  <view class="cash-withdrawal">
    <view class="nav acea-row">
        v-for="(item, navListIndex) in navList"
        class="item font-color-red"
        @click="swichNav(navListIndex, item)"
        <view class="line bg-color-red" :class="currentTab === navListIndex ? 'on' : ''"></view>
        <view class="iconfont" :class="item.icon + ' ' + (currentTab === navListIndex ? 'on' : '')"></view>
        <view>{{ item.name }}</view>
    <view class="wrapper">
      <view :hidden="currentTab !== 0" class="list">
        <view class="item acea-row row-between-wrapper">
          <view class="name">微信号</view>
          <view class="input">
            <input placeholder="请输入微信号" v-model="post.weixin" />
        <view class="item acea-row row-between-wrapper">
          <view class="name">提现</view>
          <view class="input">
            <input :placeholder="'最低提现金额' + minPrice" v-model="post.money" />
        <view class="tip">当前可提现金额: {{ commissionCount }}</view>
        <view class="bnt bg-color-red" @click="submitted">提现</view>
      <view :hidden="currentTab !== 1" class="list">
        <view class="item acea-row row-between-wrapper">
          <view class="name">用户名</view>
          <view class="input">
            <input placeholder="请填写您的支付宝用户名" v-model="post.name" />
        <view class="item acea-row row-between-wrapper">
          <view class="name">账号</view>
          <view class="input">
            <input placeholder="请填写您的支付宝账号" v-model="post.alipay_code" />
        <view class="item acea-row row-between-wrapper">
          <view class="name">提现</view>
          <view class="input">
            <input :placeholder="'最低提现金额' + minPrice" v-model="post.money" />
        <view class="tip">当前可提现金额: {{ commissionCount }}</view>
        <view class="bnt bg-color-red" @click="submitted">提现</view>
import { getBank, postCashInfo } from "@/api/user";
import { required } from "@/utils/validate";
import { validatorDefaultCatch } from "@/utils/dialog";

export default {
  name: "UserCash",
  components: {},
  props: {},
  data: function() {
    return {
      navList: [
        { name: "微信", type: "weixin", icon: "icon-weixin2" },
        { name: "支付宝", type: "alipay", icon: "icon-icon34" }
      post: {
        extract_type: "weixin",
        alipay_code: "",
        money: "",
        name: "",
        bankname: "",
        cardnum: "",
        weixin: ""
      currentTab: 0,
      minPrice: 0,
      banks: [],
      commissionCount: 0
  mounted: function() {
  methods: {
    swichNav: function(index, item) {
      this.currentTab = index;
      this.post.extract_type = item.type;
    getBank: function() {
      let that = this;
        res => {
          that.banks = res.data.extractBank;
          that.minPrice = res.data.minPrice;
          that.commissionCount = res.data.commissionCount;
        function(err) {
            title: err.msg || err.response.data.msg|| err.response.data.message,
            icon: "none",
            duration: 2000
    async submitted() {
      let bankname = this.post.bankname,
        alipay_code = this.post.alipay_code,
        money = this.post.money,
        name = this.post.name,
        cardnum = this.post.cardnum,
        weixin = this.post.weixin,
        that = this;
      // console.log(parseFloat(money))
      if (
        parseFloat(money) > parseFloat(that.commissionCount) ||
        parseFloat(that.commissionCount) == 0
        return that.$dialog.message("余额不足");
      if (parseFloat(money) < parseFloat(that.minPrice))
        return that.$dialog.message("最低提现金额" + that.minPrice);
      switch (that.post.extract_type) {
        case "alipay":
          // if (!name) {
          //   uni.showToast({
          //     title: "请输入支付宝用户名",
          //     icon: "none",
          //     duration: 2000
          //   });
          //   return;
          // }
          // if (!alipay_code) {
          //   uni.showToast({
          //     title: "请输入支付宝账号",
          //     icon: "none",
          //     duration: 2000
          //   });
          //   return;
          // }
          // if (!money) {
          //   uni.showToast({
          //     title: "请输入提现金额",
          //     icon: "none",
          //     duration: 2000
          //   });
          //   return;
          // }
          try {
            await this.$validator({
              name: [required(required.message("支付宝用户名"))],
              alipay_code: [required(required.message("支付宝账号"))],
              money: [required(required.message("提现金额"))]
            }).validate({ name, alipay_code, money });
            let save = {
              extractType: that.post.extract_type,
              alipayCode: alipay_code,
              name: name,
              money: money
          } catch (e) {
            return validatorDefaultCatch(e);
        case "weixin":
          try {
            await this.$validator({
              weixin: [required(required.message("提现微信号"))],
              money: [required(required.message("提现金额"))]
            }).validate({ weixin, money });
            let save = {
              extractType: that.post.extract_type,
              weixin: weixin,
              money: money
          } catch (e) {
            return validatorDefaultCatch(e);
    save: function(info) {
        res => {
            title: res.msg,
            icon: "none",
            duration: 2000
          this.router.push({ path: "/user/audit" });
        err => {
            title: err.msg || err.response.data.msg|| err.response.data.message,
            icon: "none",
            duration: 2000