<view class="order-details">
<!-- 给header上与data上加on为退款订单-->
<view class="header bg-color-red acea-row row-middle" :class="refundOrder ? 'on' : ''">
<view class="data" :class="refundOrder ? 'on' : ''">
<view class="state">{{ orderInfo._status._msg }}</view>
<data-format :date="orderInfo.addTime"></data-format>
<template v-if="!refundOrder">
<view class="nav">
<view class="navCon acea-row row-between-wrapper">
<view :class="{ on: status.type === 0 || status.type === 9 }">待付款</view>
<view :class="{ on: status.type === 1 }" v-if="orderInfo.shippingType === 2">待核销</view>
<view :class="{ on: status.type === 1 }" v-else>待发货</view>
<view :class="{ on: status.type === 2 }" v-if="orderInfo.shippingType === 1">待收货</view>
<view :class="{ on: status.type === 3 }">待评价</view>
<view :class="{ on: status.type === 4 }">已完成</view>
<view class="progress acea-row row-between-wrapper">
status.type === 0 || status.type === 9
? 'icon-webicon318'
: 'icon-yuandianxiao',
status.type >= 0 ? 'font-color-red' : ''
<view class="line" :class="{ 'bg-color-red': status.type > 0 && status.type != 9 }"></view>
status.type === 1 ? 'icon-webicon318' : 'icon-yuandianxiao',
status.type >= 1 && status.type != 6 && status.type != 9
? 'font-color-red'
: ''
status.type > 1 && status.type != 6 && status.type != 9
v-if="orderInfo.shipping_type === 1"
status.type === 2 ? 'icon-webicon318' : 'icon-yuandianxiao',
status.type >= 2 && status.type != 6 && status.type != 9
? 'font-color-red'
: ''
v-if="orderInfo.shippingType === 1"
status.type > 2 && status.type != 6 && status.type != 9
status.type === 3 ? 'icon-webicon318' : 'icon-yuandianxiao',
status.type >= 3 && status.type != 6 && status.type != 9
? 'font-color-red'
: ''
status.type > 3 && status.type != 6 && status.type != 9
status.type == 4 ? 'icon-webicon318' : 'icon-yuandianxiao',
status.type >= 4 && status.type != 6 && status.type != 9
? 'font-color-red'
: ''
<!--v-if="orderInfo.shipping_type === 2 && orderInfo.paid === 1"-->
<!--<view class="title">核销信息</view>-->
<!--<view class="grayBg">-->
<!--<view class="pictrue"><image :src="orderInfo.code" /></view>-->
<!--<view class="gear"><image src="@/static/images/writeOff.jpg" /></view>-->
<!--<view class="num">{{ orderInfo._verify_code }}</view>-->
<!--<!--<!--<!--<text class="rules">-->
<!--<!--<!--<text class="item">-->
<!--<!--<text class="rulesTitle acea-row row-middle">-->
<!--<text class="iconfont icon-shijian"></text>核销时间-->
<!--<view class="info">-->
<!--{{ system_store._valid_time-->
<!--}}<text class="time">{{ system_store.day_time }}</text>-->
<!--<view class="item">-->
<!--<view class="rulesTitle acea-row row-middle">-->
<!--<text class="iconfont icon-shuoming1"></text>使用说明-->
<!--<view class="info">可将二维码出示给店员扫描或提供数字核销码</view>-->
<!--class="map acea-row row-between-wrapper"-->
<!--v-if="orderInfo.shipping_type === 2 && orderInfo.paid === 1"-->
<!--class="place cart-color acea-row row-center-wrapper"-->
<!--<text class="iconfont icon-weizhi"></text>查看位置-->
<view class="address" v-if="orderInfo.shippingType === 1">
<view class="name">
{{ orderInfo.realName
<text class="phone">{{ orderInfo.userPhone }}</text>
<text class="iconfont icon-tonghua font-color-red"></text>
<view>{{ orderInfo.userAddress }}</view>
<!--<view class="address" v-else>-->
<!--<view class="name">-->
<!--{{ system_store.name-->
<!--}}<text class="phone">{{ system_store.phone }}</text>-->
<!--class="iconfont icon-tonghua font-color-red"-->
<!--:href="'tel:' + system_store.phone"-->
<!--<view>{{ system_store._detailed_address }}</view>-->
<view class="line" v-if="orderInfo.shippingType === 1">
<image src="@/static/images/line.jpg" />
<OrderGoods :evaluate="status.type || 0" :cartInfo="orderInfo.cartInfo || []"></OrderGoods>
<view class="wrapper">
<view class="item acea-row row-between">
<view class="conter acea-row row-middle row-right">
{{ orderInfo.orderId
<text class="copy copy-data" @click="copyClipboard(orderInfo.orderId)">复制</text>
<view class="item acea-row row-between">
<view class="conter">
<data-format :date="orderInfo.addTime"></data-format>
<view class="item acea-row row-between">
<view class="conter">{{ orderTypeName }}</view>
<view class="item acea-row row-between">
<view class="conter">{{ orderInfo.paid ? "已支付" : "未支付" }}</view>
<view class="item acea-row row-between">
<view class="conter">{{ orderInfo._status._payType }}</view>
<view class="item acea-row row-between" v-if="orderInfo.mark">
<view class="conter">{{ orderInfo.mark }}</view>
<view v-if="orderInfo.status != 0">
<view class="wrapper" v-if="orderInfo.deliveryType === 'express'">
<view class="item acea-row row-between">
<view class="conter">发货</view>
<view class="item acea-row row-between">
<view class="conter">{{ orderInfo.deliveryName || "" }}</view>
<view class="item acea-row row-between">
<view class="conter">{{ orderInfo.deliveryId || "" }}</view>
<view class="wrapper" v-else>
<view class="item acea-row row-between">
<view class="conter">送货</view>
<view class="item acea-row row-between">
<view class="conter">{{ orderInfo.deliveryName || "" }}</view>
<view class="item acea-row row-between">
<view class="conter acea-row row-middle row-right">
{{ orderInfo.deliveryId || "" }}
<text class="copy">拨打</text>
<!-- 退款订单详情 -->
<view class="wrapper" v-if="refundOrder">
<view class="item acea-row row-between">
<view class="conter">{{ orderInfo.realName }}</view>
<view class="item acea-row row-between">
<view class="conter">{{ orderInfo.userPhone }}</view>
<view class="item acea-row row-between">
<view class="conter">{{ orderInfo.userAddress }}</view>
<view class="wrapper">
<view class="item acea-row row-between">
<view class="conter">¥{{ orderInfo.totalPrice }}</view>
<view class="item acea-row row-between" v-if="orderInfo.couponPrice > 0">
<view class="conter">-¥{{ orderInfo.couponPrice }}</view>
<view class="item acea-row row-between" v-if="orderInfo.useIntegral > 0">
<view class="conter">-¥{{ orderInfo.deductionPrice }}</view>
<view class="item acea-row row-between" v-if="orderInfo.payPostage > 0">
<view class="conter">¥{{ orderInfo.payPostage }}</view>
<view class="actualPay acea-row row-right">
<text class="money font-color-red">¥{{ orderInfo.payPrice }}</text>
<view style="height:100rpx;" v-if="!refundOrder && offlineStatus"></view>
<view class="footer acea-row row-right row-middle" v-if="!refundOrder && offlineStatus">
<template v-if="status.type == 0">
<view class="bnt cancel" @click="cancelOrder">取消订单</view>
<view class="bnt bg-color-red" @click="pay = true">立即付款</view>
<template v-if="status.type == 1">
<view class="bnt cancel" @click="goGoodsReturn(orderInfo)">申请退款</view>
<template v-if="status.type == 2">
class="bnt default"
$yrouter.push({ path: '/pages/order/Logistics/index' ,query:{id:orderInfo.orderId }})
<view class="bnt bg-color-red" @click="takeOrder">确认收货</view>
<template v-if="status.type == 3 && orderInfo.deliveryType == 'express'">
class="bnt default"
$yrouter.push({ path: '/pages/order/Logistics/index' ,query:{id:orderInfo.orderId }})
<template v-if="status.type == 4">
<view class="bnt cancel" @click="delOrder">删除订单</view>
class="bnt default"
$yrouter.push({ path: '/pages/order/Logistics/index' ,query:{id:orderInfo.orderId }})
<template v-if="status.type == 6">
<view class="bnt bg-color-red" @click="goGroupRule(orderInfo)">查看拼团</view>
<Payment v-model="pay" :types="payType" @checked="toPay" :balance="userInfo.nowMoney"></Payment>
<view class="geoPage" v-if="mapShow">
:src="'https://apis.map.qq.com/uri/v1/geocoder?coord=' + system_store.latitude + ',' +system_store.longitude +'&referer=' +mapKey"
<style scoped lang="less">
.geoPage {
position: fixed;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
top: 0;
z-index: 10000;
.order-details .writeOff {
background-color: #fff;
margin-top: 0.13 * 100rpx;
padding-bottom: 0.3 * 100rpx;
.order-details .writeOff .title {
font-size: 0.3 * 100rpx;
color: #282828;
height: 0.87 * 100rpx;
border-bottom: 1px solid #f0f0f0;
padding: 0 0.3 * 100rpx;
line-height: 0.87 * 100rpx;
.order-details .writeOff .grayBg {
background-color: #f2f5f7;
width: 5.9 * 100rpx;
height: 3.84 * 100rpx;
border-radius: 0.2 * 100rpx 0.2 * 100rpx 0 0;
margin: 0.5 * 100rpx auto 0 auto;
padding-top: 0.55 * 100rpx;
.order-details .writeOff .grayBg .pictrue {
width: 2.9 * 100rpx;
height: 2.9 * 100rpx;
margin: 0 auto;
.order-details .writeOff .grayBg .pictrue image {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
display: block;
.order-details .writeOff .gear {
width: 5.9 * 100rpx;
height: 0.3 * 100rpx;
margin: 0 auto;
.order-details .writeOff .gear image {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
display: block;
.order-details .writeOff .num {
background-color: #f0c34c;
width: 5.9 * 100rpx;
height: 0.84 * 100rpx;
color: #282828;
font-size: 0.48 * 100rpx;
margin: 0 auto;
border-radius: 0 0 0.2 * 100rpx 0.2 * 100rpx;
text-align: center;
padding-top: 0.04 * 100rpx;
.order-details .writeOff .rules {
margin: 0.46 * 100rpx 0.3 * 100rpx 0 0.3 * 100rpx;
border-top: 0.01 * 100rpx solid #f0f0f0;
padding-top: 0.1 * 100rpx;
.order-details .writeOff .rules .item {
margin-top: 0.15 * 100rpx;
.order-details .writeOff .rules .item .rulesTitle {
font-size: 0.28 * 100rpx;
color: #282828;
.order-details .writeOff .rules .item .rulesTitle .iconfont {
font-size: 0.3 * 100rpx;
color: #333;
margin-right: 0.08 * 100rpx;
margin-top: 0.05 * 100rpx;
.order-details .writeOff .rules .item .info {
font-size: 0.28 * 100rpx;
color: #999;
margin-top: 0.05 * 100rpx;
.order-details .writeOff .rules .item .info .time {
margin-left: 0.2 * 100rpx;
.order-details .map {
height: 0.86 * 100rpx;
font-size: 0.3 * 100rpx;
color: #282828;
line-height: 0.86 * 100rpx;
border-bottom: 1rpx solid #f0f0f0;
margin-top: 0.13 * 100rpx;
background-color: #fff;
padding: 0 0.3 * 100rpx;
.order-details .map .place {
font-size: 0.26 * 100rpx;
width: 1.76 * 100rpx;
height: 0.5 * 100rpx;
border-radius: 0.25 * 100rpx;
line-height: 0.5 * 100rpx;
text-align: center;
.order-details .map .place .iconfont {
font-size: 0.27 * 100rpx;
height: 0.27 * 100rpx;
line-height: 0.27 * 100rpx;
margin: 0.02 * 100rpx 0.03 * 100rpx 0 0;
.order-details .address .name .iconfont {
font-size: 0.34 * 100rpx;
margin-left: 0.1 * 100rpx;
import OrderGoods from "@/components/OrderGoods";
import { orderDetail } from "@/api/order";
import Payment from "@/components/Payment";
import DataFormat from "@/components/DataFormat";
import { isWeixin, copyClipboard } from "@/utils";
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
import {
} from "@/libs/order";
// import { wechatEvevt } from "@/libs/wechat";
const NAME = "OrderDetails";
export default {
name: NAME,
components: {
props: {},
data: function() {
return {
offlinePayStatus: 2,
orderTypeName: "普通订单",
orderTypeNameStatus: true,
offlineStatus: true,
id: "",
orderInfo: {
_status: {}
status: {},
pay: false,
payType: ["yue", "weixin"],
from: "routine",
system_store: {},
mapKay: "",
mapShow: false
computed: {
refundOrder() {
return this.orderInfo.refund_status > 0;
onShow() {
this.id = this.$yroute.query.id;
inject: ["app"],
mounted: function() {
this.id = this.$yroute.query.id;
// this.getDetail();
methods: {
goGoodsReturn(orderInfo) {
path: "/pages/order/GoodsReturn/index",
query: {
id: orderInfo.orderId
goGroupRule(orderInfo) {
path: "/pages/activity/GroupRule/index",
query: {
id: orderInfo.pinkId
showChang: function() {
// 这里判断是不是微信小程序
if (isWeixin()) {
let config = {
latitude: this.system_store.latitude,
longitude: this.system_store.longitude,
name: this.system_store.name,
address: this.system_store._detailed_address
} else {
if (!this.mapKey)
title: "暂无法使用查看地图,请配置您的腾讯地图key",
icon: "none",
duration: 2000
this.mapShow = true;
goBack() {
const history = this.app.history,
last = history[history.length - 1] || {};
if (last.name === "MyOrder") return this.$yrouter.back();
return this.$yrouter.replace({
path: "/order/list/"
cancelOrder() {
.then(() => {
setTimeout(() => this.goBack(), 300);
.catch(() => {
takeOrder() {
takeOrderHandle(this.orderInfo.orderId).finally(() => {
delOrder() {
delOrderHandle(this.orderInfo.orderId).then(() => {
setTimeout(() => this.goBack(), 300);
setOfflinePayStatus: function(status) {
var that = this;
that.offlinePayStatus = status;
if (status === 1 && that.orderTypeNameStatus === true) {
getOrderStatus: function() {
let orderInfo = this.orderInfo || {},
_status = orderInfo._status || {
_type: 0
status = {};
let type = parseInt(_status._type),
delivery_type = orderInfo.deliveryType,
seckill_id = orderInfo.seckillId ? parseInt(orderInfo.seckillId) : 0,
bargain_id = orderInfo.bargainId ? parseInt(orderInfo.bargainId) : 0,
combination_id = orderInfo.combinationId
? parseInt(orderInfo.combinationId)
: 0;
status = {
type: type,
class_status: 0
if (type == 1 && combination_id > 0) {
status.type = 6;
status.class_status = 1;
} //查看拼团
if (type == 2 && delivery_type == "express") status.class_status = 2; //查看物流
if (type == 2) status.class_status = 3; //确认收货
if (type == 4 || type === 0) status.class_status = 4; //删除订单
if (
!seckill_id &&
!bargain_id &&
!combination_id &&
(type == 3 || type == 4)
status.class_status = 5; //再次购买
if (type == 9) {
status.class_status = 0;
this.offlineStatus = false;
this.status = status;
getDetail() {
const id = this.id;
if (!id) {
title: "订单不存在",
icon: "none",
duration: 2000
.then(res => {
this.orderInfo = res.data;
if (this.orderInfo.combinationId > 0) {
this.orderTypeName = "拼团订单";
this.orderTypeNameStatus = false;
} else if (this.orderInfo.bargainId > 0) {
this.orderTypeName = "砍价订单";
this.orderTypeNameStatus = false;
} else if (this.orderInfo.seckillId > 0) {
this.orderTypeName = "秒杀订单";
this.orderTypeNameStatus = false;
this.system_store = res.data.system_store || {};
this.mapKey = res.data.mapKay;
.catch(err => {
title: err.response.data.msg,
icon: "none",
duration: 2000
async toPay(type) {
var that = this;
await payOrderHandle(this.orderInfo.orderId, type, that.from);