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " This week coupon bag " ) ,
" bianjidizhi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Edit Address " ) ,
" bianjigerenziliao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Edit Profile " ) ,
" biaojiweiyidu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Mark as Read " ) ,
" biaoweiyidu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Mark as Read " ) ,
" bodadianhua " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Make a call " ) ,
" bofangcishu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Playback times " ) ,
" bojin " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " platinum " ) ,
" brand_yixinhuixiang " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " strait sisters " ) ,
" buzhichikaipiao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Invoicing is not supported " ) ,
" canyingfuwu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " catering service " ) ,
" chakan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " View " ) ,
" chakangengduo " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " See more " ) ,
" chakanhexiaoma " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " View Write off Code " ) ,
" chakanquanyi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " View Equity " ) ,
" chakanshixiaoquan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " View invalid coupons " ) ,
" chakanwodekabao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Check my card bag " ) ,
" chakanwodekaquan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Check my card coupon " ) ,
" chakanwuliu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " View Logistics " ) ,
" chakanxiangqing " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " View Details " ) ,
" changjianwenti " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Frequently Asked Questions " ) ,
" changqiyouxiao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Long term effective " ) ,
" chaojiyouhuiquan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Premium coupon " ) ,
" chaungshirengushi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Founder \' s story " ) ,
" chenggongdengluzhuce " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " You can become a member by successfully logging in and registering and binding relevant information。 " ) ,
" chengjiu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " achievement " ) ,
" chengjiuhuizhang " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Achievement badge " ) ,
" chengshixuanze " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " City Selection " ) ,
" chengweidianpuzhuanshuhuiyuan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Become an exclusive member of the store and enjoy exclusive rights " ) ,
" chi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Eat " ) ,
" chijiankang " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Eat healthy " ) ,
" chongzhi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Recharge " ) ,
" chongzhichenggong " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Recharge succeeded " ) ,
" chongzhifuliduo " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Recharge Fulido " ) ,
" chongzhixiaoxi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " recharge message " ) ,
" chongzhizuixiaojine " : m1 ,
" chuangjianshijian " : m2 ,
" chuangshirendegushi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " The story of the founder - " ) ,
" chuangshirendegushi1 " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " The Founder \' s Story " ) ,
" chuzhiyouhui " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Value saving discount " ) ,
" code_error " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Wrong input of verification code " ) ,
" cunchu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Storage " ) ,
" cunchutishixinxi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " It is recommended that you open the storage permission during use in order to obtain photo usage, caching and other functions " ) ,
" dabaodaodianqu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " pack to shop take away " ) ,
" daifukuan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Obligations " ) ,
" daipeisong " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " to be delivered " ) ,
" daiqucan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " To be picked up " ) ,
" daiqueren " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " to be confirmed " ) ,
" daizhifu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " to be paid " ) ,
" daizhizuo " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " to be made " ) ,
" dajiadouzaiduihuan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Everyone is exchanging " ) ,
" dakaidingwei " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Open Positioning " ) ,
" dangqianbanben " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Current Version " ) ,
" dangqiandengji " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Current Level " ) ,
" dangqianjifen " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Current integral: " ) ,
" dangqianshangpinduihuanhexiaoma " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " The current commodity exchange write off code has been written off " ) ,
" dangqianzhukadengji " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Current Master Card Level " ) ,
" daodianziqu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Get it at the store " ) ,
" daopinglunliebiaodingbu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " To the top of the comment list " ) ,
" daoxiayidengji " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " To the next level " ) ,
" dengdaishangjiaqueren " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Wait for the merchant \' s confirmation " ) ,
" dengdaiyonghuqucan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Waiting for the user to pick up the meal " ) ,
" denglu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Login " ) ,
" diancan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Order a meal " ) ,
" diandan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Order " ) ,
" dianhua " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Telephone " ) ,
" dianjidenglu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Click login to enjoy more wonderful information " ) ,
" dianneiyongcan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " store dining " ) ,
" dianpuchongzhi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Recharge " ) ,
" dianputuijian " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Store recommendation " ) ,
" dianpuyue " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Shop balance " ) ,
" dianwolingqu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Click me to get it " ) ,
" dianzan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Like " ) ,
" dianzanxihuan_ " : m3 ,
" dingdan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Order " ) ,
" dingdanbianhao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Order No " ) ,
" dingdandaifahuo " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Order to be shipped " ) ,
" dingdandaizhifu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Order to be paid " ) ,
" dingdangenzong " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Order tracking " ) ,
" dingdanhao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Order No " ) ,
" dingdanjiesuan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Order Settlement " ) ,
" dingdanqueren " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Order confirmation " ) ,
" dingdantongzhi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Order Notice " ) ,
" dingdanxiaoxi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Order Message " ) ,
" dingdanyisongda " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Order delivery " ) ,
" dingdanyituikuan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " The order has been refunded " ) ,
" dingdanyiwancheng " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " The order has been completed " ) ,
" dingdanyizhifu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " The order has been paid " ) ,
" dingwei " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Positioning " ) ,
" dizhi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Address " ) ,
" dongtai " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Dynamic " ) ,
" dongtaitishi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " The user \' s published content needs to wait for the system review, and will be displayed in the recommended square after the review is passed " ) ,
" dongtaixiangqing " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Dynamic Details " ) ,
" duihuan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " exchange " ) ,
" duihuanchenggong " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Successful exchange " ) ,
" duihuanguize " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Exchange Rules " ) ,
" duihuanhoufahuo " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Delivery within five working days after exchange " ) ,
" duihuanhouwugegongzuori " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " You can go to the store five working days after the exchange " ) ,
" duihuanliangdidaogao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " From low to high exchange volume " ) ,
" duihuanlianggaodaodi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " From high to low exchange volume " ) ,
" duihuanlishi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Exchange " ) ,
" duihuanquan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " redeem coupon " ) ,
" duihuanshangpinxiangqing " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Details of exchanged goods " ) ,
" duihuanxinxi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Exchange information " ) ,
" duozhongyouhui " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " A variety of coupons are waiting for you " ) ,
" fabu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Publish " ) ,
" fangshier " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Mode 2 " ) ,
" fangshiyi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Mode 1 " ) ,
" fanhuiduihuanlishi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Return to exchange history " ) ,
" fanhuishequn " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Return to the community " ) ,
" fanhuishouye " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Return to the home page " ) ,
" fankui " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Feedback " ) ,
" fankuilizi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " You can enter feedback content here, such as product suggestions, functional exceptions, etc " ) ,
" fantizhongwen " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Traditional Chinese " ) ,
" fapiao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Invoice " ) ,
" fapiaozhushou " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Invoice Assistant " ) ,
" fasong " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Sending " ) ,
" fasongduanxin " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Send SMS " ) ,
" faxingshijian " : m4 ,
" feishiwuduihuanma " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Non physical exchange code " ) ,
" feishiwushangpin " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " After exchanging non physical goods, you can use the coupon! " ) ,
" fensi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Fans " ) ,
" fenxiang " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Sharing " ) ,
" fenxiangdao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Share to " ) ,
" fenxiangjiankang " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Sharing Health " ) ,
" fenxiangyaoqing " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " You can also directly click on the top right to share with the people you want to invite。 " ) ,
" fenxiangyaoqingma " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Share the invitation code with your friend, and the other person will enter the invitation code on the login page of the app, and the invitation will be successful。 " ) ,
" fenxiangzhiweixin " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Share to WeChat " ) ,
" fukashoujihao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Slave card mobile number " ) ,
" fuliduihuan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Benefit exchange " ) ,
" fulizhongxin " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " CNOUS " ) ,
" ge " : m5 ,
" geiwopingfen " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Rate me " ) ,
" gengduo " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " more " ) ,
" gengduohaoquan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " more good coupons " ) ,
" gengduoyouhuiquan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " more coupons " ) ,
" genggaibangdingshoujihao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " modify bind phone " ) ,
" genghuanbeijing " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Changing the background " ) ,
" genghuantouxiang " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Changing the avatar " ) ,
" gengyouhui " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " More preferential " ) ,
" gerenxinxi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Personal Information " ) ,
" gexingqianming " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Personal Signature " ) ,
" gong " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " total " ) ,
" gongchuanghuiyuan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Co founder Member " ) ,
" gongjijian " : m6 ,
" gongjijianshangpin " : m7 ,
" gongli " : m8 ,
" gongxinchengwei " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Congratulations on becoming " ) ,
" gongxinichengweibendianhuiyuan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Congratulations, you have become a member of our store. Go and enjoy the super many member rights。 " ) ,
" gouxuanxieyi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Please check the agreement on privacy service and return home service " ) ,
" guanlidizhi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Management Address " ) ,
" guanyu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " About " ) ,
" guanyuchuangshiren " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " About the Founder " ) ,
" guanyuhuixiang " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " About Going Home " ) ,
" guanzhu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Follow " ) ,
" guojiankangyoujishenghuo " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Live a healthy and organic life " ) ,
" haimeiyouxiaoxi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " No message~ " ) ,
" haimeiyouyouhuiquankeyilingqu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " There is no coupon to get~ " ) ,
" haixiajiemei " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Straits Sister " ) ,
" haowu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " good things " ) ,
" haoyoujiangliguize " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Friend Reward Rules " ) ,
" he " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Drink " ) ,
" heji " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Total: " ) ,
" hejiankang " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Drink healthy " ) ,
" hexiaochenggong " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Write off succeeded " ) ,
" hexiaomaxiangqing " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Write off Code Details " ) ,
" huangjin " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " gold " ) ,
" huangjinhuiyuan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Golden Member " ) ,
" huifu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Delete " ) ,
" huifu_ " : m9 ,
" huixiangVIPka " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Home Returning VIP Card " ) ,
" huixiangqianbao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Wallet " ) ,
" huixiangrenyimendian " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " For:Any store dedicated to returning home " ) ,
" huixiangtoutiao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Homecoming Headlines " ) ,
" huixiangvipkazhuanxiang " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Home Return VIP Card Exclusive Rights " ) ,
" huixiangxieyi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Homecoming VIP Membership Card Rules Agreement " ) ,
" huiyuandengji " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Membership Level " ) ,
" huiyuandengjishuoming " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Member Level Description " ) ,
" huiyuanguize " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Member Rules Description " ) ,
" huiyuanhuodejifen " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " How members get points " ) ,
" huiyuanjia " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " member price " ) ,
" huiyuanjibieduizhao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Member Level Comparison Table " ) ,
" huiyuanjifen " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Member Points " ) ,
" huiyuanka " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Membership Card " ) ,
" huiyuankaxiangqing " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Membership card details " ) ,
" huiyuanma " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " vipCode " ) ,
" huiyuanquanyi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Membership Rights " ) ,
" huiyuanyue " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Member Balance " ) ,
" huiyuanzhongxin " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Member Center " ) ,
" huiyuanzhuanxiangjiage " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Member Exclusive Price " ) ,
" huode " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " get " ) ,
" huodequanyi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " acquire interests " ) ,
" huodong " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " activity " ) ,
" huodongguize " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Activity Rules " ) ,
" huodongjianmianpeisongfei " : m10 ,
" huodongjinxingzhong " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Activity in Progress " ) ,
" huodongliebiao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Activity List " ) ,
" huodongyue " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Activity Balance " ) ,
" huodongyue_ " : m11 ,
" huodongzixun " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Activity information " ) ,
" huopinyisongda " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " The goods have been delivered " ) ,
" huozan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " liked " ) ,
" input_code " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Mobile phone verification code " ) ,
" input_code_hide " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Please enter the verification code " ) ,
" input_invite_code_hide " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Fill in the invitation code " ) ,
" input_phone " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Enter the phone number " ) ,
" input_phone_hide " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Please enter your mobile number " ) ,
" invite_code_error " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Wrong invitation code " ) ,
" jiajifen " : m12 ,
" jian " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " piece " ) ,
" jiangli " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Reward " ) ,
" jiangshi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Instructor " ) ,
" jianjie " : m13 ,
" jiazaishibai " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Loading failed " ) ,
" jiesuan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Settlement " ) ,
" jiesuanjine " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Settlement Amount " ) ,
" jifen " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Integral " ) ,
" jifen_ " : m14 ,
" jifenbuzu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Your points are insufficient " ) ,
" jifendaoxiayidengji " : m15 ,
" jifendejisuanshuoming " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Calculation description of integral " ) ,
" jifendidaogao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " From low to high " ) ,
" jifengaodaodi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Integral from high to low " ) ,
" jifenhuanquan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " points for coupons " ) ,
" jifenmingxi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Integral Details " ) ,
" jifenshangcheng " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Points Mall " ) ,
" jifenxiangqing " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Points Details " ) ,
" jihuanka " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " trading card " ) ,
" jingbilianmenghuiyuandian " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Jingbi League Member Store " ) ,
" jingxuanhaowen " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Selected good articles " ) ,
" jingxuanhuodong " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Selected Activities " ) ,
" jinkahuiyuan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Gold Card Member " ) ,
" jinrihuiyuanrenwu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Today \' s Member Task " ) ,
" jinrushangdian " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Enter the store " ) ,
" jinruzhuanqu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Enter the zone " ) ,
" jinxingbangdingfuka " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Bind sub card " ) ,
" jinxingfukabangding " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Associate card binding " ) ,
" jinxingzhanghaozhuxiao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Account cancellation " ) ,
" jinxingzhongdedingdan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Orders in Progress " ) ,
" jituanchuangbanren " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Founder of the Group " ) ,
" jituanchuangshiren " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Founder of the Group " ) ,
" jixuduihuan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Continue to exchange " ) ,
" jixuzhifu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Continue to pay " ) ,
" jubao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Report " ) ,
" jubaogaineirong " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Report this content " ) ,
" jubaotishi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Your report is waiting for manual review, and we will process it in 7-15 working days. The processing results can be found in " ) ,
" jubaoyuanyin " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Please enter the reason for reporting, so that we can locate the problem faster and handle it quickly " ) ,
" jujue " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Reject " ) ,
" kabao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " card bag " ) ,
" kabaokeshiyong " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Card bag-available " ) ,
" kaiqiquanxian " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Open Permission " ) ,
" kaitonghuixianghuoququanyi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Open a return home VIP card to get more benefits " ) ,
" kaitongriqi " : m16 ,
" kaquan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " card coupon " ) ,
" kelingqudeyouhuiquan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Coupons available " ) ,
" keshiyong " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " available " ) ,
" keyongjifen " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Available Points " ) ,
" keyongquan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Available vouchers " ) ,
" keyongyouhuiquan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Available Coupons " ) ,
" keyongyue " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Available Balance " ) ,
" kongtiao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Air conditioner " ) ,
" kuaidi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " express " ) ,
" kuaidiwuliu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " express logistics " ) ,
" kuailezhunong " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Helping farmers happily " ) ,
" lianxikefu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Service " ) ,
" lianxishoujihao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Contact phone number " ) ,
" lianxuqiandaolingqushuangbeijifen " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Sign in continuously to receive double points " ) ,
" liaojie " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Understand " ) ,
" liaojiejiankang " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Understanding Health " ) ,
" lijicanjia " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Join now " ) ,
" lijichongzhi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Recharge Now " ) ,
" lijigengxin " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Update Now " ) ,
" lijikaitong " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Open now " ) ,
" lijilingqu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Get it now " ) ,
" lijiqiandao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Sign in immediately " ) ,
" lijishiyong " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Use Now " ) ,
" lijitiyan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Experience Now " ) ,
" lijiyuyue " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " directly reservation " ) ,
" likekaitong " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Open now " ) ,
" likexufei " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Renew now " ) ,
" likezhifu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Pay Now " ) ,
" lingqu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Receive " ) ,
" lingquanzhongxin " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Coupon Collection Center " ) ,
" lingquchenggong " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Claim succeeded " ) ,
" lingqudaokabao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Get the card bag " ) ,
" lingqufangshi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Collection Method " ) ,
" lingqushijian " : m17 ,
" linian " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " concept " ) ,
" lishijilu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " History " ) ,
" liuxianinjingcaidepinglunba " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Leave your wonderful comments " ) ,
" login " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " login " ) ,
" login_splash " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Welcome Back Home " ) ,
" lvbiyue " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " balance of green currency " ) ,
" lvbiyue_ " : m18 ,
" lvbizhifu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " green payment " ) ,
" main_menu1 " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Home " ) ,
" main_menu2 " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Store " ) ,
" main_menu3 " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Association " ) ,
" main_menu4 " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Me " ) ,
" main_menu5 " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Hi " ) ,
" manlijiandaijinquan " : m19 ,
" manyuankeyong " : m20 ,
" meiriqiandao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Sign in every day " ) ,
" meiyougengduohuiyuanka " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " No more membership cards " ) ,
" meiyougengduoshujule " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " No more data " ) ,
" meiyougengduoyouhuiquan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " No more coupons " ) ,
" meizhousangengxin " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " updated every Wednesday " ) ,
" meizhousanquanbao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Wednesday renewal coupon " ) ,
" mendianxuanzhe " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Store Selection " ) ,
" mendianyue " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " store balance " ) ,
" menpaihao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Please enter the house number " ) ,
" mi " : m21 ,
" mingxi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Details " ) ,
" morenpaixu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Default sort " ) ,
" muqianwujilu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " No record at present " ) ,
" muqianzanwuxingdianhuodong " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " At present, there is no star store activity " ) ,
" nihaimeiyouchongzhihuoxiaofeijilu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " You have no consumption or recharge records here~ " ) ,
" nincunchuquanxianweikaiqi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " You have not opened the storage permission, please click " ) ,
" nindingweigongnengweikaiqi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Your positioning function switch is not turned on, please click to turn on positioning " ) ,
" nindingweiquanxianweiyunxu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " You have not opened the location permission, please click OK to apply for permission " ) ,
" ninweidenglu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " You are not logged in, please click to log in " ) ,
" ninxiangjiquanxianweikaiqi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " You have not opened the camera permission, please click " ) ,
" ninxiaoxiquanxianweikaiqi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " You have not enabled the message notification permission, please click Enable " ) ,
" ninyichenggonglingquyouhuiquan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " You have successfully received the coupon, please go to " ) ,
" ninyilianxuqiandaotian " : m22 ,
" ninyouyigedingdanyaolingqu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " You need to go to the store to get an order " ) ,
" ninyouyigexindedingdan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " You have a new order " ) ,
" paizhao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Take a picture " ) ,
" peisong " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Delivery " ) ,
" peisongfangshi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Delivery Method " ) ,
" peisongfei " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Delivery fee " ) ,
" peisongfuwu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Ordering time " ) ,
" peisongzhong " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Shipping " ) ,
" phone_error " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Wrong phone format " ) ,
" pinglun " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Comment " ) ,
" pinglun_ " : m23 ,
" pingtaiyue " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Platform Balance " ) ,
" pingtaizhifumima " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Platform payment password " ) ,
" pingtaizongyue " : m24 ,
" pinpai " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " brand " ) ,
" pinpaijieshao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Brand Introduction " ) ,
" privacy_policy1 " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Login Agreed " ) ,
" privacy_policy2 " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " 《Service Agreement for Returning Home with One Heart》 " ) ,
" privacy_policy3 " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " 《privacy Services》 " ) ,
" privacy_policy4 " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Log in with your own number " ) ,
" qianbao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Wallet " ) ,
" qiandao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Sign in " ) ,
" qiandaodejifen " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Sign in and get points " ) ,
" qiandaolingjifen " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Sign in to receive points " ) ,
" qiandaolingqujinfen " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Sign in to receive points " ) ,
" qiandaowancheng " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Sign in completion " ) ,
" qianjinmaiwei " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Qianjin Maiwei " ) ,
" qianshou " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Signed in " ) ,
" qianwanghuixiangmendianduihuanhexiao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Go to any store under Yixin Huixiang and show the commodity exchange code to the staff. After verification, you can get the corresponding commodity " ) ,
" qinglihuancun " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Clear Cache " ) ,
" qingshurubeizhuyaoqiu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Please enter the note requirements " ) ,
" qingshuruchongzhijine " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Please enter the recharge amount " ) ,
" qingshurushoujihao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Please enter your mobile number " ) ,
" qingshuruyanzhengma " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Please enter the verification code " ) ,
" qingshuruyaoqingma " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Please enter the invitation code " ) ,
" qingshuruyouxiaoshoujihaoma " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Please enter your valid mobile number " ) ,
" qingshuruzhifumima " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Please enter the payment password " ) ,
" qingtianxieshoujihao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Please fill in the recipient \' s mobile number " ) ,
" qingtianxiexingming " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Please fill in the recipient \' s name " ) ,
" qingtong " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " bronze " ) ,
" qingtonghuiyuan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Bronze Member " ) ,
" qingxianxuanguige " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " please select specs " ) ,
" qingxuanzeshiyongmendian " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Please select a store to use " ) ,
" qingxuanzeshouhuodizhi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Please select the shipping address " ) ,
" qingxuanzeyigemendian " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Please select a store " ) ,
" qingxuanzeyuyeushijian " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " please select subscribe time " ) ,
" qingxuanzeyuyuemendian " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " please select subscribe shop " ) ,
" qingxuanzhemendian " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Please select a store " ) ,
" qingxuanzheninxiangshezhideyuyan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Please select the language you want to set " ) ,
" qingzaiguidingshijianneizhifu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Please complete the payment within the specified time " ) ,
" qingzhuo " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " clearing the table " ) ,
" qishoupeisongzhongyujisongdashijian " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " The rider is in delivery, and the estimated delivery time " ) ,
" qishouyijiedanquhuozhong " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " The rider has received the order and is picking up goods " ) ,
" qita " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Other " ) ,
" qiyetuanjian " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Enterprise League Building " ) ,
" quanbao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " coupon package " ) ,
" quanbu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " All " ) ,
" quanbudingdan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " All Orders " ) ,
" quanbuduihuan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Exchange All " ) ,
" quanchangtongyong " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " universal " ) ,
" quanchangzhe " : m25 ,
" quantian " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " all day " ) ,
" quanxian " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Permissions " ) ,
" quanxianshezhi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Permission Settings " ) ,
" quanyijishao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Equity Introduction " ) ,
" quanyishuoming " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Equity Description " ) ,
" quanyixiangqing " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Equity Details " ) ,
" qucanhao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Picking number " ) ,
" qudanhao " : m26 ,
" qudaolaiyuan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " channel source " ) ,
" qudenglu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Log in " ) ,
" queding " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " OK " ) ,
" quedingyaoshanchudongtai " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Are you sure you want to delete this dynamic? " ) ,
" queren " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Confirm " ) ,
" querenbangding " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Confirm Binding " ) ,
" querenchongzhi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Confirm Recharging " ) ,
" querenduihuan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Confirm exchange " ) ,
" querenshouhuo " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Confirm receipt " ) ,
" querenyaoshanchudangqianpinglunma " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Are you sure you want to delete the current comment? " ) ,
" querenzhuxiao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Confirm Logout " ) ,
" quhexiao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " De write off " ) ,
" quhuozhong " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Picking " ) ,
" qujianma " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Picking Code " ) ,
" quqiandao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Sign in " ) ,
" qushiyong " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " To use " ) ,
" quwancheng " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " To complete " ) ,
" quxiao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Cancel " ) ,
" quxiaodingdan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Please complete the payment within the specified time " ) ,
" quxiaozhifu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Cancel Payment " ) ,
" quzhifu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " To pay " ) ,
" remenwenzhangshipin " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Popular article videos " ) ,
" remenwenzhangshipinliebiao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Popular article video list " ) ,
" ren " : m27 ,
" renwuzhongxin " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Task Center " ) ,
" resend_in_seconds " : m28 ,
" ricahngfenxiang " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Daily sharing " ) ,
" ruhedihuanjifen " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " How to redeem points " ) ,
" ruhedihuanjifen1 " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Click Jingbi to enter the points store, click the goods you want to exchange, enter the details of the goods and click below to exchange~ " ) ,
" ruhelingquyouhuiquan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " How do I get coupons? " ) ,
" ruhelingquyouhuiquan1 " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Click My, enter my page, click the coupon collection center below, and then you can get the coupon~ " ) ,
" ruheqiandao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " How to sign in? " ) ,
" ruheqiandao1 " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " 1.Click Jingbi to enter the home page, and click on the top to sign in。 \n 2.Click on My to enter my page, and click on the point details above to sign in。 " ) ,
" ruxutuikuanqingyumendianlianxi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " If you need a refund, please prepare the order number/receipt number in advance and contact the store staff " ) ,
" saoma " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " scanning code " ) ,
" saomadiancan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " You are about to scan the code to order " ) ,
" saomashibieguanzhugongzonghao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Scan code to identify and follow official account " ) ,
" send_code " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Validate code " ) ,
" shanchu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Delete " ) ,
" shanchudingdan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Delete a single order " ) ,
" shanghuruzhu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Settled " ) ,
" shangjiaquan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " merchant coupon " ) ,
" shangjiaqueren " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Merchant confirmation " ) ,
" shangjiayifahuo " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Merchant has delivered goods " ) ,
" shangjiazhengzaipeican " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " The merchant is preparing meals " ) ,
" shanglajiazai " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " pull-up loading " ) ,
" shangpincaigou " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Commodity buy " ) ,
" shangpinjifen " : m29 ,
" shangpinxiangqing " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Product Details " ) ,
" shangyidengji " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Previous Level " ) ,
" shenghuoyule " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " life entertainment " ) ,
" shengxianzhaipei " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Fresh House " ) ,
" shenmijifendali " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Mysterious integral gift " ) ,
" shenqingtuikuan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Apply for refund " ) ,
" shezhi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Settings " ) ,
" shifangjiazaigengduo " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Release Load More " ) ,
" shifangshuaxin " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Release Refresh " ) ,
" shifujifen " : m30 ,
" shifujihuanka " : m31 ,
" shimingrenzheng " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Real name authentication " ) ,
" shixiaoquan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Invalid coupon " ) ,
" shixiaoyouhuiquan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Invalid coupon " ) ,
" shiyongbangzhu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Using Help " ) ,
" shiyongmendian " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Applicable stores " ) ,
" shiyongriqi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Use Date " ) ,
" shiyongshuoming " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Instructions for Use " ) ,
" shiyongtiaojian " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Use Conditions " ) ,
" shiyongxiangqing " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Use Details " ) ,
" shouhuodi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Ship To Address " ) ,
" shouhuodizhi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Please enter the detailed receiving address " ) ,
" shouhuodizhi1 " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Delivery address " ) ,
" shouhuorenshoujihao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Please enter the receiver \' s mobile phone number " ) ,
" shouhuorenxiangxidizhi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Please enter the detailed address of the consignee " ) ,
" shouhuorenxingming " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Please enter the name of the consignee " ) ,
" shoujihao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " mobile phone number " ) ,
" shouqi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Stow " ) ,
" shouye " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Home " ) ,
" shuaxin " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Refresh " ) ,
" shuaxinchenggong " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Refresh succeeded " ) ,
" shuaxinshibai " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Refresh failed " ) ,
" shuaxinyue " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Refresh Balance " ) ,
" shuaxinzhong " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Refreshing.... " ) ,
" shuliang " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " number " ) ,
" shurushouhuorendizhi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Please enter the consignee address " ) ,
" shuruzhifumima " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Enter payment password " ) ,
" sui " : m32 ,
" tangshi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " tang shi " ) ,
" tebieshengming " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Special statement " ) ,
" tehuizhuanqu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Special offer area " ) ,
" tianjiaxinfuka " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Add a new secondary card " ) ,
" tianjifuka " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Add a new sub card " ) ,
" tiantiandefuli " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " get benefits every day " ) ,
" tiantianlingjifen " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Earn points every day " ) ,
" tijiao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Submit " ) ,
" tijiaochenggong " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Submitted successfully " ) ,
" tingchewei " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Parking space " ) ,
" tixian " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Withdrawal " ) ,
" tongyibingjixu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Agree and Continue " ) ,
" tongzhi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Notification " ) ,
" tongzhitishixinxi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " In order that you can receive our activity information in time, it is recommended that you open the receipt of notifications when using Channel sisters App " ) ,
" toushuxuzhi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Instructions for Submission " ) ,
" touxiang " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " avatar " ) ,
" tuichudenglu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Log out " ) ,
" tuiguangma " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Promotion code " ) ,
" tuikuan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Refund " ) ,
" waidai " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " take away " ) ,
" waimai " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " take away " ) ,
" waimaipeisong " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " delivery " ) ,
" waisong " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " sending out " ) ,
" wan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Play " ) ,
" wancheng " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " finish " ) ,
" wancheng_ " : m33 ,
" wanchengyicixiadan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Place an order once " ) ,
" wangjimima " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Forgot password " ) ,
" wanjiankang " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Play healthy " ) ,
" wanshanshengrixinxi_nl " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Automatically generated after improving birthday information " ) ,
" wanshanshengrixinxi_yhq " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Exclusive coupon for improving birthday information " ) ,
" weidenglu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " not logged in " ) ,
" weidengluxinxi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Click login to enjoy more wonderful information " ) ,
" weihexiao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Unwritten off " ) ,
" weikaiqi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Not open " ) ,
" weilegeiningenghaodefuwu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " In order to provide you with better services and enjoy more wonderful information, please log in during use " ) ,
" weilejishishoudaohuodongxiaoxi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " In order that you can receive our activity information in time, please open the message notification permission " ) ,
" weilekaipaizhaoxuanzhetouxiang " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " In order to change your avatar during use, please open the camera permission " ) ,
" weilexiangnintuijianfujindemendianxinxi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " In order to recommend the nearby store information to you, we recommend that you let us use the location information during the use " ) ,
" weilexuanzhezhaopianhuancun " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " It is recommended that you open the storage permission during use in order to obtain photo usage, caching and other functions " ) ,
" weiwancheng " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Incomplete " ) ,
" weixinzhifu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " WeChat payment " ) ,
" weizhitishixinxi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " In order to recommend the nearby store information to you, we recommend that you let us use the location information when using Channel sisters App " ) ,
" wentijian " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Problem piece " ) ,
" wenzhang " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Article " ) ,
" wenzhangxiangqing " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Article Details " ) ,
" wenzhangzhuanlan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Article Column " ) ,
" weulingqu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Unclaimed " ) ,
" wodechengjiu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " My achievements " ) ,
" wodedingdan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " My order " ) ,
" wodedongtai " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " My dynamic " ) ,
" wodegongju " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " My tools " ) ,
" wodehuiyuandengji " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " My membership level " ) ,
" wodejifenzhi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " My integral value " ) ,
" wodekanjia " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " My bargain " ) ,
" wodekaquan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " My card coupon " ) ,
" wodenianling " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " my age " ) ,
" wodepintuan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " My Group " ) ,
" wodeqianbao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " My wallet " ) ,
" wodeshengri " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " My birthday " ) ,
" wodexiaoxi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " My Message " ) ,
" wodeyaoqing " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " My invitation " ) ,
" wodeyaoqingma " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " My invitation code " ) ,
" woyouyaoqingma " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " I have an invitation code " ) ,
" wuliudanhao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Logistics Doc No: " ) ,
" wuliugongsi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Logistics company: " ) ,
" wuliuxinxi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Logistics Information " ) ,
" wuliuzhuangtai " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Logistics status: " ) ,
" xiadanshijian " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Order placement time " ) ,
" xiadanshijian_ " : m34 ,
" xiadanzhuanjifen " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Place orders integral " ) ,
" xialashuaxin " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Pull down Refresh " ) ,
" xiangce " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " album " ) ,
" xiangji " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " camera " ) ,
" xiangjitishixinxi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " For you to share in the process of using, I hope you can let us use the camera function when using Channel sisters App " ) ,
" xiangqing " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " universal " ) ,
" xiangxidizhi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Detailed Address " ) ,
" xianshangfafang " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " online distribution " ) ,
" xianshangshiyong " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " online use " ) ,
" xianxiashiyong " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " offline use " ) ,
" xiaofei " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " consumption " ) ,
" xiaofeijifen " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Consumption Points " ) ,
" xiaofeijihuanka " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " consume trading card " ) ,
" xiaofeijilu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Consumption Record " ) ,
" xiaoxi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Messages " ) ,
" xiayidengji " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Next Level " ) ,
" xiazaiwancheng " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Loading completed " ) ,
" xiedongtai " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Write dynamic " ) ,
" xieyitanchuang " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " privacy policy for returning home users " ) ,
" xihuan_ " : m35 ,
" xindianhuodong " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Star Store Activity " ) ,
" xingming " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " name " ) ,
" xitongtongzhi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " System Notification " ) ,
" xitongxiaoxi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " System Messages " ) ,
" xiugai " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " modify " ) ,
" xiugaichenggong " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Modification succeeded " ) ,
" xiugaiyonghuming " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Modify User Name " ) ,
" xuanguige " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Select specs " ) ,
" xuanhaola " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " select success " ) ,
" xuanji " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Selection " ) ,
" xuanzeshangpinlingqufangshi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Please select the picking method of goods " ) ,
" xuanzetuijianmendian " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " select recommended store " ) ,
" xuefeihuiyuan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Renewal member " ) ,
" xuexijiankang " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Learning Health " ) ,
" xufeihuixiangVIP " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Renewal Home VIP " ) ,
" xuni " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " virtual " ) ,
" yanzhengma " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " verification code " ) ,
" yaoqinghaoyou " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Invite friends " ) ,
" yaoqinghaoyoudefen " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Invite friends to score " ) ,
" yaoqingrenshoujihao_ " : m36 ,
" yaoqingwancheng " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Invitation completed " ) ,
" yibangfuka " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " bound sub card " ) ,
" yiduihuan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " redeemed " ) ,
" yiduihuanjian " : m37 ,
" yifahuo " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Shipped " ) ,
" yiguanzhu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Followed " ) ,
" yihouzaishuo " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Talk Later " ) ,
" yihuide " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " acquired " ) ,
" yihujiaoqishou " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Called rider " ) ,
" yikaitongzidongxufei " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Automatic renewal has been activated " ) ,
" yikexiao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Written off " ) ,
" yilingqu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " claimed " ) ,
" yindao1 " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " New multiple functions, real-time push of massive preferential information " ) ,
" yindao2 " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Many new functions have been added, and there are many discounts for using the platform wallet, as well as recharging privileges " ) ,
" yindao3 " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Points will be obtained for new member tasks, and green gold and points store will be exchanged for consumption " ) ,
" yindao4 " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " pass on the idea of friendship, purity, health, organic and environmental protection " ) ,
" yindaoye1 " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Members \' latest information is the first to see " ) ,
" yindaoye2 " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " New Group Alliance Store Members Order Meals " ) ,
" yindaoye3 " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Member activity zone " ) ,
" yindaoye4 " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Live a healthy and organic life " ) ,
" yingwen " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " United States " ) ,
" yingyeshijian " : m38 ,
" yinkahuiyuan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Silver card member " ) ,
" yinshi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " diet " ) ,
" yinsishengming " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Privacy Statement " ) ,
" yinsixieyi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " 《Privacy Agreement》 " ) ,
" yinsizhengce1 " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Thank you for using the Home bound APP. We attach great importance to your personal information and privacy protection. In order to better ensure your personal rights and interests, before you use our products, please carefully read " ) ,
" yinsizhengce2 " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " With your consent, we will collect some possible data (geographic location, camera, storage and other information) according to your use needs。" ) ,
" yinzhang " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Seal " ) ,
" yiqiandao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Signed in " ) ,
" yiqianshou " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Signed in " ) ,
" yiquxiao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Canceled " ) ,
" yishijiao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Expired " ) ,
" yishiming " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " already real name " ) ,
" yishixiao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Expired " ) ,
" yishiyong " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " used " ) ,
" yishouquan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " authorized " ) ,
" yisongda " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Delivered " ) ,
" yituikuan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Refunded " ) ,
" yiwancheng " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Completed " ) ,
" yiwanchengdingdan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Completed Order " ) ,
" yixianghuiyuanquanyi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Member benefits enjoyed " ) ,
" yixiansquanbupinglun " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " - All comments displayed- " ) ,
" yixinhuixiang " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " going back home with one heart " ) ,
" yiyoujifen " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Existing Points " ) ,
" yizhifu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Paid " ) ,
" yonghuming " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " User name " ) ,
" yonghuxiaofeijifen " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " The user can get 1 point for every 1 yuan spent。 " ) ,
" youhuiquan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Coupon " ) ,
" youhuiquanlingqu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " coupon collection " ) ,
" youhuiquanwufajileijifen " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " The preferential amount cannot accumulate points, and the corresponding points cannot be obtained for orders that are not successfully paid due to order cancellation or other reasons。 " ) ,
" youkedenglu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Visitor login " ) ,
" youxiaoqi " : m39 ,
" youxiaoqixian " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Valid Period: " ) ,
" youxiaoqizhi " : m40 ,
" yuan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " yuan " ) ,
" yuan_ " : m41 ,
" yuanjia " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " original price " ) ,
" yue " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Balance " ) ,
" yue_ " : m42 ,
" yue__ " : m43 ,
" yuemingxi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Balance Details " ) ,
" yuliudianhua " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Reserved telephone " ) ,
" yunfei " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Freight " ) ,
" yuyan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Language " ) ,
" zailaiyidan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Another order " ) ,
" zaituzhong " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " In transit " ) ,
" zaixiankefu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Online Customer Service " ) ,
" zanbuzhichixianshangdiancan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Online ordering is not supported temporarily " ) ,
" zanweijiesuo " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Not unlocked " ) ,
" zanweikaifang " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Not open " ) ,
" zanweikaitong " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Not yet open " ) ,
" zanwupinglun " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " No comment, please comment " ) ,
" zanwuxianshangjindian " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Temporary wireless shopping " ) ,
" zanwuyouhuiquankelingqu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " There are no coupons to receive " ) ,
" zhanghaoanquan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Account security " ) ,
" zhanghaoshouquan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Account Authorization " ) ,
" zhanghaoxinxi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Account Information " ) ,
" zhanghaoyuanquan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Account and Security " ) ,
" zhanghaozhuxiaoshuoming " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Account cancellation instructions " ) ,
" zhanghuyue " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Account Balance " ) ,
" zhankai " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Expand " ) ,
" zhengzaihujiaoqishou " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Calling the rider " ) ,
" zhengzaijiazai " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Loading " ) ,
" zhengzaipeisong " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Shipping " ) ,
" zhengzaixiazaizhong " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Loading... " ) ,
" zhidianmendian " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Call the store " ) ,
" zhifubao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Alipay " ) ,
" zhifubaozhifu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Alipay payment " ) ,
" zhifufangshi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Payment Method " ) ,
" zhifuxiangqing " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Payment Details " ) ,
" zhizunhuiyuan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Supreme Member " ) ,
" zhizuowancheng " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Making completed " ) ,
" zhongchakan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " View in " ) ,
" zhongwenjianti " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Simplified Chinese " ) ,
" zhuanlan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Column " ) ,
" zhuanxiangyouhuiquan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Exclusive coupon " ) ,
" zhunong1 " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Love returns home and helps farmers happily " ) ,
" zhunongjifen " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Farming aid points " ) ,
" zhunongzhuanqu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Special Area for Agricultural Aid " ) ,
" zhuxiaotixing " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Reminder again: After the account is logged off, it cannot be recovered, and relevant data and information will be permanently deleted。 " ) ,
" zhuxiaozhanghao " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Account cancellation " ) ,
" ziqu " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " self fetching " ) ,
" ziti " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Self mention " ) ,
" zitidizhi " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Self lifting address " ) ,
" zitiduihuanquan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Coupon type:self withdrawal exchange coupon " ) ,
" zitishijian " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Self mention time " ) ,
" zongzichan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Total assets " ) ,
" zongzichanyuan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Total assets (元) " ) ,
" zuanshihuiyuan " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Diamond Member " ) ,
" zuixinwenzhang " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Latest Articles " ) ,
" zuorenwudejifen " : MessageLookupByLibrary . simpleMessage ( " Score points for doing tasks " ) ,
" zuozhe " : m44
} ;