You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

735 lines
23 KiB

<view class="order-submission">
<view class="header">
<cu-custom :isBack="true" :isCenter="true">
<block slot="backText">
<view class="backImg">
<image src="@/static/images/back-btn.png" mode=""></image>
<block slot="content">
<view class="tab-title">订单详情</view>
<!-- <view class="allAddress"> -->
<!-- <view class="allAddress" :style="systemStore ? '' : 'padding-top: 0.2*100rpx'"> -->
<!-- <view class="nav acea-row">
<view class="item font-color-red" :class="shipping_type === 0 ? 'on' : 'on2'" @click="addressType(0)" v-if="systemStore"></view>
<view class="item font-color-red" :class="shipping_type === 1 ? 'on' : 'on2'" @click="addressType(1)" v-if="systemStore && !isIntegral"></view>
</view> -->
<view class="address" @click="addressTap">
<!-- <view class="address acea-row row-between-wrapper" v-if="shipping_type === 0" @click="addressTap"> -->
<!-- <view class="addressCon" v-if="addressInfo.realName">
<view class="name">
{{ addressInfo.realName }}
<text class="phone">{{ addressInfo.phone }}</text>
<text class="default font-color-red" v-if="addressInfo.isDefault">[默认]</text>
{{ addressInfo.province }}{{ addressInfo.city }}{{ addressInfo.district }}{{ addressInfo.detail }}
</view> -->
<view class="addressCon acea-row row-between-wrapper">
<!-- <view class="addressCon" v-else> -->
<view class="address-info" v-if="addressInfo.realName">
<view class="">{{ addressInfo.province }}{{ addressInfo.city }}{{ addressInfo.district }}</view>
<view class="detail">{{ addressInfo.detail }}</view>
<view class="name">
{{ addressInfo.realName }}
<text class="phone">{{ addressInfo.phone }}</text>
<view class="setaddress" v-else>设置地址</view>
<image src="../../../static/images/right.png" mode=""></image>
<!-- <view class="iconfont icon-jiantou"></view> -->
<!-- <view class="address acea-row row-between-wrapper" v-if="shipping_type === 1" @click="showStoreList">
<view class="addressCon" v-if="storeItems">
<view class="name">
{{ storeItems.name }}
<span class="phone">{{ storeItems.phone }}</span>
<view>{{ storeItems.address }}</view>
<view class="addressCon" v-else>
<view class="name">
{{ systemStore.name }}
<span class="phone">{{ systemStore.phone }}</span>
<view>{{ systemStore.address }}</view>
<view class="iconfont icon-jiantou"></view>
</view> -->
<!-- <view class="line">
<image :src="`${$VUE_APP_RESOURCES_URL}/images/line.jpg`" />
</view> -->
<!-- </view> -->
<OrderGoods :evaluate="0" :isIntegral="isIntegral" :cartInfo="orderGroupInfo.cartInfo"></OrderGoods>
<view class="coupon-box" v-if="deduction === false && !isIntegral">
<view class="item acea-row row-between-wrapper" @click="couponTap">
<view class="coupon-info acea-row row-between-wrapper">
<view>{{ usableCoupon.couponTitle || '选择优惠券' }}</view>
<view class="coupon-value" v-if="usableCoupon.couponTitle">-¥{{usableCoupon.couponPrice}}</view>
<image src="../../../static/images/right.png" mode=""></image>
<view class="wrapper">
<!-- <view class="item acea-row row-between-wrapper" @click="couponTap" v-if="deduction === false && !isIntegral">
<view class="discount">
{{ usableCoupon.couponTitle || '请选择' }}
<text class="iconfont icon-jiantou"></text>
</view> -->
<view class="item acea-row row-between-wrapper" v-if="!isIntegral && deduction === false && enableIntegral === true">
<view class="discount">
<view class="select-btn">
<view class="checkbox-wrapper">
<checkbox-group @change="changeUseIntegral">
<label class="well-check">
<text class="integral">
<text class="num font-color-red">{{ userInfo.integral || 0 }}</text>
<checkbox value="true" :checked="useIntegral ? true : false"></checkbox>
<view class="item postage acea-row row-between-wrapper" v-if="shipping_type === 0">
<view class="discount">
{{orderPrice.payPostage > 0 ? '¥'+orderPrice.payPostage: '包邮'}}
<!-- {{ orderGroupInfo.priceGroup.storePostage > 0 ? orderGroupInfo.priceGroup.storePostage : '包邮' }} -->
<view v-if="shipping_type === 1">
<view class="item acea-row row-between-wrapper">
<view class="discount">
<input type="text" placeholder="请填写您的联系姓名" v-model="contacts" />
<view class="item acea-row row-between-wrapper">
<view class="discount">
<input type="text" placeholder="请填写您的联系电话" v-model="contactsTel" />
<view class="item">
<view class="textarea-box acea-row">
<image src="../../../static/images/write-icon.png" mode=""></image>
<textarea auto-height v-model="mark" maxlength="150" placeholder="添加备注信息"></textarea>
<view class="wordNum">{{mark.length}}/150</view>
<view class="wrapper">
<view class="item">
<view class="list">
<view class="weixinPay" v-if="!isIntegral" @click="payItem('weixin')">
<image class="logo" src="../../../static/images/wx-logo.png" mode=""></image>
<image class="check" src="../../../static/images/check-circle.png" mode=""></image>
<view class="">微信支付</view>
<!-- <view class="payItem acea-row row-middle" v-if="!isIntegral" :class="active === 'weixin' ? 'on' : ''" @click="payItem('weixin')" v-show="isWeixin">
<view class="name acea-row row-center-wrapper"> <view class="iconfont icon-weixin2" :class="active === 'weixin' ? 'bounceIn' : ''"></view>微信支付 </view>
<view class="tip">微信快捷支付</view>
<view class="payItem acea-row row-middle" v-if="!isIntegral" :class="active === 'weixin' ? 'on' : ''" @click="payItem('weixin')" v-show="!isWeixin">
<view class="name acea-row row-center-wrapper"> <view class="iconfont icon-weixin2" :class="active === 'weixin' ? 'bounceIn' : ''"></view>微信支付 </view>
<view class="tip">微信快捷支付</view>
</view> -->
<!-- <view class="payItem acea-row row-middle" v-if="!isIntegral" :class="active === 'yue' ? 'on' : ''" @click="payItem('yue')">
<view class="name acea-row row-center-wrapper"> <view class="iconfont icon-icon-test" :class="active === 'yue' ? 'bounceIn' : ''"></view>余额支付 </view>
<view class="tip">可用余额:{{ userInfo.nowMoney || 0 }}</view>
</view> -->
<view class="payItem acea-row row-middle" v-if="isIntegral" :class="active === 'integral' ? 'on' : ''" @click="payItem('integral')">
<view class="name acea-row row-center-wrapper"> <view class="iconfont icon-icon-test" :class="active === 'integral' ? 'bounceIn' : ''"></view>积分支付 </view>
<view class="tip">可用积分:{{ userInfo.integral || 0 }}</view>
<!-- <view class="moneyList">
<view class="item acea-row row-between-wrapper" v-if="orderPrice.totalPrice !== undefined">
<view class="money" v-if="!isIntegral">¥{{ orderPrice.totalPrice }}</view>
<view class="money" v-if="isIntegral">{{ orderPrice.payIntegral }}积分</view>
<view class="item acea-row row-between-wrapper" v-if="orderPrice.payPostage > 0 && !isIntegral">
<view class="money">¥{{ orderPrice.payPostage }}</view>
<view class="item acea-row row-between-wrapper" v-if="orderPrice.couponPrice > 0 && !isIntegral">
<view class="money">-¥{{ orderPrice.couponPrice }}</view>
<view class="item acea-row row-between-wrapper" v-if="orderPrice.deductionPrice > 0 && !isIntegral">
<view class="money">-¥{{ orderPrice.deductionPrice }}</view>
</view> -->
<view :style="addBottom?'height: 160rpx;':'height: 120rpx'"></view>
<view class="footer acea-row row-between" :style="addBottom?'':'height: 120rpx'">
<view class="price-box">
<text class="price font-color-red" v-if="!isIntegral">¥{{ orderPrice.payPrice }}</text>
<text class="price font-color-red" v-if="isIntegral">{{ orderPrice.payIntegral }}积分</text>
<view class="settlement" @click="createOrder">立即结算</view>
<CouponListWindow v-on:couponchange="changecoupon($event)" v-model="showCoupon" :price="orderPrice.totalPrice" :checked="usableCoupon.id" @checked="changeCoupon" :cartid="cartid"></CouponListWindow>
<AddressWindow @checked="changeAddress" @redirect="addressRedirect" v-model="showAddress" :checked="addressInfo.id" ref="mychild"></AddressWindow>
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font-size: 20rpx;
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color: #3A3A3C;
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.order-submission .wrapper .item{
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border-style: solid;
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z-index: 9;
text-align: center;
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.order-submission .allAddress .nav .item:nth-of-type(2).on:before {
content: '到店自提';
border-width: 0.4 * 100rpx;
.order-submission .allAddress .nav .item.on2 {
position: relative;
.order-submission .allAddress .nav .item.on2:before {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
content: '到店自提';
font-size: 0.28 * 100rpx;
display: block;
height: 0;
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border-width: 0.4 * 100rpx;
border-style: solid;
border-color: #d5e6e6;
text-align: center;
line-height: 0.14 * 100rpx;
.order-submission .allAddress .nav .item:nth-of-type(1).on2:before {
content: '快递配送';
border-width: 0.4 * 100rpx;
.order-submission .allAddress .address {
width: 6.91 * 100rpx;
height: 1.5 * 100rpx;
margin: 0 auto;
box-sizing: border-box;
.order-submission .allAddress .line {
width: 7.1 * 100rpx;
margin: 0 auto;
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.order-submission .wrapper .item .discount input::placeholder {
color: #ccc;
import OrderGoods from '@/components/OrderGoods'
import CouponListWindow from '@/components/CouponListWindow'
import AddressWindow from '@/components/AddressWindow'
import { postOrderConfirm, postOrderComputed, createOrder } from '@/api/order'
import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
import { handleOrderPayResults, subscribeMessage } from '@/libs/order'
import { weappPay } from '@/libs/wechat'
import { isWeixin, handleErrorMessage } from '@/utils'
const NAME = 'OrderSubmission',
_isWeixin = isWeixin()
export default {
name: NAME,
components: {
props: {},
data: function() {
return {
addBottom: this.addBottom,
offlinePayStatus: 2,
from: this.$deviceType,
deduction: true,
enableIntegral: false,
enableIntegralNum: 0,
isWeixin: _isWeixin,
pinkId: 0,
active: _isWeixin ? 'weixin' : 'yue',
showCoupon: false,
showAddress: false,
addressInfo: {},
couponId: 0,
orderGroupInfo: {
priceGroup: {},
usableCoupon: {},
addressLoaded: false,
useIntegral: false,
orderPrice: {
payPrice: '计算中',
mark: '',
systemStore: {},
shipping_type: 0,
// shipping_type: 1,
contacts: '',
contactsTel: '',
storeSelfMention: 0,
cartid: '',
isIntegral: false,
computed: mapGetters(['userInfo', 'storeItems']),
watch: {
useIntegral() {
shipping_type() {
onLoad: function() {
let that = this
this.$store.dispatch('getUser', true)
if (that.$yroute.query.pinkid !== undefined) {
that.pinkId = that.$yroute.query.pinkid
this.isIntegral = that.$yroute.query.isIntegral == 'true'
this.useIntegral = this.isIntegral
if (this.isIntegral) {
this.active = 'integral'
if (that.$yroute.query.id !== undefined) {
that.cartid = that.$yroute.query.id
methods: {
showStoreList() {
this.$store.commit('get_to', 'orders')
path: '/pages/shop/StoreList/index',
// addressType: function(index) {
// if (index && !this.systemStore.id) {
// uni.showToast({
// title: '暂无门店信息,您无法选择到店自提!',
// icon: 'none',
// duration: 2000,
// })
// return
// }
// console.log(this)
// this.shipping_type = index
// },
changeUseIntegral: function(e) {
// this.computedPrice();
if (this.isIntegral) {
this.useIntegral = e.mp.detail.value[0]
// 计算商品价格
computedPrice() {
let shipping_type = this.shipping_type
postOrderComputed(this.orderGroupInfo.orderKey, {
addressId: this.addressInfo.id,
useIntegral: this.useIntegral ? 1 : 0,
couponId: this.usableCoupon.id || 0,
shipping_type: parseInt(shipping_type) + 1,
}).then(res => {
const data = res.data
if (data.status === 'EXTEND_ORDER') {
path: '/pages/order/OrderDetails/index',
query: {
id: data.result.orderId,
} else {
this.orderPrice = data.result
getCartInfo() {
let cartIds = this.$yroute.query.id
// 拼团id
if (this.$yroute.query.pinkId) {
cartIds = this.$yroute.query.pinkId
if (!cartIds) {
title: '参数有误',
icon: 'none',
duration: 2000,
return this.$yrouter.back()
title: ''
.then(res => {
this.offlinePayStatus = res.data.offline_pay_status
this.orderGroupInfo = res.data
this.deduction = res.data.deduction
this.usableCoupon = res.data.usableCoupon || {}
this.addressInfo = res.data.addressInfo || {}
// 用来显示到店自提的店铺地址
this.systemStore = res.data.systemStore || {}
this.storeSelfMention = res.data.storeSelfMention
.catch((error) => {
title: '加载订单数据失败',
icon: 'none',
duration: 2000,
addressTap: function() {
this.showAddress = true
if (!this.addressLoaded) {
this.addressLoaded = true
addressRedirect() {
this.addressLoaded = false
this.showAddress = false
couponTap: function() {
this.showCoupon = true
changeCoupon: function(coupon) {
if (!coupon) {
this.usableCoupon = {
couponTitle: '不使用优惠券',
id: 0,
} else {
this.usableCoupon = coupon
payItem: function(index) {
this.active = index
changeAddress(addressInfo) {
this.addressInfo = addressInfo
createOrder() {
// if (this.orderPrice.payPrice < 19){
// uni.showToast({
// title: '19元起送.',
// icon: 'none',
// duration: 2000,
// })
// return
// }
if (this.isIntegral) {
// 积分支付
if (this.userInfo.integral < this.orderPrice.payIntegral) {
title: '积分不足',
icon: 'none',
duration: 2000,
this.active = 'integral'
let shipping_type = this.shipping_type
if (!this.isIntegral && !this.active) {
title: '请选择支付方式',
icon: 'none',
duration: 2000,
if (!this.addressInfo.id && !this.shipping_type) {
title: '请选择收货地址',
icon: 'none',
duration: 2000,
if (this.shipping_type) {
if ((this.contacts === '' || this.contactsTel === '') && this.shipping_type) {
title: '请填写联系人或联系人电话',
icon: 'none',
duration: 2000,
if (!/^1(3|4|5|7|8|9|6|7)\d{9}$/.test(this.contactsTel)) {
title: '请填写正确的手机号',
icon: 'none',
duration: 2000,
if (!/^[\u4e00-\u9fa5\w]{2,16}$/.test(this.contacts)) {
title: '请填写您的称呼',
icon: 'none',
duration: 2000,
title: '生成订单中',
let from = {}
if (this.$deviceType == 'app') {
from.from = 'app'
// #ifdef MP-WEIXIN
// #endif
createOrder(this.orderGroupInfo.orderKey, {
realName: this.contacts,
phone: this.contactsTel,
addressId: this.addressInfo.id,
useIntegral: this.useIntegral ? 1 : 0,
couponId: this.usableCoupon.id || 0,
payType: this.active,
pinkId: this.pinkId,
seckillId: this.orderGroupInfo.seckill_id,
combinationId: this.orderGroupInfo.combination_id,
bargainId: this.orderGroupInfo.bargain_id,
from: this.from,
mark: this.mark || '',
shippingType: parseInt(shipping_type) + 1,
storeId: this.storeItems ? this.storeItems.id : this.systemStore.id,
.then(res => {
handleOrderPayResults.call(this, res.data, 'create', this.active)
.catch(err => {
handleErrorMessage(err, '创建订单失败')