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5 years ago
<view class="index">
<view class="header acea-row row-center-wrapper">
<view @click="goGoodSearch()" class="search acea-row row-middle">
<text class="iconfont icon-xiazai5"></text>
<view class="qr" @click="startQr()"><image src="@/static/images/qr.png" /></view>
5 years ago
<view class="slider-banner banner">
<swiper indicatorDots="true" v-if="banner.length > 0">
<block v-for="(item, bannerIndex) in banner" :key="bannerIndex">
<view @click="item.url ? $yrouter.push('/' + item.url) : ''" class="swiper-item"><image :src="item.pic" /></view>
<view class="news acea-row row-between-wrapper">
5 years ago
<view class="pictrue" v-if="$VUE_APP_RESOURCES_URL"><image src="@/static/images/news.png" /></view>
5 years ago
<view class="swiper-no-swiping new-banner">
<swiper class="swiper-wrapper" v-if="roll.length > 0" :indicator-dots="false" autoplay circular vertical>
<block v-for="(item, rollIndex) in roll" :key="rollIndex">
<swiper-item class="swiper-slide">
<view @click="item.uniapp_url ? $yrouter.push(item.uniapp_url) : ''" class="swiper-item acea-row row-between-wrapper">
<view class="text acea-row row-between-wrapper">
<view class="label" v-if="item.show === '是'">最新</view>
<view class="newsTitle line1">{{ item.info }}</view>
<view class="iconfont icon-xiangyou"></view>
<view class="nav acea-row">
<view @click="goWxappUrl(item)" class="item" v-for="(item, menusIndex) in menus" :key="menusIndex">
<view class="pictrue"><image :src="item.pic" /></view>
<view>{{ item.name }}</view>
<view class="wrapper hot" v-if="bastList.length > 0">
<image class="bg" src="../../static/images/index-bg.png" mode="widthFix"></image>
<view class="title acea-row row-between-wrapper">
<view class="text"><view class="name line1">热门榜单</view></view>
- (2020/04/12) [+] 小程序首页 热门榜单 首发新品 标题有遮挡 - (2020/04/12) [+] 首页榜单进去提示登陆,页面空白:,还有这种总数操作也会就跳转到授权页面,应该是又问题的这快 - (2020/04/12) [+] 全部商品,右边有错误截图如下 - (2020/04/12) [+] 秒杀列表数据不显示;公众号15点的就有数据,但是小程序没有 - (2020/04/12) [+] 7、砍价可以改下,看下最新H5代码,首次进来不自动砍价,自己点击才砍价一次,而且里面详情是乱的 - (2020/04/12) [+] 为啥我也没退出,就取截个图,再进来,点击商品详情,又让登陆,登陆失效怎么这么快,mpvue小程序就没这个问题,这个问题非常严重,一会让让跳转到授权页面登陆!! - (2020/04/12) [+] 1、商品购买选择规格,这个开始进去点可以,点到后面花色的规格点不动了 - (2020/04/12) [+] 2、拼团客服隐藏掉,下面按钮太那个了,把商品详情那个收藏功能放进来,他们收藏功能都是一样的 - (2020/04/12) [+] 商品详情海报一直海报生成中 - (2020/04/12) [+] 砍价弹窗修改 - (2020/04/11) [+] 1、购买选择规格属性点不了 - (2020/04/11) [+] 12、拼团详情客服功能隐藏去掉,其他地方有客服功能的都去掉 - (2020/04/11) [+] 11、分类点击 会分类Tab页分类一级比一级低 - (2020/04/11) [+] 10、我的推广,里面样式有问题,点击海报里面空白 - (2020/04/11) [+] 9、小程序订单核销没上 你那边先根据路径判断隐藏下 - (2020/04/11) [+] 8、订单点击评价没反应 - (2020/04/11) [+] 6、个人中心我的余额点进去点击账单记录一直正在加载中,点击下全部就出来了,应该你没带默认参数 - (2020/04/11) [+] 5、添加地址选择地区无效 - (2020/04/11) [+] 4、待收货 列表查看物流点击没反应,详情查看物流可以点 - (2020/04/11) [+] 3、下单点击积分抵扣没反应 - (2020/04/11) [+] 2、购物车列表点击管理 点击收藏功能去掉
5 years ago
<view @click="goHotNewGoods(2)" class="more">
5 years ago
<text class="iconfont icon-jiantou"></text>
<view class="newProducts">
<scroll-view scroll-y="false" scroll-x="true">
<view class="newProductsScroll">
<view @click="goGoodsCon(item)" class="newProductsItem" v-for="(item, likeInfoIndex) in likeInfo" :key="likeInfoIndex">
<view class="img-box"><image :src="item.image" /></view>
- (2020/04/12) [+] 小程序首页 热门榜单 首发新品 标题有遮挡 - (2020/04/12) [+] 首页榜单进去提示登陆,页面空白:,还有这种总数操作也会就跳转到授权页面,应该是又问题的这快 - (2020/04/12) [+] 全部商品,右边有错误截图如下 - (2020/04/12) [+] 秒杀列表数据不显示;公众号15点的就有数据,但是小程序没有 - (2020/04/12) [+] 7、砍价可以改下,看下最新H5代码,首次进来不自动砍价,自己点击才砍价一次,而且里面详情是乱的 - (2020/04/12) [+] 为啥我也没退出,就取截个图,再进来,点击商品详情,又让登陆,登陆失效怎么这么快,mpvue小程序就没这个问题,这个问题非常严重,一会让让跳转到授权页面登陆!! - (2020/04/12) [+] 1、商品购买选择规格,这个开始进去点可以,点到后面花色的规格点不动了 - (2020/04/12) [+] 2、拼团客服隐藏掉,下面按钮太那个了,把商品详情那个收藏功能放进来,他们收藏功能都是一样的 - (2020/04/12) [+] 商品详情海报一直海报生成中 - (2020/04/12) [+] 砍价弹窗修改 - (2020/04/11) [+] 1、购买选择规格属性点不了 - (2020/04/11) [+] 12、拼团详情客服功能隐藏去掉,其他地方有客服功能的都去掉 - (2020/04/11) [+] 11、分类点击 会分类Tab页分类一级比一级低 - (2020/04/11) [+] 10、我的推广,里面样式有问题,点击海报里面空白 - (2020/04/11) [+] 9、小程序订单核销没上 你那边先根据路径判断隐藏下 - (2020/04/11) [+] 8、订单点击评价没反应 - (2020/04/11) [+] 6、个人中心我的余额点进去点击账单记录一直正在加载中,点击下全部就出来了,应该你没带默认参数 - (2020/04/11) [+] 5、添加地址选择地区无效 - (2020/04/11) [+] 4、待收货 列表查看物流点击没反应,详情查看物流可以点 - (2020/04/11) [+] 3、下单点击积分抵扣没反应 - (2020/04/11) [+] 2、购物车列表点击管理 点击收藏功能去掉
5 years ago
<view class="pro-info line1"><text>{{ item.storeName }}</text></view>
<view class="money font-color-red"><text>{{ item.price }}</text></view>
5 years ago
<view class="wrapper" v-if="bastList.length > 0">
<view class="title acea-row row-between-wrapper">
<view class="text"><view class="name line1">精品推荐</view></view>
<view @click="goHotNewGoods(1)" class="more">
<text class="iconfont icon-jiantou"></text>
<Good-list :good-list="bastList" :is-sort="false"></Good-list>
5 years ago
<view class="wrapper" v-if="firstList.length > 0">
<view class="title acea-row row-between-wrapper">
<view class="text">
<view class="name line1">
<text class="new font-color-red">NEW~</text>
<view @click="goHotNewGoods(3)" class="more">
<text class="iconfont icon-jiantou"></text>
<view class="newProducts">
<scroll-view scroll-y="false" scroll-x="true">
<view class="newProductsScroll">
<view @click="goGoodsCon(item)" class="newProductsItem" v-for="(item, firstListIndex) in firstList" :key="firstListIndex">
<view class="img-box"><image :src="item.image" /></view>
<view class="pro-info line1">{{ item.storeName }}</view>
<view class="money font-color-red">{{ item.price }}</view>
<view class="wrapper" v-if="benefit.length > 0">
<view class="title acea-row row-between-wrapper">
<view class="text"><view class="name line1">促销单品</view></view>
- (2020/04/12) [+] 小程序首页 热门榜单 首发新品 标题有遮挡 - (2020/04/12) [+] 首页榜单进去提示登陆,页面空白:,还有这种总数操作也会就跳转到授权页面,应该是又问题的这快 - (2020/04/12) [+] 全部商品,右边有错误截图如下 - (2020/04/12) [+] 秒杀列表数据不显示;公众号15点的就有数据,但是小程序没有 - (2020/04/12) [+] 7、砍价可以改下,看下最新H5代码,首次进来不自动砍价,自己点击才砍价一次,而且里面详情是乱的 - (2020/04/12) [+] 为啥我也没退出,就取截个图,再进来,点击商品详情,又让登陆,登陆失效怎么这么快,mpvue小程序就没这个问题,这个问题非常严重,一会让让跳转到授权页面登陆!! - (2020/04/12) [+] 1、商品购买选择规格,这个开始进去点可以,点到后面花色的规格点不动了 - (2020/04/12) [+] 2、拼团客服隐藏掉,下面按钮太那个了,把商品详情那个收藏功能放进来,他们收藏功能都是一样的 - (2020/04/12) [+] 商品详情海报一直海报生成中 - (2020/04/12) [+] 砍价弹窗修改 - (2020/04/11) [+] 1、购买选择规格属性点不了 - (2020/04/11) [+] 12、拼团详情客服功能隐藏去掉,其他地方有客服功能的都去掉 - (2020/04/11) [+] 11、分类点击 会分类Tab页分类一级比一级低 - (2020/04/11) [+] 10、我的推广,里面样式有问题,点击海报里面空白 - (2020/04/11) [+] 9、小程序订单核销没上 你那边先根据路径判断隐藏下 - (2020/04/11) [+] 8、订单点击评价没反应 - (2020/04/11) [+] 6、个人中心我的余额点进去点击账单记录一直正在加载中,点击下全部就出来了,应该你没带默认参数 - (2020/04/11) [+] 5、添加地址选择地区无效 - (2020/04/11) [+] 4、待收货 列表查看物流点击没反应,详情查看物流可以点 - (2020/04/11) [+] 3、下单点击积分抵扣没反应 - (2020/04/11) [+] 2、购物车列表点击管理 点击收藏功能去掉
5 years ago
<view @click="goGoodsPromotion(4)" class="more">
5 years ago
<text class="iconfont icon-jiantou"></text>
<PromotionGood :benefit="benefit"></PromotionGood>
<Coupon-window :coupon-list="couponList" v-if="showCoupon" @checked="couponClose" @close="couponClose"></Coupon-window>
// import { swiper, swiperSlide } from "vue-awesome-swiper";
5 years ago
import GoodList from '@/components/GoodList';
import PromotionGood from '@/components/PromotionGood';
import CouponWindow from '@/components/CouponWindow';
import { getHomeData, getShare } from '@/api/public';
import cookie from '@/utils/store/cookie';
import { isWeixin } from '@/utils/index';
5 years ago
const HAS_COUPON_WINDOW = 'has_coupon_window';
export default {
5 years ago
name: 'Index',
components: {
// swiper,
// swiperSlide,
props: {},
data: function() {
return {
showCoupon: false,
logoUrl: '',
banner: [],
menus: [],
roll: [],
activity: [],
activityOne: {},
bastList: [],
firstList: [],
info: {
fastList: [],
bastBanner: [],
5 years ago
bastList: []
likeInfo: [],
lovely: [],
benefit: [],
couponList: [],
swiperOption: {
pagination: {
el: '.swiper-pagination',
clickable: true
autoplay: {
disableOnInteraction: false,
delay: 2000
loop: true,
speed: 1000,
observer: true,
observeParents: true
swiperRoll: {
direction: 'vertical',
autoplay: {
disableOnInteraction: false,
delay: 2000
loop: true,
speed: 1000,
observer: true,
observeParents: true
swiperScroll: {
freeMode: true,
freeModeMomentum: false,
slidesPerView: 'auto',
observer: true,
observeParents: true
swiperBoutique: {
pagination: {
el: '.swiper-pagination',
clickable: true
autoplay: {
disableOnInteraction: false,
delay: 2000
loop: true,
speed: 1000,
observer: true,
observeParents: true
swiperProducts: {
freeMode: true,
freeModeMomentum: false,
slidesPerView: 'auto',
observer: true,
observeParents: true
onShow: function() {
let that = this;
title: '加载中'
getHomeData().then(res => {
that.logoUrl = res.data.logoUrl;
that.$set(that, 'banner', res.data.banner);
that.$set(that, 'menus', res.data.menus);
that.$set(that, 'roll', res.data.roll);
that.$set(that, 'activity', res.data.activity);
var activityOne = res.data.activity.shift();
that.$set(that, 'activityOne', activityOne);
that.$set(that, 'info', res.data.info);
that.$set(that, 'firstList', res.data.firstList);
that.$set(that, 'bastList', res.data.bastList);
that.$set(that, 'likeInfo', res.data.likeInfo);
that.$set(that, 'lovely', res.data.lovely);
that.$set(that, 'benefit', res.data.benefit);
that.$set(that, 'couponList', res.data.couponList);
methods: {
goGoodSearch() {
goWxappUrl(item) {
goHotNewGoods(type) {
path: '/pages/shop/HotNewGoods/index',
query: { type }
goGoodsCon(item) {
path: '/pages/shop/GoodsCon/index',
query: { id: item.id }
goGoodsPromotion() {
setOpenShare: function() {},
5 years ago
<style scoped lang="less">
.index {
5 years ago
background-color: #fff;
.swiper-item {
5 years ago
height: 100%;
5 years ago