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329 lines
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329 lines
9.0 KiB
<template> |
<view ref="container"> |
<view class="header"> |
<cu-custom :isBack="true" :isCenter="true"> |
<block slot="backText"> |
<view class="backImg"> |
<image src="@/static/images/back-btn.png" mode=""></image> |
</view> |
</block> |
<block slot="content"> |
<view class="tab-title">我的券包</view> |
</block> |
</cu-custom> |
</view> |
<view class="content" :style="'min-height:calc(100vh - '+CustomBar+'px);'"> |
<view class="nav-box" :style="'top:calc('+CustomBar+'px)'"> |
<view class="nav acea-row row-around"> |
<view class="item" @click="setType(0)"> |
<view :class="'title ' + (navType == 0? 'active' : '')">待领取</view> |
</view> |
<view class="item" @click="setType(1)"> |
<view :class="'title ' + (navType === 1 ? 'active' : '')">已领取</view> |
</view> |
<view class="item" @click="setType(2)"> |
<view :class="'title acea-row row-middle ' + (navType === 2 ? 'active' : '')">已失效</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="coupon-list" v-if="couponsList.length > 0"> |
<view class="item acea-row row-between" v-cloak v-for="(item, index) in couponsList" :key="index"> |
<image class="coupon-bg" src="@/static/images/coupon-bg.png" mode=""></image> |
<view class="coupon-left"> |
<image v-if="item._msg == '已过期'" class="left-bg" src="@/static/images/coupon-bg3.png" mode=""></image> |
<image v-else class="left-bg" src="@/static/images/coupon-bg2.png" mode=""></image> |
<view class="text-box"> |
<view class="money">¥{{ item.couponPrice }}</view> |
<!-- <view class="money">7<text>折</text></view> --> |
<view class="line"></view> |
<view class="tip acea-row row-between"> |
<view class="">仅限定品牌可用</view> |
<view v-if="item.endTime === 0">不限时</view> |
<view v-else>{{navType===0? item.startTime : item.useStartTime }}-{{navType===0? item.endTime:item.useEndTime}}</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="coupon-right acea-row row-center-column"> |
<image v-if="item._msg == '已过期'" class="tag" |
src="../../../../static/images/failure-icon.png" mode=""></image> |
<image v-else-if="item.isUse" class="tag" src="../../../../static/images/gotCoupon-icon.png" mode=""> |
<image v-else-if="item._msg=='可使用'" class="tag" src="../../../../static/images/gotCoupon-icon.png" mode=""> |
</image> |
<view :class="'type '+(item._msg == '已过期'?'col-fail':'')">{{'满减券' || '折扣券'}}</view> |
<view :class="'tip '+(item._msg == '已过期'?'col-fail':'')">满{{ item.useMinPrice }}可用</view> |
<view v-if="item._msg == '已过期'" class="btn btn-fail">不可用</view> |
<view v-else class="btn" @click="getCoupon(,index)">{{navType===0 && item.isUse? '已领取' : (navType===0 ?'立刻领取' :'去使用')}}</view> |
<!-- <view class="btn btn-white">去使用</view> --> |
</view> |
<!-- <div class="money" :class="item._type === 0 ? 'moneyGray' : ''"> |
<div> |
¥<span class="num">{{ item.couponPrice }}</span> |
</div> |
<div class="pic-num">满{{ item.useMinPrice }}元可用</div> |
</div> |
<div class="text"> |
<div class="condition line1">{{ item.couponTitle }}</div> |
<div class="data acea-row row-between-wrapper"> |
<div v-if="item.endTime === 0">不限时</div> |
<div v-else>{{ item.createTime }}-{{ item.endTime }}</div> |
<div class="bnt gray" v-if="item._type === 0">{{ item._msg }}</div> |
<div class="bnt bg-color-red" v-else>{{ item._msg }}</div> |
</div> |
</div> --> |
</view> |
</view> |
<!--暂无优惠券--> |
<view class="noCommodity" v-if="couponsList.length === 0 && loading === false" style="padding-top:208rpx;"> |
<view class="noPictrue"> |
<image :src="`${$VUE_APP_RESOURCES_URL}/images/noCoupon.png`" class="image" /> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import { |
getCouponsUser, |
getCouponReceive, |
getCanReceive, |
getUserFailure |
} from '@/api/user' |
import DataFormatT from '@/components/DataFormatT' |
const NAME = 'UserCoupon' |
export default { |
name: 'UserCoupon', |
components: { |
DataFormatT, |
}, |
props: {}, |
data: function() { |
return { |
CustomBar: this.CustomBar, |
navType: 0, |
couponsList: [], |
loading: false, |
page: 1, |
limit: 10, |
} |
}, |
watch: { |
$yroute: function(n) { |
var that = this |
if ( === NAME) { |
that.getUseCoupons() |
} |
}, |
}, |
mounted: function() { |
this.getUseCoupons(0) |
}, |
methods: { |
setType(i) { |
if (this.navType == i) return; |
this.navType = i; |
this.couponsList=[]; |
| 1, |
this.limit= 10, |
this.getUseCoupons(i); |
}, |
// 领取 |
getCoupon: function(id, index) { |
let that = this |
if(that.navType===2) return |
if(that.navType===1){ |
that.$yrouter.switchTab({ |
path: '/pages/home/index', |
}) |
return |
} |
let list = that.couponsList |
getCouponReceive(id) |
.then(function(res) { |
list[index].isUse = true |
uni.showToast({ |
title: '领取成功', |
icon: 'success', |
duration: 2000, |
}) |
}) |
.catch(function(err) { |
uni.showToast({ |
title: err.msg || ||, |
icon: 'none', |
duration: 2000, |
}) |
}) |
}, |
getUseCoupons: function(i) { |
if (this.loading) return //阻止下次请求(false可以进行请求); |
// if (this.loadend) return //阻止结束当前请求(false可以进行请求); |
this.loading = true |
let q = { |
page:, |
limit: this.limit |
} |
let type = 0 |
if (i === 1) { |
// 用户已领取列表 |
getCouponsUser(type).then(res => { |
|>{ |
if(item._msg!=='已过期'){ |
this.couponsList.push(item) |
} |
}) |
// this.couponsList = |
this.loading = false |
}) |
}else if(i===0){ |
getCanReceive(q).then(res => { |
|>{ |
if(!item.isUse){ |
this.couponsList.push(item) |
} |
}) |
this.loading = false |
| = + 1 |
}) |
}else{ |
getUserFailure(type).then(res=>{ |
|>{ |
let futureDate=new Date(item.useEndTime).getTime() |
let currentDate=new Date().getTime() |
if(futureDate<currentDate){ |
this.couponsList.push(item) |
} |
}) |
this.loading = false |
}) |
} |
}, |
// getUseCoupons: function(i) { |
// if (this.loading) return //阻止下次请求(false可以进行请求); |
// // if (this.loadend) return //阻止结束当前请求(false可以进行请求); |
// this.loading = true |
// let q = { |
// page:, |
// limit: this.limit |
// } |
// let type = 0 |
// if (i === 1) { |
// // 用户已领取列表 |
// getCouponsUser(type).then(res => { |
// this.couponsList = |
// this.loading = false |
// }) |
// }else if(i===0){ |
// getCoupon(q).then(res => { |
//>{ |
// if(!item.isUse){ |
// this.couponsList.push(item) |
// } |
// }) |
// this.loading = false |
// = + 1 |
// }) |
// }else{ |
// this.loading = false |
// } |
// }, |
}, |
} |
</script> |
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