<template> <view class="user"> <view v-if="$store.getters.token||userInfo.uid"> <view class="header bg-color-red acea-row row-between-wrapper"> <view class="picTxt acea-row row-between-wrapper"> <view class="pictrue"> <image :src="userInfo.avatar" /> </view> <view class="text"> <view class="acea-row row-middle"> <view class="name line1">{{ userInfo.nickname }}</view> <view class="member acea-row row-middle" v-if="userInfo.vip"> <image :src="userInfo.vipIcon" /> <text>{{ userInfo.vipName }}</text> </view> </view> <view @click="goPersonalData()" class="id" v-if="userInfo.phone"> <text>ID:{{ userInfo.uid || 0}}</text> <text class="iconfont icon-bianji1"></text> </view> <!-- #ifdef MP-WEIXIN --> <button open-type="getPhoneNumber" @getphonenumber="getPhoneNumber" class="binding" v-else> <text>绑定手机号</text> </button> <!-- #endif --> <!-- #ifndef MP-WEIXIN --> <button class="binding" @click="goBindPhone()" v-else> <text>绑定手机号</text> </button> <!-- #endif --> </view> </view> <text class="iconfont icon-shezhi" @click="goPersonalData()"></text> </view> <view class="wrapper"> <view class="nav acea-row row-middle"> <view @click="goUserAccount()" class="item"> <text>我的余额</text> <text class="num">{{ userInfo.nowMoney || 0 }}</text> </view> <view @click="goUserPromotion()" class="item" v-if="userInfo.isPromoter === 1 || userInfo.statu === 2"> <text>当前佣金</text> <text class="num">{{ userInfo.brokeragePrice || 0 }}</text> </view> <view @click="goIntegral()" class="item" v-else> <text>当前积分</text> <text class="num">{{ userInfo.integral || 0 }}</text> </view> <view @click="goUserCoupon()" class="item"> <text>优惠券</text> <text class="num">{{ userInfo.couponCount || 0 }}</text> </view> </view> <view class="myOrder"> <view class="title acea-row row-between-wrapper"> <text>我的订单</text> <text @click="goMyOrder()" class="allOrder"> <text>全部订单</text> <text class="iconfont icon-jiantou"></text> </text> </view> <view class="orderState acea-row row-middle"> <view @click="goMyOrder(0)" class="item"> <view class="pictrue"> <image src="@/static/images/dfk.png" /> <text class="order-status-num" v-if="userInfo.orderStatusNum.unpaidCount > 0">{{ userInfo.orderStatusNum.unpaidCount }}</text> </view> <view>待付款</view> </view> <view @click="goMyOrder(1)" class="item"> <view class="pictrue"> <image src="@/static/images/dfh.png" /> <text class="order-status-num" v-if="userInfo.orderStatusNum.unshippedCount > 0">{{ userInfo.orderStatusNum.unshippedCount }}</text> </view> <view>待发货</view> </view> <view @click="goMyOrder(2)" class="item"> <view class="pictrue"> <image src="@/static/images/dsh.png" /> <text class="order-status-num" v-if="userInfo.orderStatusNum.receivedCount > 0">{{ userInfo.orderStatusNum.receivedCount }}</text> </view> <text>待收货</text> </view> <view @click="goMyOrder(3)" class="item"> <view class="pictrue"> <image src="@/static/images/dpj.png" /> <text class="order-status-num" v-if="userInfo.orderStatusNum.evaluatedCount > 0">{{ userInfo.orderStatusNum.evaluatedCount }}</text> </view> <text>待评价</text> </view> <view @click="goReturnList()" class="item"> <view class="pictrue"> <image src="@/static/images/sh.png" /> <text class="order-status-num" v-if="userInfo.orderStatusNum.refundCount > 0">{{ userInfo.orderStatusNum.refundCount }}</text> </view> <text>售后/退款</text> </view> </view> </view> <view class="myService"> <view class="serviceList acea-row row-middle"> <template v-for="(item, MyMenusIndex) in MyMenus"> <view class="item" :key="MyMenusIndex" @click="goPages(MyMenusIndex)"> <view class="pictrue"> <image :src="item.pic" /> </view> <view class="cell">{{ item.name }}</view> <text class="iconfont icon-jiantou"></text> </view> </template> <!-- <view class="item" @click="goPages2()"> <view class="pictrue"></view> <view class="cell">hexiao</view> <text class="iconfont icon-jiantou"></text> </view>--> </view> </view> </view> <view class="by"> <view> <text class="by-text">www.yixiang.co提供技术支持</text> </view> </view> <!-- <SwitchWindow v-on:changeswitch="changeswitch" :switchActive="switchActive" :login_type="userInfo.login_type" ></SwitchWindow>--> </view> <Authorization v-if="!$store.getters.token" /> </view> </template> <script> import { mapState, mapGetters, mapMutations, mapActions } from "vuex"; import { getUserInfo, getMenuUser, bindingPhone } from "@/api/user"; import { isWeixin, VUE_APP_RESOURCES_URL } from "@/utils"; import SwitchWindow from "@/components/SwitchWindow"; import Authorization from "@/pages/authorization/index"; const NAME = "User"; export default { name: NAME, components: { SwitchWindow, Authorization }, props: {}, data: function () { return { MyMenus: [], switchActive: false, isWeixin: false }; }, computed: mapGetters(["userInfo"]), methods: { ...mapMutations(["updateAuthorizationPage"]), goReturnList() { this.$yrouter.push("/pages/order/ReturnList/index"); }, goMyOrder(type) { this.$yrouter.push({ path: "/pages/order/MyOrder/index", query: { type } }); }, goBindPhone(){ this.$yrouter.push({ path: "/pages/user/BindingPhone/index", }); }, goUserCoupon() { this.$yrouter.push("/pages/user/coupon/UserCoupon/index"); }, goIntegral() { this.$yrouter.push("/pages/user/signIn/Integral/index"); }, goUserPromotion() { this.$yrouter.push("/pages/user/promotion/UserPromotion/index"); }, goUserAccount() { this.$yrouter.push({ path: "/pages/user/UserAccount/index" }); }, goPersonalData() { this.$yrouter.push("/pages/user/PersonalData/index"); }, getPhoneNumber: function (e) { let thit = this; // 判断一下这里是不是小程序 如果是小程序,走获取微信手机号进行绑定 if (e.mp.detail.errMsg == "getPhoneNumber:ok") { uni.showLoading({ title: "绑定中" }); // 获取当前环境的服务商 uni.getProvider({ service: "oauth", success: function (res) { // 此处可以排除h5 if (res.provider) { uni.login({ success: loginRes => { bindingPhone({ code: loginRes.code, encryptedData: e.mp.detail.encryptedData, iv: e.mp.detail.iv }) .then(res => { console.log(res); // this.User(); thit.$store.dispatch("userInfo", true); uni.hideLoading(); uni.showToast({ title: res.msg, icon: "success", duration: 2000 }); }) .catch(error => { uni.hideLoading(); thit.$store.dispatch("userInfo", true); console.log(error); uni.showToast({ title: error.msg || error.response.data.msg || error.response.data.message, icon: "none", duration: 2000 }); }); }, fail() { reject("绑定失败"); } }); } }, fail() { reject("获取环境服务商失败"); } }); } else { uni.showToast({ title: "已拒绝授权", icon: "none", duration: 2000 }); } }, changeswitch: function (data) { this.switchActive = data; }, User: function () { let that = this; getUserInfo().then(res => { that.user = res.data; that.orderStatusNum = res.data.orderStatusNum; }); }, MenuUser: function () { let that = this; getMenuUser() .then(res => { uni.hideLoading(); that.MyMenus = res.data.routine_my_menus; }) .catch(error => { uni.hideLoading(); console.log(error); }); }, goPages: function (index) { let url = this.MyMenus[index].uniapp_url; if ( url === "/pages/user/promotion/UserPromotion/index" && this.userInfo.statu === 1 ) { if (!this.userInfo.isPromoter) { uni.showToast({ title: "您还没有推广权限!!", icon: "none", duration: 2000 }); return; } } if ( url === "/pages/orderAdmin/OrderIndex/index" && !this.userInfo.adminid ) { uni.showToast({ title: "您还不是管理员!!", icon: "none", duration: 2000 }); return; } console.log(this.userInfo) if (url === "/pages/orderAdmin/OrderCancellation/index" && !this.userInfo.checkStatus) { uni.showToast({ title: "您没有核销权限,请后台店员设置!!", icon: "none", duration: 2000 }); return; } this.$yrouter.push({ path: this.MyMenus[index].uniapp_url }); }, goPages2: function () { this.$yrouter.push({ path: "/pages/orderAdmin/OrderCancellation/index" }); } }, watch: { userInfo() { this.MenuUser(); } }, onShow() { if (this.$store.getters.token) { // uni.showLoading({ title: "加载中" }); this.$store.dispatch("getUser", true); this.MenuUser(); this.isWeixin = isWeixin(); } }, onHide() { console.log("离开用户中心"); this.updateAuthorizationPage(false); } }; </script> <style lang="less"> .footer-line-height { height: 1 * 100rpx; } .order-status-num { min-width: 0.33 * 100rpx; background-color: #fff; color: #eb3729; border-radius: 15px; position: absolute; right: -0.14 * 100rpx; top: -0.15 * 100rpx; font-size: 0.2 * 100rpx; padding: 0 0.08 * 100rpx; border: 1px solid #eb3729; } .pictrue { position: relative; } .switch-h5 { margin-left: 0.2 * 100rpx; } .binding { margin-top: 0.1 * 100rpx; display: inline-block; padding: 0.05 * 100rpx 0.2 * 100rpx; background-color: #ca1f10; border-radius: 50px; 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