+ return;
+ } else if (!editor.getOpt('videoActionName')) {
+ $('#filePickerReady').after($('
+ return;
+ }
+ uploader = _this.uploader = WebUploader.create({
+ pick: {
+ id: '#filePickerReady',
+ label: lang.uploadSelectFile
+ },
+ swf: '../../third-party/webuploader/Uploader.swf',
+ server: actionUrl,
+ fileVal: editor.getOpt('videoFieldName'),
+ duplicate: true,
+ fileSingleSizeLimit: fileMaxSize,
+ compress: false
+ });
+ uploader.addButton({
+ id: '#filePickerBlock'
+ });
+ uploader.addButton({
+ id: '#filePickerBtn',
+ label: lang.uploadAddFile
+ });
+ setState('pedding');
+ // 当有文件添加进来时执行,负责view的创建
+ function addFile(file) {
+ var $li = $('
' +
+ '' + file.name + '
' +
+ '' +
+ '
' +
+ ''),
+ $btns = $('
' +
+ '' + lang.uploadDelete + '' +
+ '' + lang.uploadTurnRight + '' +
+ '' + lang.uploadTurnLeft + '
+ $prgress = $li.find('p.progress span'),
+ $wrap = $li.find('p.imgWrap'),
+ $info = $('
+ showError = function (code) {
+ switch (code) {
+ case 'exceed_size':
+ text = lang.errorExceedSize;
+ break;
+ case 'interrupt':
+ text = lang.errorInterrupt;
+ break;
+ case 'http':
+ text = lang.errorHttp;
+ break;
+ case 'not_allow_type':
+ text = lang.errorFileType;
+ break;
+ default:
+ text = lang.errorUploadRetry;
+ break;
+ }
+ $info.text(text).show();
+ };
+ if (file.getStatus() === 'invalid') {
+ showError(file.statusText);
+ } else {
+ $wrap.text(lang.uploadPreview);
+ if ('|png|jpg|jpeg|bmp|gif|'.indexOf('|'+file.ext.toLowerCase()+'|') == -1) {
+ $wrap.empty().addClass('notimage').append('
' +
+ '
' + file.name + '');
+ } else {
+ if (browser.ie && browser.version <= 7) {
+ $wrap.text(lang.uploadNoPreview);
+ } else {
+ uploader.makeThumb(file, function (error, src) {
+ if (error || !src || (/^data:/.test(src) && browser.ie && browser.version <= 7)) {
+ $wrap.text(lang.uploadNoPreview);
+ } else {
+ var $img = $('

+ $wrap.empty().append($img);
+ $img.on('error', function () {
+ $wrap.text(lang.uploadNoPreview);
+ });
+ }
+ }, thumbnailWidth, thumbnailHeight);
+ }
+ }
+ percentages[ file.id ] = [ file.size, 0 ];
+ file.rotation = 0;
+ /* 检查文件格式 */
+ if (!file.ext || acceptExtensions.indexOf(file.ext.toLowerCase()) == -1) {
+ showError('not_allow_type');
+ uploader.removeFile(file);
+ }
+ }
+ file.on('statuschange', function (cur, prev) {
+ if (prev === 'progress') {
+ $prgress.hide().width(0);
+ } else if (prev === 'queued') {
+ $li.off('mouseenter mouseleave');
+ $btns.remove();
+ }
+ // 成功
+ if (cur === 'error' || cur === 'invalid') {
+ showError(file.statusText);
+ percentages[ file.id ][ 1 ] = 1;
+ } else if (cur === 'interrupt') {
+ showError('interrupt');
+ } else if (cur === 'queued') {
+ percentages[ file.id ][ 1 ] = 0;
+ } else if (cur === 'progress') {
+ $info.hide();
+ $prgress.css('display', 'block');
+ } else if (cur === 'complete') {
+ }
+ $li.removeClass('state-' + prev).addClass('state-' + cur);
+ });
+ $li.on('mouseenter', function () {
+ $btns.stop().animate({height: 30});
+ });
+ $li.on('mouseleave', function () {
+ $btns.stop().animate({height: 0});
+ });
+ $btns.on('click', 'span', function () {
+ var index = $(this).index(),
+ deg;
+ switch (index) {
+ case 0:
+ uploader.removeFile(file);
+ return;
+ case 1:
+ file.rotation += 90;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ file.rotation -= 90;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (supportTransition) {
+ deg = 'rotate(' + file.rotation + 'deg)';
+ $wrap.css({
+ '-webkit-transform': deg,
+ '-mos-transform': deg,
+ '-o-transform': deg,
+ 'transform': deg
+ });
+ } else {
+ $wrap.css('filter', 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=' + (~~((file.rotation / 90) % 4 + 4) % 4) + ')');
+ }
+ });
+ $li.insertBefore($filePickerBlock);
+ }
+ // 负责view的销毁
+ function removeFile(file) {
+ var $li = $('#' + file.id);
+ delete percentages[ file.id ];
+ updateTotalProgress();
+ $li.off().find('.file-panel').off().end().remove();
+ }
+ function updateTotalProgress() {
+ var loaded = 0,
+ total = 0,
+ spans = $progress.children(),
+ percent;
+ $.each(percentages, function (k, v) {
+ total += v[ 0 ];
+ loaded += v[ 0 ] * v[ 1 ];
+ });
+ percent = total ? loaded / total : 0;
+ spans.eq(0).text(Math.round(percent * 100) + '%');
+ spans.eq(1).css('width', Math.round(percent * 100) + '%');
+ updateStatus();
+ }
+ function setState(val, files) {
+ if (val != state) {
+ var stats = uploader.getStats();
+ $upload.removeClass('state-' + state);
+ $upload.addClass('state-' + val);
+ switch (val) {
+ /* 未选择文件 */
+ case 'pedding':
+ $queue.addClass('element-invisible');
+ $statusBar.addClass('element-invisible');
+ $placeHolder.removeClass('element-invisible');
+ $progress.hide(); $info.hide();
+ uploader.refresh();
+ break;
+ /* 可以开始上传 */
+ case 'ready':
+ $placeHolder.addClass('element-invisible');
+ $queue.removeClass('element-invisible');
+ $statusBar.removeClass('element-invisible');
+ $progress.hide(); $info.show();
+ $upload.text(lang.uploadStart);
+ uploader.refresh();
+ break;
+ /* 上传中 */
+ case 'uploading':
+ $progress.show(); $info.hide();
+ $upload.text(lang.uploadPause);
+ break;
+ /* 暂停上传 */
+ case 'paused':
+ $progress.show(); $info.hide();
+ $upload.text(lang.uploadContinue);
+ break;
+ case 'confirm':
+ $progress.show(); $info.hide();
+ $upload.text(lang.uploadStart);
+ stats = uploader.getStats();
+ if (stats.successNum && !stats.uploadFailNum) {
+ setState('finish');
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'finish':
+ $progress.hide(); $info.show();
+ if (stats.uploadFailNum) {
+ $upload.text(lang.uploadRetry);
+ } else {
+ $upload.text(lang.uploadStart);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ state = val;
+ updateStatus();
+ }
+ if (!_this.getQueueCount()) {
+ $upload.addClass('disabled')
+ } else {
+ $upload.removeClass('disabled')
+ }
+ }
+ function updateStatus() {
+ var text = '', stats;
+ if (state === 'ready') {
+ text = lang.updateStatusReady.replace('_', fileCount).replace('_KB', WebUploader.formatSize(fileSize));
+ } else if (state === 'confirm') {
+ stats = uploader.getStats();
+ if (stats.uploadFailNum) {
+ text = lang.updateStatusConfirm.replace('_', stats.successNum).replace('_', stats.successNum);
+ }
+ } else {
+ stats = uploader.getStats();
+ text = lang.updateStatusFinish.replace('_', fileCount).
+ replace('_KB', WebUploader.formatSize(fileSize)).
+ replace('_', stats.successNum);
+ if (stats.uploadFailNum) {
+ text += lang.updateStatusError.replace('_', stats.uploadFailNum);
+ }
+ }
+ $info.html(text);
+ }
+ uploader.on('fileQueued', function (file) {
+ fileCount++;
+ fileSize += file.size;
+ if (fileCount === 1) {
+ $placeHolder.addClass('element-invisible');
+ $statusBar.show();
+ }
+ addFile(file);
+ });
+ uploader.on('fileDequeued', function (file) {
+ fileCount--;
+ fileSize -= file.size;
+ removeFile(file);
+ updateTotalProgress();
+ });
+ uploader.on('filesQueued', function (file) {
+ if (!uploader.isInProgress() && (state == 'pedding' || state == 'finish' || state == 'confirm' || state == 'ready')) {
+ setState('ready');
+ }
+ updateTotalProgress();
+ });
+ uploader.on('all', function (type, files) {
+ switch (type) {
+ case 'uploadFinished':
+ setState('confirm', files);
+ break;
+ case 'startUpload':
+ /* 添加额外的GET参数 */
+ var params = utils.serializeParam(editor.queryCommandValue('serverparam')) || '',
+ url = utils.formatUrl(actionUrl + (actionUrl.indexOf('?') == -1 ? '?':'&') + 'encode=utf-8&' + params);
+ uploader.option('server', url);
+ setState('uploading', files);
+ break;
+ case 'stopUpload':
+ setState('paused', files);
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ uploader.on('uploadBeforeSend', function (file, data, header) {
+ //这里可以通过data对象添加POST参数
+ header['X_Requested_With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest';
+ // HaoChuan9421
+ if(editor.options.headers && Object.prototype.toString.apply(editor.options.headers) === "[object Object]"){
+ for(var key in editor.options.headers){
+ header[key] = editor.options.headers[key]
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ uploader.on('uploadProgress', function (file, percentage) {
+ var $li = $('#' + file.id),
+ $percent = $li.find('.progress span');
+ $percent.css('width', percentage * 100 + '%');
+ percentages[ file.id ][ 1 ] = percentage;
+ updateTotalProgress();
+ });
+ uploader.on('uploadSuccess', function (file, ret) {
+ var $file = $('#' + file.id);
+ try {
+ var responseText = (ret._raw || ret),
+ json = utils.str2json(responseText);
+ if (json.state == 'SUCCESS') {
+ uploadVideoList.push({
+ 'url': json.url,
+ 'type': json.type,
+ 'original':json.original
+ });
+ $file.append('
+ } else {
+ $file.find('.error').text(json.state).show();
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ $file.find('.error').text(lang.errorServerUpload).show();
+ }
+ });
+ uploader.on('uploadError', function (file, code) {
+ });
+ uploader.on('error', function (code, file) {
+ if (code == 'Q_TYPE_DENIED' || code == 'F_EXCEED_SIZE') {
+ addFile(file);
+ }
+ });
+ uploader.on('uploadComplete', function (file, ret) {
+ });
+ $upload.on('click', function () {
+ if ($(this).hasClass('disabled')) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (state === 'ready') {
+ uploader.upload();
+ } else if (state === 'paused') {
+ uploader.upload();
+ } else if (state === 'uploading') {
+ uploader.stop();
+ }
+ });
+ $upload.addClass('state-' + state);
+ updateTotalProgress();
+ },
+ getQueueCount: function () {
+ var file, i, status, readyFile = 0, files = this.uploader.getFiles();
+ for (i = 0; file = files[i++]; ) {
+ status = file.getStatus();
+ if (status == 'queued' || status == 'uploading' || status == 'progress') readyFile++;
+ }
+ return readyFile;
+ },
+ refresh: function(){
+ this.uploader.refresh();
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/public/UEditor/dialogs/webapp/webapp.html b/public/UEditor/dialogs/webapp/webapp.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1614377
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/UEditor/dialogs/webapp/webapp.html
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/UEditor/dialogs/wordimage/tangram.js b/public/UEditor/dialogs/wordimage/tangram.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ebd8fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/UEditor/dialogs/wordimage/tangram.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1495 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2009, Baidu Inc. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the BSD License
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http:// tangram.baidu.com/license.html
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+ /**
+ * @namespace T Tangram七巧板
+ * @name T
+ * @version 1.6.0
+ * 声明baidu包
+ * @author: allstar, erik, meizz, berg
+ */
+var T,
+ baidu = T = baidu || {version: "1.5.0"};
+baidu.guid = "$BAIDU$";
+baidu.$$ = window[baidu.guid] = window[baidu.guid] || {global:{}};
+ * 使用flash资源封装的一些功能
+ * @namespace baidu.flash
+ */
+baidu.flash = baidu.flash || {};
+ * 操作dom的方法
+ * @namespace baidu.dom
+ */
+baidu.dom = baidu.dom || {};
+ * 从文档中获取指定的DOM元素
+ * @name baidu.dom.g
+ * @function
+ * @grammar baidu.dom.g(id)
+ * @param {string|HTMLElement} id 元素的id或DOM元素.
+ * @shortcut g,T.G
+ * @meta standard
+ * @see baidu.dom.q
+ *
+ * @return {HTMLElement|null} 获取的元素,查找不到时返回null,如果参数不合法,直接返回参数.
+ */
+baidu.dom.g = function(id) {
+ if (!id) return null;
+ if ('string' == typeof id || id instanceof String) {
+ return document.getElementById(id);
+ } else if (id.nodeName && (id.nodeType == 1 || id.nodeType == 9)) {
+ return id;
+ }
+ return null;
+baidu.g = baidu.G = baidu.dom.g;
+ * 操作数组的方法
+ * @namespace baidu.array
+ */
+baidu.array = baidu.array || {};
+ * 遍历数组中所有元素
+ * @name baidu.array.each
+ * @function
+ * @grammar baidu.array.each(source, iterator[, thisObject])
+ * @param {Array} source 需要遍历的数组
+ * @param {Function} iterator 对每个数组元素进行调用的函数,该函数有两个参数,第一个为数组元素,第二个为数组索引值,function (item, index)。
+ * @param {Object} [thisObject] 函数调用时的this指针,如果没有此参数,默认是当前遍历的数组
+ * @remark
+ * each方法不支持对Object的遍历,对Object的遍历使用baidu.object.each 。
+ * @shortcut each
+ * @meta standard
+ *
+ * @returns {Array} 遍历的数组
+ */
+baidu.each = baidu.array.forEach = baidu.array.each = function (source, iterator, thisObject) {
+ var returnValue, item, i, len = source.length;
+ if ('function' == typeof iterator) {
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ item = source[i];
+ returnValue = iterator.call(thisObject || source, item, i);
+ if (returnValue === false) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return source;
+ * 对语言层面的封装,包括类型判断、模块扩展、继承基类以及对象自定义事件的支持。
+ * @namespace baidu.lang
+ */
+baidu.lang = baidu.lang || {};
+ * 判断目标参数是否为function或Function实例
+ * @name baidu.lang.isFunction
+ * @function
+ * @grammar baidu.lang.isFunction(source)
+ * @param {Any} source 目标参数
+ * @version 1.2
+ * @see baidu.lang.isString,baidu.lang.isObject,baidu.lang.isNumber,baidu.lang.isArray,baidu.lang.isElement,baidu.lang.isBoolean,baidu.lang.isDate
+ * @meta standard
+ * @returns {boolean} 类型判断结果
+ */
+baidu.lang.isFunction = function (source) {
+ return '[object Function]' == Object.prototype.toString.call(source);
+ * 判断目标参数是否string类型或String对象
+ * @name baidu.lang.isString
+ * @function
+ * @grammar baidu.lang.isString(source)
+ * @param {Any} source 目标参数
+ * @shortcut isString
+ * @meta standard
+ * @see baidu.lang.isObject,baidu.lang.isNumber,baidu.lang.isArray,baidu.lang.isElement,baidu.lang.isBoolean,baidu.lang.isDate
+ *
+ * @returns {boolean} 类型判断结果
+ */
+baidu.lang.isString = function (source) {
+ return '[object String]' == Object.prototype.toString.call(source);
+baidu.isString = baidu.lang.isString;
+ * 判断浏览器类型和特性的属性
+ * @namespace baidu.browser
+ */
+baidu.browser = baidu.browser || {};
+ * 判断是否为opera浏览器
+ * @property opera opera版本号
+ * @grammar baidu.browser.opera
+ * @meta standard
+ * @see baidu.browser.ie,baidu.browser.firefox,baidu.browser.safari,baidu.browser.chrome
+ * @returns {Number} opera版本号
+ */
+ * opera 从10开始不是用opera后面的字符串进行版本的判断
+ * 在Browser identification最后添加Version + 数字进行版本标识
+ * opera后面的数字保持在9.80不变
+ */
+baidu.browser.opera = /opera(\/| )(\d+(\.\d+)?)(.+?(version\/(\d+(\.\d+)?)))?/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ? + ( RegExp["\x246"] || RegExp["\x242"] ) : undefined;
+ * 在目标元素的指定位置插入HTML代码
+ * @name baidu.dom.insertHTML
+ * @function
+ * @grammar baidu.dom.insertHTML(element, position, html)
+ * @param {HTMLElement|string} element 目标元素或目标元素的id
+ * @param {string} position 插入html的位置信息,取值为beforeBegin,afterBegin,beforeEnd,afterEnd
+ * @param {string} html 要插入的html
+ * @remark
+ *
+ * 对于position参数,大小写不敏感
+ * 参数的意思:beforeBegin<span>afterBegin this is span! beforeEnd</span> afterEnd
+ * 此外,如果使用本函数插入带有script标签的HTML字符串,script标签对应的脚本将不会被执行。
+ *
+ * @shortcut insertHTML
+ * @meta standard
+ *
+ * @returns {HTMLElement} 目标元素
+ */
+baidu.dom.insertHTML = function (element, position, html) {
+ element = baidu.dom.g(element);
+ var range,begin;
+ if (element.insertAdjacentHTML && !baidu.browser.opera) {
+ element.insertAdjacentHTML(position, html);
+ } else {
+ range = element.ownerDocument.createRange();
+ position = position.toUpperCase();
+ if (position == 'AFTERBEGIN' || position == 'BEFOREEND') {
+ range.selectNodeContents(element);
+ range.collapse(position == 'AFTERBEGIN');
+ } else {
+ begin = position == 'BEFOREBEGIN';
+ range[begin ? 'setStartBefore' : 'setEndAfter'](element);
+ range.collapse(begin);
+ }
+ range.insertNode(range.createContextualFragment(html));
+ }
+ return element;
+baidu.insertHTML = baidu.dom.insertHTML;
+ * 操作flash对象的方法,包括创建flash对象、获取flash对象以及判断flash插件的版本号
+ * @namespace baidu.swf
+ */
+baidu.swf = baidu.swf || {};
+ * 浏览器支持的flash插件版本
+ * @property version 浏览器支持的flash插件版本
+ * @grammar baidu.swf.version
+ * @return {String} 版本号
+ * @meta standard
+ */
+baidu.swf.version = (function () {
+ var n = navigator;
+ if (n.plugins && n.mimeTypes.length) {
+ var plugin = n.plugins["Shockwave Flash"];
+ if (plugin && plugin.description) {
+ return plugin.description
+ .replace(/([a-zA-Z]|\s)+/, "")
+ .replace(/(\s)+r/, ".") + ".0";
+ }
+ } else if (window.ActiveXObject && !window.opera) {
+ for (var i = 12; i >= 2; i--) {
+ try {
+ var c = new ActiveXObject('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.' + i);
+ if (c) {
+ var version = c.GetVariable("$version");
+ return version.replace(/WIN/g,'').replace(/,/g,'.');
+ }
+ } catch(e) {}
+ }
+ }
+ * 操作字符串的方法
+ * @namespace baidu.string
+ */
+baidu.string = baidu.string || {};
+ * 对目标字符串进行html编码
+ * @name baidu.string.encodeHTML
+ * @function
+ * @grammar baidu.string.encodeHTML(source)
+ * @param {string} source 目标字符串
+ * @remark
+ * 编码字符有5个:&<>"'
+ * @shortcut encodeHTML
+ * @meta standard
+ * @see baidu.string.decodeHTML
+ *
+ * @returns {string} html编码后的字符串
+ */
+baidu.string.encodeHTML = function (source) {
+ return String(source)
+ .replace(/&/g,'&')
+ .replace(//g,'>')
+ .replace(/"/g, """)
+ .replace(/'/g, "'");
+baidu.encodeHTML = baidu.string.encodeHTML;
+ * 创建flash对象的html字符串
+ * @name baidu.swf.createHTML
+ * @function
+ * @grammar baidu.swf.createHTML(options)
+ *
+ * @param {Object} options 创建flash的选项参数
+ * @param {string} options.id 要创建的flash的标识
+ * @param {string} options.url flash文件的url
+ * @param {String} options.errorMessage 未安装flash player或flash player版本号过低时的提示
+ * @param {string} options.ver 最低需要的flash player版本号
+ * @param {string} options.width flash的宽度
+ * @param {string} options.height flash的高度
+ * @param {string} options.align flash的对齐方式,允许值:middle/left/right/top/bottom
+ * @param {string} options.base 设置用于解析swf文件中的所有相对路径语句的基本目录或URL
+ * @param {string} options.bgcolor swf文件的背景色
+ * @param {string} options.salign 设置缩放的swf文件在由width和height设置定义的区域内的位置。允许值:l/r/t/b/tl/tr/bl/br
+ * @param {boolean} options.menu 是否显示右键菜单,允许值:true/false
+ * @param {boolean} options.loop 播放到最后一帧时是否重新播放,允许值: true/false
+ * @param {boolean} options.play flash是否在浏览器加载时就开始播放。允许值:true/false
+ * @param {string} options.quality 设置flash播放的画质,允许值:low/medium/high/autolow/autohigh/best
+ * @param {string} options.scale 设置flash内容如何缩放来适应设置的宽高。允许值:showall/noborder/exactfit
+ * @param {string} options.wmode 设置flash的显示模式。允许值:window/opaque/transparent
+ * @param {string} options.allowscriptaccess 设置flash与页面的通信权限。允许值:always/never/sameDomain
+ * @param {string} options.allownetworking 设置swf文件中允许使用的网络API。允许值:all/internal/none
+ * @param {boolean} options.allowfullscreen 是否允许flash全屏。允许值:true/false
+ * @param {boolean} options.seamlesstabbing 允许设置执行无缝跳格,从而使用户能跳出flash应用程序。该参数只能在安装Flash7及更高版本的Windows中使用。允许值:true/false
+ * @param {boolean} options.devicefont 设置静态文本对象是否以设备字体呈现。允许值:true/false
+ * @param {boolean} options.swliveconnect 第一次加载flash时浏览器是否应启动Java。允许值:true/false
+ * @param {Object} options.vars 要传递给flash的参数,支持JSON或string类型。
+ *
+ * @see baidu.swf.create
+ * @meta standard
+ * @returns {string} flash对象的html字符串
+ */
+baidu.swf.createHTML = function (options) {
+ options = options || {};
+ var version = baidu.swf.version,
+ needVersion = options['ver'] || '6.0.0',
+ vUnit1, vUnit2, i, k, len, item, tmpOpt = {},
+ encodeHTML = baidu.string.encodeHTML;
+ for (k in options) {
+ tmpOpt[k] = options[k];
+ }
+ options = tmpOpt;
+ if (version) {
+ version = version.split('.');
+ needVersion = needVersion.split('.');
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ vUnit1 = parseInt(version[i], 10);
+ vUnit2 = parseInt(needVersion[i], 10);
+ if (vUnit2 < vUnit1) {
+ break;
+ } else if (vUnit2 > vUnit1) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ return '';
+ }
+ var vars = options['vars'],
+ objProperties = ['classid', 'codebase', 'id', 'width', 'height', 'align'];
+ options['align'] = options['align'] || 'middle';
+ options['classid'] = 'clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000';
+ options['codebase'] = 'http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0';
+ options['movie'] = options['url'] || '';
+ delete options['vars'];
+ delete options['url'];
+ if ('string' == typeof vars) {
+ options['flashvars'] = vars;
+ } else {
+ var fvars = [];
+ for (k in vars) {
+ item = vars[k];
+ fvars.push(k + "=" + encodeURIComponent(item));
+ }
+ options['flashvars'] = fvars.join('&');
+ }
+ var str = ['
+ return str.join('');
+ * 在页面中创建一个flash对象
+ * @name baidu.swf.create
+ * @function
+ * @grammar baidu.swf.create(options[, container])
+ *
+ * @param {Object} options 创建flash的选项参数
+ * @param {string} options.id 要创建的flash的标识
+ * @param {string} options.url flash文件的url
+ * @param {String} options.errorMessage 未安装flash player或flash player版本号过低时的提示
+ * @param {string} options.ver 最低需要的flash player版本号
+ * @param {string} options.width flash的宽度
+ * @param {string} options.height flash的高度
+ * @param {string} options.align flash的对齐方式,允许值:middle/left/right/top/bottom
+ * @param {string} options.base 设置用于解析swf文件中的所有相对路径语句的基本目录或URL
+ * @param {string} options.bgcolor swf文件的背景色
+ * @param {string} options.salign 设置缩放的swf文件在由width和height设置定义的区域内的位置。允许值:l/r/t/b/tl/tr/bl/br
+ * @param {boolean} options.menu 是否显示右键菜单,允许值:true/false
+ * @param {boolean} options.loop 播放到最后一帧时是否重新播放,允许值: true/false
+ * @param {boolean} options.play flash是否在浏览器加载时就开始播放。允许值:true/false
+ * @param {string} options.quality 设置flash播放的画质,允许值:low/medium/high/autolow/autohigh/best
+ * @param {string} options.scale 设置flash内容如何缩放来适应设置的宽高。允许值:showall/noborder/exactfit
+ * @param {string} options.wmode 设置flash的显示模式。允许值:window/opaque/transparent
+ * @param {string} options.allowscriptaccess 设置flash与页面的通信权限。允许值:always/never/sameDomain
+ * @param {string} options.allownetworking 设置swf文件中允许使用的网络API。允许值:all/internal/none
+ * @param {boolean} options.allowfullscreen 是否允许flash全屏。允许值:true/false
+ * @param {boolean} options.seamlesstabbing 允许设置执行无缝跳格,从而使用户能跳出flash应用程序。该参数只能在安装Flash7及更高版本的Windows中使用。允许值:true/false
+ * @param {boolean} options.devicefont 设置静态文本对象是否以设备字体呈现。允许值:true/false
+ * @param {boolean} options.swliveconnect 第一次加载flash时浏览器是否应启动Java。允许值:true/false
+ * @param {Object} options.vars 要传递给flash的参数,支持JSON或string类型。
+ *
+ * @param {HTMLElement|string} [container] flash对象的父容器元素,不传递该参数时在当前代码位置创建flash对象。
+ * @meta standard
+ * @see baidu.swf.createHTML,baidu.swf.getMovie
+ */
+baidu.swf.create = function (options, target) {
+ options = options || {};
+ var html = baidu.swf.createHTML(options)
+ || options['errorMessage']
+ || '';
+ if (target && 'string' == typeof target) {
+ target = document.getElementById(target);
+ }
+ baidu.dom.insertHTML( target || document.body ,'beforeEnd',html );
+ * 判断是否为ie浏览器
+ * @name baidu.browser.ie
+ * @field
+ * @grammar baidu.browser.ie
+ * @returns {Number} IE版本号
+ */
+baidu.browser.ie = baidu.ie = /msie (\d+\.\d+)/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ? (document.documentMode || + RegExp['\x241']) : undefined;
+ * 移除数组中的项
+ * @name baidu.array.remove
+ * @function
+ * @grammar baidu.array.remove(source, match)
+ * @param {Array} source 需要移除项的数组
+ * @param {Any} match 要移除的项
+ * @meta standard
+ * @see baidu.array.removeAt
+ *
+ * @returns {Array} 移除后的数组
+ */
+baidu.array.remove = function (source, match) {
+ var len = source.length;
+ while (len--) {
+ if (len in source && source[len] === match) {
+ source.splice(len, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ return source;
+ * 判断目标参数是否Array对象
+ * @name baidu.lang.isArray
+ * @function
+ * @grammar baidu.lang.isArray(source)
+ * @param {Any} source 目标参数
+ * @meta standard
+ * @see baidu.lang.isString,baidu.lang.isObject,baidu.lang.isNumber,baidu.lang.isElement,baidu.lang.isBoolean,baidu.lang.isDate
+ *
+ * @returns {boolean} 类型判断结果
+ */
+baidu.lang.isArray = function (source) {
+ return '[object Array]' == Object.prototype.toString.call(source);
+ * 将一个变量转换成array
+ * @name baidu.lang.toArray
+ * @function
+ * @grammar baidu.lang.toArray(source)
+ * @param {mix} source 需要转换成array的变量
+ * @version 1.3
+ * @meta standard
+ * @returns {array} 转换后的array
+ */
+baidu.lang.toArray = function (source) {
+ if (source === null || source === undefined)
+ return [];
+ if (baidu.lang.isArray(source))
+ return source;
+ if (typeof source.length !== 'number' || typeof source === 'string' || baidu.lang.isFunction(source)) {
+ return [source];
+ }
+ if (source.item) {
+ var l = source.length, array = new Array(l);
+ while (l--)
+ array[l] = source[l];
+ return array;
+ }
+ return [].slice.call(source);
+ * 获得flash对象的实例
+ * @name baidu.swf.getMovie
+ * @function
+ * @grammar baidu.swf.getMovie(name)
+ * @param {string} name flash对象的名称
+ * @see baidu.swf.create
+ * @meta standard
+ * @returns {HTMLElement} flash对象的实例
+ */
+baidu.swf.getMovie = function (name) {
+ var movie = document[name], ret;
+ return baidu.browser.ie == 9 ?
+ movie && movie.length ?
+ (ret = baidu.array.remove(baidu.lang.toArray(movie),function(item){
+ return item.tagName.toLowerCase() != "embed";
+ })).length == 1 ? ret[0] : ret
+ : movie
+ : movie || window[name];
+baidu.flash._Base = (function(){
+ var prefix = 'bd__flash__';
+ /**
+ * 创建一个随机的字符串
+ * @private
+ * @return {String}
+ */
+ function _createString(){
+ return prefix + Math.floor(Math.random() * 2147483648).toString(36);
+ };
+ /**
+ * 检查flash状态
+ * @private
+ * @param {Object} target flash对象
+ * @return {Boolean}
+ */
+ function _checkReady(target){
+ if(typeof target !== 'undefined' && typeof target.flashInit !== 'undefined' && target.flashInit()){
+ return true;
+ }else{
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * 调用之前进行压栈的函数
+ * @private
+ * @param {Array} callQueue 调用队列
+ * @param {Object} target flash对象
+ * @return {Null}
+ */
+ function _callFn(callQueue, target){
+ var result = null;
+ callQueue = callQueue.reverse();
+ baidu.each(callQueue, function(item){
+ result = target.call(item.fnName, item.params);
+ item.callBack(result);
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ * 为传入的匿名函数创建函数名
+ * @private
+ * @param {String|Function} fun 传入的匿名函数或者函数名
+ * @return {String}
+ */
+ function _createFunName(fun){
+ var name = '';
+ if(baidu.lang.isFunction(fun)){
+ name = _createString();
+ window[name] = function(){
+ fun.apply(window, arguments);
+ };
+ return name;
+ }else if(baidu.lang.isString){
+ return fun;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * 绘制flash
+ * @private
+ * @param {Object} options 创建参数
+ * @return {Object}
+ */
+ function _render(options){
+ if(!options.id){
+ options.id = _createString();
+ }
+ var container = options.container || '';
+ delete(options.container);
+ baidu.swf.create(options, container);
+ return baidu.swf.getMovie(options.id);
+ };
+ return function(options, callBack){
+ var me = this,
+ autoRender = (typeof options.autoRender !== 'undefined' ? options.autoRender : true),
+ createOptions = options.createOptions || {},
+ target = null,
+ isReady = false,
+ callQueue = [],
+ timeHandle = null,
+ callBack = callBack || [];
+ /**
+ * 将flash文件绘制到页面上
+ * @public
+ * @return {Null}
+ */
+ me.render = function(){
+ target = _render(createOptions);
+ if(callBack.length > 0){
+ baidu.each(callBack, function(funName, index){
+ callBack[index] = _createFunName(options[funName] || new Function());
+ });
+ }
+ me.call('setJSFuncName', [callBack]);
+ };
+ /**
+ * 返回flash状态
+ * @return {Boolean}
+ */
+ me.isReady = function(){
+ return isReady;
+ };
+ /**
+ * 调用flash接口的统一入口
+ * @param {String} fnName 调用的函数名
+ * @param {Array} params 传入的参数组成的数组,若不许要参数,需传入空数组
+ * @param {Function} [callBack] 异步调用后将返回值作为参数的调用回调函数,如无返回值,可以不传入此参数
+ * @return {Null}
+ */
+ me.call = function(fnName, params, callBack){
+ if(!fnName) return null;
+ callBack = callBack || new Function();
+ var result = null;
+ if(isReady){
+ result = target.call(fnName, params);
+ callBack(result);
+ }else{
+ callQueue.push({
+ fnName: fnName,
+ params: params,
+ callBack: callBack
+ });
+ (!timeHandle) && (timeHandle = setInterval(_check, 200));
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * 为传入的匿名函数创建函数名
+ * @public
+ * @param {String|Function} fun 传入的匿名函数或者函数名
+ * @return {String}
+ */
+ me.createFunName = function(fun){
+ return _createFunName(fun);
+ };
+ /**
+ * 检查flash是否ready, 并进行调用
+ * @private
+ * @return {Null}
+ */
+ function _check(){
+ if(_checkReady(target)){
+ clearInterval(timeHandle);
+ timeHandle = null;
+ _call();
+ isReady = true;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * 调用之前进行压栈的函数
+ * @private
+ * @return {Null}
+ */
+ function _call(){
+ _callFn(callQueue, target);
+ callQueue = [];
+ }
+ autoRender && me.render();
+ };
+ * 创建flash based imageUploader
+ * @class
+ * @grammar baidu.flash.imageUploader(options)
+ * @param {Object} createOptions 创建flash时需要的参数,请参照baidu.swf.create文档
+ * @config {Object} vars 创建imageUploader时所需要的参数
+ * @config {Number} vars.gridWidth 每一个预览图片所占的宽度,应该为flash寛的整除
+ * @config {Number} vars.gridHeight 每一个预览图片所占的高度,应该为flash高的整除
+ * @config {Number} vars.picWidth 单张预览图片的宽度
+ * @config {Number} vars.picHeight 单张预览图片的高度
+ * @config {String} vars.uploadDataFieldName POST请求中图片数据的key,默认值'picdata'
+ * @config {String} vars.picDescFieldName POST请求中图片描述的key,默认值'picDesc'
+ * @config {Number} vars.maxSize 文件的最大体积,单位'MB'
+ * @config {Number} vars.compressSize 上传前如果图片体积超过该值,会先压缩
+ * @config {Number} vars.maxNum:32 最大上传多少个文件
+ * @config {Number} vars.compressLength 能接受的最大边长,超过该值会等比压缩
+ * @config {String} vars.url 上传的url地址
+ * @config {Number} vars.mode mode == 0时,是使用滚动条,mode == 1时,拉伸flash, 默认值为0
+ * @see baidu.swf.createHTML
+ * @param {String} backgroundUrl 背景图片路径
+ * @param {String} listBacgroundkUrl 布局控件背景
+ * @param {String} buttonUrl 按钮图片不背景
+ * @param {String|Function} selectFileCallback 选择文件的回调
+ * @param {String|Function} exceedFileCallback文件超出限制的最大体积时的回调
+ * @param {String|Function} deleteFileCallback 删除文件的回调
+ * @param {String|Function} startUploadCallback 开始上传某个文件时的回调
+ * @param {String|Function} uploadCompleteCallback 某个文件上传完成的回调
+ * @param {String|Function} uploadErrorCallback 某个文件上传失败的回调
+ * @param {String|Function} allCompleteCallback 全部上传完成时的回调
+ * @param {String|Function} changeFlashHeight 改变Flash的高度,mode==1的时候才有用
+ */
+baidu.flash.imageUploader = baidu.flash.imageUploader || function(options){
+ var me = this,
+ options = options || {},
+ _flash = new baidu.flash._Base(options, [
+ 'selectFileCallback',
+ 'exceedFileCallback',
+ 'deleteFileCallback',
+ 'startUploadCallback',
+ 'uploadCompleteCallback',
+ 'uploadErrorCallback',
+ 'allCompleteCallback',
+ 'changeFlashHeight'
+ ]);
+ /**
+ * 开始或回复上传图片
+ * @public
+ * @return {Null}
+ */
+ me.upload = function(){
+ _flash.call('upload');
+ };
+ /**
+ * 暂停上传图片
+ * @public
+ * @return {Null}
+ */
+ me.pause = function(){
+ _flash.call('pause');
+ };
+ me.addCustomizedParams = function(index,obj){
+ _flash.call('addCustomizedParams',[index,obj]);
+ }
+ * 操作原生对象的方法
+ * @namespace baidu.object
+ */
+baidu.object = baidu.object || {};
+ * 将源对象的所有属性拷贝到目标对象中
+ * @author erik
+ * @name baidu.object.extend
+ * @function
+ * @grammar baidu.object.extend(target, source)
+ * @param {Object} target 目标对象
+ * @param {Object} source 源对象
+ * @see baidu.array.merge
+ * @remark
+ *
+ * @shortcut extend
+ * @meta standard
+ *
+ * @returns {Object} 目标对象
+ */
+baidu.extend =
+baidu.object.extend = function (target, source) {
+ for (var p in source) {
+ if (source.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
+ target[p] = source[p];
+ }
+ }
+ return target;
+ * 创建flash based fileUploader
+ * @class
+ * @grammar baidu.flash.fileUploader(options)
+ * @param {Object} options
+ * @config {Object} createOptions 创建flash时需要的参数,请参照baidu.swf.create文档
+ * @config {String} createOptions.width
+ * @config {String} createOptions.height
+ * @config {Number} maxNum 最大可选文件数
+ * @config {Function|String} selectFile
+ * @config {Function|String} exceedMaxSize
+ * @config {Function|String} deleteFile
+ * @config {Function|String} uploadStart
+ * @config {Function|String} uploadComplete
+ * @config {Function|String} uploadError
+ * @config {Function|String} uploadProgress
+ */
+baidu.flash.fileUploader = baidu.flash.fileUploader || function(options){
+ var me = this,
+ options = options || {};
+ options.createOptions = baidu.extend({
+ wmod: 'transparent'
+ },options.createOptions || {});
+ var _flash = new baidu.flash._Base(options, [
+ 'selectFile',
+ 'exceedMaxSize',
+ 'deleteFile',
+ 'uploadStart',
+ 'uploadComplete',
+ 'uploadError',
+ 'uploadProgress'
+ ]);
+ _flash.call('setMaxNum', options.maxNum ? [options.maxNum] : [1]);
+ /**
+ * 设置当鼠标移动到flash上时,是否变成手型
+ * @public
+ * @param {Boolean} isCursor
+ * @return {Null}
+ */
+ me.setHandCursor = function(isCursor){
+ _flash.call('setHandCursor', [isCursor || false]);
+ };
+ /**
+ * 设置鼠标相应函数名
+ * @param {String|Function} fun
+ */
+ me.setMSFunName = function(fun){
+ _flash.call('setMSFunName',[_flash.createFunName(fun)]);
+ };
+ /**
+ * 执行上传操作
+ * @param {String} url 上传的url
+ * @param {String} fieldName 上传的表单字段名
+ * @param {Object} postData 键值对,上传的POST数据
+ * @param {Number|Array|null|-1} [index]上传的文件序列
+ * Int值上传该文件
+ * Array一次串行上传该序列文件
+ * -1/null上传所有文件
+ * @return {Null}
+ */
+ me.upload = function(url, fieldName, postData, index){
+ if(typeof url !== 'string' || typeof fieldName !== 'string') return null;
+ if(typeof index === 'undefined') index = -1;
+ _flash.call('upload', [url, fieldName, postData, index]);
+ };
+ /**
+ * 取消上传操作
+ * @public
+ * @param {Number|-1} index
+ */
+ me.cancel = function(index){
+ if(typeof index === 'undefined') index = -1;
+ _flash.call('cancel', [index]);
+ };
+ /**
+ * 删除文件
+ * @public
+ * @param {Number|Array} [index] 要删除的index,不传则全部删除
+ * @param {Function} callBack
+ * */
+ me.deleteFile = function(index, callBack){
+ var callBackAll = function(list){
+ callBack && callBack(list);
+ };
+ if(typeof index === 'undefined'){
+ _flash.call('deleteFilesAll', [], callBackAll);
+ return;
+ };
+ if(typeof index === 'Number') index = [index];
+ index.sort(function(a,b){
+ return b-a;
+ });
+ baidu.each(index, function(item){
+ _flash.call('deleteFileBy', item, callBackAll);
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ * 添加文件类型,支持macType
+ * @public
+ * @param {Object|Array[Object]} type {description:String, extention:String}
+ * @return {Null};
+ */
+ me.addFileType = function(type){
+ var type = type || [[]];
+ if(type instanceof Array) type = [type];
+ else type = [[type]];
+ _flash.call('addFileTypes', type);
+ };
+ /**
+ * 设置文件类型,支持macType
+ * @public
+ * @param {Object|Array[Object]} type {description:String, extention:String}
+ * @return {Null};
+ */
+ me.setFileType = function(type){
+ var type = type || [[]];
+ if(type instanceof Array) type = [type];
+ else type = [[type]];
+ _flash.call('setFileTypes', type);
+ };
+ /**
+ * 设置可选文件的数量限制
+ * @public
+ * @param {Number} num
+ * @return {Null}
+ */
+ me.setMaxNum = function(num){
+ _flash.call('setMaxNum', [num]);
+ };
+ /**
+ * 设置可选文件大小限制,以兆M为单位
+ * @public
+ * @param {Number} num,0为无限制
+ * @return {Null}
+ */
+ me.setMaxSize = function(num){
+ _flash.call('setMaxSize', [num]);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @public
+ */
+ me.getFileAll = function(callBack){
+ _flash.call('getFileAll', [], callBack);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @public
+ * @param {Number} index
+ * @param {Function} [callBack]
+ */
+ me.getFileByIndex = function(index, callBack){
+ _flash.call('getFileByIndex', [], callBack);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @public
+ * @param {Number} index
+ * @param {function} [callBack]
+ */
+ me.getStatusByIndex = function(index, callBack){
+ _flash.call('getStatusByIndex', [], callBack);
+ };
+ * 使用动态script标签请求服务器资源,包括由服务器端的回调和浏览器端的回调
+ * @namespace baidu.sio
+ */
+baidu.sio = baidu.sio || {};
+ *
+ * @param {HTMLElement} src script节点
+ * @param {String} url script节点的地址
+ * @param {String} [charset] 编码
+ */
+baidu.sio._createScriptTag = function(scr, url, charset){
+ scr.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
+ charset && scr.setAttribute('charset', charset);
+ scr.setAttribute('src', url);
+ document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(scr);
+ * 删除script的属性,再删除script标签,以解决修复内存泄漏的问题
+ *
+ * @param {HTMLElement} src script节点
+ */
+baidu.sio._removeScriptTag = function(scr){
+ if (scr.clearAttributes) {
+ scr.clearAttributes();
+ } else {
+ for (var attr in scr) {
+ if (scr.hasOwnProperty(attr)) {
+ delete scr[attr];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(scr && scr.parentNode){
+ scr.parentNode.removeChild(scr);
+ }
+ scr = null;
+ * 通过script标签加载数据,加载完成由浏览器端触发回调
+ * @name baidu.sio.callByBrowser
+ * @function
+ * @grammar baidu.sio.callByBrowser(url, opt_callback, opt_options)
+ * @param {string} url 加载数据的url
+ * @param {Function|string} opt_callback 数据加载结束时调用的函数或函数名
+ * @param {Object} opt_options 其他可选项
+ * @config {String} [charset] script的字符集
+ * @config {Integer} [timeOut] 超时时间,超过这个时间将不再响应本请求,并触发onfailure函数
+ * @config {Function} [onfailure] timeOut设定后才生效,到达超时时间时触发本函数
+ * @remark
+ * 1、与callByServer不同,callback参数只支持Function类型,不支持string。
+ * 2、如果请求了一个不存在的页面,callback函数在IE/opera下也会被调用,因此使用者需要在onsuccess函数中判断数据是否正确加载。
+ * @meta standard
+ * @see baidu.sio.callByServer
+ */
+baidu.sio.callByBrowser = function (url, opt_callback, opt_options) {
+ var scr = document.createElement("SCRIPT"),
+ scriptLoaded = 0,
+ options = opt_options || {},
+ charset = options['charset'],
+ callback = opt_callback || function(){},
+ timeOut = options['timeOut'] || 0,
+ timer;
+ scr.onload = scr.onreadystatechange = function () {
+ if (scriptLoaded) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var readyState = scr.readyState;
+ if ('undefined' == typeof readyState
+ || readyState == "loaded"
+ || readyState == "complete") {
+ scriptLoaded = 1;
+ try {
+ callback();
+ clearTimeout(timer);
+ } finally {
+ scr.onload = scr.onreadystatechange = null;
+ baidu.sio._removeScriptTag(scr);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ if( timeOut ){
+ timer = setTimeout(function(){
+ scr.onload = scr.onreadystatechange = null;
+ baidu.sio._removeScriptTag(scr);
+ options.onfailure && options.onfailure();
+ }, timeOut);
+ }
+ baidu.sio._createScriptTag(scr, url, charset);
+ * 通过script标签加载数据,加载完成由服务器端触发回调
+ * @name baidu.sio.callByServer
+ * @function
+ * @grammar baidu.sio.callByServer(url, callback[, opt_options])
+ * @param {string} url 加载数据的url.
+ * @param {Function|string} callback 服务器端调用的函数或函数名。如果没有指定本参数,将在URL中寻找options['queryField']做为callback的方法名.
+ * @param {Object} opt_options 加载数据时的选项.
+ * @config {string} [charset] script的字符集
+ * @config {string} [queryField] 服务器端callback请求字段名,默认为callback
+ * @config {Integer} [timeOut] 超时时间(单位:ms),超过这个时间将不再响应本请求,并触发onfailure函数
+ * @config {Function} [onfailure] timeOut设定后才生效,到达超时时间时触发本函数
+ * @remark
+ * 如果url中已经包含key为“options['queryField']”的query项,将会被替换成callback中参数传递或自动生成的函数名。
+ * @meta standard
+ * @see baidu.sio.callByBrowser
+ */
+baidu.sio.callByServer = /**@function*/function(url, callback, opt_options) {
+ var scr = document.createElement('SCRIPT'),
+ prefix = 'bd__cbs__',
+ callbackName,
+ callbackImpl,
+ options = opt_options || {},
+ charset = options['charset'],
+ queryField = options['queryField'] || 'callback',
+ timeOut = options['timeOut'] || 0,
+ timer,
+ reg = new RegExp('(\\?|&)' + queryField + '=([^&]*)'),
+ matches;
+ if (baidu.lang.isFunction(callback)) {
+ callbackName = prefix + Math.floor(Math.random() * 2147483648).toString(36);
+ window[callbackName] = getCallBack(0);
+ } else if(baidu.lang.isString(callback)){
+ callbackName = callback;
+ } else {
+ if (matches = reg.exec(url)) {
+ callbackName = matches[2];
+ }
+ }
+ if( timeOut ){
+ timer = setTimeout(getCallBack(1), timeOut);
+ }
+ url = url.replace(reg, '\x241' + queryField + '=' + callbackName);
+ if (url.search(reg) < 0) {
+ url += (url.indexOf('?') < 0 ? '?' : '&') + queryField + '=' + callbackName;
+ }
+ baidu.sio._createScriptTag(scr, url, charset);
+ /*
+ * 返回一个函数,用于立即(挂在window上)或者超时(挂在setTimeout中)时执行
+ */
+ function getCallBack(onTimeOut){
+ /*global callbackName, callback, scr, options;*/
+ return function(){
+ try {
+ if( onTimeOut ){
+ options.onfailure && options.onfailure();
+ }else{
+ callback.apply(window, arguments);
+ clearTimeout(timer);
+ }
+ window[callbackName] = null;
+ delete window[callbackName];
+ } catch (exception) {
+ } finally {
+ baidu.sio._removeScriptTag(scr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * 通过请求一个图片的方式令服务器存储一条日志
+ * @function
+ * @grammar baidu.sio.log(url)
+ * @param {string} url 要发送的地址.
+ * @author: int08h,leeight
+ */
+baidu.sio.log = function(url) {
+ var img = new Image(),
+ key = 'tangram_sio_log_' + Math.floor(Math.random() *
+ 2147483648).toString(36);
+ window[key] = img;
+ img.onload = img.onerror = img.onabort = function() {
+ img.onload = img.onerror = img.onabort = null;
+ window[key] = null;
+ img = null;
+ };
+ img.src = url;
+ * Tangram
+ * Copyright 2009 Baidu Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * path: baidu/json.js
+ * author: erik
+ * version: 1.1.0
+ * date: 2009/12/02
+ */
+ * 操作json对象的方法
+ * @namespace baidu.json
+ */
+baidu.json = baidu.json || {};
+ * Tangram
+ * Copyright 2009 Baidu Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * path: baidu/json/parse.js
+ * author: erik, berg
+ * version: 1.2
+ * date: 2009/11/23
+ */
+ * 将字符串解析成json对象。注:不会自动祛除空格
+ * @name baidu.json.parse
+ * @function
+ * @grammar baidu.json.parse(data)
+ * @param {string} source 需要解析的字符串
+ * @remark
+ * 该方法的实现与ecma-262第五版中规定的JSON.parse不同,暂时只支持传入一个参数。后续会进行功能丰富。
+ * @meta standard
+ * @see baidu.json.stringify,baidu.json.decode
+ *
+ * @returns {JSON} 解析结果json对象
+ */
+baidu.json.parse = function (data) {
+ //2010/12/09:更新至不使用原生parse,不检测用户输入是否正确
+ return (new Function("return (" + data + ")"))();
+ * Tangram
+ * Copyright 2009 Baidu Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * path: baidu/json/decode.js
+ * author: erik, cat
+ * version: 1.3.4
+ * date: 2010/12/23
+ */
+ * 将字符串解析成json对象,为过时接口,今后会被baidu.json.parse代替
+ * @name baidu.json.decode
+ * @function
+ * @grammar baidu.json.decode(source)
+ * @param {string} source 需要解析的字符串
+ * @meta out
+ * @see baidu.json.encode,baidu.json.parse
+ *
+ * @returns {JSON} 解析结果json对象
+ */
+baidu.json.decode = baidu.json.parse;
+ * Tangram
+ * Copyright 2009 Baidu Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * path: baidu/json/stringify.js
+ * author: erik
+ * version: 1.1.0
+ * date: 2010/01/11
+ */
+ * 将json对象序列化
+ * @name baidu.json.stringify
+ * @function
+ * @grammar baidu.json.stringify(value)
+ * @param {JSON} value 需要序列化的json对象
+ * @remark
+ * 该方法的实现与ecma-262第五版中规定的JSON.stringify不同,暂时只支持传入一个参数。后续会进行功能丰富。
+ * @meta standard
+ * @see baidu.json.parse,baidu.json.encode
+ *
+ * @returns {string} 序列化后的字符串
+ */
+baidu.json.stringify = (function () {
+ /**
+ * 字符串处理时需要转义的字符表
+ * @private
+ */
+ var escapeMap = {
+ "\b": '\\b',
+ "\t": '\\t',
+ "\n": '\\n',
+ "\f": '\\f',
+ "\r": '\\r',
+ '"' : '\\"',
+ "\\": '\\\\'
+ };
+ /**
+ * 字符串序列化
+ * @private
+ */
+ function encodeString(source) {
+ if (/["\\\x00-\x1f]/.test(source)) {
+ source = source.replace(
+ /["\\\x00-\x1f]/g,
+ function (match) {
+ var c = escapeMap[match];
+ if (c) {
+ return c;
+ }
+ c = match.charCodeAt();
+ return "\\u00"
+ + Math.floor(c / 16).toString(16)
+ + (c % 16).toString(16);
+ });
+ }
+ return '"' + source + '"';
+ }
+ /**
+ * 数组序列化
+ * @private
+ */
+ function encodeArray(source) {
+ var result = ["["],
+ l = source.length,
+ preComma, i, item;
+ for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
+ item = source[i];
+ switch (typeof item) {
+ case "undefined":
+ case "function":
+ case "unknown":
+ break;
+ default:
+ if(preComma) {
+ result.push(',');
+ }
+ result.push(baidu.json.stringify(item));
+ preComma = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ result.push("]");
+ return result.join("");
+ }
+ /**
+ * 处理日期序列化时的补零
+ * @private
+ */
+ function pad(source) {
+ return source < 10 ? '0' + source : source;
+ }
+ /**
+ * 日期序列化
+ * @private
+ */
+ function encodeDate(source){
+ return '"' + source.getFullYear() + "-"
+ + pad(source.getMonth() + 1) + "-"
+ + pad(source.getDate()) + "T"
+ + pad(source.getHours()) + ":"
+ + pad(source.getMinutes()) + ":"
+ + pad(source.getSeconds()) + '"';
+ }
+ return function (value) {
+ switch (typeof value) {
+ case 'undefined':
+ return 'undefined';
+ case 'number':
+ return isFinite(value) ? String(value) : "null";
+ case 'string':
+ return encodeString(value);
+ case 'boolean':
+ return String(value);
+ default:
+ if (value === null) {
+ return 'null';
+ } else if (value instanceof Array) {
+ return encodeArray(value);
+ } else if (value instanceof Date) {
+ return encodeDate(value);
+ } else {
+ var result = ['{'],
+ encode = baidu.json.stringify,
+ preComma,
+ item;
+ for (var key in value) {
+ if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(value, key)) {
+ item = value[key];
+ switch (typeof item) {
+ case 'undefined':
+ case 'unknown':
+ case 'function':
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (preComma) {
+ result.push(',');
+ }
+ preComma = 1;
+ result.push(encode(key) + ':' + encode(item));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ result.push('}');
+ return result.join('');
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ * Tangram
+ * Copyright 2009 Baidu Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * path: baidu/json/encode.js
+ * author: erik, cat
+ * version: 1.3.4
+ * date: 2010/12/23
+ */
+ * 将json对象序列化,为过时接口,今后会被baidu.json.stringify代替
+ * @name baidu.json.encode
+ * @function
+ * @grammar baidu.json.encode(value)
+ * @param {JSON} value 需要序列化的json对象
+ * @meta out
+ * @see baidu.json.decode,baidu.json.stringify
+ *
+ * @returns {string} 序列化后的字符串
+ */
+baidu.json.encode = baidu.json.stringify;
diff --git a/public/UEditor/dialogs/wordimage/wordimage.html b/public/UEditor/dialogs/wordimage/wordimage.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cf6067
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/UEditor/dialogs/wordimage/wordimage.html
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/UEditor/dialogs/wordimage/wordimage.js b/public/UEditor/dialogs/wordimage/wordimage.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98f3a22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/UEditor/dialogs/wordimage/wordimage.js
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+ * Created by JetBrains PhpStorm.
+ * User: taoqili
+ * Date: 12-1-30
+ * Time: 下午12:50
+ * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
+ */
+var wordImage = {};
+var g = baidu.g,
+ flashObj,flashContainer;
+wordImage.init = function(opt, callbacks) {
+ showLocalPath("localPath");
+ //createCopyButton("clipboard","localPath");
+ createFlashUploader(opt, callbacks);
+ addUploadListener();
+ addOkListener();
+function hideFlash(){
+ flashObj = null;
+ flashContainer.innerHTML = "";
+function addOkListener() {
+ dialog.onok = function() {
+ if (!imageUrls.length) return;
+ var urlPrefix = editor.getOpt('imageUrlPrefix'),
+ images = domUtils.getElementsByTagName(editor.document,"img");
+ editor.fireEvent('saveScene');
+ for (var i = 0,img; img = images[i++];) {
+ var src = img.getAttribute("word_img");
+ if (!src) continue;
+ for (var j = 0,url; url = imageUrls[j++];) {
+ if (src.indexOf(url.original.replace(" ","")) != -1) {
+ img.src = urlPrefix + url.url;
+ img.setAttribute("_src", urlPrefix + url.url); //同时修改"_src"属性
+ img.setAttribute("title",url.title);
+ domUtils.removeAttributes(img, ["word_img","style","width","height"]);
+ editor.fireEvent("selectionchange");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ editor.fireEvent('saveScene');
+ hideFlash();
+ };
+ dialog.oncancel = function(){
+ hideFlash();
+ }
+ * 绑定开始上传事件
+ */
+function addUploadListener() {
+ g("upload").onclick = function () {
+ flashObj.upload();
+ this.style.display = "none";
+ };
+function showLocalPath(id) {
+ //单张编辑
+ var img = editor.selection.getRange().getClosedNode();
+ var images = editor.execCommand('wordimage');
+ if(images.length==1 || img && img.tagName == 'IMG'){
+ g(id).value = images[0];
+ return;
+ }
+ var path = images[0];
+ var leftSlashIndex = path.lastIndexOf("/")||0, //不同版本的doc和浏览器都可能影响到这个符号,故直接判断两种
+ rightSlashIndex = path.lastIndexOf("\\")||0,
+ separater = leftSlashIndex > rightSlashIndex ? "/":"\\" ;
+ path = path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf(separater)+1);
+ g(id).value = path;
+function createFlashUploader(opt, callbacks) {
+ //由于lang.flashI18n是静态属性,不可以直接进行修改,否则会影响到后续内容
+ var i18n = utils.extend({},lang.flashI18n);
+ //处理图片资源地址的编码,补全等问题
+ for(var i in i18n){
+ if(!(i in {"lang":1,"uploadingTF":1,"imageTF":1,"textEncoding":1}) && i18n[i]){
+ i18n[i] = encodeURIComponent(editor.options.langPath + editor.options.lang + "/images/" + i18n[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ opt = utils.extend(opt,i18n,false);
+ var option = {
+ createOptions:{
+ id:'flash',
+ url:opt.flashUrl,
+ width:opt.width,
+ height:opt.height,
+ errorMessage:lang.flashError,
+ wmode:browser.safari ? 'transparent' : 'window',
+ ver:'10.0.0',
+ vars:opt,
+ container:opt.container
+ }
+ };
+ option = extendProperty(callbacks, option);
+ flashObj = new baidu.flash.imageUploader(option);
+ flashContainer = $G(opt.container);
+function extendProperty(fromObj, toObj) {
+ for (var i in fromObj) {
+ if (!toObj[i]) {
+ toObj[i] = fromObj[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return toObj;
+function getPasteData(id) {
+ baidu.g("msg").innerHTML = lang.copySuccess + "";
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ baidu.g("msg").innerHTML = "";
+ }, 5000);
+ return baidu.g(id).value;
+function createCopyButton(id, dataFrom) {
+ baidu.swf.create({
+ id:"copyFlash",
+ url:"fClipboard_ueditor.swf",
+ width:"58",
+ height:"25",
+ errorMessage:"",
+ bgColor:"#CBCBCB",
+ wmode:"transparent",
+ ver:"10.0.0",
+ vars:{
+ tid:dataFrom
+ }
+ }, id
+ );
+ var clipboard = baidu.swf.getMovie("copyFlash");
+ var clipinterval = setInterval(function() {
+ if (clipboard && clipboard.flashInit) {
+ clearInterval(clipinterval);
+ clipboard.setHandCursor(true);
+ clipboard.setContentFuncName("getPasteData");
+ //clipboard.setMEFuncName("mouseEventHandler");
+ }
+ }, 500);
+createCopyButton("clipboard", "localPath");
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/UEditor/index.html b/public/UEditor/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a416418
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/UEditor/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/UEditor/lang/en/en.js b/public/UEditor/lang/en/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b5af77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/UEditor/lang/en/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,755 @@
+ * Created with JetBrains PhpStorm.
+ * User: taoqili
+ * Date: 12-6-12
+ * Time: 下午6:57
+ * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
+ */
+UE.I18N['en'] = {
+ 'labelMap': {
+ 'anchor': 'Anchor',
+ 'undo': 'Undo',
+ 'redo': 'Redo',
+ 'bold': 'Bold',
+ 'indent': 'Indent',
+ 'snapscreen': 'SnapScreen',
+ 'italic': 'Italic',
+ 'underline': 'Underline',
+ 'strikethrough': 'Strikethrough',
+ 'subscript': 'SubScript',
+ 'fontborder': 'text border',
+ 'superscript': 'SuperScript',
+ 'formatmatch': 'Format Match',
+ 'source': 'Source',
+ 'blockquote': 'BlockQuote',
+ 'pasteplain': 'PastePlain',
+ 'selectall': 'SelectAll',
+ 'print': 'Print',
+ 'preview': 'Preview',
+ 'horizontal': 'Horizontal',
+ 'removeformat': 'RemoveFormat',
+ 'time': 'Time',
+ 'date': 'Date',
+ 'unlink': 'Unlink',
+ 'insertrow': 'InsertRow',
+ 'insertcol': 'InsertCol',
+ 'mergeright': 'MergeRight',
+ 'mergedown': 'MergeDown',
+ 'deleterow': 'DeleteRow',
+ 'deletecol': 'DeleteCol',
+ 'splittorows': 'SplitToRows',
+ 'insertcode': 'insert code',
+ 'splittocols': 'SplitToCols',
+ 'splittocells': 'SplitToCells',
+ 'deletecaption': 'DeleteCaption',
+ 'inserttitle': 'InsertTitle',
+ 'mergecells': 'MergeCells',
+ 'deletetable': 'DeleteTable',
+ 'cleardoc': 'Clear',
+ 'insertparagraphbeforetable': 'InsertParagraphBeforeTable',
+ 'fontfamily': 'FontFamily',
+ 'fontsize': 'FontSize',
+ 'paragraph': 'Paragraph',
+ 'simpleupload': 'Single Image',
+ 'insertimage': 'Multi Image',
+ 'edittable': 'Edit Table',
+ 'edittd': 'Edit Td',
+ 'link': 'Link',
+ 'emotion': 'Emotion',
+ 'spechars': 'Spechars',
+ 'searchreplace': 'SearchReplace',
+ 'map': 'BaiduMap',
+ 'gmap': 'GoogleMap',
+ 'insertvideo': 'Video',
+ 'help': 'Help',
+ 'justifyleft': 'JustifyLeft',
+ 'justifyright': 'JustifyRight',
+ 'justifycenter': 'JustifyCenter',
+ 'justifyjustify': 'Justify',
+ 'forecolor': 'FontColor',
+ 'backcolor': 'BackColor',
+ 'insertorderedlist': 'OL',
+ 'insertunorderedlist': 'UL',
+ 'fullscreen': 'FullScreen',
+ 'directionalityltr': 'EnterFromLeft',
+ 'directionalityrtl': 'EnterFromRight',
+ 'rowspacingtop': 'RowSpacingTop',
+ 'rowspacingbottom': 'RowSpacingBottom',
+ 'pagebreak': 'PageBreak',
+ 'insertframe': 'Iframe',
+ 'imagenone': 'Default',
+ 'imageleft': 'ImageLeft',
+ 'imageright': 'ImageRight',
+ 'attachment': 'Attachment',
+ 'imagecenter': 'ImageCenter',
+ 'wordimage': 'WordImage',
+ 'lineheight': 'LineHeight',
+ 'edittip': 'EditTip',
+ 'customstyle': 'CustomStyle',
+ 'scrawl': 'Scrawl',
+ 'autotypeset': 'AutoTypeset',
+ 'webapp': 'WebAPP',
+ 'touppercase': 'UpperCase',
+ 'tolowercase': 'LowerCase',
+ 'template': 'Template',
+ 'background': 'Background',
+ 'inserttable': 'InsertTable',
+ 'music': 'Music',
+ 'charts': 'charts',
+ 'drafts': 'Load from Drafts'
+ },
+ 'insertorderedlist': {
+ 'num': '1,2,3...',
+ 'num1': '1),2),3)...',
+ 'num2': '(1),(2),(3)...',
+ 'cn': '一,二,三....',
+ 'cn1': '一),二),三)....',
+ 'cn2': '(一),(二),(三)....',
+ 'decimal': '1,2,3...',
+ 'lower-alpha': 'a,b,c...',
+ 'lower-roman': 'i,ii,iii...',
+ 'upper-alpha': 'A,B,C...',
+ 'upper-roman': 'I,II,III...'
+ },
+ 'insertunorderedlist': {
+ 'circle': '○ Circle',
+ 'disc': '● Circle dot',
+ 'square': '■ Rectangle ',
+ 'dash': '- Dash',
+ 'dot': '。dot'
+ },
+ 'paragraph': { 'p': 'Paragraph', 'h1': 'Title 1', 'h2': 'Title 2', 'h3': 'Title 3', 'h4': 'Title 4', 'h5': 'Title 5', 'h6': 'Title 6' },
+ 'fontfamily': {
+ 'songti': 'Sim Sun',
+ 'kaiti': 'Sim Kai',
+ 'heiti': 'Sim Hei',
+ 'lishu': 'Sim Li',
+ 'yahei': 'Microsoft YaHei',
+ 'andaleMono': 'Andale Mono',
+ 'arial': 'Arial',
+ 'arialBlack': 'Arial Black',
+ 'comicSansMs': 'Comic Sans MS',
+ 'impact': 'Impact',
+ 'timesNewRoman': 'Times New Roman'
+ },
+ 'customstyle': {
+ 'tc': 'Title center',
+ 'tl': 'Title left',
+ 'im': 'Important',
+ 'hi': 'Highlight'
+ },
+ 'autoupload': {
+ 'exceedSizeError': 'File Size Exceed',
+ 'exceedTypeError': 'File Type Not Allow',
+ 'jsonEncodeError': 'Server Return Format Error',
+ 'loading': 'loading...',
+ 'loadError': 'load error',
+ 'errorLoadConfig': 'Server config not loaded, upload can not work.'
+ },
+ 'simpleupload': {
+ 'exceedSizeError': 'File Size Exceed',
+ 'exceedTypeError': 'File Type Not Allow',
+ 'jsonEncodeError': 'Server Return Format Error',
+ 'loading': 'loading...',
+ 'loadError': 'load error',
+ 'errorLoadConfig': 'Server config not loaded, upload can not work.'
+ },
+ 'elementPathTip': 'Path',
+ 'wordCountTip': 'Word Count',
+ 'wordCountMsg': '{#count} characters entered,{#leave} left. ',
+ 'wordOverFlowMsg': '
The number of characters has exceeded allowable maximum values, the server may refuse to save!',
+ 'ok': 'OK',
+ 'cancel': 'Cancel',
+ 'closeDialog': 'closeDialog',
+ 'tableDrag': 'You must import the file uiUtils.js before drag! ',
+ 'autofloatMsg': 'The plugin AutoFloat depends on EditorUI!',
+ 'loadconfigError': 'Get server config error.',
+ 'loadconfigFormatError': 'Server config format error.',
+ 'loadconfigHttpError': 'Get server config http error.',
+ 'snapScreen_plugin': {
+ 'browserMsg': 'Only IE supported!',
+ 'callBackErrorMsg': 'The callback data is wrong,please check the config!',
+ 'uploadErrorMsg': 'Upload error,please check your server environment! '
+ },
+ 'insertcode': {
+ 'as3': 'ActionScript 3',
+ 'bash': 'Bash/Shell',
+ 'cpp': 'C/C++',
+ 'css': 'CSS',
+ 'cf': 'ColdFusion',
+ 'c#': 'C#',
+ 'delphi': 'Delphi',
+ 'diff': 'Diff',
+ 'erlang': 'Erlang',
+ 'groovy': 'Groovy',
+ 'html': 'HTML',
+ 'java': 'Java',
+ 'jfx': 'JavaFX',
+ 'js': 'JavaScript',
+ 'pl': 'Perl',
+ 'php': 'PHP',
+ 'plain': 'Plain Text',
+ 'ps': 'PowerShell',
+ 'python': 'Python',
+ 'ruby': 'Ruby',
+ 'scala': 'Scala',
+ 'sql': 'SQL',
+ 'vb': 'Visual Basic',
+ 'xml': 'XML'
+ },
+ 'confirmClear': 'Do you confirm to clear the Document?',
+ 'contextMenu': {
+ 'delete': 'Delete',
+ 'selectall': 'Select all',
+ 'deletecode': 'Delete Code',
+ 'cleardoc': 'Clear Document',
+ 'confirmclear': 'Do you confirm to clear the Document?',
+ 'unlink': 'Unlink',
+ 'paragraph': 'Paragraph',
+ 'edittable': 'Table property',
+ 'aligncell': 'Align cell',
+ 'aligntable': 'Table alignment',
+ 'tableleft': 'Left float',
+ 'tablecenter': 'Center',
+ 'tableright': 'Right float',
+ 'aligntd': 'Cell alignment',
+ 'edittd': 'Cell property',
+ 'setbordervisible': 'set table edge visible',
+ 'table': 'Table',
+ 'justifyleft': 'Justify Left',
+ 'justifyright': 'Justify Right',
+ 'justifycenter': 'Justify Center',
+ 'justifyjustify': 'Default',
+ 'deletetable': 'Delete table',
+ 'insertparagraphbefore': 'InsertedBeforeLine',
+ 'insertparagraphafter': 'InsertedAfterLine',
+ 'inserttable': 'Insert table',
+ 'insertcaption': 'Insert caption',
+ 'deletecaption': 'Delete Caption',
+ 'inserttitle': 'Insert Title',
+ 'deletetitle': 'Delete Title',
+ 'inserttitlecol': 'Insert Title Col',
+ 'deletetitlecol': 'Delete Title Col',
+ 'averageDiseRow': 'AverageDise Row',
+ 'averageDisCol': 'AverageDis Col',
+ 'deleterow': 'Delete row',
+ 'deletecol': 'Delete col',
+ 'insertrow': 'Insert row',
+ 'insertcol': 'Insert col',
+ 'insertrownext': 'Insert Row Next',
+ 'insertcolnext': 'Insert Col Next',
+ 'mergeright': 'Merge right',
+ 'mergeleft': 'Merge left',
+ 'mergedown': 'Merge down',
+ 'mergecells': 'Merge cells',
+ 'splittocells': 'Split to cells',
+ 'splittocols': 'Split to Cols',
+ 'splittorows': 'Split to Rows',
+ 'tablesort': 'Table sorting',
+ 'enablesort': 'Sorting Enable',
+ 'disablesort': 'Sorting Disable',
+ 'reversecurrent': 'Reverse current',
+ 'orderbyasc': 'Order By ASCII',
+ 'reversebyasc': 'Reverse By ASCII',
+ 'orderbynum': 'Order By Num',
+ 'reversebynum': 'Reverse By Num',
+ 'borderbk': 'Border shading',
+ 'setcolor': 'interlaced color',
+ 'unsetcolor': 'Cancel interlacedcolor',
+ 'setbackground': 'Background interlaced',
+ 'unsetbackground': 'Cancel Bk interlaced',
+ 'redandblue': 'Blue and red',
+ 'threecolorgradient': 'Three-color gradient',
+ 'copy': 'Copy(Ctrl + c)',
+ 'copymsg': "Browser does not support. Please use 'Ctrl + c' instead!",
+ 'paste': 'Paste(Ctrl + v)',
+ 'pastemsg': "Browser does not support. Please use 'Ctrl + v' instead!"
+ },
+ 'copymsg': "Browser does not support. Please use 'Ctrl + c' instead!",
+ 'pastemsg': "Browser does not support. Please use 'Ctrl + v' instead!",
+ 'anthorMsg': 'Link',
+ 'clearColor': 'Clear',
+ 'standardColor': 'Standard color',
+ 'themeColor': 'Theme color',
+ 'property': 'Property',
+ 'default': 'Default',
+ 'modify': 'Modify',
+ 'justifyleft': 'Justify Left',
+ 'justifyright': 'Justify Right',
+ 'justifycenter': 'Justify Center',
+ 'justify': 'Default',
+ 'clear': 'Clear',
+ 'anchorMsg': 'Anchor',
+ 'delete': 'Delete',
+ 'clickToUpload': 'Click to upload',
+ 'unset': 'Language hasn\'t been set!',
+ 't_row': 'row',
+ 't_col': 'col',
+ 'pasteOpt': 'Paste Option',
+ 'pasteSourceFormat': 'Keep Source Formatting',
+ 'tagFormat': 'Keep tag',
+ 'pasteTextFormat': 'Keep Text only',
+ 'more': 'More',
+ 'autoTypeSet': {
+ 'mergeLine': 'Merge empty line',
+ 'delLine': 'Del empty line',
+ 'removeFormat': 'Remove format',
+ 'indent': 'Indent',
+ 'alignment': 'Alignment',
+ 'imageFloat': 'Image float',
+ 'removeFontsize': 'Remove font size',
+ 'removeFontFamily': 'Remove fontFamily',
+ 'removeHtml': 'Remove redundant HTML code',
+ 'pasteFilter': 'Paste filter',
+ 'run': 'Done',
+ 'symbol': 'Symbol Conversion',
+ 'bdc2sb': 'Full-width to Half-width',
+ 'tobdc': 'Half-width to Full-width'
+ },
+ 'background': {
+ 'static': {
+ 'lang_background_normal': 'Normal',
+ 'lang_background_local': 'Online',
+ 'lang_background_set': 'Background Set',
+ 'lang_background_none': 'No Background',
+ 'lang_background_colored': 'Colored Background',
+ 'lang_background_color': 'Color Set',
+ 'lang_background_netimg': 'Net-Image',
+ 'lang_background_align': 'Align Type',
+ 'lang_background_position': 'Position',
+ 'repeatType': { 'options': ['Center', 'Repeat-x', 'Repeat-y', 'Tile', 'Custom'] }
+ },
+ 'noUploadImage': 'No pictures has been uploaded!',
+ 'toggleSelect': 'Change the active state by click!\n Image Size: '
+ },
+ //= ==============dialog i18N=======================
+ 'insertimage': {
+ 'static': {
+ 'lang_tab_remote': 'Insert',
+ 'lang_tab_upload': 'Local',
+ 'lang_tab_online': 'Manager',
+ 'lang_tab_search': 'Search',
+ 'lang_input_url': 'Address:',
+ 'lang_input_size': 'Size:',
+ 'lang_input_width': 'Width',
+ 'lang_input_height': 'Height',
+ 'lang_input_border': 'Border:',
+ 'lang_input_vhspace': 'Margins:',
+ 'lang_input_title': 'Title:',
+ 'lang_input_align': 'Image Float Style:',
+ 'lang_imgLoading': 'Loading...',
+ 'lang_start_upload': 'Start Upload',
+ 'lock': { 'title': 'Lock rate' },
+ 'searchType': { 'title': 'ImageType', 'options': ['News', 'Wallpaper', 'emotions', 'photo'] },
+ 'searchTxt': { 'value': 'Enter the search keyword!' },
+ 'searchBtn': { 'value': 'Search' },
+ 'searchReset': { 'value': 'Clear' },
+ 'noneAlign': { 'title': 'None Float' },
+ 'leftAlign': { 'title': 'Left Float' },
+ 'rightAlign': { 'title': 'Right Float' },
+ 'centerAlign': { 'title': 'Center In A Line' }
+ },
+ 'uploadSelectFile': 'Select File',
+ 'uploadAddFile': 'Add File',
+ 'uploadStart': 'Start Upload',
+ 'uploadPause': 'Pause Upload',
+ 'uploadContinue': 'Continue Upload',
+ 'uploadRetry': 'Retry Upload',
+ 'uploadDelete': 'Delete',
+ 'uploadTurnLeft': 'Turn Left',
+ 'uploadTurnRight': 'Turn Right',
+ 'uploadPreview': 'Doing Preview',
+ 'uploadNoPreview': 'Can Not Preview',
+ 'updateStatusReady': 'Selected _ pictures, total _KB.',
+ 'updateStatusConfirm': '_ uploaded successfully and _ upload failed',
+ 'updateStatusFinish': 'Total _ pictures (_KB), _ uploaded successfully',
+ 'updateStatusError': ' and _ upload failed',
+ 'errorNotSupport': 'WebUploader does not support the browser you are using. Please upgrade your browser or flash player',
+ 'errorLoadConfig': 'Server config not loaded, upload can not work.',
+ 'errorExceedSize': 'File Size Exceed',
+ 'errorFileType': 'File Type Not Allow',
+ 'errorInterrupt': 'File Upload Interrupted',
+ 'errorUploadRetry': 'Upload Error, Please Retry.',
+ 'errorHttp': 'Http Error',
+ 'errorServerUpload': 'Server Result Error.',
+ 'remoteLockError': 'Cannot Lock the Proportion between width and height',
+ 'numError': 'Please enter the correct Num. e.g 123,400',
+ 'imageUrlError': 'The image format may be wrong!',
+ 'imageLoadError': 'Error,please check the network or URL!',
+ 'searchRemind': 'Enter the search keyword!',
+ 'searchLoading': 'Image is loading,please wait...',
+ 'searchRetry': " Sorry,can't find the image,please try again!"
+ },
+ 'attachment': {
+ 'static': {
+ 'lang_tab_upload': 'Upload',
+ 'lang_tab_online': 'Online',
+ 'lang_start_upload': 'Start upload',
+ 'lang_drop_remind': 'You can drop files here, a single maximum of 300 files'
+ },
+ 'uploadSelectFile': 'Select File',
+ 'uploadAddFile': 'Add File',
+ 'uploadStart': 'Start Upload',
+ 'uploadPause': 'Pause Upload',
+ 'uploadContinue': 'Continue Upload',
+ 'uploadRetry': 'Retry Upload',
+ 'uploadDelete': 'Delete',
+ 'uploadTurnLeft': 'Turn Left',
+ 'uploadTurnRight': 'Turn Right',
+ 'uploadPreview': 'Doing Preview',
+ 'updateStatusReady': 'Selected _ files, total _KB.',
+ 'updateStatusConfirm': '_ uploaded successfully and _ upload failed',
+ 'updateStatusFinish': 'Total _ files (_KB), _ uploaded successfully',
+ 'updateStatusError': ' and _ upload failed',
+ 'errorNotSupport': 'WebUploader does not support the browser you are using. Please upgrade your browser or flash player',
+ 'errorLoadConfig': 'Server config not loaded, upload can not work.',
+ 'errorExceedSize': 'File Size Exceed',
+ 'errorFileType': 'File Type Not Allow',
+ 'errorInterrupt': 'File Upload Interrupted',
+ 'errorUploadRetry': 'Upload Error, Please Retry.',
+ 'errorHttp': 'Http Error',
+ 'errorServerUpload': 'Server Result Error.'
+ },
+ 'insertvideo': {
+ 'static': {
+ 'lang_tab_insertV': 'Video',
+ 'lang_tab_searchV': 'Search',
+ 'lang_tab_uploadV': 'Upload',
+ 'lang_video_url': ' URL ',
+ 'lang_video_size': 'Video Size',
+ 'lang_videoW': 'Width',
+ 'lang_videoH': 'Height',
+ 'lang_alignment': 'Alignment',
+ 'videoSearchTxt': { 'value': 'Enter the search keyword!' },
+ 'videoType': { 'options': ['All', 'Hot', 'Entertainment', 'Funny', 'Sports', 'Science', 'variety'] },
+ 'videoSearchBtn': { 'value': 'Search in Baidu' },
+ 'videoSearchReset': { 'value': 'Clear result' },
+ 'lang_input_fileStatus': ' No file uploaded!',
+ 'startUpload': { 'style': 'background:url(upload.png) no-repeat;' },
+ 'lang_upload_size': 'Video Size',
+ 'lang_upload_width': 'Width',
+ 'lang_upload_height': 'Height',
+ 'lang_upload_alignment': 'Alignment',
+ 'lang_format_advice': 'Recommends mp4 format.'
+ },
+ 'numError': 'Please enter the correct Num. e.g 123,400',
+ 'floatLeft': 'Float left',
+ 'floatRight': 'Float right',
+ 'default': 'Default',
+ 'block': 'Display in block',
+ 'urlError': 'The video url format may be wrong!',
+ 'loading': ' The video is loading, please wait…',
+ 'clickToSelect': 'Click to select',
+ 'goToSource': 'Visit source video ',
+ 'noVideo': " Sorry,can't find the video,please try again!",
+ 'browseFiles': 'Open files',
+ 'uploadSuccess': 'Upload Successful!',
+ 'delSuccessFile': 'Remove from the success of the queue',
+ 'delFailSaveFile': 'Remove the save failed file',
+ 'statusPrompt': ' file(s) uploaded! ',
+ 'flashVersionError': 'The current Flash version is too low, please update FlashPlayer,then try again!',
+ 'flashLoadingError': 'The Flash failed loading! Please check the path or network state',
+ 'fileUploadReady': 'Wait for uploading...',
+ 'delUploadQueue': 'Remove from the uploading queue ',
+ 'limitPrompt1': 'Can not choose more than single',
+ 'limitPrompt2': 'file(s)!Please choose again!',
+ 'delFailFile': 'Remove failure file',
+ 'fileSizeLimit': 'File size exceeds the limit!',
+ 'emptyFile': 'Can not upload an empty file!',
+ 'fileTypeError': 'File type error!',
+ 'unknownError': 'Unknown error!',
+ 'fileUploading': 'Uploading,please wait...',
+ 'cancelUpload': 'Cancel upload',
+ 'netError': 'Network error',
+ 'failUpload': 'Upload failed',
+ 'serverIOError': 'Server IO error!',
+ 'noAuthority': 'No Permission!',
+ 'fileNumLimit': 'Upload limit to the number',
+ 'failCheck': 'Authentication fails, the upload is skipped!',
+ 'fileCanceling': 'Cancel, please wait...',
+ 'stopUploading': 'Upload has stopped...',
+ 'uploadSelectFile': 'Select File',
+ 'uploadAddFile': 'Add File',
+ 'uploadStart': 'Start Upload',
+ 'uploadPause': 'Pause Upload',
+ 'uploadContinue': 'Continue Upload',
+ 'uploadRetry': 'Retry Upload',
+ 'uploadDelete': 'Delete',
+ 'uploadTurnLeft': 'Turn Left',
+ 'uploadTurnRight': 'Turn Right',
+ 'uploadPreview': 'Doing Preview',
+ 'updateStatusReady': 'Selected _ files, total _KB.',
+ 'updateStatusConfirm': '_ uploaded successfully and _ upload failed',
+ 'updateStatusFinish': 'Total _ files (_KB), _ uploaded successfully',
+ 'updateStatusError': ' and _ upload failed',
+ 'errorNotSupport': 'WebUploader does not support the browser you are using. Please upgrade your browser or flash player',
+ 'errorLoadConfig': 'Server config not loaded, upload can not work.',
+ 'errorExceedSize': 'File Size Exceed',
+ 'errorFileType': 'File Type Not Allow',
+ 'errorInterrupt': 'File Upload Interrupted',
+ 'errorUploadRetry': 'Upload Error, Please Retry.',
+ 'errorHttp': 'Http Error',
+ 'errorServerUpload': 'Server Result Error.'
+ },
+ 'webapp': {
+ 'tip1': 'This function provided by Baidu APP,please apply for baidu APPKey webmaster first!',
+ 'tip2': 'And then open the file ueditor.config.js to set it! ',
+ 'applyFor': 'APPLY FOR',
+ 'anthorApi': 'Baidu API'
+ },
+ 'template': {
+ 'static': {
+ 'lang_template_bkcolor': 'Background Color',
+ 'lang_template_clear': 'Keep Content',
+ 'lang_template_select': 'Select Template'
+ },
+ 'blank': 'Blank',
+ 'blog': 'Blog',
+ 'resume': 'Resume',
+ 'richText': 'Rich Text',
+ 'scrPapers': 'Scientific Papers'
+ },
+ scrawl: {
+ 'static': {
+ 'lang_input_previousStep': 'Previous',
+ 'lang_input_nextsStep': 'Next',
+ 'lang_input_clear': 'Clear',
+ 'lang_input_addPic': 'AddImage',
+ 'lang_input_ScalePic': 'ScaleImage',
+ 'lang_input_removePic': 'RemoveImage',
+ 'J_imgTxt': { title: 'Add background image' }
+ },
+ 'noScarwl': 'No paint, a white paper...',
+ 'scrawlUpLoading': 'Image is uploading, please wait...',
+ 'continueBtn': 'Try again',
+ 'imageError': 'Image failed to load!',
+ 'backgroundUploading': 'Image is uploading,please wait...'
+ },
+ 'music': {
+ 'static': {
+ 'lang_input_tips': 'Input singer/song/album, search you interested in music!',
+ 'J_searchBtn': { value: 'Search songs' }
+ },
+ 'emptyTxt': 'Not search to the relevant music results, please change a keyword try.',
+ 'chapter': 'Songs',
+ 'singer': 'Singer',
+ 'special': 'Album',
+ 'listenTest': 'Audition'
+ },
+ anchor: {
+ 'static': {
+ 'lang_input_anchorName': 'Anchor Name:'
+ }
+ },
+ 'charts': {
+ 'static': {
+ 'lang_data_source': 'Data source:',
+ 'lang_chart_format': 'Chart format:',
+ 'lang_data_align': 'Align',
+ 'lang_chart_align_same': 'Consistent with the X-axis Y-axis',
+ 'lang_chart_align_reverse': 'X-axis Y-axis opposite',
+ 'lang_chart_title': 'Title',
+ 'lang_chart_main_title': 'main title:',
+ 'lang_chart_sub_title': 'sub title:',
+ 'lang_chart_x_title': 'X-axis title:',
+ 'lang_chart_y_title': 'Y-axis title:',
+ 'lang_chart_tip': 'Prompt',
+ 'lang_cahrt_tip_prefix': 'prefix:',
+ 'lang_cahrt_tip_description': '仅饼图有效, 当鼠标移动到饼图中相应的块上时,提示框内的文字的前缀',
+ 'lang_chart_data_unit': 'Unit',
+ 'lang_chart_data_unit_title': 'unit:',
+ 'lang_chart_data_unit_description': '显示在每个数据点上的数据的单位, 比如: 温度的单位 ℃',
+ 'lang_chart_type': 'Chart type:',
+ 'lang_prev_btn': 'Previous',
+ 'lang_next_btn': 'Next'
+ }
+ },
+ emotion: {
+ 'static': {
+ 'lang_input_choice': 'Choice',
+ 'lang_input_Tuzki': 'Tuzki',
+ 'lang_input_lvdouwa': 'LvDouWa',
+ 'lang_input_BOBO': 'BOBO',
+ 'lang_input_babyCat': 'BabyCat',
+ 'lang_input_bubble': 'Bubble',
+ 'lang_input_youa': 'YouA'
+ }
+ },
+ gmap: {
+ 'static': {
+ 'lang_input_address': 'Address:',
+ 'lang_input_search': 'Search',
+ 'address': { value: 'Beijing' }
+ },
+ searchError: 'Unable to locate the address!'
+ },
+ help: {
+ 'static': {
+ 'lang_input_about': 'About',
+ 'lang_input_shortcuts': 'Shortcuts',
+ 'lang_input_introduction': 'UEditor is developed by Baidu Co.ltd. It is lightweight, customizable , focusing on user experience and etc. , UEditor is based on open source BSD license , allowing free use and redistribution.',
+ 'lang_Txt_shortcuts': 'Shortcuts',
+ 'lang_Txt_func': 'Function',
+ 'lang_Txt_bold': 'Bold',
+ 'lang_Txt_copy': 'Copy',
+ 'lang_Txt_cut': 'Cut',
+ 'lang_Txt_Paste': 'Paste',
+ 'lang_Txt_undo': 'Undo',
+ 'lang_Txt_redo': 'Redo',
+ 'lang_Txt_italic': 'Italic',
+ 'lang_Txt_underline': 'Underline',
+ 'lang_Txt_selectAll': 'Select All',
+ 'lang_Txt_visualEnter': 'Submit',
+ 'lang_Txt_fullscreen': 'Fullscreen'
+ }
+ },
+ insertframe: {
+ 'static': {
+ 'lang_input_address': 'Address:',
+ 'lang_input_width': 'Width:',
+ 'lang_input_height': 'height:',
+ 'lang_input_isScroll': 'Enable scrollbars:',
+ 'lang_input_frameborder': 'Show frame border:',
+ 'lang_input_alignMode': 'Alignment:',
+ 'align': { title: 'Alignment', options: ['Default', 'Left', 'Right', 'Center'] }
+ },
+ 'enterAddress': 'Please enter an address!'
+ },
+ link: {
+ 'static': {
+ 'lang_input_text': 'Text:',
+ 'lang_input_url': 'URL:',
+ 'lang_input_title': 'Title:',
+ 'lang_input_target': 'open in new window:'
+ },
+ 'validLink': 'Supports only effective when a link is selected',
+ 'httpPrompt': 'The hyperlink you enter should start with "http|https|ftp://"!'
+ },
+ map: {
+ 'static': {
+ lang_city: 'City',
+ lang_address: 'Address',
+ city: { value: 'Beijing' },
+ lang_search: 'Search',
+ lang_dynamicmap: 'Dynamic map'
+ },
+ cityMsg: 'Please enter the city name!',
+ errorMsg: "Can't find the place!"
+ },
+ searchreplace: {
+ 'static': {
+ lang_tab_search: 'Search',
+ lang_tab_replace: 'Replace',
+ lang_search1: 'Search',
+ lang_search2: 'Search',
+ lang_replace: 'Replace',
+ lang_searchReg: 'Support regular expression ,which starts and ends with a slash ,for example "/expression/"',
+ lang_searchReg1: 'Support regular expression ,which starts and ends with a slash ,for example "/expression/"',
+ lang_case_sensitive1: 'Case sense',
+ lang_case_sensitive2: 'Case sense',
+ nextFindBtn: { value: 'Next' },
+ preFindBtn: { value: 'Preview' },
+ nextReplaceBtn: { value: 'Next' },
+ preReplaceBtn: { value: 'Preview' },
+ repalceBtn: { value: 'Replace' },
+ repalceAllBtn: { value: 'Replace all' }
+ },
+ getEnd: 'Has the search to the bottom!',
+ getStart: 'Has the search to the top!',
+ countMsg: 'Altogether replaced {#count} character(s)!'
+ },
+ snapscreen: {
+ 'static': {
+ lang_showMsg: 'You should install the UEditor screenshots program first!',
+ lang_download: 'Download!',
+ lang_step1: 'Step1:Download the program and then run it',
+ lang_step2: 'Step2:After complete install,try to click the button again'
+ }
+ },
+ spechars: {
+ 'static': {},
+ tsfh: 'Special',
+ lmsz: 'Roman',
+ szfh: 'Numeral',
+ rwfh: 'Japanese',
+ xlzm: 'The Greek',
+ ewzm: 'Russian',
+ pyzm: 'Phonetic',
+ yyyb: 'English',
+ zyzf: 'Others'
+ },
+ 'edittable': {
+ 'static': {
+ 'lang_tableStyle': 'Table style',
+ 'lang_insertCaption': 'Add table header row',
+ 'lang_insertTitle': 'Add table title row',
+ 'lang_insertTitleCol': 'Add table title col',
+ 'lang_tableSize': 'Automatically adjust table size',
+ 'lang_autoSizeContent': 'Adaptive by form text',
+ 'lang_orderbycontent': 'Table of contents sortable',
+ 'lang_autoSizePage': 'Page width adaptive',
+ 'lang_example': 'Example',
+ 'lang_borderStyle': 'Table Border',
+ 'lang_color': 'Color:'
+ },
+ captionName: 'Caption',
+ titleName: 'Title',
+ cellsName: 'text',
+ errorMsg: 'There are merged cells, can not sort.'
+ },
+ 'edittip': {
+ 'static': {
+ lang_delRow: 'Delete entire row',
+ lang_delCol: 'Delete entire col'
+ }
+ },
+ 'edittd': {
+ 'static': {
+ lang_tdBkColor: 'Background Color:'
+ }
+ },
+ 'formula': {
+ 'static': {
+ }
+ },
+ wordimage: {
+ 'static': {
+ lang_resave: 'The re-save step',
+ uploadBtn: { src: 'upload.png', alt: 'Upload' },
+ clipboard: { style: 'background: url(copy.png) -153px -1px no-repeat;' },
+ lang_step: ' 1. Click top button to copy the url and then open the dialog to paste it. 2. Open after choose photos uploaded process.'
+ },
+ fileType: 'Image',
+ flashError: 'Flash initialization failed!',
+ netError: 'Network error! Please try again!',
+ copySuccess: 'URL has been copied!',
+ 'flashI18n': {
+ lang: encodeURI('{"UploadingState":"totalNum: ${a},uploadComplete: ${b}", "BeforeUpload":"waitingNum: ${a}", "ExceedSize":"Size exceed${a}", "ErrorInPreview":"Preview failed", "DefaultDescription":"Description", "LoadingImage":"Loading..."}'),
+ uploadingTF: encodeURI('{"font":"Arial", "size":12, "color":"0x000", "bold":"true", "italic":"false", "underline":"false"}'),
+ imageTF: encodeURI('{"font":"Arial", "size":11, "color":"red", "bold":"false", "italic":"false", "underline":"false"}'),
+ textEncoding: 'utf-8',
+ addImageSkinURL: 'addImage.png',
+ allDeleteBtnUpSkinURL: 'allDeleteBtnUpSkin.png',
+ allDeleteBtnHoverSkinURL: 'allDeleteBtnHoverSkin.png',
+ rotateLeftBtnEnableSkinURL: 'rotateLeftEnable.png',
+ rotateLeftBtnDisableSkinURL: 'rotateLeftDisable.png',
+ rotateRightBtnEnableSkinURL: 'rotateRightEnable.png',
+ rotateRightBtnDisableSkinURL: 'rotateRightDisable.png',
+ deleteBtnEnableSkinURL: 'deleteEnable.png',
+ deleteBtnDisableSkinURL: 'deleteDisable.png',
+ backgroundURL: '',
+ listBackgroundURL: '',
+ buttonURL: 'button.png'
+ }
+ },
+ 'autosave': {
+ 'success': 'Local conservation success'
+ }
diff --git a/public/UEditor/lang/en/images/addimage.png b/public/UEditor/lang/en/images/addimage.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a2fd17
Binary files /dev/null and b/public/UEditor/lang/en/images/addimage.png differ
diff --git a/public/UEditor/lang/en/images/alldeletebtnhoverskin.png b/public/UEditor/lang/en/images/alldeletebtnhoverskin.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..355eeab
Binary files /dev/null and b/public/UEditor/lang/en/images/alldeletebtnhoverskin.png differ
diff --git a/public/UEditor/lang/en/images/alldeletebtnupskin.png b/public/UEditor/lang/en/images/alldeletebtnupskin.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61658ce
Binary files /dev/null and b/public/UEditor/lang/en/images/alldeletebtnupskin.png differ
diff --git a/public/UEditor/lang/en/images/background.png b/public/UEditor/lang/en/images/background.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5bf5fd
Binary files /dev/null and b/public/UEditor/lang/en/images/background.png differ
diff --git a/public/UEditor/lang/en/images/button.png b/public/UEditor/lang/en/images/button.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..098874c
Binary files /dev/null and b/public/UEditor/lang/en/images/button.png differ
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index 0000000..4d5178f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/UEditor/lang/zh-cn/zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,669 @@
+ * Created with JetBrains PhpStorm.
+ * User: taoqili
+ * Date: 12-6-12
+ * Time: 下午5:02
+ * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
+ */
+UE.I18N['zh-cn'] = {
+ 'labelMap':{
+ 'anchor':'锚点', 'undo':'撤销', 'redo':'重做', 'bold':'加粗', 'indent':'首行缩进', 'snapscreen':'截图',
+ 'italic':'斜体', 'underline':'下划线', 'strikethrough':'删除线', 'subscript':'下标','fontborder':'字符边框',
+ 'superscript':'上标', 'formatmatch':'格式刷', 'source':'源代码', 'blockquote':'引用',
+ 'pasteplain':'纯文本粘贴模式', 'selectall':'全选', 'print':'打印', 'preview':'预览',
+ 'horizontal':'分隔线', 'removeformat':'清除格式', 'time':'时间', 'date':'日期',
+ 'unlink':'取消链接', 'insertrow':'前插入行', 'insertcol':'前插入列', 'mergeright':'右合并单元格', 'mergedown':'下合并单元格',
+ 'deleterow':'删除行', 'deletecol':'删除列', 'splittorows':'拆分成行',
+ 'splittocols':'拆分成列', 'splittocells':'完全拆分单元格','deletecaption':'删除表格标题','inserttitle':'插入标题',
+ 'mergecells':'合并多个单元格', 'deletetable':'删除表格', 'cleardoc':'清空文档','insertparagraphbeforetable':"表格前插入行",'insertcode':'代码语言',
+ 'fontfamily':'字体', 'fontsize':'字号', 'paragraph':'段落格式', 'simpleupload':'单图上传', 'insertimage':'多图上传','edittable':'表格属性','edittd':'单元格属性', 'link':'超链接',
+ 'emotion':'表情', 'spechars':'特殊字符', 'searchreplace':'查询替换', 'map':'Baidu地图', 'gmap':'Google地图',
+ 'insertvideo':'视频', 'help':'帮助', 'justifyleft':'居左对齐', 'justifyright':'居右对齐', 'justifycenter':'居中对齐',
+ 'justifyjustify':'两端对齐', 'forecolor':'字体颜色', 'backcolor':'背景色', 'insertorderedlist':'有序列表',
+ 'insertunorderedlist':'无序列表', 'fullscreen':'全屏', 'directionalityltr':'从左向右输入', 'directionalityrtl':'从右向左输入',
+ 'rowspacingtop':'段前距', 'rowspacingbottom':'段后距', 'pagebreak':'分页', 'insertframe':'插入Iframe', 'imagenone':'默认',
+ 'imageleft':'左浮动', 'imageright':'右浮动', 'attachment':'附件', 'imagecenter':'居中', 'wordimage':'图片转存',
+ 'lineheight':'行间距','edittip' :'编辑提示','customstyle':'自定义标题', 'autotypeset':'自动排版',
+ 'webapp':'百度应用','touppercase':'字母大写', 'tolowercase':'字母小写','background':'背景','template':'模板','scrawl':'涂鸦',
+ 'music':'音乐','inserttable':'插入表格','drafts': '从草稿箱加载', 'charts': '图表'
+ },
+ 'insertorderedlist':{
+ 'num':'1,2,3...',
+ 'num1':'1),2),3)...',
+ 'num2':'(1),(2),(3)...',
+ 'cn':'一,二,三....',
+ 'cn1':'一),二),三)....',
+ 'cn2':'(一),(二),(三)....',
+ 'decimal':'1,2,3...',
+ 'lower-alpha':'a,b,c...',
+ 'lower-roman':'i,ii,iii...',
+ 'upper-alpha':'A,B,C...',
+ 'upper-roman':'I,II,III...'
+ },
+ 'insertunorderedlist':{
+ 'circle':'○ 大圆圈',
+ 'disc':'● 小黑点',
+ 'square':'■ 小方块 ',
+ 'dash' :'— 破折号',
+ 'dot':' 。 小圆圈'
+ },
+ 'paragraph':{'p':'段落', 'h1':'标题 1', 'h2':'标题 2', 'h3':'标题 3', 'h4':'标题 4', 'h5':'标题 5', 'h6':'标题 6'},
+ 'fontfamily':{
+ 'songti':'宋体',
+ 'kaiti':'楷体',
+ 'heiti':'黑体',
+ 'lishu':'隶书',
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+ 'andaleMono':'andale mono',
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+ 'arialBlack':'arial black',
+ 'comicSansMs':'comic sans ms',
+ 'impact':'impact',
+ 'timesNewRoman':'times new roman'
+ },
+ 'customstyle':{
+ 'tc':'标题居中',
+ 'tl':'标题居左',
+ 'im':'强调',
+ 'hi':'明显强调'
+ },
+ 'autoupload': {
+ 'exceedSizeError': '文件大小超出限制',
+ 'exceedTypeError': '文件格式不允许',
+ 'jsonEncodeError': '服务器返回格式错误',
+ 'loading':"正在上传...",
+ 'loadError':"上传错误",
+ 'errorLoadConfig': '后端配置项没有正常加载,上传插件不能正常使用!'
+ },
+ 'simpleupload':{
+ 'exceedSizeError': '文件大小超出限制',
+ 'exceedTypeError': '文件格式不允许',
+ 'jsonEncodeError': '服务器返回格式错误',
+ 'loading':"正在上传...",
+ 'loadError':"上传错误",
+ 'errorLoadConfig': '后端配置项没有正常加载,上传插件不能正常使用!'
+ },
+ 'elementPathTip':"元素路径",
+ 'wordCountTip':"字数统计",
+ 'wordCountMsg':'当前已输入{#count}个字符, 您还可以输入{#leave}个字符。 ',
+ 'wordOverFlowMsg':'
+ 'ok':"确认",
+ 'cancel':"取消",
+ 'closeDialog':"关闭对话框",
+ 'tableDrag':"表格拖动必须引入uiUtils.js文件!",
+ 'autofloatMsg':"工具栏浮动依赖编辑器UI,您首先需要引入UI文件!",
+ 'loadconfigError': '获取后台配置项请求出错,上传功能将不能正常使用!',
+ 'loadconfigFormatError': '后台配置项返回格式出错,上传功能将不能正常使用!',
+ 'loadconfigHttpError': '请求后台配置项http错误,上传功能将不能正常使用!',
+ 'snapScreen_plugin':{
+ 'browserMsg':"仅支持IE浏览器!",
+ 'callBackErrorMsg':"服务器返回数据有误,请检查配置项之后重试。",
+ 'uploadErrorMsg':"截图上传失败,请检查服务器端环境! "
+ },
+ 'insertcode':{
+ 'as3':'ActionScript 3',
+ 'bash':'Bash/Shell',
+ 'cpp':'C/C++',
+ 'css':'CSS',
+ 'cf':'ColdFusion',
+ 'c#':'C#',
+ 'delphi':'Delphi',
+ 'diff':'Diff',
+ 'erlang':'Erlang',
+ 'groovy':'Groovy',
+ 'html':'HTML',
+ 'java':'Java',
+ 'jfx':'JavaFX',
+ 'js':'JavaScript',
+ 'pl':'Perl',
+ 'php':'PHP',
+ 'plain':'Plain Text',
+ 'ps':'PowerShell',
+ 'python':'Python',
+ 'ruby':'Ruby',
+ 'scala':'Scala',
+ 'sql':'SQL',
+ 'vb':'Visual Basic',
+ 'xml':'XML'
+ },
+ 'confirmClear':"确定清空当前文档么?",
+ 'contextMenu':{
+ 'delete':"删除",
+ 'selectall':"全选",
+ 'deletecode':"删除代码",
+ 'cleardoc':"清空文档",
+ 'confirmclear':"确定清空当前文档么?",
+ 'unlink':"删除超链接",
+ 'paragraph':"段落格式",
+ 'edittable':"表格属性",
+ 'aligntd':"单元格对齐方式",
+ 'aligntable':'表格对齐方式',
+ 'tableleft':'左浮动',
+ 'tablecenter':'居中显示',
+ 'tableright':'右浮动',
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+ 'justifyjustify':'两端对齐',
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+ 'inserttable':'插入表格',
+ 'deletetable':"删除表格",
+ 'insertparagraphbefore':"前插入段落",
+ 'insertparagraphafter':'后插入段落',
+ 'deleterow':"删除当前行",
+ 'deletecol':"删除当前列",
+ 'insertrow':"前插入行",
+ 'insertcol':"左插入列",
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+ 'insertcolnext':'右插入列',
+ 'insertcaption':'插入表格名称',
+ 'deletecaption':'删除表格名称',
+ 'inserttitle':'插入表格标题行',
+ 'deletetitle':'删除表格标题行',
+ 'inserttitlecol':'插入表格标题列',
+ 'deletetitlecol':'删除表格标题列',
+ 'averageDiseRow':'平均分布各行',
+ 'averageDisCol':'平均分布各列',
+ 'mergeright':"向右合并",
+ 'mergeleft':"向左合并",
+ 'mergedown':"向下合并",
+ 'mergecells':"合并单元格",
+ 'splittocells':"完全拆分单元格",
+ 'splittocols':"拆分成列",
+ 'splittorows':"拆分成行",
+ 'tablesort':'表格排序',
+ 'enablesort':'设置表格可排序',
+ 'disablesort':'取消表格可排序',
+ 'reversecurrent':'逆序当前',
+ 'orderbyasc':'按ASCII字符升序',
+ 'reversebyasc':'按ASCII字符降序',
+ 'orderbynum':'按数值大小升序',
+ 'reversebynum':'按数值大小降序',
+ 'borderbk':'边框底纹',
+ 'setcolor':'表格隔行变色',
+ 'unsetcolor':'取消表格隔行变色',
+ 'setbackground':'选区背景隔行',
+ 'unsetbackground':'取消选区背景',
+ 'redandblue':'红蓝相间',
+ 'threecolorgradient':'三色渐变',
+ 'copy':"复制(Ctrl + c)",
+ 'copymsg': "浏览器不支持,请使用 'Ctrl + c'",
+ 'paste':"粘贴(Ctrl + v)",
+ 'pastemsg': "浏览器不支持,请使用 'Ctrl + v'"
+ },
+ 'copymsg': "浏览器不支持,请使用 'Ctrl + c'",
+ 'pastemsg': "浏览器不支持,请使用 'Ctrl + v'",
+ 'anthorMsg':"链接",
+ 'clearColor':'清空颜色',
+ 'standardColor':'标准颜色',
+ 'themeColor':'主题颜色',
+ 'property':'属性',
+ 'default':'默认',
+ 'modify':'修改',
+ 'justifyleft':'左对齐',
+ 'justifyright':'右对齐',
+ 'justifycenter':'居中',
+ 'justify':'默认',
+ 'clear':'清除',
+ 'anchorMsg':'锚点',
+ 'delete':'删除',
+ 'clickToUpload':"点击上传",
+ 'unset':'尚未设置语言文件',
+ 't_row':'行',
+ 't_col':'列',
+ 'more':'更多',
+ 'pasteOpt':'粘贴选项',
+ 'pasteSourceFormat':"保留源格式",
+ 'tagFormat':'只保留标签',
+ 'pasteTextFormat':'只保留文本',
+ 'autoTypeSet':{
+ 'mergeLine':"合并空行",
+ 'delLine':"清除空行",
+ 'removeFormat':"清除格式",
+ 'indent':"首行缩进",
+ 'alignment':"对齐方式",
+ 'imageFloat':"图片浮动",
+ 'removeFontsize':"清除字号",
+ 'removeFontFamily':"清除字体",
+ 'removeHtml':"清除冗余HTML代码",
+ 'pasteFilter':"粘贴过滤",
+ 'run':"执行",
+ 'symbol':'符号转换',
+ 'bdc2sb':'全角转半角',
+ 'tobdc':'半角转全角'
+ },
+ 'background':{
+ 'static':{
+ 'lang_background_normal':'背景设置',
+ 'lang_background_local':'在线图片',
+ 'lang_background_set':'选项',
+ 'lang_background_none':'无背景色',
+ 'lang_background_colored':'有背景色',
+ 'lang_background_color':'颜色设置',
+ 'lang_background_netimg':'网络图片',
+ 'lang_background_align':'对齐方式',
+ 'lang_background_position':'精确定位',
+ 'repeatType':{'options':["居中", "横向重复", "纵向重复", "平铺","自定义"]}
+ },
+ 'noUploadImage':"当前未上传过任何图片!",
+ 'toggleSelect':"单击可切换选中状态\n原图尺寸: "
+ },
+ //===============dialog i18N=======================
+ 'insertimage':{
+ 'static':{
+ 'lang_tab_remote':"插入图片", //节点
+ 'lang_tab_upload':"本地上传",
+ 'lang_tab_online':"在线管理",
+ 'lang_tab_search':"图片搜索",
+ 'lang_input_url':"地 址:",
+ 'lang_input_size':"大 小:",
+ 'lang_input_width':"宽度",
+ 'lang_input_height':"高度",
+ 'lang_input_border':"边 框:",
+ 'lang_input_vhspace':"边 距:",
+ 'lang_input_title':"描 述:",
+ 'lang_input_align':'图片浮动方式:',
+ 'lang_imgLoading':" 图片加载中……",
+ 'lang_start_upload':"开始上传",
+ 'lock':{'title':"锁定宽高比例"}, //属性
+ 'searchType':{'title':"图片类型", 'options':["新闻", "壁纸", "表情", "头像"]}, //select的option
+ 'searchTxt':{'value':"请输入搜索关键词"},
+ 'searchBtn':{'value':"百度一下"},
+ 'searchReset':{'value':"清空搜索"},
+ 'noneAlign':{'title':'无浮动'},
+ 'leftAlign':{'title':'左浮动'},
+ 'rightAlign':{'title':'右浮动'},
+ 'centerAlign':{'title':'居中独占一行'}
+ },
+ 'uploadSelectFile':'点击选择图片',
+ 'uploadAddFile':'继续添加',
+ 'uploadStart':'开始上传',
+ 'uploadPause':'暂停上传',
+ 'uploadContinue':'继续上传',
+ 'uploadRetry':'重试上传',
+ 'uploadDelete':'删除',
+ 'uploadTurnLeft':'向左旋转',
+ 'uploadTurnRight':'向右旋转',
+ 'uploadPreview':'预览中',
+ 'uploadNoPreview':'不能预览',
+ 'updateStatusReady': '选中_张图片,共_KB。',
+ 'updateStatusConfirm': '已成功上传_张照片,_张照片上传失败',
+ 'updateStatusFinish': '共_张(_KB),_张上传成功',
+ 'updateStatusError': ',_张上传失败。',
+ 'errorNotSupport': 'WebUploader 不支持您的浏览器!如果你使用的是IE浏览器,请尝试升级 flash 播放器。',
+ 'errorLoadConfig': '后端配置项没有正常加载,上传插件不能正常使用!',
+ 'errorExceedSize':'文件大小超出',
+ 'errorFileType':'文件格式不允许',
+ 'errorInterrupt':'文件传输中断',
+ 'errorUploadRetry':'上传失败,请重试',
+ 'errorHttp':'http请求错误',
+ 'errorServerUpload':'服务器返回出错',
+ 'remoteLockError':"宽高不正确,不能所定比例",
+ 'numError':"请输入正确的长度或者宽度值!例如:123,400",
+ 'imageUrlError':"不允许的图片格式或者图片域!",
+ 'imageLoadError':"图片加载失败!请检查链接地址或网络状态!",
+ 'searchRemind':"请输入搜索关键词",
+ 'searchLoading':"图片加载中,请稍后……",
+ 'searchRetry':" :( ,抱歉,没有找到图片!请重试一次!"
+ },
+ 'attachment':{
+ 'static':{
+ 'lang_tab_upload': '上传附件',
+ 'lang_tab_online': '在线附件',
+ 'lang_start_upload':"开始上传",
+ 'lang_drop_remind':"可以将文件拖到这里,单次最多可选100个文件"
+ },
+ 'uploadSelectFile':'点击选择文件',
+ 'uploadAddFile':'继续添加',
+ 'uploadStart':'开始上传',
+ 'uploadPause':'暂停上传',
+ 'uploadContinue':'继续上传',
+ 'uploadRetry':'重试上传',
+ 'uploadDelete':'删除',
+ 'uploadTurnLeft':'向左旋转',
+ 'uploadTurnRight':'向右旋转',
+ 'uploadPreview':'预览中',
+ 'updateStatusReady': '选中_个文件,共_KB。',
+ 'updateStatusConfirm': '已成功上传_个文件,_个文件上传失败',
+ 'updateStatusFinish': '共_个(_KB),_个上传成功',
+ 'updateStatusError': ',_张上传失败。',
+ 'errorNotSupport': 'WebUploader 不支持您的浏览器!如果你使用的是IE浏览器,请尝试升级 flash 播放器。',
+ 'errorLoadConfig': '后端配置项没有正常加载,上传插件不能正常使用!',
+ 'errorExceedSize':'文件大小超出',
+ 'errorFileType':'文件格式不允许',
+ 'errorInterrupt':'文件传输中断',
+ 'errorUploadRetry':'上传失败,请重试',
+ 'errorHttp':'http请求错误',
+ 'errorServerUpload':'服务器返回出错'
+ },
+ 'insertvideo':{
+ 'static':{
+ 'lang_tab_insertV':"插入视频",
+ 'lang_tab_searchV':"搜索视频",
+ 'lang_tab_uploadV':"上传视频",
+ 'lang_video_url':"视频网址",
+ 'lang_video_size':"视频尺寸",
+ 'lang_videoW':"宽度",
+ 'lang_videoH':"高度",
+ 'lang_alignment':"对齐方式",
+ 'videoSearchTxt':{'value':"请输入搜索关键字!"},
+ 'videoType':{'options':["全部", "热门", "娱乐", "搞笑", "体育", "科技", "综艺"]},
+ 'videoSearchBtn':{'value':"百度一下"},
+ 'videoSearchReset':{'value':"清空结果"},
+ 'lang_input_fileStatus':' 当前未上传文件',
+ 'startUpload':{'style':"background:url(upload.png) no-repeat;"},
+ 'lang_upload_size':"视频尺寸",
+ 'lang_upload_width':"宽度",
+ 'lang_upload_height':"高度",
+ 'lang_upload_alignment':"对齐方式",
+ 'lang_format_advice':"建议使用mp4格式."
+ },
+ 'numError':"请输入正确的数值,如123,400",
+ 'floatLeft':"左浮动",
+ 'floatRight':"右浮动",
+ '"default"':"默认",
+ 'block':"独占一行",
+ 'urlError':"输入的视频地址有误,请检查后再试!",
+ 'loading':" 视频加载中,请等待……",
+ 'clickToSelect':"点击选中",
+ 'goToSource':'访问源视频',
+ 'noVideo':" 抱歉,找不到对应的视频,请重试!",
+ 'browseFiles':'浏览文件',
+ 'uploadSuccess':'上传成功!',
+ 'delSuccessFile':'从成功队列中移除',
+ 'delFailSaveFile':'移除保存失败文件',
+ 'statusPrompt':' 个文件已上传! ',
+ 'flashVersionError':'当前Flash版本过低,请更新FlashPlayer后重试!',
+ 'flashLoadingError':'Flash加载失败!请检查路径或网络状态',
+ 'fileUploadReady':'等待上传……',
+ 'delUploadQueue':'从上传队列中移除',
+ 'limitPrompt1':'单次不能选择超过',
+ 'limitPrompt2':'个文件!请重新选择!',
+ 'delFailFile':'移除失败文件',
+ 'fileSizeLimit':'文件大小超出限制!',
+ 'emptyFile':'空文件无法上传!',
+ 'fileTypeError':'文件类型不允许!',
+ 'unknownError':'未知错误!',
+ 'fileUploading':'上传中,请等待……',
+ 'cancelUpload':'取消上传',
+ 'netError':'网络错误',
+ 'failUpload':'上传失败!',
+ 'serverIOError':'服务器IO错误!',
+ 'noAuthority':'无权限!',
+ 'fileNumLimit':'上传个数限制',
+ 'failCheck':'验证失败,本次上传被跳过!',
+ 'fileCanceling':'取消中,请等待……',
+ 'stopUploading':'上传已停止……',
+ 'uploadSelectFile':'点击选择文件',
+ 'uploadAddFile':'继续添加',
+ 'uploadStart':'开始上传',
+ 'uploadPause':'暂停上传',
+ 'uploadContinue':'继续上传',
+ 'uploadRetry':'重试上传',
+ 'uploadDelete':'删除',
+ 'uploadTurnLeft':'向左旋转',
+ 'uploadTurnRight':'向右旋转',
+ 'uploadPreview':'预览中',
+ 'updateStatusReady': '选中_个文件,共_KB。',
+ 'updateStatusConfirm': '成功上传_个,_个失败',
+ 'updateStatusFinish': '共_个(_KB),_个成功上传',
+ 'updateStatusError': ',_张上传失败。',
+ 'errorNotSupport': 'WebUploader 不支持您的浏览器!如果你使用的是IE浏览器,请尝试升级 flash 播放器。',
+ 'errorLoadConfig': '后端配置项没有正常加载,上传插件不能正常使用!',
+ 'errorExceedSize':'文件大小超出',
+ 'errorFileType':'文件格式不允许',
+ 'errorInterrupt':'文件传输中断',
+ 'errorUploadRetry':'上传失败,请重试',
+ 'errorHttp':'http请求错误',
+ 'errorServerUpload':'服务器返回出错'
+ },
+ 'webapp':{
+ 'tip1':"本功能由百度APP提供,如看到此页面,请各位站长首先申请百度APPKey!",
+ 'tip2':"申请完成之后请至ueditor.config.js中配置获得的appkey! ",
+ 'applyFor':"点此申请",
+ 'anthorApi':"百度API"
+ },
+ 'template':{
+ 'static':{
+ 'lang_template_bkcolor':'背景颜色',
+ 'lang_template_clear' : '保留原有内容',
+ 'lang_template_select' : '选择模板'
+ },
+ 'blank':"空白文档",
+ 'blog':"博客文章",
+ 'resume':"个人简历",
+ 'richText':"图文混排",
+ 'sciPapers':"科技论文"
+ },
+ 'scrawl':{
+ 'static':{
+ 'lang_input_previousStep':"上一步",
+ 'lang_input_nextsStep':"下一步",
+ 'lang_input_clear':'清空',
+ 'lang_input_addPic':'添加背景',
+ 'lang_input_ScalePic':'缩放背景',
+ 'lang_input_removePic':'删除背景',
+ 'J_imgTxt':{title:'添加背景图片'}
+ },
+ 'noScarwl':"尚未作画,白纸一张~",
+ 'scrawlUpLoading':"涂鸦上传中,别急哦~",
+ 'continueBtn':"继续",
+ 'imageError':"糟糕,图片读取失败了!",
+ 'backgroundUploading':'背景图片上传中,别急哦~'
+ },
+ 'music':{
+ 'static':{
+ 'lang_input_tips':"输入歌手/歌曲/专辑,搜索您感兴趣的音乐!",
+ 'J_searchBtn':{value:'搜索歌曲'}
+ },
+ 'emptyTxt':'未搜索到相关音乐结果,请换一个关键词试试。',
+ 'chapter':'歌曲',
+ 'singer':'歌手',
+ 'special':'专辑',
+ 'listenTest':'试听'
+ },
+ 'anchor':{
+ 'static':{
+ 'lang_input_anchorName':'锚点名字:'
+ }
+ },
+ 'charts':{
+ 'static':{
+ 'lang_data_source':'数据源:',
+ 'lang_chart_format': '图表格式:',
+ 'lang_data_align': '数据对齐方式',
+ 'lang_chart_align_same': '数据源与图表X轴Y轴一致',
+ 'lang_chart_align_reverse': '数据源与图表X轴Y轴相反',
+ 'lang_chart_title': '图表标题',
+ 'lang_chart_main_title': '主标题:',
+ 'lang_chart_sub_title': '子标题:',
+ 'lang_chart_x_title': 'X轴标题:',
+ 'lang_chart_y_title': 'Y轴标题:',
+ 'lang_chart_tip': '提示文字',
+ 'lang_cahrt_tip_prefix': '提示文字前缀:',
+ 'lang_cahrt_tip_description': '仅饼图有效, 当鼠标移动到饼图中相应的块上时,提示框内的文字的前缀',
+ 'lang_chart_data_unit': '数据单位',
+ 'lang_chart_data_unit_title': '单位:',
+ 'lang_chart_data_unit_description': '显示在每个数据点上的数据的单位, 比如: 温度的单位 ℃',
+ 'lang_chart_type': '图表类型:',
+ 'lang_prev_btn': '上一个',
+ 'lang_next_btn': '下一个'
+ }
+ },
+ 'emotion':{
+ 'static':{
+ 'lang_input_choice':'精选',
+ 'lang_input_Tuzki':'兔斯基',
+ 'lang_input_BOBO':'BOBO',
+ 'lang_input_lvdouwa':'绿豆蛙',
+ 'lang_input_babyCat':'baby猫',
+ 'lang_input_bubble':'泡泡',
+ 'lang_input_youa':'有啊'
+ }
+ },
+ 'gmap':{
+ 'static':{
+ 'lang_input_address':'地址',
+ 'lang_input_search':'搜索',
+ 'address':{value:"北京"}
+ },
+ searchError:'无法定位到该地址!'
+ },
+ 'help':{
+ 'static':{
+ 'lang_input_about':'关于UEditor',
+ 'lang_input_shortcuts':'快捷键',
+ 'lang_input_introduction':'UEditor是由百度web前端研发部开发的所见即所得富文本web编辑器,具有轻量,可定制,注重用户体验等特点。开源基于BSD协议,允许自由使用和修改代码。',
+ 'lang_Txt_shortcuts':'快捷键',
+ 'lang_Txt_func':'功能',
+ 'lang_Txt_bold':'给选中字设置为加粗',
+ 'lang_Txt_copy':'复制选中内容',
+ 'lang_Txt_cut':'剪切选中内容',
+ 'lang_Txt_Paste':'粘贴',
+ 'lang_Txt_undo':'重新执行上次操作',
+ 'lang_Txt_redo':'撤销上一次操作',
+ 'lang_Txt_italic':'给选中字设置为斜体',
+ 'lang_Txt_underline':'给选中字加下划线',
+ 'lang_Txt_selectAll':'全部选中',
+ 'lang_Txt_visualEnter':'软回车',
+ 'lang_Txt_fullscreen':'全屏'
+ }
+ },
+ 'insertframe':{
+ 'static':{
+ 'lang_input_address':'地址:',
+ 'lang_input_width':'宽度:',
+ 'lang_input_height':'高度:',
+ 'lang_input_isScroll':'允许滚动条:',
+ 'lang_input_frameborder':'显示框架边框:',
+ 'lang_input_alignMode':'对齐方式:',
+ 'align':{title:"对齐方式", options:["默认", "左对齐", "右对齐", "居中"]}
+ },
+ 'enterAddress':'请输入地址!'
+ },
+ 'link':{
+ 'static':{
+ 'lang_input_text':'文本内容:',
+ 'lang_input_url':'链接地址:',
+ 'lang_input_title':'标题:',
+ 'lang_input_target':'是否在新窗口打开:'
+ },
+ 'validLink':'只支持选中一个链接时生效',
+ 'httpPrompt':'您输入的超链接中不包含http等协议名称,默认将为您添加http://前缀'
+ },
+ 'map':{
+ 'static':{
+ lang_city:"城市",
+ lang_address:"地址",
+ city:{value:"北京"},
+ lang_search:"搜索",
+ lang_dynamicmap:"插入动态地图"
+ },
+ cityMsg:"请选择城市",
+ errorMsg:"抱歉,找不到该位置!"
+ },
+ 'searchreplace':{
+ 'static':{
+ lang_tab_search:"查找",
+ lang_tab_replace:"替换",
+ lang_search1:"查找",
+ lang_search2:"查找",
+ lang_replace:"替换",
+ lang_searchReg:'支持正则表达式,添加前后斜杠标示为正则表达式,例如“/表达式/”',
+ lang_searchReg1:'支持正则表达式,添加前后斜杠标示为正则表达式,例如“/表达式/”',
+ lang_case_sensitive1:"区分大小写",
+ lang_case_sensitive2:"区分大小写",
+ nextFindBtn:{value:"下一个"},
+ preFindBtn:{value:"上一个"},
+ nextReplaceBtn:{value:"下一个"},
+ preReplaceBtn:{value:"上一个"},
+ repalceBtn:{value:"替换"},
+ repalceAllBtn:{value:"全部替换"}
+ },
+ getEnd:"已经搜索到文章末尾!",
+ getStart:"已经搜索到文章头部",
+ countMsg:"总共替换了{#count}处!"
+ },
+ 'snapscreen':{
+ 'static':{
+ lang_showMsg:"截图功能需要首先安装UEditor截图插件! ",
+ lang_download:"点此下载",
+ lang_step1:"第一步,下载UEditor截图插件并运行安装。",
+ lang_step2:"第二步,插件安装完成后即可使用,如不生效,请重启浏览器后再试!"
+ }
+ },
+ 'spechars':{
+ 'static':{},
+ tsfh:"特殊字符",
+ lmsz:"罗马字符",
+ szfh:"数学字符",
+ rwfh:"日文字符",
+ xlzm:"希腊字母",
+ ewzm:"俄文字符",
+ pyzm:"拼音字母",
+ yyyb:"英语音标",
+ zyzf:"其他"
+ },
+ 'edittable':{
+ 'static':{
+ 'lang_tableStyle':'表格样式',
+ 'lang_insertCaption':'添加表格名称行',
+ 'lang_insertTitle':'添加表格标题行',
+ 'lang_insertTitleCol':'添加表格标题列',
+ 'lang_orderbycontent':"使表格内容可排序",
+ 'lang_tableSize':'自动调整表格尺寸',
+ 'lang_autoSizeContent':'按表格文字自适应',
+ 'lang_autoSizePage':'按页面宽度自适应',
+ 'lang_example':'示例',
+ 'lang_borderStyle':'表格边框',
+ 'lang_color':'颜色:'
+ },
+ captionName:'表格名称',
+ titleName:'标题',
+ cellsName:'内容',
+ errorMsg:'有合并单元格,不可排序'
+ },
+ 'edittip':{
+ 'static':{
+ lang_delRow:'删除整行',
+ lang_delCol:'删除整列'
+ }
+ },
+ 'edittd':{
+ 'static':{
+ lang_tdBkColor:'背景颜色:'
+ }
+ },
+ 'formula':{
+ 'static':{
+ }
+ },
+ 'wordimage':{
+ 'static':{
+ lang_resave:"转存步骤",
+ uploadBtn:{src:"upload.png",alt:"上传"},
+ clipboard:{style:"background: url(copy.png) -153px -1px no-repeat;"},
+ lang_step:"1、点击顶部复制按钮,将地址复制到剪贴板;2、点击添加照片按钮,在弹出的对话框中使用Ctrl+V粘贴地址;3、点击打开后选择图片上传流程。"
+ },
+ 'fileType':"图片",
+ 'flashError':"FLASH初始化失败,请检查FLASH插件是否正确安装!",
+ 'netError':"网络连接错误,请重试!",
+ 'copySuccess':"图片地址已经复制!",
+ 'flashI18n':{} //留空默认中文
+ },
+ 'autosave': {
+ 'saving':'保存中...',
+ 'success':'本地保存成功'
+ }
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new file mode 100644
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+ * UEditor
+ * version: ueditor
+ * build: Wed Dec 26 2018 17:25:05 GMT+0800 (CST)
+ */
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@@ -0,0 +1,3655 @@
+// XRegExp 1.5.1
+// (c) 2007-2012 Steven Levithan
+// MIT License
+// Provides an augmented, extensible, cross-browser implementation of regular expressions,
+// including support for additional syntax, flags, and methods
+var XRegExp;
+if (XRegExp) {
+ // Avoid running twice, since that would break references to native globals
+ throw Error("can't load XRegExp twice in the same frame");
+// Run within an anonymous function to protect variables and avoid new globals
+(function (undefined) {
+ //---------------------------------
+ // Constructor
+ //---------------------------------
+ // Accepts a pattern and flags; returns a new, extended `RegExp` object. Differs from a native
+ // regular expression in that additional syntax and flags are supported and cross-browser
+ // syntax inconsistencies are ameliorated. `XRegExp(/regex/)` clones an existing regex and
+ // converts to type XRegExp
+ XRegExp = function (pattern, flags) {
+ var output = [],
+ currScope = XRegExp.OUTSIDE_CLASS,
+ pos = 0,
+ context, tokenResult, match, chr, regex;
+ if (XRegExp.isRegExp(pattern)) {
+ if (flags !== undefined)
+ throw TypeError("can't supply flags when constructing one RegExp from another");
+ return clone(pattern);
+ }
+ // Tokens become part of the regex construction process, so protect against infinite
+ // recursion when an XRegExp is constructed within a token handler or trigger
+ if (isInsideConstructor)
+ throw Error("can't call the XRegExp constructor within token definition functions");
+ flags = flags || "";
+ context = { // `this` object for custom tokens
+ hasNamedCapture: false,
+ captureNames: [],
+ hasFlag: function (flag) {return flags.indexOf(flag) > -1;},
+ setFlag: function (flag) {flags += flag;}
+ };
+ while (pos < pattern.length) {
+ // Check for custom tokens at the current position
+ tokenResult = runTokens(pattern, pos, currScope, context);
+ if (tokenResult) {
+ output.push(tokenResult.output);
+ pos += (tokenResult.match[0].length || 1);
+ } else {
+ // Check for native multicharacter metasequences (excluding character classes) at
+ // the current position
+ if (match = nativ.exec.call(nativeTokens[currScope], pattern.slice(pos))) {
+ output.push(match[0]);
+ pos += match[0].length;
+ } else {
+ chr = pattern.charAt(pos);
+ if (chr === "[")
+ currScope = XRegExp.INSIDE_CLASS;
+ else if (chr === "]")
+ currScope = XRegExp.OUTSIDE_CLASS;
+ // Advance position one character
+ output.push(chr);
+ pos++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ regex = RegExp(output.join(""), nativ.replace.call(flags, flagClip, ""));
+ regex._xregexp = {
+ source: pattern,
+ captureNames: context.hasNamedCapture ? context.captureNames : null
+ };
+ return regex;
+ };
+ //---------------------------------
+ // Public properties
+ //---------------------------------
+ XRegExp.version = "1.5.1";
+ // Token scope bitflags
+ //---------------------------------
+ // Private variables
+ //---------------------------------
+ var replacementToken = /\$(?:(\d\d?|[$&`'])|{([$\w]+)})/g,
+ flagClip = /[^gimy]+|([\s\S])(?=[\s\S]*\1)/g, // Nonnative and duplicate flags
+ quantifier = /^(?:[?*+]|{\d+(?:,\d*)?})\??/,
+ isInsideConstructor = false,
+ tokens = [],
+ // Copy native globals for reference ("native" is an ES3 reserved keyword)
+ nativ = {
+ exec: RegExp.prototype.exec,
+ test: RegExp.prototype.test,
+ match: String.prototype.match,
+ replace: String.prototype.replace,
+ split: String.prototype.split
+ },
+ compliantExecNpcg = nativ.exec.call(/()??/, "")[1] === undefined, // check `exec` handling of nonparticipating capturing groups
+ compliantLastIndexIncrement = function () {
+ var x = /^/g;
+ nativ.test.call(x, "");
+ return !x.lastIndex;
+ }(),
+ hasNativeY = RegExp.prototype.sticky !== undefined,
+ nativeTokens = {};
+ // `nativeTokens` match native multicharacter metasequences only (including deprecated octals,
+ // excluding character classes)
+ nativeTokens[XRegExp.INSIDE_CLASS] = /^(?:\\(?:[0-3][0-7]{0,2}|[4-7][0-7]?|x[\dA-Fa-f]{2}|u[\dA-Fa-f]{4}|c[A-Za-z]|[\s\S]))/;
+ nativeTokens[XRegExp.OUTSIDE_CLASS] = /^(?:\\(?:0(?:[0-3][0-7]{0,2}|[4-7][0-7]?)?|[1-9]\d*|x[\dA-Fa-f]{2}|u[\dA-Fa-f]{4}|c[A-Za-z]|[\s\S])|\(\?[:=!]|[?*+]\?|{\d+(?:,\d*)?}\??)/;
+ //---------------------------------
+ // Public methods
+ //---------------------------------
+ // Lets you extend or change XRegExp syntax and create custom flags. This is used internally by
+ // the XRegExp library and can be used to create XRegExp plugins. This function is intended for
+ // users with advanced knowledge of JavaScript's regular expression syntax and behavior. It can
+ // be disabled by `XRegExp.freezeTokens`
+ XRegExp.addToken = function (regex, handler, scope, trigger) {
+ tokens.push({
+ pattern: clone(regex, "g" + (hasNativeY ? "y" : "")),
+ handler: handler,
+ scope: scope || XRegExp.OUTSIDE_CLASS,
+ trigger: trigger || null
+ });
+ };
+ // Accepts a pattern and flags; returns an extended `RegExp` object. If the pattern and flag
+ // combination has previously been cached, the cached copy is returned; otherwise the newly
+ // created regex is cached
+ XRegExp.cache = function (pattern, flags) {
+ var key = pattern + "/" + (flags || "");
+ return XRegExp.cache[key] || (XRegExp.cache[key] = XRegExp(pattern, flags));
+ };
+ // Accepts a `RegExp` instance; returns a copy with the `/g` flag set. The copy has a fresh
+ // `lastIndex` (set to zero). If you want to copy a regex without forcing the `global`
+ // property, use `XRegExp(regex)`. Do not use `RegExp(regex)` because it will not preserve
+ // special properties required for named capture
+ XRegExp.copyAsGlobal = function (regex) {
+ return clone(regex, "g");
+ };
+ // Accepts a string; returns the string with regex metacharacters escaped. The returned string
+ // can safely be used at any point within a regex to match the provided literal string. Escaped
+ // characters are [ ] { } ( ) * + ? - . , \ ^ $ | # and whitespace
+ XRegExp.escape = function (str) {
+ return str.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&");
+ };
+ // Accepts a string to search, regex to search with, position to start the search within the
+ // string (default: 0), and an optional Boolean indicating whether matches must start at-or-
+ // after the position or at the specified position only. This function ignores the `lastIndex`
+ // of the provided regex in its own handling, but updates the property for compatibility
+ XRegExp.execAt = function (str, regex, pos, anchored) {
+ var r2 = clone(regex, "g" + ((anchored && hasNativeY) ? "y" : "")),
+ match;
+ r2.lastIndex = pos = pos || 0;
+ match = r2.exec(str); // Run the altered `exec` (required for `lastIndex` fix, etc.)
+ if (anchored && match && match.index !== pos)
+ match = null;
+ if (regex.global)
+ regex.lastIndex = match ? r2.lastIndex : 0;
+ return match;
+ };
+ // Breaks the unrestorable link to XRegExp's private list of tokens, thereby preventing
+ // syntax and flag changes. Should be run after XRegExp and any plugins are loaded
+ XRegExp.freezeTokens = function () {
+ XRegExp.addToken = function () {
+ throw Error("can't run addToken after freezeTokens");
+ };
+ };
+ // Accepts any value; returns a Boolean indicating whether the argument is a `RegExp` object.
+ // Note that this is also `true` for regex literals and regexes created by the `XRegExp`
+ // constructor. This works correctly for variables created in another frame, when `instanceof`
+ // and `constructor` checks would fail to work as intended
+ XRegExp.isRegExp = function (o) {
+ return Object.prototype.toString.call(o) === "[object RegExp]";
+ };
+ // Executes `callback` once per match within `str`. Provides a simpler and cleaner way to
+ // iterate over regex matches compared to the traditional approaches of subverting
+ // `String.prototype.replace` or repeatedly calling `exec` within a `while` loop
+ XRegExp.iterate = function (str, regex, callback, context) {
+ var r2 = clone(regex, "g"),
+ i = -1, match;
+ while (match = r2.exec(str)) { // Run the altered `exec` (required for `lastIndex` fix, etc.)
+ if (regex.global)
+ regex.lastIndex = r2.lastIndex; // Doing this to follow expectations if `lastIndex` is checked within `callback`
+ callback.call(context, match, ++i, str, regex);
+ if (r2.lastIndex === match.index)
+ r2.lastIndex++;
+ }
+ if (regex.global)
+ regex.lastIndex = 0;
+ };
+ // Accepts a string and an array of regexes; returns the result of using each successive regex
+ // to search within the matches of the previous regex. The array of regexes can also contain
+ // objects with `regex` and `backref` properties, in which case the named or numbered back-
+ // references specified are passed forward to the next regex or returned. E.g.:
+ // var xregexpImgFileNames = XRegExp.matchChain(html, [
+ // {regex: /
]+)>/i, backref: 1}, //
tag attributes
+ // {regex: XRegExp('(?ix) \\s src=" (? [^"]+ )'), backref: "src"}, // src attribute values
+ // {regex: XRegExp("^http://xregexp\\.com(/[^#?]+)", "i"), backref: 1}, // xregexp.com paths
+ // /[^\/]+$/ // filenames (strip directory paths)
+ // ]);
+ XRegExp.matchChain = function (str, chain) {
+ return function recurseChain (values, level) {
+ var item = chain[level].regex ? chain[level] : {regex: chain[level]},
+ regex = clone(item.regex, "g"),
+ matches = [], i;
+ for (i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
+ XRegExp.iterate(values[i], regex, function (match) {
+ matches.push(item.backref ? (match[item.backref] || "") : match[0]);
+ });
+ }
+ return ((level === chain.length - 1) || !matches.length) ?
+ matches : recurseChain(matches, level + 1);
+ }([str], 0);
+ };
+ //---------------------------------
+ // New RegExp prototype methods
+ //---------------------------------
+ // Accepts a context object and arguments array; returns the result of calling `exec` with the
+ // first value in the arguments array. the context is ignored but is accepted for congruity
+ // with `Function.prototype.apply`
+ RegExp.prototype.apply = function (context, args) {
+ return this.exec(args[0]);
+ };
+ // Accepts a context object and string; returns the result of calling `exec` with the provided
+ // string. the context is ignored but is accepted for congruity with `Function.prototype.call`
+ RegExp.prototype.call = function (context, str) {
+ return this.exec(str);
+ };
+ //---------------------------------
+ // Overriden native methods
+ //---------------------------------
+ // Adds named capture support (with backreferences returned as `result.name`), and fixes two
+ // cross-browser issues per ES3:
+ // - Captured values for nonparticipating capturing groups should be returned as `undefined`,
+ // rather than the empty string.
+ // - `lastIndex` should not be incremented after zero-length matches.
+ RegExp.prototype.exec = function (str) {
+ var match, name, r2, origLastIndex;
+ if (!this.global)
+ origLastIndex = this.lastIndex;
+ match = nativ.exec.apply(this, arguments);
+ if (match) {
+ // Fix browsers whose `exec` methods don't consistently return `undefined` for
+ // nonparticipating capturing groups
+ if (!compliantExecNpcg && match.length > 1 && indexOf(match, "") > -1) {
+ r2 = RegExp(this.source, nativ.replace.call(getNativeFlags(this), "g", ""));
+ // Using `str.slice(match.index)` rather than `match[0]` in case lookahead allowed
+ // matching due to characters outside the match
+ nativ.replace.call((str + "").slice(match.index), r2, function () {
+ for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length - 2; i++) {
+ if (arguments[i] === undefined)
+ match[i] = undefined;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // Attach named capture properties
+ if (this._xregexp && this._xregexp.captureNames) {
+ for (var i = 1; i < match.length; i++) {
+ name = this._xregexp.captureNames[i - 1];
+ if (name)
+ match[name] = match[i];
+ }
+ }
+ // Fix browsers that increment `lastIndex` after zero-length matches
+ if (!compliantLastIndexIncrement && this.global && !match[0].length && (this.lastIndex > match.index))
+ this.lastIndex--;
+ }
+ if (!this.global)
+ this.lastIndex = origLastIndex; // Fix IE, Opera bug (last tested IE 9.0.5, Opera 11.61 on Windows)
+ return match;
+ };
+ // Fix browser bugs in native method
+ RegExp.prototype.test = function (str) {
+ // Use the native `exec` to skip some processing overhead, even though the altered
+ // `exec` would take care of the `lastIndex` fixes
+ var match, origLastIndex;
+ if (!this.global)
+ origLastIndex = this.lastIndex;
+ match = nativ.exec.call(this, str);
+ // Fix browsers that increment `lastIndex` after zero-length matches
+ if (match && !compliantLastIndexIncrement && this.global && !match[0].length && (this.lastIndex > match.index))
+ this.lastIndex--;
+ if (!this.global)
+ this.lastIndex = origLastIndex; // Fix IE, Opera bug (last tested IE 9.0.5, Opera 11.61 on Windows)
+ return !!match;
+ };
+ // Adds named capture support and fixes browser bugs in native method
+ String.prototype.match = function (regex) {
+ if (!XRegExp.isRegExp(regex))
+ regex = RegExp(regex); // Native `RegExp`
+ if (regex.global) {
+ var result = nativ.match.apply(this, arguments);
+ regex.lastIndex = 0; // Fix IE bug
+ return result;
+ }
+ return regex.exec(this); // Run the altered `exec`
+ };
+ // Adds support for `${n}` tokens for named and numbered backreferences in replacement text,
+ // and provides named backreferences to replacement functions as `arguments[0].name`. Also
+ // fixes cross-browser differences in replacement text syntax when performing a replacement
+ // using a nonregex search value, and the value of replacement regexes' `lastIndex` property
+ // during replacement iterations. Note that this doesn't support SpiderMonkey's proprietary
+ // third (`flags`) parameter
+ String.prototype.replace = function (search, replacement) {
+ var isRegex = XRegExp.isRegExp(search),
+ captureNames, result, str, origLastIndex;
+ // There are too many combinations of search/replacement types/values and browser bugs that
+ // preclude passing to native `replace`, so don't try
+ //if (...)
+ // return nativ.replace.apply(this, arguments);
+ if (isRegex) {
+ if (search._xregexp)
+ captureNames = search._xregexp.captureNames; // Array or `null`
+ if (!search.global)
+ origLastIndex = search.lastIndex;
+ } else {
+ search = search + ""; // Type conversion
+ }
+ if (Object.prototype.toString.call(replacement) === "[object Function]") {
+ result = nativ.replace.call(this + "", search, function () {
+ if (captureNames) {
+ // Change the `arguments[0]` string primitive to a String object which can store properties
+ arguments[0] = new String(arguments[0]);
+ // Store named backreferences on `arguments[0]`
+ for (var i = 0; i < captureNames.length; i++) {
+ if (captureNames[i])
+ arguments[0][captureNames[i]] = arguments[i + 1];
+ }
+ }
+ // Update `lastIndex` before calling `replacement` (fix browsers)
+ if (isRegex && search.global)
+ search.lastIndex = arguments[arguments.length - 2] + arguments[0].length;
+ return replacement.apply(null, arguments);
+ });
+ } else {
+ str = this + ""; // Type conversion, so `args[args.length - 1]` will be a string (given nonstring `this`)
+ result = nativ.replace.call(str, search, function () {
+ var args = arguments; // Keep this function's `arguments` available through closure
+ return nativ.replace.call(replacement + "", replacementToken, function ($0, $1, $2) {
+ // Numbered backreference (without delimiters) or special variable
+ if ($1) {
+ switch ($1) {
+ case "$": return "$";
+ case "&": return args[0];
+ case "`": return args[args.length - 1].slice(0, args[args.length - 2]);
+ case "'": return args[args.length - 1].slice(args[args.length - 2] + args[0].length);
+ // Numbered backreference
+ default:
+ // What does "$10" mean?
+ // - Backreference 10, if 10 or more capturing groups exist
+ // - Backreference 1 followed by "0", if 1-9 capturing groups exist
+ // - Otherwise, it's the string "$10"
+ // Also note:
+ // - Backreferences cannot be more than two digits (enforced by `replacementToken`)
+ // - "$01" is equivalent to "$1" if a capturing group exists, otherwise it's the string "$01"
+ // - There is no "$0" token ("$&" is the entire match)
+ var literalNumbers = "";
+ $1 = +$1; // Type conversion; drop leading zero
+ if (!$1) // `$1` was "0" or "00"
+ return $0;
+ while ($1 > args.length - 3) {
+ literalNumbers = String.prototype.slice.call($1, -1) + literalNumbers;
+ $1 = Math.floor($1 / 10); // Drop the last digit
+ }
+ return ($1 ? args[$1] || "" : "$") + literalNumbers;
+ }
+ // Named backreference or delimited numbered backreference
+ } else {
+ // What does "${n}" mean?
+ // - Backreference to numbered capture n. Two differences from "$n":
+ // - n can be more than two digits
+ // - Backreference 0 is allowed, and is the entire match
+ // - Backreference to named capture n, if it exists and is not a number overridden by numbered capture
+ // - Otherwise, it's the string "${n}"
+ var n = +$2; // Type conversion; drop leading zeros
+ if (n <= args.length - 3)
+ return args[n];
+ n = captureNames ? indexOf(captureNames, $2) : -1;
+ return n > -1 ? args[n + 1] : $0;
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ if (isRegex) {
+ if (search.global)
+ search.lastIndex = 0; // Fix IE, Safari bug (last tested IE 9.0.5, Safari 5.1.2 on Windows)
+ else
+ search.lastIndex = origLastIndex; // Fix IE, Opera bug (last tested IE 9.0.5, Opera 11.61 on Windows)
+ }
+ return result;
+ };
+ // A consistent cross-browser, ES3 compliant `split`
+ String.prototype.split = function (s /* separator */, limit) {
+ // If separator `s` is not a regex, use the native `split`
+ if (!XRegExp.isRegExp(s))
+ return nativ.split.apply(this, arguments);
+ var str = this + "", // Type conversion
+ output = [],
+ lastLastIndex = 0,
+ match, lastLength;
+ // Behavior for `limit`: if it's...
+ // - `undefined`: No limit
+ // - `NaN` or zero: Return an empty array
+ // - A positive number: Use `Math.floor(limit)`
+ // - A negative number: No limit
+ // - Other: Type-convert, then use the above rules
+ if (limit === undefined || +limit < 0) {
+ limit = Infinity;
+ } else {
+ limit = Math.floor(+limit);
+ if (!limit)
+ return [];
+ }
+ // This is required if not `s.global`, and it avoids needing to set `s.lastIndex` to zero
+ // and restore it to its original value when we're done using the regex
+ s = XRegExp.copyAsGlobal(s);
+ while (match = s.exec(str)) { // Run the altered `exec` (required for `lastIndex` fix, etc.)
+ if (s.lastIndex > lastLastIndex) {
+ output.push(str.slice(lastLastIndex, match.index));
+ if (match.length > 1 && match.index < str.length)
+ Array.prototype.push.apply(output, match.slice(1));
+ lastLength = match[0].length;
+ lastLastIndex = s.lastIndex;
+ if (output.length >= limit)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (s.lastIndex === match.index)
+ s.lastIndex++;
+ }
+ if (lastLastIndex === str.length) {
+ if (!nativ.test.call(s, "") || lastLength)
+ output.push("");
+ } else {
+ output.push(str.slice(lastLastIndex));
+ }
+ return output.length > limit ? output.slice(0, limit) : output;
+ };
+ //---------------------------------
+ // Private helper functions
+ //---------------------------------
+ // Supporting function for `XRegExp`, `XRegExp.copyAsGlobal`, etc. Returns a copy of a `RegExp`
+ // instance with a fresh `lastIndex` (set to zero), preserving properties required for named
+ // capture. Also allows adding new flags in the process of copying the regex
+ function clone (regex, additionalFlags) {
+ if (!XRegExp.isRegExp(regex))
+ throw TypeError("type RegExp expected");
+ var x = regex._xregexp;
+ regex = XRegExp(regex.source, getNativeFlags(regex) + (additionalFlags || ""));
+ if (x) {
+ regex._xregexp = {
+ source: x.source,
+ captureNames: x.captureNames ? x.captureNames.slice(0) : null
+ };
+ }
+ return regex;
+ }
+ function getNativeFlags (regex) {
+ return (regex.global ? "g" : "") +
+ (regex.ignoreCase ? "i" : "") +
+ (regex.multiline ? "m" : "") +
+ (regex.extended ? "x" : "") + // Proposed for ES4; included in AS3
+ (regex.sticky ? "y" : "");
+ }
+ function runTokens (pattern, index, scope, context) {
+ var i = tokens.length,
+ result, match, t;
+ // Protect against constructing XRegExps within token handler and trigger functions
+ isInsideConstructor = true;
+ // Must reset `isInsideConstructor`, even if a `trigger` or `handler` throws
+ try {
+ while (i--) { // Run in reverse order
+ t = tokens[i];
+ if ((scope & t.scope) && (!t.trigger || t.trigger.call(context))) {
+ t.pattern.lastIndex = index;
+ match = t.pattern.exec(pattern); // Running the altered `exec` here allows use of named backreferences, etc.
+ if (match && match.index === index) {
+ result = {
+ output: t.handler.call(context, match, scope),
+ match: match
+ };
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (err) {
+ throw err;
+ } finally {
+ isInsideConstructor = false;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ function indexOf (array, item, from) {
+ if (Array.prototype.indexOf) // Use the native array method if available
+ return array.indexOf(item, from);
+ for (var i = from || 0; i < array.length; i++) {
+ if (array[i] === item)
+ return i;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ //---------------------------------
+ // Built-in tokens
+ //---------------------------------
+ // Augment XRegExp's regular expression syntax and flags. Note that when adding tokens, the
+ // third (`scope`) argument defaults to `XRegExp.OUTSIDE_CLASS`
+ // Comment pattern: (?# )
+ XRegExp.addToken(
+ /\(\?#[^)]*\)/,
+ function (match) {
+ // Keep tokens separated unless the following token is a quantifier
+ return nativ.test.call(quantifier, match.input.slice(match.index + match[0].length)) ? "" : "(?:)";
+ }
+ );
+ // Capturing group (match the opening parenthesis only).
+ // Required for support of named capturing groups
+ XRegExp.addToken(
+ /\((?!\?)/,
+ function () {
+ this.captureNames.push(null);
+ return "(";
+ }
+ );
+ // Named capturing group (match the opening delimiter only): (?
+ XRegExp.addToken(
+ /\(\?<([$\w]+)>/,
+ function (match) {
+ this.captureNames.push(match[1]);
+ this.hasNamedCapture = true;
+ return "(";
+ }
+ );
+ // Named backreference: \k
+ XRegExp.addToken(
+ /\\k<([\w$]+)>/,
+ function (match) {
+ var index = indexOf(this.captureNames, match[1]);
+ // Keep backreferences separate from subsequent literal numbers. Preserve back-
+ // references to named groups that are undefined at this point as literal strings
+ return index > -1 ?
+ "\\" + (index + 1) + (isNaN(match.input.charAt(match.index + match[0].length)) ? "" : "(?:)") :
+ match[0];
+ }
+ );
+ // Empty character class: [] or [^]
+ XRegExp.addToken(
+ /\[\^?]/,
+ function (match) {
+ // For cross-browser compatibility with ES3, convert [] to \b\B and [^] to [\s\S].
+ // (?!) should work like \b\B, but is unreliable in Firefox
+ return match[0] === "[]" ? "\\b\\B" : "[\\s\\S]";
+ }
+ );
+ // Mode modifier at the start of the pattern only, with any combination of flags imsx: (?imsx)
+ // Does not support x(?i), (?-i), (?i-m), (?i: ), (?i)(?m), etc.
+ XRegExp.addToken(
+ /^\(\?([imsx]+)\)/,
+ function (match) {
+ this.setFlag(match[1]);
+ return "";
+ }
+ );
+ // Whitespace and comments, in free-spacing (aka extended) mode only
+ XRegExp.addToken(
+ /(?:\s+|#.*)+/,
+ function (match) {
+ // Keep tokens separated unless the following token is a quantifier
+ return nativ.test.call(quantifier, match.input.slice(match.index + match[0].length)) ? "" : "(?:)";
+ },
+ function () {return this.hasFlag("x");}
+ );
+ // Dot, in dotall (aka singleline) mode only
+ XRegExp.addToken(
+ /\./,
+ function () {return "[\\s\\S]";},
+ function () {return this.hasFlag("s");}
+ );
+ //---------------------------------
+ // Backward compatibility
+ //---------------------------------
+ // Uncomment the following block for compatibility with XRegExp 1.0-1.2:
+ /*
+ XRegExp.matchWithinChain = XRegExp.matchChain;
+ RegExp.prototype.addFlags = function (s) {return clone(this, s);};
+ RegExp.prototype.execAll = function (s) {var r = []; XRegExp.iterate(s, this, function (m) {r.push(m);}); return r;};
+ RegExp.prototype.forEachExec = function (s, f, c) {return XRegExp.iterate(s, this, f, c);};
+ RegExp.prototype.validate = function (s) {var r = RegExp("^(?:" + this.source + ")$(?!\\s)", getNativeFlags(this)); if (this.global) this.lastIndex = 0; return s.search(r) === 0;};
+ */
+// Begin anonymous function. This is used to contain local scope variables without polutting global scope.
+if (typeof(SyntaxHighlighter) == 'undefined') var SyntaxHighlighter = function() {
+// CommonJS
+ if (typeof(require) != 'undefined' && typeof(XRegExp) == 'undefined')
+ {
+ XRegExp = require('XRegExp').XRegExp;
+ }
+// Shortcut object which will be assigned to the SyntaxHighlighter variable.
+// This is a shorthand for local reference in order to avoid long namespace
+// references to SyntaxHighlighter.whatever...
+ var sh = {
+ defaults : {
+ /** Additional CSS class names to be added to highlighter elements. */
+ 'class-name' : '',
+ /** First line number. */
+ 'first-line' : 1,
+ /**
+ * Pads line numbers. Possible values are:
+ *
+ * false - don't pad line numbers.
+ * true - automaticaly pad numbers with minimum required number of leading zeroes.
+ * [int] - length up to which pad line numbers.
+ */
+ 'pad-line-numbers' : false,
+ /** Lines to highlight. */
+ 'highlight' : false,
+ /** Title to be displayed above the code block. */
+ 'title' : null,
+ /** Enables or disables smart tabs. */
+ 'smart-tabs' : true,
+ /** Gets or sets tab size. */
+ 'tab-size' : 4,
+ /** Enables or disables gutter. */
+ 'gutter' : true,
+ /** Enables or disables toolbar. */
+ 'toolbar' : true,
+ /** Enables quick code copy and paste from double click. */
+ 'quick-code' : true,
+ /** Forces code view to be collapsed. */
+ 'collapse' : false,
+ /** Enables or disables automatic links. */
+ 'auto-links' : false,
+ /** Gets or sets light mode. Equavalent to turning off gutter and toolbar. */
+ 'light' : false,
+ 'unindent' : true,
+ 'html-script' : false
+ },
+ config : {
+ space : ' ',
+ /** Enables use of tags. */
+ useScriptTags : true,
+ /** Blogger mode flag. */
+ bloggerMode : false,
+ stripBrs : false,
+ /** Name of the tag that SyntaxHighlighter will automatically look for. */
+ tagName : 'pre',
+ strings : {
+ expandSource : 'expand source',
+ help : '?',
+ alert: 'SyntaxHighlighter\n\n',
+ noBrush : 'Can\'t find brush for: ',
+ brushNotHtmlScript : 'Brush wasn\'t configured for html-script option: ',
+ // this is populated by the build script
+ aboutDialog : '@ABOUT@'
+ }
+ },
+ /** Internal 'global' variables. */
+ vars : {
+ discoveredBrushes : null,
+ highlighters : {}
+ },
+ /** This object is populated by user included external brush files. */
+ brushes : {},
+ /** Common regular expressions. */
+ regexLib : {
+ multiLineCComments : /\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\//gm,
+ singleLineCComments : /\/\/.*$/gm,
+ singleLinePerlComments : /#.*$/gm,
+ doubleQuotedString : /"([^\\"\n]|\\.)*"/g,
+ singleQuotedString : /'([^\\'\n]|\\.)*'/g,
+ multiLineDoubleQuotedString : new XRegExp('"([^\\\\"]|\\\\.)*"', 'gs'),
+ multiLineSingleQuotedString : new XRegExp("'([^\\\\']|\\\\.)*'", 'gs'),
+ xmlComments : /(<|<)!--[\s\S]*?--(>|>)/gm,
+ url : /\w+:\/\/[\w-.\/?%&=:@;#]*/g,
+ /** = ?> tags. */
+ phpScriptTags : { left: /(<|<)\?(?:=|php)?/g, right: /\?(>|>)/g, 'eof' : true },
+ /** <%= %> tags. */
+ aspScriptTags : { left: /(<|<)%=?/g, right: /%(>|>)/g },
+ /**
+ *