diff --git a/components/OrderGoods.vue b/components/OrderGoods.vue
index 50fac18..19b22f5 100644
--- a/components/OrderGoods.vue
+++ b/components/OrderGoods.vue
@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@
             <view class="num">x {{ cart.cartNum }}</view>
           <view class="attr line1" v-if="cart.productInfo.attrInfo">{{ cart.productInfo.attrInfo.sku }}</view>
-          <view class="money font-color-red">¥{{ cart.truePrice }}</view>
+          <view class="money font-color-red" v-if="isIntegral">{{ cart.costPrice }}积分</view>
+          <view class="money font-color-red" v-else>¥{{ cart.truePrice }}</view>
           <view class="evaluate" v-if="evaluate == 3 && cart.isReply == 0" @click="routerGo(cart)">评价</view>
@@ -28,6 +29,7 @@ export default {
       type: Array,
       default: () => [],
+    isIntegral: Boolean,
   data: function() {
     return {}
diff --git a/components/t-goods-item/t-goods-item.vue b/components/t-goods-item/t-goods-item.vue
index 1543b89..033e062 100644
--- a/components/t-goods-item/t-goods-item.vue
+++ b/components/t-goods-item/t-goods-item.vue
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-  <view class="tui-goods__item" :class="{ 'tui-full__item': isList }" @tap="detail">
+  <view class="tui-goods__item" :class="{ 'tui-full__item': isList }">
     <view class="tui-image__box" :class="{ 'tui-full__imgbox': isList }">
       <image class="tui-goods__img" :class="{ 'tui-full__img': isList }" :src="item.image" mode="widthFix"></image>
@@ -23,10 +23,10 @@
           <!-- <tui-button :width="status == 3 ? '146rpx' : '144rpx'" :height="status == 3 ? '60rpx' : '50rpx'" :size="status == 3 ? 26 : 24" :type="status == 1 ? 'gray' : 'danger'" :disabled="status == 1" :plain="status == 3">
             {{ status | getBtnText(item.subscribe) }}
           </tui-button> -->
-          <view class="grab bg-color-red" v-if="item.status === 0 && item.stock > 0" @click="goDetail()">马上抢</view>
-          <view class="grab" v-if="item.status === 1 && item.stock <= 0">已售磬</view>
-          <view class="grab bg-color-red" v-if="item.status === 2">即将开始</view>
-          <view class="grab bg-color-red" v-if="item.status === 1">已结束</view>
+          <view class="grab bg-color-red" v-if="timeList[active].status === 1 && item.stock > 0" @click="goDetail">马上抢</view>
+          <view class="grab" v-if="timeList[active].status === 1 && item.stock <= 0">已售磬</view>
+          <view class="grab bg-color-red" v-if="timeList[active].status === 2">即将开始</view>
+          <view class="grab bg-color-red" v-if="timeList[active].status === 0">已结束</view>
@@ -53,6 +53,14 @@ export default {
       type: Number,
       default: 2,
+    timeList: {
+      type: Array,
+      default: [],
+    },
+    active: {
+      type: Number,
+      default: 0,
+    },
   filters: {
     getBtnText(status, subscribe) {
@@ -84,12 +92,8 @@ export default {
     return {}
   methods: {
-    // detail() {
-    //   //项目中应该传id
-    //   this.tui.href(`../seckillDetail/seckillDetail?status=${this.status}`)
-    // },
     goDetail: function() {
-      this.$emit('goDetail', item)
+      this.$emit('goDetail', this.item)
diff --git a/config/index.js b/config/index.js
index 34018a4..d4da139 100644
--- a/config/index.js
+++ b/config/index.js
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
 // export const VUE_APP_API_URL = 'http://natapp.xinxintuan.co/api';
-export const VUE_APP_API_URL = 'https://wxapi.yixiang.co/api';
-// export const VUE_APP_API_URL = '';
+export const VUE_APP_API_URL = 'https://wxapi.yixiang.co/api'
+// export const VUE_APP_API_URL = ''
+// export const VUE_APP_API_URL = ''
 //  export const VUE_APP_API_URL = 'http://natapp.xinxintuan.co/api';
-// export const VUE_APP_API_URL = 'https://tapi.xinxintuan.co/api'
+// export const VUE_APP_API_URL = 'https://thapi.xinxintuan.co/api'
 //  export const VUE_APP_API_URL = 'https://h5api.xinxintuan.co/api';
 // export const VUE_APP_API_URL = 'https://h5api.xinxintuan.co/api';
 export const VUE_APP_RESOURCES_URL = 'https://h5.yixiang.co/static'
diff --git a/libs/wechat.js b/libs/wechat.js
index 222a4a4..2b35c88 100644
--- a/libs/wechat.js
+++ b/libs/wechat.js
@@ -1,36 +1,39 @@
-import { subscribeMessage } from "@/libs/order";
-import { getProvider } from "@/utils";
-import WechatJSSDK from "wechat-jssdk/dist/client.umd";
-import { getWechatConfig, wechatAuth } from "@/api/public";
-import { parseQuery } from "@/utils";
-import cookie from "@/utils/store/cookie";
-import store from "@/store";
-import dayjs from "dayjs";
+import { subscribeMessage } from '@/libs/order'
+import { getProvider } from '@/utils'
+import WechatJSSDK from 'wechat-jssdk/dist/client.umd'
+import { getWechatConfig, wechatAuth } from '@/api/public'
+import { parseQuery } from '@/utils'
+import cookie from '@/utils/store/cookie'
+import store from '@/store'
+import dayjs from 'dayjs'
 // 支付模块
-export const weappPay = (option) => {
+export const weappPay = option => {
   return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
     if (store.state.$deviceType == 'weixinh5') {
       setTimeout(() => {
-        location.href = option.mweb_url;
-      }, 100);
+        location.href = option.mweb_url
+      }, 100)
     if (store.state.$deviceType == 'weixin') {
-      pay(option).then(() => {
-        uni.showToast({
-          title: '支付成功', icon: 'success', duration: 5000,
-        });
-        resolve()
-      })
+      pay(option)
+        .then(() => {
+          uni.showToast({
+            title: '支付成功',
+            icon: 'success',
+            duration: 5000,
+          })
+          resolve()
+        })
         .finally(res => {
           //if(typeof(res) == "undefined") return
-        .catch(function () {
-          uni.showToast({ title: '支付失败', icon: 'none', duration: 5000 });
+        .catch(function() {
+          uni.showToast({ title: '支付失败', icon: 'none', duration: 5000 })
-        });
+        })
     // 吊起微信支付
@@ -50,11 +53,13 @@ export const weappPay = (option) => {
       timestamp: orderInfo.timestamp,
-      success: (success) => {
+      success: success => {
-          title: '支付成功', icon: 'success', duration: 5000,
-        });
+          title: '支付成功',
+          icon: 'success',
+          duration: 5000,
+        })
         let time = setTimeout(() => {
@@ -63,28 +68,26 @@ export const weappPay = (option) => {
         // #endif
-      fail: (error) => {
+      fail: error => {
         if (error.errMsg == 'requestPayment:fail cancel') {
-          uni.showToast({ title: '已取消支付', icon: 'none', duration: 5000 });
+          uni.showToast({ title: '已取消支付', icon: 'none', duration: 5000 })
         } else {
-          uni.showToast({ title: error || error.msg, icon: 'none', duration: 5000 });
+          uni.showToast({ title: error || error.msg, icon: 'none', duration: 5000 })
-      }
+      },
     // })
-const STATE_KEY = "wx_authorize_state";
-const WX_AUTH = "wx_auth";
-const BACK_URL = "login_back_url";
-const LOGINTYPE = "loginType";
-let instance;
-let wechatObj;
+const STATE_KEY = 'wx_authorize_state'
+const WX_AUTH = 'wx_auth'
+const BACK_URL = 'login_back_url'
+const LOGINTYPE = 'loginType'
+let instance
+let wechatObj
 let appId
 let wechatLoading = false
@@ -92,41 +95,41 @@ export function wechat() {
   wechatLoading = false
   return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
-    if (instance) return resolve(instance);
+    if (instance) return resolve(instance)
       .then(res => {
-        const _wx = WechatJSSDK(res.data);
+        const _wx = WechatJSSDK(res.data)
         appId = res.data.appId
-        wechatObj = _wx;
+        wechatObj = _wx
           .then(() => {
-            instance = _wx.wx;
-            instance.initConfig = res.data;
-            resolve(instance);
+            instance = _wx.wx
+            instance.initConfig = res.data
+            resolve(instance)
           .catch(error => {
               title: error,
-              icon: "none",
-              duration: 2000
-            });
+              icon: 'none',
+              duration: 2000,
+            })
-          });
+          })
       .catch(err => {
-        console.log(err);
-        reject();
-      });
-  });
+        console.log(err)
+        reject()
+      })
+  })
 export function clearAuthStatus() {
-  cookie.remove(WX_AUTH);
-  cookie.remove(STATE_KEY);
+  cookie.remove(WX_AUTH)
+  cookie.remove(STATE_KEY)
 export async function oAuth() {
@@ -137,11 +140,11 @@ export async function oAuth() {
     // if (cookie.has(WX_AUTH)) {
     if (cookie.has(WX_AUTH) && store.state.token) {
-      return;
+      return
-    const { code } = parseQuery();
+    const { code } = parseQuery()
     if (!code) {
-      toAuth();
+      toAuth()
     } else {
@@ -155,24 +158,24 @@ export async function oAuth() {
 export async function auth(code) {
   return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
-    let loginType = cookie.get(LOGINTYPE);
-    let spread = cookie.get('spread');
+    let loginType = cookie.get(LOGINTYPE)
+    let spread = cookie.get('spread')
     console.log('微信授权登录前获取spread', spread)
     wechatAuth(code, spread, loginType)
       .then(({ data }) => {
-        const expires_time = dayjs(data.expires_time);
-        const newTime = Math.round(new Date() / 1000);
-        store.commit("login", data.token, expires_time - newTime);
-        cookie.set(WX_AUTH, code, expires_time);
-        cookie.remove(STATE_KEY);
-        loginType && cookie.remove(LOGINTYPE);
+        const expires_time = dayjs(data.expires_time)
+        const newTime = Math.round(new Date() / 1000)
+        store.commit('login', data.token, expires_time - newTime)
+        cookie.set(WX_AUTH, code, expires_time)
+        cookie.remove(STATE_KEY)
+        loginType && cookie.remove(LOGINTYPE)
         store.dispatch('getUser').finally(() => {
-          resolve();
+          resolve()
-      .catch(reject);
+      .catch(reject)
   }).catch(error => {
@@ -184,27 +187,26 @@ export async function toAuth() {
   wechatLoading = true
   wechat().then(wx => {
-    location.href = getAuthUrl(appId);
-  });
+    location.href = getAuthUrl(appId)
+  })
 function getAuthUrl(appId) {
   // const redirect_uri = encodeURIComponent(window.location.href);
   // const redirect_uri = encodeURIComponent(`${location.origin}/pages/Loading/index`);
   // #ifdef H5
   // #endif
   cookie.set('redirect', window.location.href)
-  const redirect_uri = encodeURIComponent(`${location.origin}/pages/Loading/index`);
+  const redirect_uri = encodeURIComponent(`${location.origin}/pages/Loading/index`)
   // const redirect_uri = encodeURIComponent(`${location.origin}/pages/Loading/index?path=${encodeURIComponent(window.location.href)}`);
   // const redirect_uri = encodeURIComponent(`${window.location.origin}${window.location.pathname}`)
   // const redirect_uri = encodeURIComponent(`${location.origin}`)
-  cookie.remove(BACK_URL);
+  cookie.remove(BACK_URL)
   const state = 'STATE'
   // const state = encodeURIComponent(("" + Math.random()).split(".")[1] + "authorizestate");
-  cookie.set(STATE_KEY, state);
-  return `https://open.weixin.qq.com/connect/oauth2/authorize?appid=${appId}&redirect_uri=${redirect_uri}&response_type=code&scope=snsapi_userinfo&state=STATE#wechat_redirect`;
+  cookie.set(STATE_KEY, state)
+  return `https://open.weixin.qq.com/connect/oauth2/authorize?appid=${appId}&redirect_uri=${redirect_uri}&response_type=code&scope=snsapi_userinfo&state=STATE#wechat_redirect`
 function toPromise(fn, config = {}) {
@@ -212,185 +214,184 @@ function toPromise(fn, config = {}) {
       success(res) {
-        resolve(res);
+        resolve(res)
       fail(err) {
-        reject(err);
+        reject(err)
       complete(err) {
-        reject(err);
+        reject(err)
       cancel(err) {
-        reject(err);
-      }
-    });
-  });
+        reject(err)
+      },
+    })
+  })
 export function pay(config) {
-  return toPromise(instance.chooseWXPay, config);
+  return toPromise(instance.chooseWXPay, config)
 export function openAddress() {
   return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
-    wechatEvevt("openAddress", {})
+    wechatEvevt('openAddress', {})
       .then(res => {
-        resolve(res);
+        resolve(res)
       .catch(res => {
         if (res.is_ready) {
             fail(res) {
-              reject(res);
+              reject(res)
             success(res) {
-              resolve(res);
-            }
-          });
+              resolve(res)
+            },
+          })
         } else {
-          reject(res);
+          reject(res)
-      });
-  });
+      })
+  })
 export function openShareAll(config) {
-  config || {};
-  config.type = config.type == undefined ? "link" : config.type;
+  config || {}
+  config.type = config.type == undefined ? 'link' : config.type
   return new Promise(resolve => {
     getWechatConfig().then(res => {
         nonceStr: res.data.nonceStr,
         signature: res.data.signature,
-        timestamp: res.data.timestamp
-      });
-      instance = wechatObj.getOriginalWx();
+        timestamp: res.data.timestamp,
+      })
+      instance = wechatObj.getOriginalWx()
       instance.ready(() => {
-        instance.updateAppMessageShareData(config);
-        instance.updateTimelineShareData(config);
-        resolve();
-      });
-    });
-  });
+        instance.updateAppMessageShareData(config)
+        instance.updateTimelineShareData(config)
+        resolve()
+      })
+    })
+  })
 export function openShareAppMessage(config) {
-  instance.updateAppMessageShareData(config);
-  instance.onMenuShareAppMessage && instance.onMenuShareAppMessage(config);
+  instance.updateAppMessageShareData(config)
+  instance.onMenuShareAppMessage && instance.onMenuShareAppMessage(config)
 export function openShareTimeline(config) {
-  instance.updateTimelineShareData(config);
-  instance.onMenuShareTimeline && instance.onMenuShareTimeline(config);
+  instance.updateTimelineShareData(config)
+  instance.onMenuShareTimeline && instance.onMenuShareTimeline(config)
 export function wechatEvevt(name, config) {
   return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
-    let wx;
+    let wx
     let configDefault = {
       fail(res) {
-        if (wx) return reject({ is_ready: true, wx: wx });
+        if (wx) return reject({ is_ready: true, wx: wx })
         getWechatConfig().then(res => {
             nonceStr: res.data.nonceStr,
             signature: res.data.signature,
-            timestamp: res.data.timestamp
-          });
-          wx = wechatObj.getOriginalWx();
-          reject({ is_ready: true, wx: wx });
-        });
+            timestamp: res.data.timestamp,
+          })
+          wx = wechatObj.getOriginalWx()
+          reject({ is_ready: true, wx: wx })
+        })
       success(res) {
-        resolve(res);
-      }
-    };
-    Object.assign(configDefault, config);
-    if (typeof instance !== "undefined") {
+        resolve(res)
+      },
+    }
+    Object.assign(configDefault, config)
+    if (typeof instance !== 'undefined') {
       instance.ready(() => {
-        if (typeof name === "object") {
+        if (typeof name === 'object') {
           name.forEach(item => {
-            instance[item] && instance[item](configDefault);
-          });
-        } else instance[name] && instance[name](configDefault);
-      });
+            instance[item] && instance[item](configDefault)
+          })
+        } else instance[name] && instance[name](configDefault)
+      })
     } else {
       getWechatConfig().then(res => {
-        const _wx = WechatJSSDK(res.data);
+        const _wx = WechatJSSDK(res.data)
         _wx.initialize().then(() => {
-          instance = _wx.getOriginalWx();
+          instance = _wx.getOriginalWx()
           instance.ready(() => {
-            if (typeof name === "object") {
+            if (typeof name === 'object') {
               name.forEach(item => {
-                instance[item] && instance[item](configDefault);
-              });
-            } else instance[name] && instance[name](configDefault);
-          });
-        });
-      });
+                instance[item] && instance[item](configDefault)
+              })
+            } else instance[name] && instance[name](configDefault)
+          })
+        })
+      })
-  });
+  })
 export function ready() {
   return new Promise(resolve => {
-    if (typeof instance !== "undefined") {
+    if (typeof instance !== 'undefined') {
       instance.ready(() => {
-        resolve(instance);
-      });
+        resolve(instance)
+      })
     } else {
       getWechatConfig().then(res => {
-        const _wx = WechatJSSDK(res.data);
+        const _wx = WechatJSSDK(res.data)
         _wx.initialize().then(() => {
-          instance = _wx.wx;
+          instance = _wx.wx
           instance.ready(() => {
-            resolve(instance);
-          });
-        });
-      });
+            resolve(instance)
+          })
+        })
+      })
-  });
+  })
 export function wxShowLocation() {
   return new Promise(() => {
-    wechatEvevt("getLocation", { type: "wgs84" })
+    wechatEvevt('getLocation', { type: 'wgs84' })
       .then(res => {
-        let latitude = res.latitude; // 纬度
-        let longitude = res.longitude; // 经度
-        cookie.set(LATITUDE, latitude);
-        cookie.set(LONGITUDE, longitude);
+        let latitude = res.latitude // 纬度
+        let longitude = res.longitude // 经度
+        cookie.set(LATITUDE, latitude)
+        cookie.set(LONGITUDE, longitude)
       .catch(res => {
         if (res.is_ready) {
             success(res) {
-              let latitude = res.latitude; // 纬度
-              let longitude = res.longitude; // 经度
-              cookie.set(LATITUDE, latitude);
-              cookie.set(LONGITUDE, longitude);
+              let latitude = res.latitude // 纬度
+              let longitude = res.longitude // 经度
+              cookie.set(LATITUDE, latitude)
+              cookie.set(LONGITUDE, longitude)
             cancel() {
-              cookie.remove(LATITUDE);
-              cookie.remove(LONGITUDE);
+              cookie.remove(LATITUDE)
+              cookie.remove(LONGITUDE)
-                title: "取消获取位置",
-                icon: "none",
+                title: '取消获取位置',
+                icon: 'none',
                 duration: 2000,
-              });
+              })
             fail() {
-              cookie.remove(LATITUDE);
-              cookie.remove(LONGITUDE);
+              cookie.remove(LATITUDE)
+              cookie.remove(LONGITUDE)
-                title: "授权失败",
-                icon: "none",
+                title: '授权失败',
+                icon: 'none',
                 duration: 2000,
-              });
-            }
-          });
+              })
+            },
+          })
-      });
-  });
+      })
+  })
diff --git a/main.js b/main.js
index f4fa072..8abffd1 100644
--- a/main.js
+++ b/main.js
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Vue.component('cu-custom', cuCustom)
 Vue.config.productionTip = false
 Vue.config.devtools = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'
-Vue.prototype.$validator = function (rule) {
+Vue.prototype.$validator = function(rule) {
   return new schema(rule)
@@ -27,23 +27,6 @@ const app = new Vue({
-  onLoad() {
-    const { $mp } = this.$root
-    this._route = parseRoute($mp)
-  },
-  onShow() {
-    _router.app = this
-    _router.currentRoute = this._route
-  },
-  // 这里为了解决 .vue文件中 template 无法获取 VUE.prototype 绑定的变量
-  computed: {  
-        return VUE_APP_RESOURCES_URL;  
-    }  
-  }
 Object.defineProperty(Vue.prototype, '$yrouter', {
   get() {
     return _router
@@ -59,17 +42,16 @@ Object.defineProperty(Vue.prototype, '$yroute', {
 Vue.component('cu-custom', cuCustom)
+let deviceType = ''
 // #ifdef APP-PLUS
 // App平台编译的代码
-Vue.prototype.$deviceType = 'app'
-store.commit('updateDevicetype', 'app')
+deviceType = 'app'
 Vue.prototype.$platform = uni.getSystemInfoSync().platform
 // #endif
 // #ifdef MP-WEIXIN
 // 微信小程序编译的代码
-Vue.prototype.$deviceType = 'routine'
-store.commit('updateDevicetype', 'routine')
+deviceType = 'routine'
 // #endif
 // !!! ps  不建议在 template 中使用 $deviceType 去判断当前环境,很有可能出现 $deviceType 为 undefined 导致判断出错的问题,可以在 script 模块中正常使用
@@ -99,29 +81,42 @@ if (urlSpread) {
 // #endif
+// #ifdef H5
+// H5编译的代码
+// 判断是否是微信浏览器
 async function init() {
-  // #ifdef H5
-  // H5编译的代码
-  // 判断是否是微信浏览器
   if (isWeixin()) {
-    Vue.prototype.$deviceType = 'weixin'
-    store.commit('updateDevicetype', 'weixin')
-    let wechatInit = await wechat()
-    console.log(wechatInit)
+    deviceType = 'weixin'
+    let wechatInit = wechat()
     if (wechatInit) {
       await oAuth()
-      app.$mount()
   } else {
-    Vue.prototype.$deviceType = 'weixinh5'
-    store.commit('updateDevicetype', 'weixinh5')
-    app.$mount()
+    deviceType = 'weixinh5'
-  // #endif
-  // #ifndef H5
-  app.$mount()
-  // #endif
+// #endif
+Vue.prototype.$deviceType = deviceType
+  onLoad() {
+    const { $mp } = this.$root
+    this._route = parseRoute($mp)
+  },
+  onShow() {
+    _router.app = this
+    _router.currentRoute = this._route
+  },
+  // 这里为了解决 .vue文件中 template 无法获取 VUE.prototype 绑定的变量
+  computed: {
+    },
+  },
+store.commit('updateDevicetype', deviceType)
diff --git a/pages/activity/GoodsSeckill/index.vue b/pages/activity/GoodsSeckill/index.vue
index 05583fb..60df6de 100644
--- a/pages/activity/GoodsSeckill/index.vue
+++ b/pages/activity/GoodsSeckill/index.vue
@@ -45,12 +45,12 @@
       <view class="tui-list__goods">
         <view class="tui-goods__left">
           <block v-for="(item, index) in seckillList" :key="index">
-            <t-goods-item v-if="index % 2 == 0" :item="item" :isList="false" @goDetail="goDetail"></t-goods-item>
+            <t-goods-item v-if="index % 2 == 0" :item="item" :timeList="timeList" :active="active" :isList="false" @goDetail="goDetail"></t-goods-item>
         <view class="tui-goods__right">
           <block v-for="(item, index) in seckillList" :key="index">
-            <t-goods-item v-if="index % 2 !== 0" :item="item" :isList="false" @goDetail="goDetail"></t-goods-item>
+            <t-goods-item v-if="index % 2 !== 0" :item="item" :timeList="timeList" :active="active" :isList="false" @goDetail="goDetail"></t-goods-item>
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ export default {
         query: {
           id: item.id,
-          status: item.status,
+          status: that.timeList[that.active].status,
diff --git a/pages/home/index.vue b/pages/home/index.vue
index 510ff15..c4647da 100644
--- a/pages/home/index.vue
+++ b/pages/home/index.vue
@@ -1,448 +1,438 @@
-	<view class="index">
-		<view v-for="(item,index) in homeData" :key="index">
-			<view class="head_box" v-if="item.type=='header'" :style="{ background: bgcolor }" :class="{ active: bgcolor }">
-				<cu-custom :isBack="true" :bgColor="bgcolor">
-					<block slot="backText">
-						<text class="nav-title shopro-selector-rect">{{ item.componentContent.title }}</text>
-					</block>
-				</cu-custom>
-			</view>
-			<view class="header header-search acea-row row-center-wrapper" v-if="item.type=='search'" :style="{ background: bgcolor }">
-				<view @click="goGoodSearch()" class="search acea-row row-middle">
-					<text class="iconfont icon-xiazai5"></text>
-					搜索商品
-				</view>
-				<view class="qr" @click="startQr()">
-					<image :src="`${$VUE_APP_RESOURCES_URL}/images/qr.png`" />
-				</view>
-			</view>
-			<Banner v-if="item.type=='banner'" :detail="item.componentContent.bannerData" @getbgcolor="getbgcolor"></Banner>
-			<uni-notice-bar v-if="item.type=='noticeBar'" scrollable="true" @click="goRoll(item.componentContent.roll[0])"
-			 single="true" :speed="10" showIcon="true" :text="item.componentContent.roll[0].info"></uni-notice-bar>
-			<view class="content_box home_content_box" v-if="item.type=='menu'&&item.componentContent.menus">
-				<!-- 菜单 -->
-				<Menu :list="item.componentContent.menus" ></Menu>
-			</view>
-				<!-- 滚动新闻 -->
-				<!-- 广告 -->
-				<Adv v-if="item.type=='adv'&&item.componentContent.detail" :detail="item.componentContent.detail" />
-				<!-- 热门榜单 -->
-				<HotCommodity v-if="item.type=='hotCommodity'" :detail="likeInfo"></HotCommodity>
-				<!-- 超值拼团 -->
-				<Groupon v-if="item.type=='groupon'" :detail="combinationList" />
-				<!-- 首发新品->秒杀 -->
-				<FirstNewProduct v-if="item.type=='firstNewProduct'" :detail="firstList"></FirstNewProduct>
-				<!-- 精品推荐 -->
-				<ProductsRecommended v-if="item.type=='productsRecommended'" :detail="bastList"></ProductsRecommended>
-				<!-- 促销单品 -->
-				<PromoteProduct v-if="item.type=='promoteProduct'" :detail="benefit"></PromoteProduct>
-				<!-- 直播 -->
-				<!-- #ifdef MP-WEIXIN -->
-				<Live v-if="item.type=='live'" :detail="live"></Live>
-				<!-- #endif -->
-				<!-- 为您推荐 -->
-				<PromotionGood v-if="item.type=='promotionGood'" :benefit="benefit"></PromotionGood>
-			<Coupon-window :coupon-list="couponList" v-if="showCoupon" @checked="couponClose" @close="couponClose">
-			</Coupon-window>
-		</view>
-	</view>
+  <view class="index">
+    <view v-for="(item, index) in homeData" :key="index">
+      <view class="head_box" v-if="item.type == 'header'" :style="{ background: bgcolor }" :class="{ active: bgcolor }">
+        <cu-custom :isBack="true" :bgColor="bgcolor">
+          <block slot="backText">
+            <text class="nav-title shopro-selector-rect">{{ item.componentContent.title }}</text>
+          </block>
+        </cu-custom>
+      </view>
+      <view class="header header-search acea-row row-center-wrapper" v-if="item.type == 'search'" :style="{ background: bgcolor }">
+        <view @click="goGoodSearch()" class="search acea-row row-middle">
+          <text class="iconfont icon-xiazai5"></text>
+          搜索商品
+        </view>
+        <!-- #ifndef H5 -->
+        <view class="qr" @click="startQr()" v-if="$deviceType !== 'weixin'">
+          <image :src="`${$VUE_APP_RESOURCES_URL}/images/qr.png`" />
+        </view>
+        <!-- #endif -->
+      </view>
+      <Banner v-if="item.type == 'banner'" :detail="item.componentContent.bannerData" @getbgcolor="getbgcolor"></Banner>
+      <uni-notice-bar v-if="item.type == 'noticeBar'" scrollable="true" @click="goRoll(item.componentContent.roll[0])" single="true" :speed="10" showIcon="true" :text="item.componentContent.roll[0].info"></uni-notice-bar>
+      <view class="content_box home_content_box" v-if="item.type == 'menu' && item.componentContent.menus">
+        <!-- 菜单 -->
+        <Menu :list="item.componentContent.menus"></Menu>
+      </view>
+      <!-- 滚动新闻 -->
+      <!-- 广告 -->
+      <Adv v-if="item.type == 'adv' && item.componentContent.detail" :detail="item.componentContent.detail" />
+      <!-- 热门榜单 -->
+      <HotCommodity v-if="item.type == 'hotCommodity'" :detail="likeInfo"></HotCommodity>
+      <!-- 超值拼团 -->
+      <Groupon v-if="item.type == 'groupon'" :detail="combinationList" />
+      <!-- 首发新品->秒杀 -->
+      <FirstNewProduct v-if="item.type == 'firstNewProduct'" :detail="firstList"></FirstNewProduct>
+      <!-- 精品推荐 -->
+      <ProductsRecommended v-if="item.type == 'productsRecommended'" :detail="bastList"></ProductsRecommended>
+      <!-- 促销单品 -->
+      <PromoteProduct v-if="item.type == 'promoteProduct'" :detail="benefit"></PromoteProduct>
+      <!-- 直播 -->
+      <!-- #ifdef MP-WEIXIN -->
+      <Live v-if="item.type == 'live'" :detail="live"></Live>
+      <!-- #endif -->
+      <!-- 为您推荐 -->
+      <PromotionGood v-if="item.type == 'promotionGood'" :benefit="benefit"></PromotionGood>
+      <Coupon-window :coupon-list="couponList" v-if="showCoupon" @checked="couponClose" @close="couponClose"> </Coupon-window>
+    </view>
+  </view>
-	import {
-		mapState,
-		mapMutations,
-		mapActions
-	} from "vuex";
-	import GoodList from "@/components/GoodList";
-	import PromotionGood from "@/components/PromotionGood";
-	import CouponWindow from "@/components/CouponWindow";
-	import Menu from "@/components/Menu";
-	import UniNoticeBar from "@/components/uni-notice-bar/uni-notice-bar";
-	import Adv from "@/components/sh-adv";
-	import Groupon from "@/components/sh-groupon.vue";
+import { mapState, mapMutations, mapActions } from 'vuex'
+import GoodList from '@/components/GoodList'
+import PromotionGood from '@/components/PromotionGood'
+import CouponWindow from '@/components/CouponWindow'
+import Menu from '@/components/Menu'
+import UniNoticeBar from '@/components/uni-notice-bar/uni-notice-bar'
+import Adv from '@/components/sh-adv'
+import Groupon from '@/components/sh-groupon.vue'
-	import Banner from "./components/Banner";
-	import HotCommodity from "./components/HotCommodity";
-	import FirstNewProduct from "./components/FirstNewProduct";
-	import ProductsRecommended from "./components/ProductsRecommended";
-	import Live from "./components/Live";
+import Banner from './components/Banner'
+import HotCommodity from './components/HotCommodity'
+import FirstNewProduct from './components/FirstNewProduct'
+import ProductsRecommended from './components/ProductsRecommended'
+import Live from './components/Live'
-	import {
-		getHomeData,
-		getShare,
-		getCanvas
-	} from "@/api/public";
-	import cookie from "@/utils/store/cookie";
-	import {
-		isWeixin,
-		handleUrlParam
-	} from "@/utils/index";
+import { getHomeData, getShare, getCanvas } from '@/api/public'
+import cookie from '@/utils/store/cookie'
+import { isWeixin, handleUrlParam } from '@/utils/index'
-	import {
-		openShareAll,
-	} from '@/libs/wechat'
+import { openShareAll } from '@/libs/wechat'
-	const HAS_COUPON_WINDOW = "has_coupon_window";
+const HAS_COUPON_WINDOW = 'has_coupon_window'
-	export default {
-		name: "Index",
-		components: {
-			// swiper,
-			// swiperSlide,
-			UniNoticeBar,
-			GoodList,
-			PromotionGood,
-			CouponWindow,
-			Menu,
-			Adv,
-			Groupon,
-			Banner,
-			HotCommodity,
-			FirstNewProduct,
-			ProductsRecommended,
-			Live,
-		},
-		props: {},
-		data: function() {
-			return {
-				homeData: [],
-				CustomBar: this.CustomBar,
-				StatusBar: this.StatusBar,
-				formatMenus: [],
-				categoryCurrent: 0,
-				menuNum: 4,
-				bgcolor: "",
-				bgColor: "",
-				swiperCurrent: 0, //轮播下标
-				webviewId: 0,
-				showCoupon: false,
-				logoUrl: "",
-				banner: [],
-				menus: [],
-				combinationList: [],
-				roll: [],
-				activity: [],
-				activityOne: {},
-				bastList: [],
-				firstList: [],
-				info: {
-					fastList: [],
-					bastBanner: [],
+export default {
+  name: 'Index',
+  components: {
+    // swiper,
+    // swiperSlide,
+    UniNoticeBar,
+    GoodList,
+    PromotionGood,
+    CouponWindow,
+    Menu,
+    Adv,
+    Groupon,
+    Banner,
+    HotCommodity,
+    FirstNewProduct,
+    ProductsRecommended,
+    Live,
+  },
+  props: {},
+  data: function() {
+    return {
+      homeData: [],
+      CustomBar: this.CustomBar,
+      StatusBar: this.StatusBar,
+      formatMenus: [],
+      categoryCurrent: 0,
+      menuNum: 4,
+      bgcolor: '',
+      bgColor: '',
+      swiperCurrent: 0, //轮播下标
+      webviewId: 0,
+      showCoupon: false,
+      logoUrl: '',
+      banner: [],
+      menus: [],
+      combinationList: [],
+      roll: [],
+      activity: [],
+      activityOne: {},
+      bastList: [],
+      firstList: [],
+      info: {
+        fastList: [],
+        bastBanner: [],
-					bastList: [],
-				},
-				likeInfo: [],
-				live: [],
-				lovely: [],
-				benefit: [],
-				couponList: [],
-				swiperOption: {
-					pagination: {
-						el: ".swiper-pagination",
-						clickable: true,
-					},
-					autoplay: {
-						disableOnInteraction: false,
-						delay: 2000,
-					},
-					loop: true,
-					speed: 1000,
-					observer: true,
-					observeParents: true,
-				},
-				swiperRoll: {
-					direction: "vertical",
-					autoplay: {
-						disableOnInteraction: false,
-						delay: 2000,
-					},
-					loop: true,
-					speed: 1000,
-					observer: true,
-					observeParents: true,
-				},
-				swiperScroll: {
-					freeMode: true,
-					freeModeMomentum: false,
-					slidesPerView: "auto",
-					observer: true,
-					observeParents: true,
-				},
-				swiperBoutique: {
-					pagination: {
-						el: ".swiper-pagination",
-						clickable: true,
-					},
-					autoplay: {
-						disableOnInteraction: false,
-						delay: 2000,
-					},
-					loop: true,
-					speed: 1000,
-					observer: true,
-					observeParents: true,
-				},
-				swiperProducts: {
-					freeMode: true,
-					freeModeMomentum: false,
-					slidesPerView: "auto",
-					observer: true,
-					observeParents: true,
-				},
-				bgImage: "",
-			};
-		},
-		computed: {
-			singNew() {
-				return this.roll.length > 0 ? this.roll[0] : "你还没添加通知哦!";
-			},
-			customStyle() {
-				var bgImage = this.bgImage;
-				// var style = `height:${this.CustomBar}px;padding-top:${0}px;background: ${this.bgcolor}`;
-				var style = `height:${this.CustomBar}px;padding-top:${this.StatusBar}px;background: ${this.bgcolor}`;
-				if (this.bgImage) {
-					style = `${style}background-image:url(${bgImage});`;
-				}
-				return style;
-			},
-		},
-		onLoad: function() {
-			this.getLocation();
-			let that = this;
-			// uni.showLoading({
-			//   title: "加载中",
-			// });
-			getCanvas().then(res => {}).catch(error => {
-				this.homeData = JSON.parse(error.data.json)
-				console.log(this.homeData)
-				console.log(222)
-			})
-			getHomeData().then((res) => {
-				that.logoUrl = res.data.logoUrl;
-				res.data.banner.map((item) => (item.bgcolor = item.color || ""));
-				that.$set(that, "info", res.data.info);
-				that.$set(that, "firstList", res.data.firstList);
-				that.$set(that, "bastList", res.data.bastList);
-				that.$set(that, "likeInfo", res.data.likeInfo);
-				that.$set(that, "live", res.data.liveList);
-				that.$set(that, "lovely", res.data.lovely);
-				that.$set(that, "benefit", res.data.benefit);
-				that.$set(that, "couponList", res.data.couponList);
-				that.$set(that, "combinationList", res.data.combinationList);
-				uni.hideLoading();
-				that.setOpenShare();
-				// that.doColorThief()
-			});
-		},
-		methods: {
-			...mapActions(["getLocation"]),
-			onShareTimeline: function() {
-				return {
-					title: this.miniHomeRemark,
-					imageUrl: this.miniHomeImg,
-					path: "pages/home/index?spread=" + uni.getStorageSync("uid"),
-				};
-			},
-			onShareAppMessage: function() {
-				return {
-					title: this.miniHomeRemark,
-					imageUrl: this.miniHomeImg,
-					path: "pages/home/index?spread=" + uni.getStorageSync("uid"),
-				};
-			},
-			goRoll(item) {
-				if (item.uniapp_url) {
-					this.$yrouter.push(item.uniapp_url);
-				}
-			},
-			goGoodSearch() {
-				// this.$yrouter.push('/pages/shop/GoodsEvaluate/index');
-				this.$yrouter.push("/pages/shop/GoodSearch/index");
-			},
-			goWxappUrl(item) {
-				this.$yrouter.push(item.uniapp_url);
-			},
-			goHotNewGoods(type) {
-				this.$yrouter.push({
-					path: "/pages/shop/HotNewGoods/index",
-					query: {
-						type,
-					},
-				});
-			},
-			goGoodsCon(item) {
-				this.$yrouter.push({
-					path: "/pages/shop/GoodsCon/index",
-					query: {
-						id: item.id,
-					},
-				});
-			},
-			goGoodsPromotion() {
-				this.$yrouter.push("/pages/shop/GoodsPromotion/index");
-			},
-			setOpenShare: function() {
-				if (this.$deviceType == "weixin") {
-					getShare().then((res) => {
-						var data = res.data.data;
-						var configAppMessage = {
-							desc: data.synopsis,
-							title: data.title,
-							link: location.href,
-							imgUrl: data.img,
-						};
-						openShareAll(configAppMessage);
-					});
-				}
-			},
-			startQr: function() {
-				uni.scanCode({
-					success: (res) => {
-						let option = handleUrlParam(res.result);
-						switch (option.pageType) {
-							case "good":
-								// 跳转商品详情
-								this.$yrouter.push({
-									path: "/pages/shop/GoodsCon/index",
-									query: {
-										q: res.result,
-									},
-								});
-								break;
-							case "group":
-								// 跳转团购
-								this.$yrouter.push({
-									path: "/pages/activity/GroupRule/index",
-									query: {
-										q: res.result,
-									},
-								});
-								break;
-							case "dargain":
-								// 跳转砍价
-								this.$yrouter.push({
-									path: "/pages/activity/DargainDetails/index",
-									query: {
-										q: res.result,
-									},
-								});
-								break;
-							default:
-								// 跳转分销
-								this.$yrouter.push({
-									path: "/pages/Loading/index",
-									query: {},
-								});
-								break;
-						}
-					},
-				});
-			},
-			getbgcolor(e) {
-				this.bgcolor = e;
-			},
-		},
-		created: async function() {
-			// await this.doColorThief();
-		},
-	};
+        bastList: [],
+      },
+      likeInfo: [],
+      live: [],
+      lovely: [],
+      benefit: [],
+      couponList: [],
+      swiperOption: {
+        pagination: {
+          el: '.swiper-pagination',
+          clickable: true,
+        },
+        autoplay: {
+          disableOnInteraction: false,
+          delay: 2000,
+        },
+        loop: true,
+        speed: 1000,
+        observer: true,
+        observeParents: true,
+      },
+      swiperRoll: {
+        direction: 'vertical',
+        autoplay: {
+          disableOnInteraction: false,
+          delay: 2000,
+        },
+        loop: true,
+        speed: 1000,
+        observer: true,
+        observeParents: true,
+      },
+      swiperScroll: {
+        freeMode: true,
+        freeModeMomentum: false,
+        slidesPerView: 'auto',
+        observer: true,
+        observeParents: true,
+      },
+      swiperBoutique: {
+        pagination: {
+          el: '.swiper-pagination',
+          clickable: true,
+        },
+        autoplay: {
+          disableOnInteraction: false,
+          delay: 2000,
+        },
+        loop: true,
+        speed: 1000,
+        observer: true,
+        observeParents: true,
+      },
+      swiperProducts: {
+        freeMode: true,
+        freeModeMomentum: false,
+        slidesPerView: 'auto',
+        observer: true,
+        observeParents: true,
+      },
+      bgImage: '',
+    }
+  },
+  computed: {
+    singNew() {
+      return this.roll.length > 0 ? this.roll[0] : '你还没添加通知哦!'
+    },
+    customStyle() {
+      var bgImage = this.bgImage
+      // var style = `height:${this.CustomBar}px;padding-top:${0}px;background: ${this.bgcolor}`;
+      var style = `height:${this.CustomBar}px;padding-top:${this.StatusBar}px;background: ${this.bgcolor}`
+      if (this.bgImage) {
+        style = `${style}background-image:url(${bgImage});`
+      }
+      return style
+    },
+  },
+  onLoad: function() {
+    this.getLocation()
+    let that = this
+    // uni.showLoading({
+    //   title: "加载中",
+    // });
+    getCanvas()
+      .then(res => {})
+      .catch(error => {
+        this.homeData = JSON.parse(error.data.json)
+        console.log(this.homeData)
+        console.log(222)
+      })
+    getHomeData().then(res => {
+      that.logoUrl = res.data.logoUrl
+      res.data.banner.map(item => (item.bgcolor = item.color || ''))
+      that.$set(that, 'info', res.data.info)
+      that.$set(that, 'firstList', res.data.firstList)
+      that.$set(that, 'bastList', res.data.bastList)
+      that.$set(that, 'likeInfo', res.data.likeInfo)
+      that.$set(that, 'live', res.data.liveList)
+      that.$set(that, 'lovely', res.data.lovely)
+      that.$set(that, 'benefit', res.data.benefit)
+      that.$set(that, 'couponList', res.data.couponList)
+      that.$set(that, 'combinationList', res.data.combinationList)
+      uni.hideLoading()
+      that.setOpenShare()
+      // that.doColorThief()
+    })
+  },
+  methods: {
+    ...mapActions(['getLocation']),
+    onShareTimeline: function() {
+      return {
+        title: this.miniHomeRemark,
+        imageUrl: this.miniHomeImg,
+        path: 'pages/home/index?spread=' + uni.getStorageSync('uid'),
+      }
+    },
+    onShareAppMessage: function() {
+      return {
+        title: this.miniHomeRemark,
+        imageUrl: this.miniHomeImg,
+        path: 'pages/home/index?spread=' + uni.getStorageSync('uid'),
+      }
+    },
+    goRoll(item) {
+      if (item.uniapp_url) {
+        this.$yrouter.push(item.uniapp_url)
+      }
+    },
+    goGoodSearch() {
+      // this.$yrouter.push('/pages/shop/GoodsEvaluate/index');
+      this.$yrouter.push('/pages/shop/GoodSearch/index')
+    },
+    goWxappUrl(item) {
+      this.$yrouter.push(item.uniapp_url)
+    },
+    goHotNewGoods(type) {
+      this.$yrouter.push({
+        path: '/pages/shop/HotNewGoods/index',
+        query: {
+          type,
+        },
+      })
+    },
+    goGoodsCon(item) {
+      this.$yrouter.push({
+        path: '/pages/shop/GoodsCon/index',
+        query: {
+          id: item.id,
+        },
+      })
+    },
+    goGoodsPromotion() {
+      this.$yrouter.push('/pages/shop/GoodsPromotion/index')
+    },
+    setOpenShare: function() {
+      if (this.$deviceType == 'weixin') {
+        getShare().then(res => {
+          var data = res.data.data
+          var configAppMessage = {
+            desc: data.synopsis,
+            title: data.title,
+            link: location.href,
+            imgUrl: data.img,
+          }
+          openShareAll(configAppMessage)
+        })
+      }
+    },
+    startQr: function() {
+      uni.scanCode({
+        success: res => {
+          let option = handleUrlParam(res.result)
+          switch (option.pageType) {
+            case 'good':
+              // 跳转商品详情
+              this.$yrouter.push({
+                path: '/pages/shop/GoodsCon/index',
+                query: {
+                  q: res.result,
+                },
+              })
+              break
+            case 'group':
+              // 跳转团购
+              this.$yrouter.push({
+                path: '/pages/activity/GroupRule/index',
+                query: {
+                  q: res.result,
+                },
+              })
+              break
+            case 'dargain':
+              // 跳转砍价
+              this.$yrouter.push({
+                path: '/pages/activity/DargainDetails/index',
+                query: {
+                  q: res.result,
+                },
+              })
+              break
+            default:
+              // 跳转分销
+              this.$yrouter.push({
+                path: '/pages/Loading/index',
+                query: {},
+              })
+              break
+          }
+        },
+      })
+    },
+    getbgcolor(e) {
+      this.bgcolor = e
+    },
+  },
+  created: async function() {
+    // await this.doColorThief();
+  },
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diff --git a/pages/order/MyOrder/index.vue b/pages/order/MyOrder/index.vue
index b18a4da..524ac2d 100644
--- a/pages/order/MyOrder/index.vue
+++ b/pages/order/MyOrder/index.vue
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
       <view class="picTxt acea-row row-between-wrapper">
         <view class="text">
           <view class="name">订单信息</view>
-          <view>累计订单:{{ orderData.orderCount || 0 }} 总消费:¥{{orderData.sumPrice || 0 }}</view>
+          <view>累计订单:{{ orderData.orderCount || 0 }} 总消费:¥{{ orderData.sumPrice || 0 }}</view>
@@ -31,13 +31,10 @@
     <view class="list">
-      <view class="item" v-for="(order,orderListIndex) in orderList" :key="orderListIndex">
+      <view class="item" v-for="(order, orderListIndex) in orderList" :key="orderListIndex">
         <view class="title acea-row row-between-wrapper">
           <view class="acea-row row-middle">
-            <span
-              class="sign cart-color acea-row row-center-wrapper"
-              v-if="order.combinationId > 0"
-            >拼团</span>
+            <span class="sign cart-color acea-row row-center-wrapper" v-if="order.combinationId > 0">拼团</span>
             <span class="sign cart-color acea-row row-center-wrapper" v-if="order.seckillId > 0">秒杀</span>
             <span class="sign cart-color acea-row row-center-wrapper" v-if="order.bargainId > 0">砍价</span>
             <span class="sign cart-color acea-row row-center-wrapper" v-if="order.storeId > 0">门店</span>
@@ -46,24 +43,15 @@
           <view class="font-color-red">{{ getStatus(order) }}</view>
         <view @click="goOrderDetails(order)">
-          <view
-            class="item-info acea-row row-between row-top"
-            v-for="(cart,cartInfoIndex) in order.cartInfo"
-            :key="cartInfoIndex"
-          >
+          <view class="item-info acea-row row-between row-top" v-for="(cart, cartInfoIndex) in order.cartInfo" :key="cartInfoIndex">
             <view class="pictrue">
-              <image
-                :src="cart.productInfo.image"
-                @click.stop="
-                  $yrouter.push({ path: '/pages/shop/GoodsCon/index',query:{id:cart.productInfo.id}  })
-                "
-                v-if="cart.combinationId === 0 && cart.bargainId === 0 &&cart.seckillId === 0"
-              />
+              <image :src="cart.productInfo.image" @click.stop="$yrouter.push({ path: '/pages/shop/GoodsCon/index', query: { id: cart.productInfo.id } })" v-if="cart.combinationId === 0 && cart.bargainId === 0 && cart.seckillId === 0" />
-                    path: '/pages/activity/GroupDetails/index',query:{id:cart.combinationId}
+                    path: '/pages/activity/GroupDetails/index',
+                    query: { id: cart.combinationId },
                 v-else-if="cart.combinationId > 0"
@@ -72,7 +60,8 @@
-                    path: '/pages/activity/DargainDetails/index',query:{id:cart.bargainId}
+                    path: '/pages/activity/DargainDetails/index',
+                    query: { id: cart.bargainId },
                 v-else-if="cart.bargainId > 0"
@@ -81,7 +70,8 @@
-                    path: '/pages/activity/SeckillDetails/index',query:{id:cart.seckillId}
+                    path: '/pages/activity/SeckillDetails/index',
+                    query: { id: cart.seckillId },
                 v-else-if="cart.seckillId > 0"
@@ -90,16 +80,8 @@
             <view class="text acea-row row-between">
               <view class="name line2">{{ cart.productInfo.storeName }}</view>
               <view class="money">
-                <view v-if="order.payType!='integral'">
-                  ¥{{
-                  cart.productInfo.attrInfo
-                  ? cart.productInfo.attrInfo.price
-                  : cart.productInfo.price
-                  }}
-                </view>
-                <view v-if="order.payType=='integral'">
-                  {{order.payIntegral}}积分
-                </view>
+                <view v-if="order.payType != 'integral'"> ¥{{ cart.productInfo.attrInfo ? cart.productInfo.attrInfo.price : cart.productInfo.price }} </view>
+                <view v-if="order.payType == 'integral'"> {{ order.payIntegral }}积分 </view>
                 <view>x{{ cart.cartNum }}</view>
@@ -107,8 +89,8 @@
         <view class="totalPrice">
           共{{ order.cartInfo.length || 0 }}件商品,总金额
-          <text class="money font-color-red" v-if="order.payType!='integral'">¥{{ order.payPrice }}</text>
-          <text class="money font-color-red" v-if="order.payType=='integral'">{{order.payIntegral}}积分</text>
+          <text class="money font-color-red" v-if="order.payType != 'integral'">¥{{ order.payPrice }}</text>
+          <text class="money font-color-red" v-if="order.payType == 'integral'">{{ order.payIntegral }}积分</text>
         <view class="bottom acea-row row-right row-middle">
           <template v-if="order._status._type == 0">
@@ -150,32 +132,17 @@
-import { getOrderData, getOrderList } from "@/api/order";
-import {
-  cancelOrderHandle,
-  payOrderHandle,
-  takeOrderHandle
-} from "@/libs/order";
-import Loading from "@/components/Loading";
-import Payment from "@/components/Payment";
-import DataFormat from "@/components/DataFormat";
-import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
-import { isWeixin, dataFormat } from "@/utils";
+import { getOrderData, getOrderList } from '@/api/order'
+import { cancelOrderHandle, payOrderHandle, takeOrderHandle } from '@/libs/order'
+import Loading from '@/components/Loading'
+import Payment from '@/components/Payment'
+import DataFormat from '@/components/DataFormat'
+import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
+import { isWeixin, dataFormat } from '@/utils'
-const STATUS = [
-  "待付款",
-  "待发货",
-  "待收货",
-  "待评价",
-  "已完成",
-  "",
-  "",
-  "",
-  "",
-  "待付款"
+const STATUS = ['待付款', '待发货', '待收货', '待评价', '已完成', '', '', '', '', '待付款']
-const NAME = "MyOrder";
+const NAME = 'MyOrder'
 export default {
   name: NAME,
@@ -183,139 +150,137 @@ export default {
     return {
       offlinePayStatus: 2,
       orderData: {},
-      type: "",
+      type: '',
       page: 1,
       limit: 20,
       loaded: false,
       loading: false,
       orderList: [],
       pay: false,
-      payType: ["yue", "weixin"],
-      from: this.$deviceType
-    };
+      payType: ['yue', 'weixin'],
+      from: this.$deviceType,
+    }
   components: {
-    DataFormat
+    DataFormat,
-  computed: mapGetters(["userInfo"]),
+  computed: mapGetters(['userInfo']),
   onShow: function() {
-    console.log(this);
-    this.type = parseInt(this.$yroute.query.type) || 0;
-    this.changeType(this.type);
-    this.getOrderData();
-    this.getOrderList();
+    console.log(this)
+    this.type = parseInt(this.$yroute.query.type) || 0
+    this.changeType(this.type)
+    this.getOrderData()
+    this.getOrderList()
   onHide: function() {
-    this.orderList = [];
-    this.page = 1;
-    this.limit = 20;
-    this.loaded = false;
-    this.loading = false;
+    this.orderList = []
+    this.page = 1
+    this.limit = 20
+    this.loaded = false
+    this.loading = false
   methods: {
     goLogistics(order) {
-        path: "/pages/order/Logistics/index",
-        query: { id: order.orderId }
-      });
+        path: '/pages/order/Logistics/index',
+        query: { id: order.orderId },
+      })
     goOrderDetails(order) {
-        path: "/pages/order/OrderDetails/index",
-        query: { id: order.orderId }
-      });
+        path: '/pages/order/OrderDetails/index',
+        query: { id: order.orderId },
+      })
     setOfflinePayStatus: function(status) {
-      var that = this;
-      that.offlinePayStatus = status;
+      var that = this
+      that.offlinePayStatus = status
       if (status === 1) {
-        if (that.payType.indexOf("offline") < 0) {
-          that.payType.push("offline");
+        if (that.payType.indexOf('offline') < 0) {
+          that.payType.push('offline')
     getOrderData() {
       getOrderData().then(res => {
-        this.orderData = res.data;
-      });
+        this.orderData = res.data
+      })
     takeOrder(order) {
       takeOrderHandle(order.orderId).finally(() => {
-        this.reload();
-        this.getOrderData();
-      });
+        this.reload()
+        this.getOrderData()
+      })
     reload() {
-      this.changeType(this.type);
+      this.changeType(this.type)
     changeType(type) {
-      this.type = type;
-      this.orderList = [];
-      this.page = 1;
-      this.loaded = false;
-      this.loading = false;
-      this.getOrderList();
+      this.type = type
+      this.orderList = []
+      this.page = 1
+      this.loaded = false
+      this.loading = false
+      this.getOrderList()
     getOrderList() {
-      if (this.loading || this.loaded) return;
-      this.loading = true;
-      const { page, limit, type } = this;
+      if (this.loading || this.loaded) return
+      this.loading = true
+      const { page, limit, type } = this
-        type
+        type,
       }).then(res => {
-        this.orderList = this.orderList.concat(res.data);
-        this.page++;
-        this.loaded = res.data.length < this.limit;
-        this.loading = false;
-      });
+        this.orderList = this.orderList.concat(res.data)
+        this.page++
+        this.loaded = res.data.length < this.limit
+        this.loading = false
+      })
     getStatus(order) {
-      return STATUS[order._status._type];
+      return STATUS[order._status._type]
     cancelOrder(order) {
         .then(() => {
-          this.getOrderData();
-          this.orderList.splice(this.orderList.indexOf(order), 1);
+          this.getOrderData()
+          this.orderList.splice(this.orderList.indexOf(order), 1)
         .catch(() => {
-          this.reload();
-        });
+          this.reload()
+        })
     paymentTap: function(order) {
-      var that = this;
-      if (
-        !(order.combinationId > 0 || order.bargainId > 0 || order.seckillId > 0)
-      ) {
-        that.setOfflinePayStatus(order.offlinePayStatus);
+      var that = this
+      if (!(order.combinationId > 0 || order.bargainId > 0 || order.seckillId > 0)) {
+        that.setOfflinePayStatus(order.offlinePayStatus)
-      this.pay = true;
+      this.pay = true
       this.toPay = type => {
         payOrderHandle(order.orderId, type, that.from)
           .then(() => {
-            const type = parseInt(this.$yroute.query.type) || 0;
-            that.changeType(type);
-            that.getOrderData();
+            const type = parseInt(this.$yroute.query.type) || 0
+            that.changeType(type)
+            that.getOrderData()
           .catch(() => {
-            const type = parseInt(that.$yroute.query.type) || 0;
-            that.changeType(type);
-            that.getOrderData();
-          });
-      };
+            const type = parseInt(that.$yroute.query.type) || 0
+            that.changeType(type)
+            that.getOrderData()
+          })
+      }
-    toPay() {}
+    toPay() {},
   mounted() {},
   onReachBottom() {
-    !this.loading && this.getOrderList();
-  }
+    !this.loading && this.getOrderList()
+  },
 <style scoped lang="less">
diff --git a/pages/order/OrderSubmission/index.vue b/pages/order/OrderSubmission/index.vue
index 61cd79a..9da39db 100644
--- a/pages/order/OrderSubmission/index.vue
+++ b/pages/order/OrderSubmission/index.vue
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ export default {
   props: {},
-  data: function () {
+  data: function() {
     return {
       offlinePayStatus: 2,
       from: this.$deviceType,
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ export default {
-  onShow: function () {
+  onShow: function() {
     let that = this
     this.$store.dispatch('getUser', true)
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ export default {
         path: '/pages/shop/StoreList/index',
-    addressType: function (index) {
+    addressType: function(index) {
       if (index && !this.systemStore.id) {
           title: '暂无门店信息,您无法选择到店自提!',
@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ export default {
       this.shipping_type = index
-    changeUseIntegral: function (e) {
+    changeUseIntegral: function(e) {
       // this.computedPrice();
       if (this.isIntegral) {
@@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ export default {
-    addressTap: function () {
+    addressTap: function() {
       this.showAddress = true
       if (!this.addressLoaded) {
         this.addressLoaded = true
@@ -421,10 +421,10 @@ export default {
       this.addressLoaded = false
       this.showAddress = false
-    couponTap: function () {
+    couponTap: function() {
       this.showCoupon = true
-    changeCoupon: function (coupon) {
+    changeCoupon: function(coupon) {
       if (!coupon) {
         this.usableCoupon = {
           couponTitle: '不使用优惠券',
@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ export default {
-    payItem: function (index) {
+    payItem: function(index) {
       this.active = index
     changeAddress(addressInfo) {
@@ -508,6 +508,7 @@ export default {
       if (this.$deviceType == 'app') {
         from.from = 'app'
+      console.log(this.$deviceType)
       // #ifdef MP-WEIXIN
       // #endif
diff --git a/pages/orderAdmin/OrderCancellation/index.vue b/pages/orderAdmin/OrderCancellation/index.vue
index f6c4f35..7132573 100644
--- a/pages/orderAdmin/OrderCancellation/index.vue
+++ b/pages/orderAdmin/OrderCancellation/index.vue
@@ -1,200 +1,193 @@
-	<view class="OrderCancellation">
-		<view class="header">
-			<image mode="aspectFit" :src="`${$VUE_APP_RESOURCES_URL}/images/writeOffBg.jpg`" @click="openQRCode" />
-		</view>
-		<view class="whiteBg">
-			<view class="input">
-				<input type="number" placeholder="0" v-model="verify_code" />
-			</view>
-			<view class="bnt" @click="storeCancellation">立即核销</view>
-			<view class="bnt" @click="openQRCode">扫码核销</view>
-		</view>
-		<!-- #ifndef H5 -->
-		<!-- <view class="scan" v-if="iswechat">
+  <view class="OrderCancellation">
+    <view class="header">
+      <image mode="aspectFit" :src="`${$VUE_APP_RESOURCES_URL}/images/writeOffBg.jpg`" @click="openQRCode" />
+    </view>
+    <view class="whiteBg">
+      <view class="input">
+        <input type="number" placeholder="0" v-model="verify_code" />
+      </view>
+      <view class="bnt" @click="storeCancellation">立即核销</view>
+      <view class="bnt" v-if="$deviceType !== 'weixin'" @click="openQRCode">扫码核销</view>
+    </view>
+    <!-- #ifndef H5 -->
+    <!-- <view class="scan" v-if="iswechat">
 			<image :src="`${$VUE_APP_RESOURCES_URL}/images/scan.gif`" @click="openQRCode" />
 		</view> -->
-		<!-- #endif -->
-		<WriteOff :iShidden="iShidden" :orderInfo="orderInfo" @cancel="cancel" @confirm="confirm"></WriteOff>
-	</view>
+    <!-- #endif -->
+    <WriteOff :iShidden="iShidden" :orderInfo="orderInfo" @cancel="cancel" @confirm="confirm"></WriteOff>
+  </view>
-	import WriteOff from "@/components/WriteOff";
-	import {
-		isWeixin
-	} from "@/utils";
-	// import { wechatEvevt } from "@/libs/wechat";
-	import {
-		orderVerific
-	} from "@/api/order";
-	const NAME = "OrderCancellation";
+import WriteOff from '@/components/WriteOff'
+import { isWeixin } from '@/utils'
+// import { wechatEvevt } from "@/libs/wechat";
+import { orderVerific } from '@/api/order'
+const NAME = 'OrderCancellation'
-	export default {
-		name: NAME,
-		components: {
-			WriteOff
-		},
-		props: {},
-		data: function() {
-			return {
-				iShidden: true,
-				orderInfo: {},
-				verify_code: ""
-			};
-		},
-		mounted: function() {},
-		methods: {
-			cancel: function(res) {
-				this.iShidden = res;
-			},
-			confirm: function() {
-				orderVerific(this.verify_code, 1)
-					.then(res => {
-						this.iShidden = true;
-						this.verify_code = "";
-						uni.showToast({
-							title: res.msg,
-							icon: "none",
-							duration: 2000
-						});
-					})
-					.catch(err => {
-						uni.showToast({
-							title: err.msg || err.response.data.msg || err.response.data.message,
-							icon: "none",
-							duration: 2000
-						});
-					});
-			},
-			storeCancellation: function() {
-				let ref = /[0-9]{12}/;
-				if (!this.verify_code) {
-					uni.showToast({
-						title: "请输入核销码",
-						icon: "none",
-						duration: 2000
-					});
-					return;
-				}
-				if (!ref.test(this.verify_code)) {
-					uni.showToast({
-						title: "请输入正确的核销码",
-						icon: "none",
-						duration: 2000
-					});
-					return;
-				}
-				uni.showLoading({
-					title: "查询中"
-				});
-				orderVerific(this.verify_code, 0)
-					.then(res => {
-						uni.hideLoading();
-						this.orderInfo = res.data;
-						this.iShidden = false;
-						uni.showToast({
-							title: res.msg,
-							icon: "success",
-							duration: 2000
-						});
-					})
-					.catch(error => {
-						uni.hideLoading();
-						uni.showToast({
-							title: error.msg ||
-								error.response.data.msg ||
-								error.response.data.message,
-							icon: "none",
-							duration: 2000
-						});
-					});
-			},
-			openQRCode: function() {
-				let that = this;
-				// 这里需要调用扫码功能
-				uni.scanCode({
-					success: (res) => {
-						var result = res.result;
-						if (result) {
-							that.verify_code = res.result;
-							that.storeCancellation();
-						} else {
-							uni.showToast({
-								title: '没有扫描到什么!',
-								icon: "none",
-								duration: 2000
-							});
-						}
-					}
-				})
-			}
-		}
-	};
+export default {
+  name: NAME,
+  components: {
+    WriteOff,
+  },
+  props: {},
+  data: function() {
+    return {
+      iShidden: true,
+      orderInfo: {},
+      verify_code: '',
+    }
+  },
+  mounted: function() {},
+  methods: {
+    cancel: function(res) {
+      this.iShidden = res
+    },
+    confirm: function() {
+      orderVerific(this.verify_code, 1)
+        .then(res => {
+          this.iShidden = true
+          this.verify_code = ''
+          uni.showToast({
+            title: res.msg,
+            icon: 'none',
+            duration: 2000,
+          })
+        })
+        .catch(err => {
+          uni.showToast({
+            title: err.msg || err.response.data.msg || err.response.data.message,
+            icon: 'none',
+            duration: 2000,
+          })
+        })
+    },
+    storeCancellation: function() {
+      let ref = /[0-9]{12}/
+      if (!this.verify_code) {
+        uni.showToast({
+          title: '请输入核销码',
+          icon: 'none',
+          duration: 2000,
+        })
+        return
+      }
+      if (!ref.test(this.verify_code)) {
+        uni.showToast({
+          title: '请输入正确的核销码',
+          icon: 'none',
+          duration: 2000,
+        })
+        return
+      }
+      uni.showLoading({
+        title: '查询中',
+      })
+      orderVerific(this.verify_code, 0)
+        .then(res => {
+          uni.hideLoading()
+          this.orderInfo = res.data
+          this.iShidden = false
+          uni.showToast({
+            title: res.msg,
+            icon: 'success',
+            duration: 2000,
+          })
+        })
+        .catch(error => {
+          uni.hideLoading()
+          uni.showToast({
+            title: error.msg || error.response.data.msg || error.response.data.message,
+            icon: 'none',
+            duration: 2000,
+          })
+        })
+    },
+    openQRCode: function() {
+      let that = this
+      // 这里需要调用扫码功能
+      uni.scanCode({
+        success: res => {
+          var result = res.result
+          if (result) {
+            that.verify_code = res.result
+            that.storeCancellation()
+          } else {
+            uni.showToast({
+              title: '没有扫描到什么!',
+              icon: 'none',
+              duration: 2000,
+            })
+          }
+        },
+      })
+    },
+  },
 <style scoped lang="less">
-	.OrderCancellation .header {
-		width: 100%;
-		height: 3 * 100rpx;
-		background-size: 100% 100%;
+.OrderCancellation .header {
+  width: 100%;
+  height: 3 * 100rpx;
+  background-size: 100% 100%;
-		image {
-			width: 100%;
-			height: 3 * 100rpx;
-		}
-	}
+  image {
+    width: 100%;
+    height: 3 * 100rpx;
+  }
-	.OrderCancellation .whiteBg {
-		width: 6.9 * 100rpx;
-		background-color: #fff;
-		margin: -0.93 * 100rpx auto 0 auto;
-		padding-top: 0.8 * 100rpx;
-		padding-bottom: 30rpx;
-		z-index: 20;
-		position: relative;
-		border-radius: 0.06 * 100rpx 0.06 * 100rpx 0 0;
-	}
+.OrderCancellation .whiteBg {
+  width: 6.9 * 100rpx;
+  background-color: #fff;
+  margin: -0.93 * 100rpx auto 0 auto;
+  padding-top: 0.8 * 100rpx;
+  padding-bottom: 30rpx;
+  z-index: 20;
+  position: relative;
+  border-radius: 0.06 * 100rpx 0.06 * 100rpx 0 0;
-	.OrderCancellation .whiteBg .input {
-		width: 5.8 * 100rpx;
-		margin: 0 auto;
-		border-bottom: 0.01 * 100rpx solid #eee;
-	}
+.OrderCancellation .whiteBg .input {
+  width: 5.8 * 100rpx;
+  margin: 0 auto;
+  border-bottom: 0.01 * 100rpx solid #eee;
-	.OrderCancellation .whiteBg .input input {
-		padding-bottom: 0.25 * 100rpx;
-		font-size: 0.6 * 100rpx;
-		height: auto;
-		color: #282828;
-		width: 100%;
-		text-align: center;
-	}
+.OrderCancellation .whiteBg .input input {
+  padding-bottom: 0.25 * 100rpx;
+  font-size: 0.6 * 100rpx;
+  height: auto;
+  color: #282828;
+  width: 100%;
+  text-align: center;
-	.OrderCancellation .whiteBg .bnt {
-		font-size: 0.32 * 100rpx;
-		color: #fff;
-		width: 5.8 * 100rpx;
-		height: 0.86 * 100rpx;
-		border-radius: 0.43 * 100rpx;
-		background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #eb3729 0%, #eb3729 100%);
-		background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(to right, #eb3729 0%, #eb3729 100%);
-		background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(to right, #eb3729 0%, #eb3729 100%);
-		text-align: center;
-		line-height: 0.86 * 100rpx;
-		margin: 0.55 * 100rpx auto 0 auto;
-	}
+.OrderCancellation .whiteBg .bnt {
+  font-size: 0.32 * 100rpx;
+  color: #fff;
+  width: 5.8 * 100rpx;
+  height: 0.86 * 100rpx;
+  border-radius: 0.43 * 100rpx;
+  background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #eb3729 0%, #eb3729 100%);
+  background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(to right, #eb3729 0%, #eb3729 100%);
+  background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(to right, #eb3729 0%, #eb3729 100%);
+  text-align: center;
+  line-height: 0.86 * 100rpx;
+  margin: 0.55 * 100rpx auto 0 auto;
-	.OrderCancellation .scan {
-		width: 3 * 100rpx;
-		height: 3 * 100rpx;
-		margin: 1.1 * 100rpx auto 0 auto;
-	}
+.OrderCancellation .scan {
+  width: 3 * 100rpx;
+  height: 3 * 100rpx;
+  margin: 1.1 * 100rpx auto 0 auto;
-	.OrderCancellation .scan image {
-		width: 100%;
-		height: 100%;
-		display: block;
-	}
+.OrderCancellation .scan image {
+  width: 100%;
+  height: 100%;
+  display: block;
diff --git a/pages/shop/GoodsCollection/index.vue b/pages/shop/GoodsCollection/index.vue
index 298a06c..c9f5f44 100644
--- a/pages/shop/GoodsCollection/index.vue
+++ b/pages/shop/GoodsCollection/index.vue
@@ -1,30 +1,22 @@
   <view ref="container">
     <view class="collectionGoods" v-if="collectProductList.length > 0">
-      <view
-        class="item acea-row row-between-wrapper"
-        v-for="(item, collectProductListIndex) in collectProductList"
-        :key="collectProductListIndex"
-        @click="goGoodsCon(item)"
-      >
+      <view class="item acea-row row-between-wrapper" v-for="(item, collectProductListIndex) in collectProductList" :key="collectProductListIndex" @click="goGoodsCon(item)">
         <view class="pictrue">
           <image :src="item.image" />
         <view class="text acea-row row-column-between">
           <view class="infor line1">{{ item.storeName }}</view>
           <view class="acea-row row-between-wrapper">
-            <view class="money font-color-red">¥{{ item.price }}</view>
+            <view class="money font-color-red" v-if="isIntegral == 1">{{ item.costPrice }}积分</view>
+            <view class="money font-color-red" v-else>¥{{ item.price }}</view>
             <view class="delete" @tap.stop="delCollection(collectProductListIndex)">删除</view>
     <Loading :loaded="loadend" :loading="loading"></Loading>
-    <view
-      class="noCommodity"
-      style="background-color:#fff;"
-      v-if="collectProductList.length < 1 && page > 1"
-    >
+    <view class="noCommodity" style="background-color:#fff;" v-if="collectProductList.length < 1 && page > 1">
       <view class="noPictrue">
         <image :src="`${$VUE_APP_RESOURCES_URL}/images/noCollection.png`" class="image" />
@@ -33,70 +25,77 @@
-import Recommend from "@/components/Recommend";
-import { getCollectUser, getCollectDel } from "@/api/user";
-import Loading from "@/components/Loading";
+import Recommend from '@/components/Recommend'
+import { getCollectUser, getCollectDel } from '@/api/user'
+import Loading from '@/components/Loading'
 export default {
-  name: "GoodsCollection",
+  name: 'GoodsCollection',
   components: {
-    Loading
+    Loading,
   props: {},
   data: function() {
     return {
       page: 1,
       limit: 20,
-      type:'collect',
+      type: 'collect',
       collectProductList: [],
-      loadTitle: "",
+      loadTitle: '',
       loading: false,
-      loadend: false
-    };
+      loadend: false,
+    }
   mounted: function() {
-    this.get_user_collect_product();
+    this.get_user_collect_product()
   onReachBottom() {
-    !this.loading && this.get_user_collect_product();
+    !this.loading && this.get_user_collect_product()
   methods: {
     goGoodsCon(item) {
-      this.$yrouter.push({
-        path: "/pages/shop/GoodsCon/index",
-        query: { id: item.pid }
-      });
+      if (item.isIntegral == 1) {
+        this.$yrouter.push({
+          path: '/pages/shop/GoodsCon/index',
+          query: { id: item.pid },
+        })
+      } else {
+        this.$yrouter.push({
+          path: '/pages/shop/GoodsCon/index',
+          query: { id: item.pid },
+        })
+      }
     get_user_collect_product: function() {
-      let that = this;
-      if (that.loading) return; //阻止下次请求(false可以进行请求);
-      if (that.loadend) return; //阻止结束当前请求(false可以进行请求);
-      that.loading = true;
-      getCollectUser(that.page, that.limit,that.type).then(res => {
-        that.loading = false;
+      let that = this
+      if (that.loading) return //阻止下次请求(false可以进行请求);
+      if (that.loadend) return //阻止结束当前请求(false可以进行请求);
+      that.loading = true
+      getCollectUser(that.page, that.limit, that.type).then(res => {
+        that.loading = false
-        that.collectProductList.push.apply(that.collectProductList, res.data);
-        that.loadend = res.data.length < that.limit; //判断所有数据是否加载完成;
-        that.page = that.page + 1;
-      });
+        that.collectProductList.push.apply(that.collectProductList, res.data)
+        that.loadend = res.data.length < that.limit //判断所有数据是否加载完成;
+        that.page = that.page + 1
+      })
     delCollection: function(index) {
       let that = this,
         id = that.collectProductList[index].pid,
-        category = that.collectProductList[index].category;
+        category = that.collectProductList[index].category
       getCollectDel(id, category).then(function() {
-          title: "删除成功",
-          icon: "success",
+          title: '删除成功',
+          icon: 'success',
           duration: 2000,
           complete: () => {
-            that.collectProductList.splice(index, 1);
-            that.$set(that, "collectProductList", that.collectProductList);
-          }
-        });
-      });
-    }
-  }
+            that.collectProductList.splice(index, 1)
+            that.$set(that, 'collectProductList', that.collectProductList)
+          },
+        })
+      })
+    },
+  },
diff --git a/pages/shop/GoodsCon/index.vue b/pages/shop/GoodsCon/index.vue
index 2838246..9d45a5f 100644
--- a/pages/shop/GoodsCon/index.vue
+++ b/pages/shop/GoodsCon/index.vue
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ export default {
-  data: function () {
+  data: function() {
     return {
       shareInfoStatus: false,
       weixinStatus: false,
@@ -287,13 +287,14 @@ export default {
   computed: mapGetters(['isLogin', 'location']),
-  mounted: function () {
+  mounted: function() {
     this.$store.commit('get_to', 'goodcon')
     let url = handleQrCode()
     if (!url) {
       url = handleUrlParam(getCurrentPageUrlWithArgs())
-    this.coupons()
+    const token = cookie.get('login_status')
     if (url && url.id) {
       this.id = url.id
       let urlSpread = parseInt(url.spread)
@@ -303,7 +304,15 @@ export default {
     } else {
       this.id = this._route.query.id
     this.isIntegral = url.isIntegral == 'true'
+    if (!token) {
+      this.productCon()
+      return
+    }
+    this.coupons()
@@ -318,7 +327,7 @@ export default {
   methods: {
-    onShareAppMessage: function () {
+    onShareAppMessage: function() {
       return {
         title: this.storeInfo.storeName,
         imageUrl: this.storeInfo.image,
@@ -368,7 +377,7 @@ export default {
-    showChang: function (data) {
+    showChang: function(data) {
         path: '/pages/map/index',
         query: data,
@@ -377,23 +386,23 @@ export default {
     updateTitle() {
       // document.title = this.storeInfo.storeName || this.$yroute.meta.title;
-    setShareInfoStatus: function () {
+    setShareInfoStatus: function() {
       this.shareInfoStatus = !this.shareInfoStatus
       this.posters = false
-    shareCode: function () {
+    shareCode: function() {
       var that = this
       getProductCode(that.id).then(res => {
         that.posterData.code = res.data.code
-    setPosterImageStatus: function () {
+    setPosterImageStatus: function() {
       this.posterImageStatus = !this.posterImageStatus
       this.posters = false
-    productCon: function () {
+    productCon: function() {
       let that = this
       let from = this.location
       if (this.$deviceType == 'app') {
@@ -453,7 +462,7 @@ export default {
-    DefaultSelect: function () {
+    DefaultSelect: function() {
       let productAttr = this.attr.productAttr
       let value = []
       for (let i = 0; i < productAttr.length; i++) {
@@ -495,7 +504,7 @@ export default {
-    ChangeCartNum: function (changeValue) {
+    ChangeCartNum: function(changeValue) {
       //changeValue:是否 加|减
       let productSelect = this.productValue[this.attrValue]
@@ -528,29 +537,29 @@ export default {
-    changeFun: function (opt) {
+    changeFun: function(opt) {
       if (typeof opt !== 'object') opt = {}
       let action = opt.action || ''
       let value = opt.value === undefined ? '' : opt.value
       this[action] && this[action](value)
-    couponTap: function () {
+    couponTap: function() {
       let that = this
       that.coupon.coupon = true
-    changecoupon: function (msg) {
+    changecoupon: function(msg) {
       this.coupon.coupon = msg
-    currentcoupon: function (res) {
+    currentcoupon: function(res) {
       let that = this
       that.coupon.coupon = false
       that.$set(that.coupon.list[res], 'is_use', true)
-    coupons: function () {
+    coupons: function() {
       let that = this,
         q = {
           page: 1,
@@ -562,18 +571,18 @@ export default {
-    selecAttrTap: function () {
+    selecAttrTap: function() {
       this.attr.cartAttr = true
       this.isOpen = true
-    changeattr: function (msg) {
+    changeattr: function(msg) {
       // 修改了规格
       this.attr.cartAttr = msg
       this.isOpen = false
-    ChangeAttr: function (res) {
+    ChangeAttr: function(res) {
       // 修改了规格
       let productSelect = this.productValue[res.value]
@@ -600,27 +609,27 @@ export default {
-    setCollect: function () {
+    setCollect: function() {
       let that = this,
         id = that.storeInfo.id,
         category = 'collect'
       if (that.storeInfo.userCollect) {
-        getCollectDel(id, category).then(function () {
+        getCollectDel(id, category).then(function() {
           that.storeInfo.userCollect = !that.storeInfo.userCollect
       } else {
-        getCollectAdd(id, category).then(function () {
+        getCollectAdd(id, category).then(function() {
           that.storeInfo.userCollect = !that.storeInfo.userCollect
     //  点击加入购物车按钮
-    joinCart: function () {
+    joinCart: function() {
     // 加入购物车;
-    goCat: function (news) {
+    goCat: function(news) {
       let that = this,
         productSelect = that.productValue[this.attrValue]
@@ -649,7 +658,7 @@ export default {
         uniqueId: that.attr.productSelect !== undefined ? that.attr.productSelect.unique : '',
-        .then(function (res) {
+        .then(function(res) {
           that.isOpen = false
           that.attr.cartAttr = false
@@ -691,7 +700,7 @@ export default {
-    getCartCount: function (isAnima) {
+    getCartCount: function(isAnima) {
       let that = this
       const isLogin = that.isLogin
       if (isLogin) {
@@ -702,7 +711,7 @@ export default {
           if (isAnima) {
             that.animated = true
-            setTimeout(function () {
+            setTimeout(function() {
               that.animated = false
             }, 500)
@@ -710,20 +719,20 @@ export default {
-    tapBuy: function () {
+    tapBuy: function() {
       //  1=直接购买
-    listenerActionSheet: function () {
+    listenerActionSheet: function() {
       if (isWeixin() === true) {
         this.weixinStatus = true
       this.posters = true
-    listenerActionClose: function () {
+    listenerActionClose: function() {
       this.posters = false
-    setOpenShare: function () {
+    setOpenShare: function() {
       var data = this.storeInfo
       var href = this.location.href
       if (this.$deviceType == 'weixin') {
diff --git a/pages/shop/GoodsFoot/index.vue b/pages/shop/GoodsFoot/index.vue
index 642e85a..a405eef 100644
--- a/pages/shop/GoodsFoot/index.vue
+++ b/pages/shop/GoodsFoot/index.vue
@@ -1,30 +1,22 @@
   <view ref="container">
     <view class="collectionGoods" v-if="collectProductList.length > 0">
-      <view
-        class="item acea-row row-between-wrapper"
-        v-for="(item, collectProductListIndex) in collectProductList"
-        :key="collectProductListIndex"
-        @click="goGoodsCon(item)"
-      >
+      <view class="item acea-row row-between-wrapper" v-for="(item, collectProductListIndex) in collectProductList" :key="collectProductListIndex" @click="goGoodsCon(item)">
         <view class="pictrue">
           <image :src="item.image" />
         <view class="text acea-row row-column-between">
           <view class="infor line1">{{ item.storeName }}</view>
           <view class="acea-row row-between-wrapper">
-            <view class="money font-color-red">¥{{ item.price }}</view>
+            <view class="money font-color-red" v-if="isIntegral == 1">{{ item.costPrice }}积分</view>
+            <view class="money font-color-red" v-else>¥{{ item.price }}</view>
             <view class="delete" @tap.stop="delCollection(collectProductListIndex)">删除</view>
     <Loading :loaded="loadend" :loading="loading"></Loading>
-    <view
-      class="noCommodity"
-      style="background-color:#fff;"
-      v-if="collectProductList.length < 1 && page > 1"
-    >
+    <view class="noCommodity" style="background-color:#fff;" v-if="collectProductList.length < 1 && page > 1">
       <view class="noPictrue">
         <image :src="`${$VUE_APP_RESOURCES_URL}/images/noCollection.png`" class="image" />
@@ -33,70 +25,77 @@
-import Recommend from "@/components/Recommend";
-import { getCollectUser, getCollectDel } from "@/api/user";
-import Loading from "@/components/Loading";
+import Recommend from '@/components/Recommend'
+import { getCollectUser, getCollectDel } from '@/api/user'
+import Loading from '@/components/Loading'
 export default {
-  name: "GoodsFoot",
+  name: 'GoodsFoot',
   components: {
-    Loading
+    Loading,
   props: {},
   data: function() {
     return {
       page: 1,
       limit: 20,
-      type:'foot',
+      type: 'foot',
       collectProductList: [],
-      loadTitle: "",
+      loadTitle: '',
       loading: false,
-      loadend: false
-    };
+      loadend: false,
+    }
   mounted: function() {
-    this.get_user_collect_product();
+    this.get_user_collect_product()
   onReachBottom() {
-    !this.loading && this.get_user_collect_product();
+    !this.loading && this.get_user_collect_product()
   methods: {
     goGoodsCon(item) {
-      this.$yrouter.push({
-        path: "/pages/shop/GoodsCon/index",
-        query: { id: item.pid }
-      });
+      if (item.isIntegral == 1) {
+        this.$yrouter.push({
+          path: '/pages/shop/GoodsCon/index',
+          query: { id: item.pid },
+        })
+      } else {
+        this.$yrouter.push({
+          path: '/pages/shop/GoodsCon/index',
+          query: { id: item.pid },
+        })
+      }
     get_user_collect_product: function() {
-      let that = this;
-      if (that.loading) return; //阻止下次请求(false可以进行请求);
-      if (that.loadend) return; //阻止结束当前请求(false可以进行请求);
-      that.loading = true;
-      getCollectUser(that.page, that.limit,that.type).then(res => {
-        that.loading = false;
+      let that = this
+      if (that.loading) return //阻止下次请求(false可以进行请求);
+      if (that.loadend) return //阻止结束当前请求(false可以进行请求);
+      that.loading = true
+      getCollectUser(that.page, that.limit, that.type).then(res => {
+        that.loading = false
-        that.collectProductList.push.apply(that.collectProductList, res.data);
-        that.loadend = res.data.length < that.limit; //判断所有数据是否加载完成;
-        that.page = that.page + 1;
-      });
+        that.collectProductList.push.apply(that.collectProductList, res.data)
+        that.loadend = res.data.length < that.limit //判断所有数据是否加载完成;
+        that.page = that.page + 1
+      })
     delCollection: function(index) {
       let that = this,
         id = that.collectProductList[index].pid,
-        category = that.collectProductList[index].category;
+        category = that.collectProductList[index].category
       getCollectDel(id, category).then(function() {
-          title: "删除成功",
-          icon: "success",
+          title: '删除成功',
+          icon: 'success',
           duration: 2000,
           complete: () => {
-            that.collectProductList.splice(index, 1);
-            that.$set(that, "collectProductList", that.collectProductList);
-          }
-        });
-      });
-    }
-  }
+            that.collectProductList.splice(index, 1)
+            that.$set(that, 'collectProductList', that.collectProductList)
+          },
+        })
+      })
+    },
+  },
diff --git a/pages/shop/GoodsList/index.vue b/pages/shop/GoodsList/index.vue
index e902c4e..56a4bbe 100644
--- a/pages/shop/GoodsList/index.vue
+++ b/pages/shop/GoodsList/index.vue
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ export default {
   props: {},
-  data: function () {
+  data: function() {
     // const { s = "", id = 0, title = "" } = this.$yroute.query;
     const s = '',
       id = 0,
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ export default {
       // }
-  mounted: function () {
+  mounted: function() {
     const { s = '', id = 0, title = '', isIntegral = false } = this.$yroute.query
     this.where.keyword = s
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ export default {
         that.where.page = that.where.page + 1
-    submitForm: function () {
+    submitForm: function() {
       this.$set(this, 'productList', [])
       this.where.page = 1
       this.loadend = false
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ export default {
-    set_where: function (index) {
+    set_where: function(index) {
       let that = this
       switch (index) {
         case 0:
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ export default {
-    setWhere: function () {
+    setWhere: function() {
       let that = this
       if (that.price === 0) {
         that.where.priceOrder = ''
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ export default {
       that.where.news = that.nows ? '1' : '0'
-    switchTap: function () {
+    switchTap: function() {
       let that = this
       that.Switch = !that.Switch
diff --git a/pages/user/UserAccount/index.vue b/pages/user/UserAccount/index.vue
index cc7e19e..a7a96de 100644
--- a/pages/user/UserAccount/index.vue
+++ b/pages/user/UserAccount/index.vue
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
               <view class="money">{{ now_money }}</view>
-            <navigator url="/pages/user/Recharge/index" class="recharge font-color-red" v-if="is_hide=='0'">充值</navigator>
+            <navigator url="/pages/user/Recharge/index" class="recharge font-color-red" v-if="is_hide == '0'">充值</navigator>
           <view class="cumulative acea-row row-top">
             <view class="item">
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
-        <view class="item" @click="goUserBill(2)" v-if="is_hide=='0'">
+        <view class="item" @click="goUserBill(2)" v-if="is_hide == '0'">
           <view class="pictrue">
             <image :src="`${$VUE_APP_RESOURCES_URL}/images/record3.png`" />
@@ -44,59 +44,58 @@
-import Recommend from "@/components/Recommend";
-import { getActivityStatus, getBalance } from "@/api/user";
+import Recommend from '@/components/Recommend'
+import { getActivityStatus, getBalance } from '@/api/user'
 export default {
-  name: "UserAccount",
+  name: 'UserAccount',
   components: {
-    Recommend
+    Recommend,
   props: {},
   data: function() {
     return {
-      is_hide: "1",
+      is_hide: '1',
       now_money: 0,
       orderStatusSum: 0,
       recharge: 0,
       activity: {
         is_bargin: false,
         is_pink: false,
-        is_seckill: false
-      }
-    };
+        is_seckill: false,
+      },
+    }
   onShow: function() {
-    this.getIndex();
-    this.getActivity();
+    this.getIndex()
+    this.getActivity()
   methods: {
     goUserBill(types) {
-        path: "/pages/user/UserBill/index",
-        query: { types }
-      });
+        path: '/pages/user/UserBill/index',
+        query: { types },
+      })
     getIndex: function() {
-      let that = this;
+      let that = this
         res => {
-          that.now_money = res.data.now_money;
-          that.orderStatusSum = res.data.orderStatusSum;
-          that.recharge = res.data.recharge;
-          this.is_hide = res.data.is_hide;
+          that.now_money = res.data.now_money
+          that.orderStatusSum = res.data.orderStatusSum
+          that.recharge = res.data.recharge
+          this.is_hide = res.data.is_hide
         err => {
-            title:
-              err.msg || err.response.data.msg || err.response.data.message,
-            icon: "none",
-            duration: 2000
-          });
+            title: err.msg || err.response.data.msg || err.response.data.message,
+            icon: 'none',
+            duration: 2000,
+          })
-      );
+      )
     getActivity: function() {
-      let that = this;
+      let that = this
       // getActivityStatus().then(
       //   res => {
       //     that.activity.is_bargin = res.data.is_bargin;
@@ -112,7 +111,7 @@ export default {
       //     });
       //   }
       // );
-    }
-  }
+    },
+  },
diff --git a/utils/index.js b/utils/index.js
index 911ccae..8a2b27a 100644
--- a/utils/index.js
+++ b/utils/index.js
@@ -499,6 +499,22 @@ export const handleLoginStatus = (location, complete, fail, success) => {
       path: '/pages/home/index',
       name: '首页',
+    {
+      path: '/pages/shop/HotNewGoods/index',
+      name: '热门榜单',
+    },
+    {
+      path: '/pages/activity/GoodsGroup/index',
+      name: '超值拼团',
+    },
+    {
+      path: '/pages/shop/Live/LiveList/index',
+      name: '热门直播',
+    },
+    {
+      path: '/pages/shop/GoodsClass/index',
+      name: '商品分类',
+    },
       path: '/pages/user/Login/index',
       name: '登录页面',
@@ -520,7 +536,7 @@ export const handleLoginStatus = (location, complete, fail, success) => {
   } else {
     path = location.path
+  console.log(path)
   // 判断用户是否有token
   if (!handleAuth()) {
     page.map(item => {
@@ -531,28 +547,34 @@ export const handleLoginStatus = (location, complete, fail, success) => {
   } else {
     isAuth = true
+  console.log(isAuth)
   return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
-    if (isAuth) {
-      // 有token
-      if (path == '/pages/home/index' || path == '/pages/shop/GoodsClass/index' || path == '/pages/shop/ShoppingCart/index' || path == '/pages/user/User/index') {
-        // switchTab({
-        // 	path: parseUrl(location),
-        // })
-        // return
-      }
-      resolve({
-        url: parseUrl(location),
-        complete,
-        fail,
-        success,
-      })
-    } else {
-      // 没有token,先校验用户是否授权,如果授权了,进行自动登录
-      routerPermissions(parseUrl(location))
-      reject()
-    }
+    resolve({
+      url: parseUrl(location),
+      complete,
+      fail,
+      success,
+    })
+    // if (isAuth) {
+    //   // 有token
+    //   if (path == '/pages/home/index' || path == '/pages/shop/GoodsClass/index' || path == '/pages/shop/ShoppingCart/index' || path == '/pages/user/User/index') {
+    //     // switchTab({
+    //     // 	path: parseUrl(location),
+    //     // })
+    //     // return
+    //   }
+    //   resolve({
+    //     url: parseUrl(location),
+    //     complete,
+    //     fail,
+    //     success,
+    //   })
+    // } else {
+    //   // 没有token,先校验用户是否授权,如果授权了,进行自动登录
+    //   routerPermissions(parseUrl(location))
+    //   reject()
+    // }
   }).catch(error => {
diff --git a/utils/request.js b/utils/request.js
index b9db3d4..bbe4574 100644
--- a/utils/request.js
+++ b/utils/request.js
@@ -72,13 +72,13 @@ function baseRequest(options) {
-  // 如果需要登录才可访问的接口没有拿到 token 视为登录失效
-  if (options.login === true && !token) {
-    // 跳转到登录或授权页面
-    handleLoginFailure()
-    // 提示错误信息
-    return Promise.reject({ msg: '未登录', toLogin: true })
-  }
+  // // 如果需要登录才可访问的接口没有拿到 token 视为登录失效
+  // if (options.login === true && !token) {
+  //   // 跳转到登录或授权页面
+  //   handleLoginFailure()
+  //   // 提示错误信息
+  //   return Promise.reject({ msg: '未登录', toLogin: true })
+  // }
   // 结构请求需要的参数
   const { url, params, data, login, ...option } = options